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Rocky Mountain Academy of Evergreen

Board Meeting Minutes

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Meeting Date: July 09, 2009

Meeting Location: RMAE Middle School Building - Spanish Classroom
Meeting called to order at: 06:39 PM by Vice President Jeff Robertson
Board members in attendance:
Ann Lane Bill Tomasi Seanna Mulligan
Jeff Wilhite Nora Flood Jeff Robertson
Kim Cox Mike Novick Jon Tesseo
Dan Cohan (non-voting)

Others in attendance (from sign in sheet):

Dina Walton (at 7:15) Doug Kittleson (7:15)
Leanne Dalton (8:00) Mark Bowron (8:00)

A Quorum is reached with those present and on the phone.

Meeting notification requirements have been met.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all in attendance.

Board and Public Comment:

 Ann Lane stated that she knows a family who owns the tennis bubbles across the street and
knows that the family is planning on converting one of the “bubbles” into an open field area
and perhaps we can explore this option instead of using Nick’s Pro Fitness.

Consent Agenda:
 Minutes from the 4/23/09 meeting were read and approved.
Motion: Jeff Robertson motioned to accept the 4/23/09 meeting minutes as written; Jon
Tesseo seconded the motion.
Discussion: None.
Vote: 6-0, approved (No one against; Ann Lane and Nora Flood abstained)

 Minutes from the 5/14/09 meeting were read and approved.

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Board Meeting Minutes
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Motion: Jeff Robertson motioned to accept the 5/14/09 meeting minutes as written; Mike
Novick seconded the motion.
Discussion: None
Vote: 6-0, approved (No one against; Ann Lane and Nora Flood abstained)

 Minutes from the 6/10/09 meeting were NOT read and approved.

 Director:
o Dan Cohen stated that he is going to move on both of the open positions (PE and
Assistant to the Director) next week. He also stated that he and Dina have begun
exploring options and feels that filling the Admin position with a person who is not
also a parent is the best choice. Mike Novick asks where we will be able to draw the
line because we already have a lot of parents working here. Discussions were held
revolving the political and legal issues surrounding this shift in policy. Dan also
stated that he is going to be working the scheduling issues next week but that this
topic is difficult due to our lunch room issue. Dan further stated that Rosanne
Dashowitz is splitting her time between RMAE and CCA which is working out well.
 PTO:
o None.
 Preschool:
o None.
 AAA:
o None.
 Financial:
o Jeff Wilhite stated that our bond holders are looking to come in to a Board meeting
around the August / September timeframe and discuss the current bond and answer
questions like permanent buildings, reserve requirements, existing payments,
foundation goals, etc.
o Jeff Wilhite informed the Board that the JeffCo Open Space has fenced the land
adjacent to the Fire Lane. Regarding the Fire Lane, Jeff has met with Frank Dearborn
and discussed the optional ways we can put the Fire Access Road in place and that
Frank is willing to work with us. Frank and Jeff also discussed the possible uses of
the “basement” of the Admin building and Frank is going to explore the options. Jeff
states that the 3 potential uses would be as a lunch room, storage, and for classrooms.
o Dina Walton indicated that we won’t have final numbers from Jefferson County until
next Board Meeting.
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Board Meeting Minutes
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o Dina asked about the upcoming Firehouse meeting and was wondering when the
Board wants to have this meeting. The Board directed Dina to look at the 12th or 13th
of August and to check out the CBE facility.
o Dina Walton informed the Board that she needs to coordinate the build out of the 4th
grade classroom with John Morrill and see where we are at. Dina also asked for an
update on the To-Do list from Bill Tomasi who informed the Board that while we are
making progress on the list we will still need at least one work weekend where we put
out an all call to the parents for help.
o Dina stated that the logs need to go. Dan indicated that the person cutting the logs
into benches contacted us about the need for any more benches before he turns them
into firewood. The Board informed Dina to contact PTO and put out a final blast for
purchasing logs and then Mike Novick will send out an email to the Fire Department
and they will come and cut them up for firewood.
o Dina stated that she needs a subcommittee created for the following committees:
 Annual Giving.
 Financial.
 Personnel.
 RMAE Foundation:
o Seanna Mulligan stated that they had a foundation meeting last week. The
Foundation Board is comprised of:
 Seanna Mulligan
 Jeff Wilhite
 Roland Luc
 Jim Petterson
 George Shaver
o Seanna indicated that the Foundation Board has determined that they need to open up
multiple banking accounts including:
 Operations (Annual Giving)
 Long Term (Capital Construction)
 Reserve (Bond Carryover)
o Seanna informed the Board about the progress that the Foundation is making around
the Capital Construction and has determined that the RMAE BOD should lead the
process of making a plan that includes the short term needs as well as the long term
needs. She also indicated that this needs to be a short term, highly focused,
commitment of time for the members – very much like the recent Director search.
Motion: Ann Lane moved to direct the foundation to evaluate the currently existing
long term building plans that were previously developed and to determine if we can
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Board Meeting Minutes
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utilize them to meet the long term and short term needs or if we need to create a
complete new plan; Bill Tomasi seconded the motion.
Discussions: None.
Vote: 8-0, approved (No one against, No one abstained)

 Facilities Team:
o Ann Lane informed the Board that she and Bill Tomasi met with Kathy Tully and
went over the legal documents surrounding the path. Ann stated that the meeting was
very valuable and there are only a few minor changes remaining to the agreements
that she has to make.
o Bill Tomasi informed the Board that during the same meeting we also discussed the
modular building for the lunchroom and that Kathy provided some good insight and
ideas on how the process works and what information we are supposed to include in
the submission packet. Bill also informed the Board that he went over to the
Jefferson County Offices and pulled copies of the approved site plan, the warranty
deeds that Ann requested, and spoke with the Planning and Zoning department about
how to schedule a pre-authorization and that the fee to submit a packet is $125.
Motion: Ann Lane moved to authorize Bill Tomasi to spend up to $125 for the Planning
and Zoning pre-authorization meeting regarding the modular building for the lunchroom;
Jeff Robertson seconded the motion.
Discussions: None.
Vote: 7-0-1, approved (No one against, Bill Tomasi abstained)

Old Business:
 None.

New Business:
 DB Development –
o Leanne Dalton stated that D&B Development would like RMAE to waive the
requirement of a $10,000 contribution for the next lot sold. Leanne and Doug
Kittelson informed the Board about the background of the land acquisition and the
reasons behind asking for this waiver.
Motion: Mike Novick moved to waive the $10,000 donation requirement for the next lot
sold; Bill Tomasi seconded the motion.
Discussions: Mike Novick explained the previous motion that the Board made regarding the
first lot waiver that contained a higher donation charge for the remaining lots. Jeff Wilhite
asked Leanne if this is going to be a single lot issue or if this is going to be an issue for all of
the remaining lots? Leanne indicated that this is a one lot issue in order to satisfy the Bank.
Vote: 8-0, approved (No one against, No one abstained)
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Board Meeting Minutes
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Motion: Ann Lane moved to assign the purchase and sale agreement from RMAE to RMAE
Foundation after we amend the contract to release the next lot from the required donation;
Mike Novick seconded the motion.
Discussions: None.
Vote: 8-0, approved (No one against, No one abstained)

 RMAE Board of Directors Officer Election –

Motion: Mike Novick nominates Jeff Wilhite for President, Ann Lane for Vice President,
Bill Tomasi for Secretary, and Jeff Robertson for Treasurer; Jon Tesseo seconded the motion.
Discussions: Mike Novick stated that having a transition for the Treasurer position is a good
Vote: 8-0, approved (No one against, No one abstained)

Action items to be completed before next Board Meeting –

 None.

Strategic Planning –
 Nora Flood informed the Board that she has completed SWOT assessments with the
Teachers and with the Parents at the last Firehouse Meeting. Since the Board has not done a
SWOT assessment of the School yet, she would like each Board member to review and
comment on the summary document that she has put together. She requests that this is
completed within the next two weeks and returned to her.

Board and Public Comment:

 Dina Walton informed the Board that the trip to Washington DC was very successful for
both her and Kim Cox. Dina will send out a document containing her notes and was able to
spend some time with the Colorado representatives.
 Seanna Mulligan informed the Board that she and her family are moving from the Evergreen
area and is going to have to resign her Board position. Bill Tomasi informed Seanna that
according to our ByLaws she needs to submit a formal letter of resignation to the Secretary
or the President and that the letter needs to include an effective date.

Next Board Meeting:

 Thursday July 23, 2009 at 6:30pm.

With no further business, this meeting was adjourned at: 9:21 PM

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Board Meeting Minutes
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Motion: Jeff Robertson moved to adjourn the meeting; Bill Tomasi seconded the motion.
Discussions: None.
Vote: 8-0, approved (No one against, No one abstained)

Respectfully submitted

William Tomasi

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