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Food list for 41 Days Liquid diet

Spinach, green
Bell peppers
Sweet potatoes
Lecithin Granules
Avocados Asparagus
Water melon
Grape fruit
Wheat Grass
Apple Cider Vinegar
Flaxseed oil
Black peppers

Skin clearing, stimulate and improve liver function.

Stimulate and improve liver function.
Purge Toxins

Regulate metabolism
Fat burning , fend off craving

Contains potassium & magnesium

Potassium, Zinc & remove excess fluids from body
Fibre, complex carbohydrates & protein
Papain enzyme aids the digestion of protein & breaking down food
Potassium, Zinc & fibre
Potassium, antioxidant & remove excess fluids from body
Liver detoxification

Slay off harmful bacteria in the intestines, flush out toxins

Clearing the skin & helps digestion

Fibre & proteins

Regulate blood sugar levels & burns existing fat

Zingibain enzyme aids the digestion of protein
Purge Toxins
prevent bloating, helps digestion

To work Grape Fruit + Lemon + Cinnamon + black pepper Apple Cider Vinegar Juice - for detoxification
Cinnamon + Mint Juice + Salt + Lime + Pappaya Paste - apply on For Glowing Skin
Cucumber + Tomato + Papaya Mask For Glowing Skin
Parsely + onion + Lemon juice to clean prostrate
Water Melon + Cucumber + Lemon Juice to balance stomach acidity
Beets + Lemon Juice to clean liver
Celery + Cinnamon + Bell Pepper + black pepper Juice for Weight loss

High fiber bran & apple

Calcium - Acid/alkaline balance
fiber, probiotics, and water.Zink and potassium

5 Rules

Oxidation 1:4:2 , breath : hold : breath out

Super hydrate body-Drink at least 3 liters of green drinks a day & water + lemon in it
Minimum 5 hours of Sleep Daily
Eat 4-6 small meals day a day instead of the usual 2-3 large meals.
EXERCISE Daily!!! aerobic exercise not less than 30min
Eat slowly. The body is slow to register is easy to eat too much if you are racing through your meals.
Always switch off Computer and other entertainment while eating to avoid eating larger portions
Plan your meals, snacks and shopping ahead of time at least a day before
Do not combine Protein and Starch / Sugar & Starch / Sugar & Protein / Fruits & Protein / Fruits and Starch
Develop probotics in your body by consuming - Asparagus, Beets onion & garlic
Begin each day with a serving of fruits only Grapefruit juice + lemon + hot water
Eat raw carbohydrates such as vegetables, whole-wheat instead processed carbohydrates
Consume adequate amounts of healthy fat foods - oliveoil,walnuts,almonds,Omega-3 lecithin
Consume high fiber foods to satisfy hunger and to control insulin and blood sugar levels
Choose food that you can chew-Chewing will make you feel more satisfied. So eat fruit instead of drinking juice
Soak nuts and seeds to activate their enzymes
Avoid Salt
Avoid cold or frozen foods
Avoid the injection of animal protein to the body
Avoid Simple carbohydrates (White flours, Potatoes)
Avoid Microwave Food - They destroys enzymes in the foods
Avoid Edible Fungus - They contain mycotoxins mushrooms
Avoid Microwave Food - They destroys enzymes in the foods
Avoid Yeast - They contain microform -beer, Breads and baked goods
Avoid Caffeine - They produce lots of acids and mucus chocolate, tea, coffee
Avoid Sugar -they are acidifying and Sugar feeds negative microforms like gasoline
Avoid High Sugar content Fruits Pineapple, Banana, Mango, Dates, papaya, orange, Grapes
Avoid Corn, Cashew nuts, Peanut & dried coconut - They contain mycotoxin producing fungi
Avoid Meats & Eggs They contain Mycotoxin, microforms, hormones, pesticides, steroids, antibiotics &
saturated Fats
Avoid Dairy Products - It contains pesticide residues, microforms, saturated fats, lactose which breaks down like
normal sugar, sticky mucus
Avoid heating of oils, burning, crisping and browning convert healthy foods into toxins, steam your foods rather
than cooking in oils and apply oils after warming or steaming.
Avoid Saturated Fats, Hydrogenated Fats (Solidified) and Animal Fats(Pork, Beef, Lamb, turkey, Egg, Chicken,
and Diary Except Fish) - they results in clogged arteries, heart disease, cancer
Avoid Refined and Processed Foods - they are loaded with sugar, salt, flavorings, colorings, additives,
preservatives & hydrogenated oils Ex - Junk foods, Chips, cookies, canned food etc
Avoid Fermented and Malted Products - They are fermented by fungus and creates sticky mucus - Vinegar,
Ketchup, Steak sauce, Soy sauce, Mayonnaise, monosodium glutamate(MSG), Alcohol, pickles, Malted milk
Avoid muffins, mayonnaise, chocolate, ice cream, cake, pastries, cookies, beans, cottage cheese, soft drinks,
concentrated fruit juices, alcohol, Animal Fat / Protein from chicken, fish, Mutton, Beef, eggs yogurt or Milk.

Living Health Anthony Robbins

Health is energy and energy comes from cells, the quality of health is based on the quality of cell & the energy level of it.
The energy level on the cells is based on how much oxygen in it not food , so if you are tired first thing you need to do is
to get more oxygen not food
If you have a high fat diet and wondering always tiered? When you have a high fat diet your red blood cells tend to stick
together, as a result the move slowly which means you have a less oxygen supply to cell, which cause lower energy
levels in cells... If you have lower oxygen levels in you cells some of them die, and some of the mutate new sells in an
effort to save body but because of the lower energy levels those newly mutated cells becomes toxic cells in other words
cancel cells
Secondly any disturbance to the electrical field would kill cells, every cell is a bio chemical electrical force , like sodium,
drugs it will destroy the thinner membrane of cells
Number one thing that will make your body week is opposite to most of people believes, Decreased work load make your
cells weaker, making less demand on your body make cells act week
While you are sleeping, you are not resting your body is working to break down all the junk you put in there, so you wake
up in the morning tiered, why you tiered? Because your body did not rest, you slept but your body
Note: Atrophy is the partial or complete wasting away of a part of the body. Causes of atrophy include mutations (which
can destroy the gene to build up the organ), poor nourishment, poor circulation, loss of hormonal support, loss of nerve
supply to the target organ, excessive amount of apoptosis of cells, and disuse or lack of exercise or disease intrinsic to
the tissue itself.
Reason for Cell Damage

Less oxygen supply due to Red blood cells still together because of high fat content
Over Demanding Demanding high levels of energy than you put in
Diminish blood supply Less oxygen
Inadequate nutrition cause cells atrophy
loss of inductance simulation, though times people goes through various emotion stages in life some time to avoid
pain we little slows down emotionally, to do that we shut down certain chemicals in our body, those chemicals are
critical for the life of various cells . In that way our emotional pattern literally would change our cells function

Aging is accumulation of toxic in the systems so that cells become weaker and weaker..
What causes decease? Germs are not the single cause of decease, they can contribute to it but they are not the cause!!!
Decrease is due to deficiency of force..
One cause poison build up is bio chemical additives, things that your body can not use in all kinds of foods
If you are making huge demand on the body to eliminate the toxic in the cells at the same time you dont have the nerve
energy to deal with it. It will lead you to decease. If you poise the body your body will try to eliminate it, all decease is your
body trying to eliminate the poison in it with low nerve energy to deal with it. In that sense decease is cure, When you
have the all the energy in it and you put all the poison it the body can deal with a lot but there is a point where there is
threatening to the quality of your life & survival body will try to eject all the toxic any all of us it can find, thats the
symptoms of decease
Any decease is nothing but the body is finding some way to get rid of the poison that you put in to your system. EX: How
does the body respond if you put poison in the blood stream? The body will try to get rid of it while trying to preserve the
integrity of the body. . Absorb and integrate
Germs are interim (taking place during an intermediate interval of time) cause of illness not the source of illness. Germs &
viruses are the co factors in the manifestation of decease, the do have some roles in decease but the cant do it alone.

They only can do it in an environment which allows them to multiply in an imbalance way. If your body is healthy it does
not decay inside, the only way germs can grow is to give them something that gives life.
Our cells have acids, alkaline and electric charges, and the ph balance should me 7.5(0 = pure acid, 14 pure alkaline, 7.5
is little more alkaline than acid). If you have a high acidic diet your body will try to balance it from alkaline reserves , if your
acidic level is beyond alkaline reserve your cells will start the die, when the cells dies they create more acids and the body
will find some means to eliminate it in some form of decease. Emotions such as Worrying, anxiety, anger releases acids
to blood streams, emotions like happiness, laugher releases alkaline to blood streams. Over exercise physical work
releases acids to blood streams. Drinking a green type of drink & green vegetables will add alkaline to body
If your blood has more acids in it, it will try to balance ph from drawing alkaline from fats & alkaline reserves. If those were
not enough all those acids in blood will run through artillery. What will acids do to your artilleries? It will create holes in
artillery walls so the body will create some binding agent to protect the artillery walls from acids, so it gathers and puts all
the cholesterols in the artillery walls to protect it. If you keep adding the acids the body will keep adding the cholesterol on
artillery till no room for blood to go through which might end up in heart attack, on the other hand if you have a alkaline
diet your body doesnt need any more cholesterol so it will automatically release all the cholesterol from it
Examples of acid addiction Cigarettes, alcohol, coffee etc , 20 parts of alkaline is necessary to neutralize 1 part of acid
in body
Alkalise & Energise
Sugar when metabolise = acid = glue, acid strips away the negative charge of the red blood cells which keeps them
repelling as a result they start to collect = less oxygen supply to cells = lower energy at cells = cells start to decay / mutate
cancer or toxic cells
Super hydrate body drink alot more fluids than you normally do but you also need to include drinks that are alkaline in
nature green drinks. by doing tht you have the fluids that you need, you wont be dehydrated, your blood sugar will be
even and your energy will start to spark up and all that energy available for your body immediately . Be idle for 7 to 10
days where you go on pretty much liquid diet green drinks and green soups, take rest give all the organs a break and let
the body flush away all toxic you have to drink at least 3 litters of these green drinks a day & water + lemon in it because
lemon adds alkaline to water
Steps of Living Health - 10day challenge

Oxidation 1:4:2 , breath : hold : breath out

Living waters & live foods
70% of your daily diet should be natural water content in it.
70% of diet is green drink
You must give yourself the gift of aerobic exercise not less than 30min
Give yourself maxim nourishment
The gift of structural support
The gift of directed mind
eliminate unwanted fats & oils
Must dramatically reduce / eliminate the injection of animal-flush to the body
1:4:2 breathing

8 buffeting systems
Elemental buffer - zinc, manganese, magnesium, calcium, sodium(not with chloride) they have negative charge so they attracts
acids with positive charge then couple with them, neutralize and help to eliminate

Protein reserve
Fat reserve
Poly mono saturated fats better than mono saturated fats
Avocado one of the best 75 MHz energy

Sugar- ferments - acid

Low sugar high water content = alkaline food
Any cancer there might be higher content of lactic acid
Body used fruits first then carbohydrates then protein
Auto intoxication, the body is constantly renewing itself But you are not supporting, dealing with source not the cause
of problem

Milk/banana - contains sugar -sugar ferments in to Lactic acid - not easy to digest - combine with the Calcium reserves of
body(bones) withdraws calcium from body - calcium reserves neutralize in to body content and body starts shrinking
Coffee or sugar goes in you will have a burst of energy because of the poison that goes in , it metabolize in to acid and there
will be a massive alkaline reserve energy release in body to neutralize it, so you might feel like regaining energy but it actually
killing you slowly
70% of your daily diet should be natural water content in it.
Decrease in water intake will cause fat deposit to increase and increase in water intake will actually decrease fat deposit almost
immediately. One of the livers primary functions - detoxifies the body - metabolize stored fats in to useful energy. Drinking
water helps to maintain proper muscle tone by giving muscles their natural ability to counteract and thereby preventing
dehydration it also help to prevent sagging skin usually follows weight loss shrinking cells supported by the water plumbs
leaves clear healthy resilient .If you don't drink enough water you won't feel thirsty for it so you might think you don't need
any more water
Give yourself maxim nourishment
A. Don't start day with big breakfast or coffee , if your body working all night to breakdown all the junk you put in, and in the
morning if the first thing you do is to put back more junk in to it, what will happen? Does it make sense? What makes
common sense is your breakfast should be something alive / green which will give energy to cells not acids from dead foods .
You should breakfast with fresh fruit juice till afternoon it will provide live enzymes
B. Properly combine your foods for maximum nourishment and energy don't combine protein(acid-meat) and
carbohydrate(alkaline-ex potato) remember simple chemistry what will happen if you combine acid and alkaline ? They
neutralize each other but the problem Is it haven't digest yet and you body have to put maximum nerve energy Protein putties
and carbohydrates ferments.
Fruits go right trough the stomach & instantly ferments so fruits have to take in empty stomach and do not combine with
anything else, same way carbohydrate and protein need to take separately
Food becomes recreation instead of nutrition look at natural animals normally eat only one type of food at a time, that's how
the body works one at a time. Eat only one concentrated food at a time
Must dramatically reduce / eliminate the injection of animal-flush to the body
Too much protein will create excess nitrogen in body and excess nitrogen will make you unbelievably tired. Every food that
you consume have protein in it and you don't have poison yourself by eating to dead cells of another animal for protein. What
gives meat/chicken taste is uric acid in it. It's the urine acid of animal. When animal dies asthmatic pressure disappears then
Collin germs flood all around the body
Living Health

Eat 4-6 small meals day a day instead of the usual 2-3 large meals.
EXERCISE Daily!!! min 30min running + strength training
Drink 3 to 4 litter water per day
Eat raw carbohydrates such as vegetables, whole-wheat instead processed carbohydrates
Begin each day with a serving of fruits only Grapefruit juice + lemon + hot water
Consume adequate amounts of healthy fat foods - oliveoil,walnuts,almonds,Omega-3 lecithin
Consume high fiber foods to satisfy hunger and to control insulin and blood sugar levels
Include super foods in daily diet Tomato, Spinach, Green tea, Lemon, Olive oil, Almond


Eat slowly. The body is slow to register is easy to eat too much if you are racing through your meals.
Eat warmed foods instead of cooked or cold or frozen foods
Choose food that you can chew-Chewing will make you feel more satisfied. So eat fruit instead of drinking juice
Always switch off Computer and other entertainment while eating to avoid eating larger portions
Plan your meals, snacks and shopping ahead of time at least a day before
Food log - Keep a note of everything that you eat and drink.
Include Grapefruit, Peppers, Spinach, Beans, Broccoli, Berries, Cabbage, Carrots, Lettuce, Melons, Onions,
Pasta, Sweet Potatoes, Tomatoes.
16. Avoid Sugar, Simple carbohydrates (White flours, Potatoes),High calorie, Animal protein, transitions fat and
saturated fat
17. Avoid muffins, mayonnaise, chocolate, ice cream, cake, pastries, cookies, beans, cottage cheese, soft drinks,
concentrated fruit juices, alcohol, Animal Fat / Protein from chicken, fish, Mutton, Beef, eggs yogurt or Milk.
18. Phase out all sugary dessert - one sugary dessert can ruin even the best alkaline meal. If unavoidable eat
dessert first or in between meals but do not combine sugary dessert with meals
Restoring Health
1. Prebiotics - develop probotics in your body by consuming - Asparagus, Beets onion & garlic
2. Normalize pH of blood and tissue and clean intestines by eating Alkaline foods
3. Promote nutrient absorption of body by consuming right foods at right quantity in right manner
Consume phytonutrients - which give plants colors - which help to prevent cancer lower cholesterols and
stops hormones from being turned in to acids
4. Consume only Essential Fatty Acids (EFA) - to strengthen cell walls and to improve brain function, to protect
against hear disease, high blood pressure, allergies, skin conditions, to lubricate joints -Poly unsaturated fats can
be found in flaxseed / cold pressed grape seed / olive oils, nuts or avocado do not heat these oils add them to
warmed / steamed vegetables combining lime juice
5. Begin each day a right breakfast - Start your day with low-carbohydrate, high-fiber, High water content Meal.
Dont let the first meal of your day slow you down by consuming Acidic, High Protein, High Sugar, High Salt, High
Starch foods
Proper Food combining - Human digestive system is not designed for complex meals. we are capable of digesting many
different kinds of food doesn't mean we can do so all once Protein digestion requires a highly acidic environment and it
takes place in stomach. Starch, Vegetables and fats requires a mildly alkaline environment for digestion and it takes place
in mouth and small intestine. Fruits digest rapidly. Animal protein when digested in stomach it creates acid, when
combined with starches, the sugar in starches make even more acid, Oils slow the digestion animal protein and lead to
indigestion, heart burn and gas.
If you are eating animal protein, do not combine it with cold water, as cold shutdown digestive activity as easily as it
preserves food because water and other juices dilutes the digestive chemicals, so it should be drunk at least half an hour
before, or one hour after, a meal that includes animal protein, just few sips of warm water after a meal will aid the

Do not combine Protein and Starch / Sugar & Starch / Sugar & Protein / Fruits & Protein / Fruits and Starch
Low - Sugar / high - water vegetables or fruits combine with everything. So eat them separately.
Eat Starch with vegetables not with Animal Proteins. Do not use starch with animal protein, Acids, Fruits or oil
Eat Animal Protein alone or with vegetables But not with starch
Eat Fruits on its own - Donts eat fruits with protein , starch, Vegetables or Oil
Do not eat oils with animal fats or proteins, combine them with vegetables if necessary

1. Do not take lemons or lime within half an hour before a meal or ten minutes after you finish a meal , its best to
drink and hour before eating to promote digestion.
2. Grated carrot makes a great snack. Grated carrot is much more filling than a whole carrot. Strange but true.
3. Use whole grains wherever possible. The fiber will give you a fuller feeling and also help your digestion.
4. Salmonella contamination or Yeast infection / fungus infection which prevents absorption of nutrients in to body.
5. Do not replace sugar with artificial sweeteners because they will create craving for food
6. Pasteurization of Milk destroys beneficial enzymes in milk, if necessary use only unprocessed organically grown
goat's milk which contains antifungal caprylic acid

7. Calcium helps to neutralize the acid content of acid food, when you eat acidic food body tries to return to its
neutral state by withdrawing calcium from bones. Kidneys also draw calcium from bones to eliminate excess
nitrogen found in animal protein
8. Osteoporosis - Bone weakening disease due to protein overdose, due to calcium robbing from bones to neutralize
excess nitrogen from proteins.
9. Burning, crisping and browning convert healthy foods into toxins. Its especially important not to heat oils ,
steam your foods rather tan cooking in oils and apply oils after warming or steaming.
10. Soak nuts and seeds to activate their enzymes , its also makes them easier to chew and therefore to digest,
place nuts in a covered container with water for 2 hours for almonds 12 hours, they will plumb up absorbing the
water and oxygen in the water and eat them within two days.
11. Condiments - Use only Lemon, Lime, ginger, garlic, onions, grape seed / flax seed / olive oils and herbs instead to
Mayonnaise, Barbecue sauce, soy sauce. Lemon and lime are alkalizing and it helps to stop sugar craving.
Garlic, onion and ginger are naturally antifungal ant parasitic

What to Avoid
1. Sugar - Sugar feeds negative microforms like gasoline
2. Salt
3. Refined and Processed Foods - they are loaded with sugar, salt, flavorings, colorings, additives, preservatives
& hydrogenated oils Ex - Junk foods, Chips, cookies, canned food etc
4. Dairy Products - It contains pesticide residues, microforms, saturated fats, lactose which breaks down like
normal sugar, sticky mucus
5. Saturated Fats, Hydrogenated Fats (Solidified) and Animal Fats(Pork, Beef, Lamb, turkey, Egg, Chicken, and
Diary Except Fish) - they results in clogged arteries, heart disease, cancer
6. Meats & Eggs They contain Mycotoxin, microforms, hormones, pesticides, steroids, antibiotics & saturated Fats
7. Yeast - They contain microform -beer, Breads and baked goods
8. Edible Fungus - They contain mycotoxins mushrooms
9. Fermented and Malted Products - They are fermented by fungus and creates sticky mucus - Vinegar, Ketchup,
Steak sauce, Soy sauce, Mayonnaise, monosodium glutamate(MSG), Alcohol, pickles, Malted milk
10. High Sugar content Fruits Pineapple, Banana, Mango, Dates, papaya, orange, Grapes
11. Caffeine - They produce lots of acids and mucus chocolate, tea, coffee
12. Corn, Cashew nuts, Peanut & dried coconut - They contain mycotoxin producing fungi
13. Heated Oils -they are nutritionally destroyed
14. Microwave Food - They destroys enzymes in the foods
15. Artificial Sweeteners - they are acidifying
Lemon +9.9
Almond +3.6
Avocado +15.6
Wheat grass +33.8
Green Tea

Spinach +8.0
Beans +11.5
Red Cabbage
Tomatoes +13.6
Cucumber +31.5

Pasta -10.5
Green Cabbage


Onion +3.0
Garlic +13.2

Flax seed Oil +.3.5
Sweet Potatoes*
Chick peas*
Lentil *
Red Radish +16.7

Three parts of digestion Mouth (teeth & saliva), Small intestine (stomach acid breaks down the foods and nutrients are
absorbed during this stage) & Large intestine (water and minerals are absorbed then the rest excrete as waste)
Calcium 1grm , Protein 25grm

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