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1. A _____ reflex prompts babies to clear their throat.

2. Which infant reflex is CORRECTLY matched with its description?
Babinski reflex; an infant's toes fan out when the edge of the sole of the foot is stroked
3.As psychologists use the term, habituation means:
decrease in the response to a stimulus that occurs after repeated presentations of the same
4. Harry Harlow completed a number of studies in which baby rhesus monkeys were raised with
two artificial mothers. One of the mothers was made of wire and delivered food; the other was
made of cloth and provided no food. Harlow found that when the infant monkeys were startled or
frightened, they:
preferred the cloth surrogate that did not provide food.
5. The "strange situation" experiment is associated with _____; it helps classify the attachment
behavior of _____.
Ainsworth; newborns
6. At twelve months of age, Jordan is classified as a securely attached child by his pediatrician on
the basis of the criteria set by Mary Ainsworth. Which of the following behaviors in the strange
situation would be most consistent with this classification?
Jordan is moderately distressed when mother leaves him alone and pleased when she returns.
7. According to Mary Ainsworth, when a child with avoidant attachment style is exposed to the
strange situation experiment, he/she will:
show no concern when the mother leaves the room.
8. Rebecca takes her 1-year-old son, Adam, to visit an infant-toddler program in which she hopes
to enroll him. Adam appears very anxious and is unwilling to explore and play with the toys,
even though Rebecca is close by. When Rebecca leaves the room to fill out some forms, Adam
becomes extremely upset and remains inconsolable. When Rebecca returns, Adam stays close to
her, holding onto her leg. However, Adam makes it very clear he does not want her to touch him
or pick him up. In fact, he starts kicking and hitting her. In the context of the findings of Mary
Ainsworth, which term best describes Adam's attachment style?
9. For children from poor, disadvantaged homes, high-quality out-of-home child care is
associated with:
long-term intellectual gains.
10. The study of attachment style is associated with _____ and the study of parenting style is
associated with _____.
Ainsworth; Baumrind

11. Joan's mom and dad believe that parents know best. They expect Joan to obey all parental
rules without uttering a word, and they are quick to impose stern punishments if she does not
comply. In Baumrind's terms, Joan's parents are:
12. Hailey's parents demand that she follow their instructions without asking any question.
Isabella's parents are firm as well, but are more likely to reason with her and explain the
consequences of her behavior. In Baumrind's terms, Hailey's parents are _____; Isabella's are
authoritarian; authoritative
13. Walter's parents strongly believe that Walter should make his own decisions, so they set very
few rules regarding homework, bedtime, and household chores. Since they believe that freedom
and responsibility are important, they patiently tolerate all of Walter's behavior, whether childish
or mature. The parenting style adopted by Walter's parents is called:
14. According to Erikson, the first stage of a child's psychosocial development is the _____
16. Derwood is 8 years old and he likes to do art projects at school. However, the projects he has
completed so far have not received good grades, and in several instances his friends have made
fun of his work. Based on Erikson's theory, Derwood is most likely to develop:
feelings of inferiority.
17. Which of the following Swiss scholars had suggested in the 1970s that children around the
world proceed through a series of four stages in a fixed order?
18. Which of the following sequences accurately reflects the order of Piaget's stages of cognitive
development, from birth through adolescence?
sensorimotor preoperational concrete operational formal operational
19. Which age range below is INCORRECTLY labeled with its Piagetian stage?
12 yearsadulthood; postoperational stage
20. During the sensorimotor period:
understanding is based mainly on basic sensory and motor abilities.
21. According to Piaget, when an infant recognizes that objects continue to exist even when they
are no longer in sight, the infant has understood the principle of:
object permanence.

22. A child demonstrates that she understands the idea of object permanence and egocentrism,
but fails to understand the concept of conservation. In the context of the Piagetian stages, she is
most likely in the _____ stage.
23. According to Piaget, mastery of the principle of conservation marks the beginning of the
_____ stage of development.
concrete operational
24. Preschoolers can hold only two or three chunks of information in short-term memory, 5-yearolds can hold four, and 7-year-olds can hold _____.
25. Two children are participating in a memory research: Heather, a preschooler, and Illeana, a
sixth-grader. When the children fail a recall task, the researcher asks each child what she might
do to succeed at the task the next time. Heather suggests that she would simply try again; Illeana
proposes that she might try to write the items down. The difference in the girls' responses most
clearly illustrates an increase in _____ during childhood.
metacognitive ability
26. As compared to Piaget, Vygotsky placed _____ emphasis on the _____ bases of cognitive
more; social
27. A cross-sectional study is one in which
different age groups are tested at the same time.
28. The nurture side of the nature vs. nurture debate refers to
29. The majority of children of divorced parents
do not have adjustment problems.
30. The ability to overcome hardship during childhood again and again is referred to as
32. Which of the following is an accurate descriptor of an infant reflex?
All of these
33. According to Piaget, accommodation refers to
adjusting current schemas in order to make sense of new experiences.
34. Incorporating new information into existing theories is to ___________ as modifying
existing theories in light of new information is to ___________.

assimilation; accommodation
35. In Piaget's cognitive development theory, the ___________ stage occurs during the period of
36. You tried to play peek-a-boo with your 6-month-old infant, but whenever you hid your face,
he would cry. You try it again three months later, and now he laughs and enjoys the game, trying
to uncover your face with his hands. Your baby has now developed
object permanence.
37. You give your younger brother Joe a big cookie. He accidently drops it, and it breaks into
many smaller parts. Suddenly he gets very excited and says, "Joe, look how many cookies I have
now!" He is most likely in which developmental stage?
38. You arrange two rows of pennies so they are equal in length. A child views the rows and
states that they have the same amount of pennies. You spread out the pennies in the bottom row
so that this row is longer than the top one. The child now states that the bottom row has more
pennies. This child is in Piaget's ___________ stage of development.
39. A wise mother will give both her 3-year-old child and her 4-year-old child identically shaped
glasses of soft drink to avoid conflict over who has the most. The mother is showing her
awareness of her children's difficulty with
40. According to Piaget, egocentrism refers to
the difficulty in perceiving things from another person's point of view.
41. Four-year-old Jennifer mistakenly believes that her mother would like to receive a doll for
Christmas. This best illustrates Piaget's concept of
42. Between ages 7 and 11, children can think in sophisticated ways as long as what they are
thinking about is tangibly represented. Piaget calls this stage
concrete operations.
43. Bob has an unknown liquid and must determine what it is. He decides to systematically use a
number of tests to determine the correct answer. What stage of cognitive development has Bob
Formal operational
44. The ability to use abstract concepts is a key component of the ___________ stage of Piaget's
theory of cognitive development.
formal operations

45. In Harry and Margaret Harlow's classic attachment study, they found that monkeys
were more attached to the artificial mothers who were warm and soft.
46. Which of the following most accurately describes Ainsworth's strange situation?
Caregiver leaves infant with stranger and returns later.
47. Erikson's theory is based on the assumption that
each person faces a set of predictable life-changing challenges at various stages of life.
48. Mazie's mom is loving and nurturing, sets clear boundaries, and engages in a lot of verbal
give and take. In terms of parenting styles, she would be described as
49. Ian came home late for curfew. Without asking for an explanation, his parents sent him to his
room and informed him that he was grounded for a month. What type of parenting did Ian's
parents demonstrate?
50. Authoritative parents are likely to have children who
are socially competent and self-reliant.
51. Compared to authoritarian parents, authoritative parents are likely to be
More responsive
52. Richie's parents place no demands on him, and they place no rules or restrictions on his
behavior. They are exhibiting a(n) ___________ parenting style.
53. Jill's parents set very few limits or boundaries for her. They use a(n) ___________ parenting

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