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Go d
M A R C H 2 0 1 0

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week one


of love ...
What treasures unfold in your life when you are loved?
X e , Go

More importantly, what happens when God loves you? The
letter to the Ephesians opens like a treasure chest, spilling out
rich wonders of love.
Because of love, God’s love expressed through Jesus
Christ, we are adopted as God’s children, chosen and
redeemed, blessed, saved, even made useful to God. Because lo v
of His love, we have peace with Him, and we’re brought into
His new family, the Body called the Church.
And because of love, we’re given a new way to walk, a
better way to live in relationship with God, with our family
and other believers and in our place in this world.
Loved by God
What do you gain because of love? Take a Each day, take a moment to think about all God has
look at Ephesians with us this month and done to show you just how much He loves you.
discover these treasures for yourself.
What do you do when you’re “in love”? Everything you
P.S. Do you use Meet with God with your Sunday school
can think of to demonstrate or prove your affection. Sometimes it
might get a little goofy or over the top, but you want the best for
class, Bible study or in a group setting? Then look for
the one you love.
the icon. It marks a suggestion for group discussion There is a “divine romance” with God who loves us. And
or assignments. Feel free to use them as you choose. Thank what does God do “in love”? Well, in Ephesians 1, Paul unveils
you for your continued feedback and suggestions for Meet an amazing list of God’s lavish acts of love, starting with Christ
with God.

meet with G o d M a r c h 2010 3

Himself who provides us “with every spiritual blessing in the
heavenly places” (v. 3).
And then, “In love he predestined us for adoption as sons in G od’s Word!
through Jesus Christ, according to the purpose of his will, to the
praise of his glorious grace, with which he has blessed us in the
Beloved” (vv. 4–6). “In love” God chooses to adopt us as His
children, again through Christ. God loves you and me so much He
wants to make us part of His family. Read Ephesians 1:1–10
Another gift of love delivered by Christ is redemption. He What do you think of when you hear the word holy?
buys us out of the slavery of sin with His own blood (v. 7), and He

DAY 1: Chosen
makes it possible for us to be forgiven for our sin (v. 7).
Verse 8 even uses the word “lavish” to describe the
overflowing generosity of God as He pours out “the riches of His Well, holiness doesn’t mean being perfect; it means being
grace” (v. 7), giving wisdom (v. 8) so we can know the mystery of “set apart for God’s use.” Do you see yourself as chosen
His will (v. 9) and see the full scope of His plan and purpose (vv. and set apart for God’s use? Why or why not?
9–10). In love, God gives us a new inheritance (v. 11), a new hope
(v. 12) and the seal of the Holy Spirit (v. 13).
Why this lavish demonstration? Because of love—God’s great,
generous, unfathomable love. You’ll notice that this love starts with What will you do differently this week knowing you are
God; we don’t initiate it. We’re the recipients, the beloved. As John chosen?
put it, “we love because He first loved us” (1 John 4:19). We do not
earn this love and we certainly don’t deserve it. But we can respond
with grateful and loving hearts, living in such a way that we honor
His love. Here in Ephesians, we’re shown what it looks like to live Adoption Certificate

fun zone
presented to

(or walk) that way. But it all begins with God’s love. Because you believe in Jesus, God has
adopted you into His family.

As you walk through Ephesians, look for the ways God has
Ephesians 1:5

March 2010

brought you to Himself and everything you now have as one of for kids or the kid in you ...
His beloved children with a new family of faith. None of this Ephesians 1:5 tells us God “adopted” us into His
would be possible without the simple fact that God loves you. family when we believed Christ. Make your own Adoption Certificate
adoption certificate to show you’re part of God’s
presented to

Because you believe in Jesus, God has

family. Go to
adopted you into His family.
Ephesians 1:5

March 2010

and print out a certificate. Write your name in the

“Presented To” section.

Keep your certificate to show that because you believe Adoption Certificate
presented to

in Jesus, God has adopted you into His family. Because you believe in Jesus, God has
adopted you into His family.

Ephesians 1:5

meet with G od March 2010 March 2010

DAY 2: Redeemed Read Ephesians 1:15–23
Paul wrote to the Ephesians from prison in Rome (Acts
Read Ephesians 2:1–10 28). Even in Rome, Paul had heard about the love and
God not only chose us, He redeemed us by His grace and through faith of the Ephesian Christians and with a thankful heart,
the blood of Jesus. Redemption means we were bought out of Paul prayed for them. List at least three requests Paul made
slavery to sin. Not only are we redeemed, but God lavishes the for these Christians. (Ephesians 1:15–19).
riches of His grace on us. What riches do you find in these verses?

Ephesians 1:9–10 What did God do to demonstrate His power (vv. 19–20)?

DAY 4: Blessed
Ephesians 1:11

What do these verses tell us about Christ (vv. 21–23)?

Ephesians 1:13–14

How have you experienced these riches in your life? Using Paul’s requests for the Ephesian Christians, pray for
the people in your church.

Read John 14:15–17,25–26

DAY 3: Indwelt

God gives us the Holy Spirit when we receive Christ as our

Savior (Romans 8:9) as the seal or the guarantee of our future
in heaven (Ephesians 1:13). In fact, in modern Greek the word
“sealed” is the word for “engagement ring.” And that’s not all i s s tudy w
h o
the Spirit does for us. What is He called in today’s passage? d e r of t rit to sh h
a d i c
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What does the Spirit do for us according to John 14:16 and 14:26?
with the tru these d your no ors or s
you . Write mpare enta
d a y c o m m
y, co
stud ade by
DAY 5: Saved week two
Read Ephesians 2:1–10
Write out Ephesians 2:10 on an index card. Post it at home, in your
car or at work as a reminder that you are His workmanship, and
you have been saved by God to do remarkable things for Him. Ask
God to give you the conviction and boldness to stand for Him.

WEEKEND: Employed by God

Read John 16:7–15
What specific mission does Jesus describe the Holy Spirit as
carrying out in the world?

How does Jesus’ description of the Holy Spirit’s role in the world
encourage you?

Chosen People
According to verses 13–15, what is the source of God’s Word? (See This week, consider how your life is affected because you
also 2 Timothy 3:16, 2 Peter 1:21.)
are a “partaker of the promise in Christ Jesus through the
gospel” (Ephesians 3:6).

In the Old Testament, God made a promise to Abraham that

he would become the father of a great nation. “Now the Lord
What difference does this make as you come to God’s Word?
said to Abram, ‘Go from your country and your kindred and your
father’s house to the land that I will show you. And I will make of

meet with G o d M a r c h 2010 9

you a great nation, and I will bless you and make your name great,
so that you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and
him who dishonors you I will curse, and in you all the families of
the earth shall be blessed’” (Genesis 12:1–3). in G od’s Word!
As the descendants of Abraham, his son Isaac and later Jacob
and his 12 sons, the people of Israel were that Chosen People, holy
and set apart to God. He called them His own, giving them His
Law and repeating His covenant even when they disobeyed and DAY 1: Our Peace
When Jesus came as the Promised Messiah and the King of Read Ephesians 2:11–18
the Jews, He fulfilled God’s promise to Israel and He also became The old division saw the Jews as the keepers of the Law, the
the blessing for all the “families of the earth.” He brought the gift circumcised and Chosen People vs. the unclean, ungodly,
of salvation to both the Jew and the Gentile (those who are not uncircumcised, outside-of-the-covenant Gentiles. “But now,”
from Abraham’s family). Ephesians 2:13 says, “in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have
In Old Testament reality, the Gentile was “alienated from been brought near by the blood of Christ.” Jesus is our Peace—the
the commonwealth of Israel and strangers to the covenants peace treaty and peacemaker who takes the two sides and makes them
of promise, having no hope and without God in the world” into one new thing, one Body—the Church (vv. 15–16).
(Ephesians 2:12). We were not the Chosen People; we lived behind
a “Berlin Wall” outside of the covenant.
Jot down the “before” and “after” pictures (vv. 11–12; 18–22).
Thanks to Christ, that spiritual Berlin Wall has been destroyed.
“But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been
brought near by the blood of Christ. For he himself is our peace,
who has made us both one and has broken down in his flesh the
dividing wall of hostility” (vv. 13–14). Christ broke down the wall
that separated us not only from God but also from the Jews.
What do you gain from the peace Jesus has made for you (vv. 16–18)?
When you come to faith in Jesus Christ—whether you’re a Jew
or a Gentile—you become a “partaker of the promise in Christ
Jesus through the gospel” (Ephesians 3:6). You belong to the Body
of Christ, the Church. You have a share in the salvation and eternal
inheritance God promises to all who believe. It is faith that matters,
not ancestry.
Is access to God something you treasure or take for granted?

10 meet with G od March 2010

Romans 5:1–11 DAY 4: The Mystery
While we were sinners, we were at war with God. Peace was
only possible through Christ. How are we “justified” (“just Read Ephesians 3:1–13
as if we had never sinned”)? Today, we talk of a mystery as something yet to be solved. But
Paul uses the word to mean something that could only be known
DAY 2: Peace with God

by special revelation (v. 5). Paul saw it as an act of God’s grace (an
undeserved favor) to have the opportunity to share this mystery
with the Gentiles, and it was worth any amount of suffering.
Compare with Ephesians 2:8–9.
How would you describe the mystery in 3:1–6?
We have __________________________ with God. (5:1)
Through Him we have also ____________________. (5:2)
We __________________________ in hope. (5:2)
How might you share this mystery?
We rejoice in __________________________. (5:3)
While we were __________________________. (5:6)
While we were still sinners, _____________________. (5:8)
What do you think you might have to suffer in order to make this
We have now been justified by __________________. (5:9) mystery known?
We are __________________________ to God. (5:10)
We shall be _______________________. (5:10)

DAY 3: Christ in the Middle How does this definition apply to Christ’s relationship to the Church?
Read Ephesians 2:14–22
Ephesians 2:20 tells us that Christ is the “cornerstone” of the
Church. When buildings were made of large stones laid on top
of one another, the cornerstone was the first stone placed. All
the other stones were aligned with the cornerstone to make sure How does it apply to your relationship with Him?
that the walls were straight and strong. Any deviation from the
cornerstone could cause the walls to buckle and fall.
P a u l m o ves from
oint, ing truth
At this p t o a p p ly
truth that
teaching he stops to pray
But first
i ll b e r o oted and
rs w
his reade o r s t r e ngthened
in C h r i s t , from the WEEKEND: Wisdom of Christ
inside ou
t. DAY 5:
Read 1 Corinthians 2:5–16
Rooted & Wisdom is more than knowledge; it’s the ability to apply what
Grounded we know to our lives. Paul says that the more we grow in our
relationship with Christ, becoming mature, the more we will
Read Ephesians 3:11–21 understand and accept what God is doing. To the person without
Christ, the choices we make will appear foolish. To the spiritually
On April 10, 1963, the nuclear attack submarine Thresher was
mature, however, they will make perfect sense.
performing test dives to determine the optimum depth at which
it could operate when a malfunction occurred which sank it to a
What is the “secret and hidden wisdom of God” (vv. 7–9)?
level of 8,400 feet. At that depth the hull could not withstand the
pressure of the water and within minutes the submarine imploded,
killing all 129 men aboard. Like water pressure on a sub, the trials
and tribulations of life can put you under tremendous pressure.
Without a corresponding pressure or strength on the inside, your
life can implode.
Who helps us to discern God’s wisdom (vv. 12–13)?
What is the source of the believer’s strength (v. 16)?

What is Paul’s desired outcome (vv. 18–19)? What wisdom has God shown you in this passage? How will you
apply it?

What do you need from Paul’s prayer to help you be strong today?
while this is important for all people, it is especially important within
week three the Church as the Body of Christ.
unity The community of the Church, properly built up in Christ,
is a powerful thing. For this reason, we all have a part in
This week consider what opportunities building the Body of Christ—the Church—“until
you have to build unity in the Body of we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the

knowledge of the Son of God, to mature
manhood ... so that we may no longer be

What do the words “opportunity” children, tossed to and fro by the waves

and “community” have in common? and carried about by every wind of

The word “unity.” This is probably doctrine, by human cunning, by
just a coincidence, but spiritually craftiness in deceitful schemes”
these three words form the basis
p e (vv. 13–14).
of Paul’s message in Ephesians 4.
In Paul’s letter to the h o It is only when the church

is operating by these principles
Galatians, he writes, “So then, that it can achieve the goal
as we have opportunity, let
r c h Paul mentions earlier in this

us do good to everyone, and letter. “So that through the
especially to those who are
C church the manifold wisdom

of the household of faith” of God might now be made

(Galatians 6:10). Now here in
Ephesians, Paul gets specific:
“Walk in a manner worthy of
way known to the rulers and
authorities in the heavenly
places” (3:10).
the calling to which you have As we’ll find out later
been called, with all humility
and gentleness, with patience, fa in our study of Ephesians,

there are a lot of spiritual

bearing with one another in love” forces dead set against unity in
(Ephesians 4:1–2). And later, “Let the church, and the results when
all bitterness and wrath and anger and they are successful are devastating.


clamor and slander be put away from The answer is unity. Paul reminds us,
you, along with all malice” (v. 31). “there is one body and one Spirit—just

We usually think of opportunities as as you were called to the one hope that
chances to better ourselves or our situation. But belongs to your call—one Lord, one faith,
Paul says that rather than improving ourselves, we
one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is
should seek opportunities to better each other. And over all and through all and in all” (vv. 4–6).

16 meet with G od March 2010 meet with G o d M a r c h 2010 17

yourself Ever had a Bible verse shift from words on a page to a guiding influence in your
life? For me, Ephesians 4:3 is one of those verses.
At the end of my junior year in high school, our small
in G od’s Word! Christian school terminated the senior high program. It was a blow
for everyone but especially devastating for our junior class. We were
a small close-knit group with big plans for our senior year.
Now we would scatter to other schools and about half of us
Read Ephesians 4:1–10 would spend our senior year at—our rival Christian high school!
Yes, even Christian schools develop fairly intense rivalries. You can
The word “walk” means “to live.” We begin by accepting imagine how we felt about that—bigger class, bigger school with
Christ as our Savior, but then we have to live out that the kids who were “the opposition” in sports, music and drama.
commitment (walk) in our daily lives. And of course, they didn’t like it any better than we did.
DAY 1: Walk Worthy

The first day of school came, and something happened.

How are you supposed to walk (vv. 1–3) and what does that We started with prayer and a class meeting, selecting officers,
look like? addressing issues and choosing our class verse. Christian school,
remember? It goes with class colors, flower, etc. The verse?
Ephesians 4:3, “eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the
bond of peace.” Unity and peace—what an audacious concept for
40 high school seniors, rivals, newcomers and old guard!
What are you doing to encourage “unity” in your local Somehow, over the days and weeks that followed, as we lived
church? with that verse and the knowledge we were to “walk worthy of the
calling … with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing
with one another in love,” things started to change. We began to
come together, making friends, playing for the same team, cheering
for new colors. We weren’t perfect kids; we had our moments but
rarely because of our former divisions.
Not long ago, I talked with a couple of my classmates and
someone brought up that experience. “It shouldn’t have worked,”
he said, “but it did.” We had an opportunity to see God move in
our hearts to be part of this living lesson, putting feet and feelings
to the instructions of God’s Word. And it’s stuck with me ever
since: I can “walk worthy, eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit
“I therefore ... urge you to in the bond of peace.”
walk in a manner worthy —ed.

of the calling to which living

you have been called.”
—ephesians 4:1
DAY 2: Equipped DAY 4: Freed
Read Ephesians 4:7–16 Read Romans 8:1–11
God equips those who’ve accepted Christ (the saints) for the work Condemnation is an ugly word, like the closing clang of a prison
of ministry. He doesn’t put us to work without the necessary tools. gate. So, it is a relief to read in Romans 8:1 that “There is therefore
Paul gives at least six goals this “equipping” should accomplish. List now no condemnation.” What does it mean “there is no
them here. condemnation”?

How were you set free? And for what purpose?

Draw up two columns; in one column, collect the words or phrases
that describe spiritual growth. Use the other column for steps you
can take to “grow up” spiritually (include ways others may help you).

Because “there is no condemnation,” I can __________________.

DAY 3: Renewed
Read Ephesians 4:17–24
Have you ever had a life-changing experience? Maybe you met When your life is changed by Christ, what are you to “put off ”
someone famous, moved to another state, got married or had your (v. 22) What should you “put on” instead (vv. 23–24)?
first child. Paul says meeting Christ should change our lives. How
does he describe life before meeting Christ (vv. 17–19)?
DAY 5: Grieving the Spirit Read Ephesians 4:25–32
Look up Ephesians
“Don’t use ____________
When we accept Christ as our Savior, the Holy Spirit comes or abusive language. Let
to dwell in us (2 Timothy 1:14). The word “dwell” implies 4:29–32 in the New
permanency. The Holy Spirit doesn’t come for a visit; He Living Translation everything you say be good and
comes to stay. When we commit a sin, the Holy Spirit and fill in these
spaces. ____________, so that your words
doesn’t leave us, but He is grieved and Paul warns against
that. What are some sins that will grieve the Holy Spirit? will be an ____________ to those

who hear them.

Which of these sins might you struggle with (verse 31–32)?

“And do not bring ____________ Try putting
to God’s Holy Spirit by the way these verses
in your
you live. Remember, he has identified you own words
and then give
as _________ own, guaranteeing that you
examples of how
will be ____________ on the day of you can live out
the instructions in
Weekend: The Spirit’s Help redemption.” these verses.
Read Romans 8:26–30
Have you ever been so shocked, sad or scared you couldn’t speak?

for kids or the kid in you ...

Life does that to us sometimes, but God has a solution. What help “Get ____________
does the Spirit give when we pray (vv. 26–27)? How has the Holy

fun zone
Spirit helped you? of all bitterness, rage,

____________, harsh words, and slander, as

well as all types of ___________ behavior.

Romans 8:28 is a popular verse to use when you’re struggling; how
Instead, be ____________ to each other,
does the context of 8:26–30 influence the way you use this verse?
tenderhearted, ____________one another,

just as ____________ through Christ

has forgiven ____________.”

week four You’ve probably seen the comedy sketch where one man,
guiding another, says, “Walk this way.” Then he moves off with an
exaggerated limp, bobbing his head or doing something silly. The
second man falls in behind him, attempting to “walk that way.”
Apart from the comedic element, that’s pretty much what
Paul tells us to do in Ephesians. He says, “Walk this way” and then
shows us how to walk through our lives as disciples or followers of
Jesus Christ.
Page through this letter and you’ll start to see it. Chapter 1
outlines what Christ has done for us, enabling us to “walk this way.”
We once walked in sin (2:1) but we’ve been made alive, created in
Christ Jesus for good works that we “might walk in them” (2:10).
We are urged to “walk ... worthy of the calling” (4:1), and he
describes what that looks like (4:2–3). We’re no longer to walk in
futility like those who don’t know Christ (4:17) but to walk with a
renewed mind (4:23–32) which influences our hearts, attitudes and
As we get into Ephesians 5, Paul offers some further advice.
“Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children. And walk
in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant
offering and sacrifice to God” (5:1–2). We’re to walk as imitators
of God and mimic how He operates, just as a child copies his
parents or the actors followed the comic’s lead. Our model is Jesus
the Son, who lived out the love of God for all to see. In John 13,
Jesus talked about this new way to walk, to be His disciples, as a
command to be fulfilled. “A new commandment I give to you, that
you love one another: even as I have loved you, you are also to love
one another. By this all people will know that you are my disciples,
if you have love for one another” (John 13:34–35).
This is discipleship, the walk of love which follows the
walk this way amazing model of Christ. And the good news? God the Father
equips us to “walk this way” in all facets of our lives. Take a look as
Ask God how to become more like Jesus, how to walk
you continue studying Ephesians 5 and 6 this week.
in love and wisdom and to glorify Him. Then determine
how you’ll do just that.

24 meet with G od March 2010 meet with G o d M a r c h 2010 25

yourself DAY 2: Walk Wisely
in G od’s Word! Read Ephesians 5:15–21
If you grow up on a farm, one lesson you learn early is to watch
your step. If you go out to the pasture, you’re careful about where
you walk, or you’ll bring some contents of the pasture home on
DAY 1: Walk in Love your shoe. The same is true in our spiritual walk. That’s why Paul
spends so much time on walking in love (vv. 2–8), in light (vv. 8–14)
Read Ephesians 5:1–10 and in wisdom (vv. 15–21).
There are some things only God can be. We can’t imitate Him as
infinite, all-knowing, eternal, sovereign, etc. But we can display What characteristics of each walk stand out to you?
some of the traits shared by God the Father and Jesus, God’s Son.
One is right there in Ephesians 5:2—love. We need to love others
as Christ loved us: “And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave
himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.”
What evidence is there in your life that you walk in love? In light?
What does this love require? In wisdom?

What did Christ give?

DAY 3: Husbands & Wives

Read Ephesians 5:22–33
We make a lot of jokes about husbands, wives and marriage, but
What sacrifice do you need to make to show those around God takes marriage very seriously. He gives us clear instructions
you that you love them? about how a husband and wife should relate. This week, make time
to talk with your spouse about your roles in the home. How are
you, individually, doing at living by God’s instructions? Where can
you support each other in making changes or strengthening what’s
working? End your time by asking the Lord to help you both build
a godly marriage.
DAY 4: Families, Slaves, Masters Read Ephesians 6:1–9
A family is more than a collection of people related by blood DAY 5: Stand Firm
or law. It is a living, influential, powerful unit which teaches
us the most important lessons in life. So, we need to pay close Read Ephesians 6:10–20
attention to what the Bible says about the family. Satan is a very powerful enemy. Peter describes him as a “roaring
lion, seeking someone to devour” (1 Peter 5:8). But that “someone”
What are the responsibilities of children and parents (vv. 1–4)? doesn’t have to be you, and Paul tells you how you are equipped to
deal with the enemy. What are you given to be “strong in the Lord”
(Ephesians 6:10–18)?

What do you learn about service and authority (vv. 5–9)?

With what piece of spiritual armor do you have the least experience
or training? What will you do to develop that skill?

How do you live out these attitudes in your family? In your

workplace? What would you like to see change? Next to each, write out what it means for you to put on that piece
of equipment each day.
Parents, sword
make a date with
each of your kids
over the next few
weeks and use that
“There is no time of night
time to build them up. or day when God can’t
Show them you’re proud of who they are and who they’re
becoming. Talk to them about their strengths, what they’re
hear us as we pray; there
good at and how you see God has gifted them. Let them
know you love them no matter what, unconditionally—
is no guarded room nor
just as God loves you. (By the way, even your adult place where we may not
children will appreciate hearing this from you.)
implore His grace.” —Dennis De Haan
Weekend: Pray at All Times
Read Ephesians 6:18–24
You can have “too much of a good thing” in many areas but
never in prayer. Paul closes this section of his letter with urgent
instruction we each need. According to Paul, who and what should
we pray for (vv. 18–20)?

Spend time right now praying for yourself and for others in the Meet with God, an official publication of Back to the Bible
challenge to walk as imitators of Christ. Woodrow Kroll, President
Copyright © 2010 The Good News Broadcasting Association, Inc.
All rights reserved. International copyright secured.

Printed in the U.S.A.

points renew your memor y

No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without
permission in writing from the publisher, except in the case of brief
quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.
Scripture quotations are taken from the English Standard Version,
unless where otherwise noted. Copyright ©2001 by Crossway
Bibles, a division of Good News Publishers. Used by permission.
All rights reserved.
Through Christ, God has chosen, redeemed, indwelt,
blessed, saved and employed you. What are you doing with
Editor: Barbara Gerhart
these gifts today?
Project Staff: Allen Bean, Ben Zuehlke, Barbara Gerhart,
Brandy Griffin, Emily Wurl, Kathy Thorne,
As a Christ-follower, you’re part of the Body, the Church. Leisa Larson
How would you rate your involvement with other believers? Design: Brandy Griffin
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What changes have you made knowing God has equipped
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