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DPS Unit Map

Grade 4 Mathematics Unit 3: Developing Fraction Concepts

30 days

Stage 1: Examine and Unpack Standards

These unpacked standards are expected in every Durham Public Schools classroom.


Extend understanding of fraction
equivalence and ordering.
4.NF.1 Explain why a fraction a/b is
equivalent to a fraction (n a)/(n b) by
using visual fraction models, with
attention to how the number and size of
the parts differ even though the two
fractions themselves are the same size.
Use this principle to recognize and
generate equivalent fractions.
4.NF.2 Compare two fractions with
different numerators and different
denominators, e.g., by creating common
denominators or numerators, or by
comparing to a benchmark fraction such
as 1/2. Recognize that comparisons are
valid only when the two fractions refer to
the same whole. Record the results of
comparisons with symbols >, =, or <, and
justify the conclusions, e.g., by using a
visual fraction model.
Build fractions from unit fractions by
applying and extending previous
understandings of operations on whole
4.NF.3 Understand a fraction a/b with a >
1 as a sum of fractions 1/b.
a. Understand addition and subtraction of
fractions as joining and separating parts
referring to the same whole.
b. Decompose a fraction into a sum of
fractions with the same denominator in
more than one way, recording each
decomposition by an equation. Justify
decompositions, e.g., by using a visual
Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment

Transfer Goal
Students will be able to independently use their learning to
apply whole number concepts including properties of operations to understand and utilize fractions as a
means of quantifying surroundings and solve real world problems.
Making Meaning
Students will understand that
How can different fractions represent the same
size portion?
fractions are numbers.
comparisons are only valid when the wholes are equal.
How can the identity property of multiplication

be utilized to create equivalent fractions?

is a representation of 1.

How does the use of a benchmark allow for

fractions may be compared using various strategies.
comparing fractions?
when joining whole numbers groups of ones are
How can fractions with common numerators be
combined (i.e., 15 + 9 = 15 ones + 9 ones = 24 ones).
when joining fractions groups of a particular size portion
3 5
How can fractions with common denominators
are combined (i.e., 4 + 4 = 3 one-fourths + 5 one-fourths).
be compared?
fractions can be decomposed in multiple ways.
How can an efficient strategy for comparing
fractions be determined?
How does joining and separating fractions relate
to joining and separating whole numbers?
How can a picture representing a mathematics
situation help solve the problem?
How is joining and separating mixed numbers
like joining and separating whole numbers?
How can any non-unit fraction be represented
using a multiplication expression?
Students will know
Students will be able to
the numerator represents the number of portions of a
draw models to prove two different fractions
particular size.
represent the same size portion.

the denominator represents the size of one portion.

explain that is a representation of 1, and 1
a unit fraction is one portion of a particular size.
group of any number is always the number in
a non-unit fraction is composed of unit fractions.
that group (n x 1 = n).
a benchmark is any number used to reason about the
utilize any representation of 1 to yield an
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DPS Unit Map

fraction model. Examples: 3/8 = 1/8 + 1/8
+ 1/8 ; 3/8 = 1/8 + 2/8 ; 2 1/8 = 1 + 1 + 1/8
= 8/8 + 8/8 + 1/8.
c. Add and subtract mixed numbers with
like denominators, e.g., by replacing each
mixed number with an equivalent
fraction, and/or by using properties of
operations and the relationship between
addition and subtraction.
d. Solve word problems involving addition
and subtraction of fractions referring to
the same whole and having like
denominators, e.g., by using visual
fraction models and equations to
represent the problem.
4.NF.4 Apply and extend previous
understandings of multiplication to
multiply a fraction by a whole number.
a. Understand a fraction a/b as a multiple
of 1/b. For example, use a visual fraction
model to represent 5/4 as the product 5
(1/4), recording the conclusion by the
equation 5/4 = 5 (1/4).
b. Understand a multiple of a/b as a
multiple of 1/b, and use this
understanding to multiply a fraction by a
whole number. For example, use a visual
fraction model to express 3 (2/5) as 6
(1/5), recognizing this product as 6/5. (In
general, n (a/b) = (n a)/b.)
c. Solve word problems involving
multiplication of a fraction by a whole
number, e.g., by using visual fraction
models and equations to represent the
problem. For example, if each person at a
party will eat 3/8 of a pound of roast
beef, and there will be 5 people at the
party, how many pounds of roast beef will
Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment

Grade 4 Mathematics Unit 3: Developing Fraction Concepts

size or location of other numbers.

30 days

equivalent fraction.
determine and explain, without changing the
original form, whether any fraction is bigger or
smaller than half.
determine and explain, without changing the
original form, whether any fraction is bigger or
smaller than 1.
compare 2 fractions using a benchmark.
decompose a non-unit fraction into an equal
3 1 1 1
addend equation (i.e., = + + ).

explain the role of the numerator in determining

the size of a fraction.
explain the role of the denominator (size of each
piece) in determining the size of a fraction.
compare fractions with common numerators.
create equivalent fractions with common
compare fractions with common denominators.
create equivalent fractions with common
compare fractions using a strategy that makes
sense based on the numbers.
place fractions accurately on a number line.
compose non-unit fractions from unit fractions.
compose a given fraction in multiple ways.
explain that adding whole numbers is joining a
particular number of ones (i.e., 34 + 12 = 34
ones + 12 ones = 46 ones), and joining fractions
is joining a particular number of pieces of a
4 1
certain size (i.e., 3 + 3 = 4 one-thirds + 1 onethird = 5 one-thirds).
explain how subtracting fractions is like
subtracting whole numbers (see previous bullet
regarding addition).
provide a picture that directly represents the
action in the situation.
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DPS Unit Map

Grade 4 Mathematics Unit 3: Developing Fraction Concepts

be needed? Between what two whole

numbers does your answer lie?

30 days

decompose mixed numbers in a variety of ways.

represent mixed numbers as improper fractions.
solve word problems involving adding and
subtraction mixed numbers (all addition and
subtraction problem types).
add and subtract mixed numbers.
read any non-unit fraction as a number (given by
the numerator) of pieces a certain size (given by
the denominator, i.e., 2 is 3 one-halves).
represent any non-unit fraction as a
multiplication expression of the number of parts
times the unit (i.e., = 3 x ).

solve word problems involving repeated

addition of unit or non-unit fractions.
represent situation with a picture.
represent the situation with a repeated addition
represent the situation with a multiplication

Key Vocabulary
Academic Vocabulary Words
number line
identity property
improper fraction

unit fraction

non-unit fraction


mixed number

Stage 2: Calibrate Rigor and Design Assessment

These assessments are expected in every DPS classroom.

Evaluative Criteria Assessment Tasks

Multiple Choice Grade 4 Mathematics CDA 3
Rubric Quarter 2 Performance Tasks Unit 3
Other Evidence Embedded Stage 3 Learning Events
Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment

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DPS Unit Map

Grade 4 Mathematics Unit 3: Developing Fraction Concepts

30 days

Stage 3: Plan and Deliver Instruction

This instructional pacing and sequencing represents one recommended best practice option.
Professional Resources
Instructional Resources
Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, & Division Problem Types

Summary of Key Learning Events, Opportunities, and Instruction

# of

Lesson Focus / Student Learning Target(s)

How can different fractions represent the same size

draw models to prove two different fractions
represent the same size portion.
How can the identity property of multiplication be
utilized to create equivalent fractions?

explain that is a representation of 1, and 1 group

of any number is always the number in that group (n

x 1 = n).
utilize any representation of 1 to yield an equivalent
How does the use of a benchmark allow for comparing
determine and explain, without changing the
original form, whether any fraction is bigger or
smaller than half.
determine and explain, without changing the
original form, whether any fraction is bigger or
smaller than 1.
compare 2 fractions using a benchmark.
place fractions accurately on a number line.
How can fractions with common numerators be
decompose a non-unit fraction into an equal addend

Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment





5E Lesson
Ready Lesson 13


5E Lesson

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DPS Unit Map

Grade 4 Mathematics Unit 3: Developing Fraction Concepts


30 days

equation (i.e., 4 = 4 + 4 + 4).

explain the role of the numerator in determining the
size of a fraction.
explain the role of the denominator (size of each
piece) in determining the size of a fraction.
compare fractions with common numerators.
create equivalent fractions with common
How can fractions with common denominators be
explain the role of the numerator in determining the
size of a fraction.
explain the role of the denominator (size of each
piece) in determining the size of a fraction.
compare fractions with common denominators.
create equivalent fractions with common
How can an efficient strategy for comparing fractions be
compare fractions using a strategy that makes sense
based on the numbers.


Ready Lesson 14
This is the whole

Which portion is bigger? Explain your thinking.



or 4
or 6
or 3
or 4

How does joining and separating fractions relate to

Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment


5E Lesson
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DPS Unit Map

Grade 4 Mathematics Unit 3: Developing Fraction Concepts

joining and separating whole numbers?

compose non-unit fractions from unit fractions.
compose a given fraction in multiple ways.
explain that adding whole numbers is joining a
particular number of ones (i.e., 34 + 12 = 34 ones +
12 ones = 46 ones), and joining fractions is joining a
particular number of pieces of a certain size (i.e., +




30 days

Ready Lesson 15
Ready Lesson 16

= 4 one-thirds + 1 one-third = 5 one-thirds).

explain how subtracting fractions is like subtracting

whole numbers (see previous bullet regarding
How can a picture representing a mathematics situation
help solve the problem?
provide a picture that directly represents the action
in the situation.
decompose mixed numbers in a variety of ways.
represent mixed numbers as improper fractions.
solve word problems involving adding and
subtraction mixed numbers (all addition and
subtraction problem types).
How is joining and separating mixed numbers like joining
and separating whole numbers?
add and subtract mixed numbers.
How can any non-unit fraction be represented using a
multiplication expression?
read any non-unit fraction as a number (given by
the numerator) of pieces a certain size (given by
the denominator, i.e., 2 is 3 one-halves).
represent any non-unit fraction as a
multiplication expression of the number of parts
times the unit (i.e., 2 = 3 x 2).




Ready Lesson 17

5E Lesson
5E Lesson
5E Lesson
Ready Lesson 18
Ready Lesson 19

Common District Assessment (CDA)

Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment

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DPS Unit Map

Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment

Grade 4 Mathematics Unit 3: Developing Fraction Concepts

30 days

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