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Submitted to: Bernard Garrido

Submitted by: Lea Mae Bacharpa

Mythology and folklore

Title: TROY
Setting: GREECE and TROY
Achilles -Son of peleus and thetis
-leader of the Myrmidons
- the greatest warrior,
Hector -Prince of troy and the best warrior among the trojan
-eldest son of king priam of troy
-brother of paris
-the devoted and loving husband of andromache and father of his son.

Paris - Prince of troy and the youngest son of king priam

- brother of hector
-love of helen
Helen -Queen of Sparta
- wife of menelaus
- love of paris
- the most beautiful woman in the world in the time of troy.
King Agamemnon -King of mycenae
-brother of menelaus
-coward king.
Odysseus -King of Ithaca and friend of achilles
-considered the most clever of the greeks
-the one who comes up with the plan to sack troy.
Menelaus -King of sparta and husband of helen
-brother of agamemnon.
Andromache -princess of troy
-wife of hector

Briseis -priestess of apollo

-cousin of hector and paris
-love of achilles
Patrocolos -cousin and student of achilles
Eudorus -captain of the Mrymimdons
Ajax -king of salamis
-second to achilles among the greeks in tems of fighting skills.
Priam -king of troy
-father of hector and paris.

It is the year 1250 B.C during the late bronze age. Two emerging nations begin to
clash after paris, the trojan prince, conviences helen, queen of sparta to leave her
husband, menelaus and sail with him back to troy. After menelaus finds out that his
brother agamemnon to help him get her back. Agamemnon sees this as an oppurtunity for
power. So they set off with 1000 ships holding 50,000 greeks to troy. With the help of
achilles, are able to fight the never before defeated trojans. But they come to as stop by
hector, prince of troy.

1. Discuss the values of the homeric hero, paying-particular attention to constrasting

characters such as achilles, odysseus, paris and hector.

Faithful husband


Loving, son,
Good leader

2. Discuss homers potrayal of the gods in the iliad. What is their relationship with the
mortals? With fate?
= The gods of the iliad did not came out in the story but the mortals is really faithful to
their gods like in the troy they really trust their gods that everything happen their god will
help them. Unlike in the achilles group they didnt think that the gods in real.

3. Discuss how iliad portrays relationship between fathers and sons?

= The father and son relationship you need to be a good father to your son. The fathers
known as strict so that the sons will can stand their own without help of the others. Even
if how strict you are in your son you always and support them .You need to be a good
father so that your sons will follow and respect you.

A. In what ways does amustral loyalty affect the characters behavior?

= LOVE and POWER - in the story the war started in the love of paris and helen .that
prince troy bring helen into troy that is very wrong because helen is the wife of menelaus
the king of sparta. When king menelaus know the story he ask help to his brother king
agamemnon. And king agamemnon have a plan to fight to troy for the power so that he
can get the power and the leader of all. Thats why he help menelaus for him to get the

B. How do relationship between father and sons differ from those between mother and
son ?
= The mother will do everything to make sure that his son will be on safe, a loving and
caring mother wont like to saw her sons fight in the war, While the father will let and
support his son decision even if it is hurt for them to saw his son fight and die.

4 .How do the characters various attitudes toward war reveal different aspects of war?
=The different of war to the story of troy from the other war is the name achilles is the
greatest warriors of his time no one can kill him even if how many warriors of his enemy
he can kill them all and his group will be alive to fight if he lead the war. But if there
somebody hit his heels he will probably die.

5. Complete the table

Conflicts in iliad
When the wooden horse of
myrmidons go inside the
troy, without knowing that
the enemy are inside the
wooden horse.
When briseis was played by
the warriors menelaus and
achilles get mad and protect

Conflict in your life

I remember, when im in
high school. There
somebody go inside the
house while im in the
kitchen .
When my childhood
sweetheart fight to those
kids want to fight me when
we are still young .

Be alert and be careful all
the time.

When you love someone do

everything and trust him.

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