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Rencana Induk Bandar Udara Sibisa merupakan dokumen penting sebagai panduan
dalam pengembangan bandar udara dimasa mendatang. Pengembangan Bandar Udara
Sibisa dilakukan secara bertahap yakni Tahap 1, Tahap 2 dan Tahap Ultimate.
Rencana pengembangan dilakukan untuk fasilitas sisi udara, fasilitas sisi darat,
fasilitas navigasi penerbangan, alat bantu pendaratan, fasilitas pemadam kebakaran
dan pelayanan lalu lintas udara. Kebutuhan fasilitas bandar udara diturunkan
berdasarkan analisis peramalan angkutan udara selama masa perencanaan.
Berdasarkan analisis tersebut didapat jumlah penumpang di awal masa pengembangan
sebanyak 11.757 penumpang dan meningkat menjadi 41.852 penumpang di 20 tahun
kemudian. Pesawat udara yang direncanakan adalah sejenis ATR 72-500. Runway
eksisting Bandar Udara Sibisa memiliki elevasi +1281,373 dpl hingga +1290,564 dpl,
kelandaian 1,22%, suhu udara lingkungan 28oC. Penggunaan ATR 72-500 kondisi
beban penuh diperlukan runway sepanjang 1934 m dengan kekuatan perkerasan (nilai
PCN) 14 F/C/Y/U. Pada sisi darat diperlukan terminal penumpang seluas 600 m 2 dan
dikembangkan secara bertahap menjadi 1700 m 2. Kebutuhan fasilitas selanjutnya
diplot dalam konsep tata letak bandar udara yang efisien.
Kata-kata kunci: rencana induk, peramalan angkutan udara, tata letak bandar udara.
The key factor of airport development is airport master plan. The airport master plan will
serves as the guidelines to all aspects of airport development. In the case of Sibisa airport, it is
stated in the its airport master plan that the airport will be developed in 3 (three) phases:
Phase 1, Phase 2, and Ultimate respectively. Sibisa airport master plan covers all aspects of
the airport, ranging from airside facilities, landside facilities, navigational facilities to landing
aids facilities, fire fighting facilities, and air traffic system. The airport development plan aims
to accommodate its demand; therefore, it is derived from the demand forecast analysis.
The analysis reveals some key findings as follows. Initially, Sibisa airport is estimated to
serve 11.757 passengers per year. It is predicted to gradually rise in the next 20 years and will
reach its ultimate at 41.852 passengers per year. Accordingly, it is designed to operate under
the critical aircraft of ATR 72-500 modul under full load condition and is equivalent to PCN
Furthermore, a 600 m2 passenger terminal is planned to facilitate the demand and will be
further developed in the next 20 years to reach the ultimate target of 1700 m2. The airport
development plan will be plotted in a drawings which later will serves as the guidelines of the
implementation of this airport master plan.

Key words: airport master plan, air transport demand forecasting, the airport layout.

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