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4 Reference Card
Terminator instructions
ret <ty> <value>
ret void

Return control flow from a function back to the


br i1 <cond>, label <iftrue>, label <iffalse>

br label <dest>

Transfer control to a basic block in the current


switch <intty> <value>, label <defaultdest>

[ <intty> <val>, label <dest> ... ]

Transfer control depending on the value of an

input operand.

indirectbr <ty>* <address>, [ label <dest1>,

label <dest2>, ... ]

Indirect branch to a label within the current

function with the given address.

Arithmetic instructions
<result> = add [nuw] [nsw] <ty> <op1>, <op2>


Integer addition.

<result> = fadd [<flags>] <ty> <op1>, <op2>


Floating-point addition.

<result> = sub [nuw] [nsw] <ty> <op1>, <op2>


Integer subtraction.

<result> = fsub [<flags>] <ty> <op1>, <op2>


Floating-point subtraction.

<result> = mul [nuw] [nsw] <ty> <op1>, <op2>


Integer multiplication.

<result> = fmul [<flags>] <ty> <op1>, <op2>


Floating-point multiplication.

<result> = udiv [exact] <ty> <op1>, <op2>


Unsigned integer division.

<result> = sdiv [exact] <ty> <op1>, <op2>


Signed integer division.

<result> = fdiv [<flags>] <ty> <op1>, <op2>


Floating-point division.

<result> = urem <ty> <op1>, <op2>


Unsigned integer remainder.

<result> = srem <ty> <op1>, <op2>


Signed integer remainder.

<result> = frem [<flags>]* <ty> <op1>, <op2>


Floating-point remainder.

<result> = shl [nuw] [nsw] <ty> <op1>, <op2>


Shift left.

<result> = lshr [exact] <ty> <op1>, <op2>


Logical shift right (zero fill).

<result> = ashr [exact] <ty> <op1>, <op2>


Arithmetic shift right (sign extend).

<result> = and <ty> <op1>, <op2>


Bitwise AND operation.

<result> = or <ty> <op1>, <op2>


Bitwise OR operation.

<result> = xor <ty> <op1>, <op2>


Bitwise XOR operation.

Bitwise arithmetic

Vector operations
<result> = extractelement <n x <ty>> <val>,
i32 <idx>


Extract a scalar element from a vector at

the given index.

<result> = insertelement <n x <ty>> <val>,

<ty> <elt>, i32 <idx>

n x <ty>

Insert a scalar element into a vector at the

given index.

<result> = shufflevector <n x <ty>> <v1>,

<n x <ty>> <v2>, <m x i32> <mask>

m x <ty>

Construct a permutation of elements from

two input vectors.

Aggregate operations
<result> = extractvalue <aggregate type> <val>,
<idx>[, <idx> ...]

<any> Extract the value of a member field from an

<result> = insertvalue <aggregate type> <val>,

<ty> <elt>, <idx>[, <idx> ...]

<aggr Insert a value into a member field in an

ty> aggregate value.

aggregate value.

Memory access and addressing

<result> = alloca <ty>[, <intty> <NumElements>]
[, align <alignment>]


Allocate memory on the stack frame of the

current function.

<result> = load [volatile] <ty>* <pointer>

[, align <alignment>]


Read from memory.

store [volatile] <ty> <value>, <ty>* <pointer>

[, align <alignment>]

Write to memory.

fence [singlethread] <ordering>

Introduce synchronization edge.

cmpxchg [volatile] <ty>* <pointer>, <ty> <cmp>,

<ty> <new> [singlethread] <ordering>


Atomic compare-and-exchange.

atomicrmw [volatile] <operation> <ty>* <pointer>,

<ty> <value> [singlethread] <ordering>


Atomic read-modify-write.

<result> = getelementptr <pty>* <ptrval>

[, <intty> <idx>][, <intty> <idx> ]

<any>* Calculate a memory address of a sub-

element of an aggregate data structure.

Conversion operations
<result> = trunc <ty> <value> to <ty2>


Truncate integer value.

<result> = zext <ty> <value> to <ty2>


Zero-extend integer value.

<result> = sext <ty> <value> to <ty2>


Sign-extend integer value.

<result> = fptrunc <ty> <value> to <ty2>


Truncate floating-point value.

<result> = fpext <ty> <value> to <ty2>


Extend floating-point value.

<result> = fptoui <ty> <value> to <ty2>


Convert floating-point to unsigned integer.

<result> = fptosi <ty> <value> to <ty2>


Convert floating-point to signed integer.

<result> = uitofp <ty> <value> to <ty2>


Convert unsigned integer to floating-point.

<result> = sitofp <ty> <value> to <ty2>


Convert signed integer to floating-point.

<result> = ptrtoint <ty> <value> to <ty2>


Convert pointer to integer.

<result> = inttoptr <ty> <value> to <ty2>


Convert integer to pointer.

<result> = bitcast <ty> <value> to <ty2>


Convert without changing bits.

<result> = addrspacecast <pty> <ptrval> to <pty2>

<pty2> Convert to pointer in another address space.

<result> = icmp {eq|ne|ugt|uge|ult|ule|sgt|sge|slt|sle}
<ty> <op1>, <op2>


Compare integer values.

<result> = fcmp {false|oeq|ogt|oge|olt|ole|one|ord|ueq|

ugt|uge|ult|ule|une|uno|true} <ty> <op1>, <op2>


Compare floating-point values.

<result> = phi <ty> [ <val0>, <label0> ...]

<ty> Phi node in an SSA graph.

<result> = select i1 <cond>, <ty> <val1>

[, <ty> <val2> ...]

<ty> Choose one value based on a

<result> = [tail] call [cconv] [ret attrs]

<ty> [<fnty>*] <name>(<args>) [fn attrs]

<ty> Function call.

condition without branching.

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