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Global warming editorial

Global warming is getting worse. The earth has gotten warmer over time for
many different reasons including greenhouse gases, over population, deforestation,
and farming. There are ways to fix these problems but without trying nothing will
get better.
Greenhouse gases cause global warming because Certain gases in the
atmosphere block heat from escaping. Long-lived gases that remain semipermanently in the atmosphere and do not respond physically or chemically to
changes in temperature are described as "forcing" climate change. (Shaftel
2)Greenhouse gases come from carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and
CFCs. (Shaftel 3) They way to fix this is by using more electric cars or riding a
bicycle, cutting down on the use of fossil fuels and reducing gas spills. Recently the
use of CFCs has been banned in America which is good but, they are still allowed in
Another thing causes global warming is deforestation. When land is cleared
and trees or vegetation removed or burnt, the stored carbon is converted back into
carbon dioxide. (wwf 5) With all the rainforests we are removing the carbon dioxide
is getting back into the atmosphere. Deforestation is bad enough because it
destroys animal habitats and is causing animals to go extinct but its also having
quite a negative effect on the atmosphere. The fix for this is simple and would
actually make a lot of things better, dont cut down so many trees. If we stop cutting
down trees less carbon dioxide will be released and it will lessen the amount of
carbon dioxide in the air.
Global warming is also caused by population growth. The carbon footprint of
one child is 20 times more than a high mileage car (center for biological diversity 3).
The amount of people on this planet is already a problem for so many other reasons
and its effecting the atmosphere. The only way to fix this is just to have less
children. Some people would argue global warming isnt real but I assure you global
warming is very real. The temperature has increased .8 degrees since 1880 and 7
degrees in the last 8000 years. (Ichoku 3). On top of this many countries have been
experiencing their hottest year ever.
Last but not least Global warming is also effected by farming. Livestock
farming accounts for around 14.5% of our global greenhouse gas emissions - more
than the global transport sector. (ciwf 5). Factory farming requires a lot of energy
to function. Its not just the animals that require a lot of energy its the food that is
grown to support them as well as the heating, lighting, and ventilation in their
enclosures. Most of the energy used releases carbon dioxide into the air. Some
people would argue global warming doesnt matter but it defiantly does. There will
be more droughts and heat waves and water heights will increase between 1-4 feet
by 2100. (Shaftel side bar)

In short, global warming is effecting the earth in many ways. The way to fix
this problem is just to cut down on greenhouse gases and how many children people
have. Also stop cutting down so many trees and relying so much on animals for

Works citied
(Shaftel 2 & 3) Shaftel. "Climate Change." NASA. NASA, n.d. Web. 14 Sept. 2016.
(wwf 5) "What Causes Global Warming?" Australia: Global Environmental
Conservation Organisation., n.d. Web. 14 Sept. 2016.
(center for biological diversity 3) "Human Population Growth and Climate Change."
Human Population Growth and Climate Change. Center for Biological Diversity, n.d.
Web. 14 Sept. 2016.
(Ichoku 3) Ichoku. "How Is Today's Global Warming Different from the past." NASA.
NASA, n.d. Web. 14 Sept. 2016.
(ciwf 5) "Climate Change in Detail." Compassion in World Farming., n.d.
Web. 14 Sept. 2016.

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