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Tel [Telephone]
Fax [Fax]

[City, ST ZIP]


[Add a quote here from one of your company executives or use this
space for a brief summary of the document content.]

Table of Contents

To Our Stockholders___________________________________________________________1
Financial Summary___________________________________________________________1
Financial Statements__________________________________________________________1
Notes to Financial Statements___________________________________________________1
Independent Auditors Report____________________________________________________1
Contact Information___________________________________________________________1
Company Information__________________________________________________________1

Pg. 1
Got something
very important to
point out to your
readers? Use a
sidebar to make
it stand out.


To Our Stockholders
Strategic Highlights
Weve added a few tips (like this one) to help you get started.
When you click tip text, the whole tip is selected. Just start typing to replace it with your own.
The headings, however, are typical annual report headings that you might want to use as-is.

Financial Highlights
We love the cover page of this template. But we also think you should have options. On the
Insert tab, click Cover Page for a gallery of choices. And dont worry about text youve already
added to that page. It will still be there after you choose another cover.

Operating Highlights
Want to add another heading or quote? You can match any formatting you see on this page in
one click, using Styles. Find a gallery of styles for this template on the Home tab of the ribbon.

Looking Ahead
If you change or add headings in this document, you can update the table of contents in a
snap. To see new headings, click anywhere in the table of contents and then click Update

Chief Executive Name

Chief Executive Title

Pg. 2


Financial Summary
Use this section to give a brief summary of your financials, highlighting important points.
This is also the perfect place for a few charts that demonstrate key financial information. To add
a chart, on the Insert tab, click Chart. The chart will automatically coordinate with the look of
your report.
Need some help choosing a chart type? No problem.
To show values across categories, such as to compare the revenues of different
business units, try a column or bar chart.
To show values over time, such as for revenue or profit trends, try a line chart.
To compare two sets of related values, such as to compare executive salaries relative to
number of years with the company, try a scatter chart.
And when youre ready to customize the look of your chart, just click in the chart and then
check out the icons you see on the right for everything from style and layout to managing data.


Pg. 3

Financial Statements
Statement of Financial Position
Statement of Financial Position
Ownership Equity

Statement of Comprehensive Income (Profits and Losses)


Statement of Changes in Equity

Well, it wouldnt be an annual report without a lot of numbers, right? This section is the place
for all those financial tables.
To get started with a table that looks just like the sample here, on the Insert tab, click Tables,
then choose Quick Tables.


Statement of Cash Flows






Pg. 4



Hancurkan kebiasaan lama yg merugikan

Keluar dari zona nyaman
Ciptakan kebiasaan baru yg bagus
Puasa pikiran
Tentang/larang semua hal jelek yg mau masuk ke
Ciptakan lingkungan yg mendukung utk lulus
Bareng sama temen" seperjuangan
Tiap bulan wajib try out
Bikin step"nya untuk mencapai itu semua harus jelas
Misalnya bulan pertama 30%, sedangkan targetnya
80%, masih ada waktu tersisa 6 bulan, oleh karena

itu tiap bulan harus ada peningkatan 9% misalnya.

9. Bikin target" tiap bulan ATAU BAHKAN
10. Kalo udah jelas target"nya, cari informasi untuk
mencapai ini semua, syaratnya apa aja.
11. Setiap 1 atau 2 minggu kerjain 1 set kapita selekta
lengkap fungsinya sebagai tryout pribadi
12. Basic skils sama thinking platform ulang" selama 12 bulan
13. Review teori dengan latihan soal soal pada bab yg

Type caption here.

To replace the
picture with your
own, select it and
then press Delete.
You will see a
placeholder that
you can click to
select your image.

udah seminggu sekali

14. 1 minggu fisika + Inggris
1 minggu matematika + biologi
1 minggu kimia + Indonesia
15. Kalo lupa pada soal suatu bab, review teorinya,
kerjain soal" perbabnya
16. Ketika tryout usahakan BISA jawab semua.
17. Ciptakan habits isi semua
18. Kalo merasa kurang bisa, saat review kerjakan soal
campuran lebih banyak

Pg. 5


19. Makin lama, makin banyak review dan pengulangan biar jago
20. Kalo masih merasa kurang pada soal" yg udah dipelajari, coba review
teorinya, kalo masih kurang coba perbanyak latihan soal" yg berhubungan
dengan bab itu.
21. Kalo ada bagian bab yg dikata sangat sangat susah, dan masih banyak yg
lain yg mudah, mending skip dulu aja, latihan lagi nanti, perkuat teori lagi
22. Buat daftar bab permata pelajaran, dan catat berapa persen penguasaannya.
23. Harus punya raport buat diri elo sendiri.
Terdiri dari bab permata Pelajaran, kalo bahasa inggris (reading, vocab,
24. Lihat persentasenya berdasarkan tryout yg udah.
25. Jangan sampe berantem sama pacar
26. Kalo berantem terus sama pacar, mending putusin aja, bulan desember
harus udah nyaman
27. WAJIB, NNTON 2-3 FILM PERMINGGU dgn subtitle bahasa inggris.
28. Jangan hanya belajar di permukaannya, dalami!!!!!
29. Bikin mind mapping tiap bab. Kategorinya pasti ada nyata. Lakukan
30. Imajinasi segala sesuatu yg belum anda tau.
31. Coba alihkan pada hal" yg penting (yg signifikan membuat elo mencapai
tujuan) jangan lagi pada hal" yg sifatnya urgent (ada deadlinenya)
32. Tinggalkan hal" yg ga penting
33. Hindari film" horor atau action yg murahan
34. Kalo materi lupa, review lagi kerjain latihan soalnya
35. Alokasikan penguasaan tiap bab waktunya.
36. Buat target BULANAN DAN MINGGUAN. (timen management)
37. Dahulukan hal" yg paling strategis atau yang paling sulit dan yg paling
38. Kasih nilai pada semua kegiatan yg akan dilakuin, jangan lakukan yg B
39. Daftarkan hal" yg membuat elo gagal
40. Kalo pas udah ngerjain soal perbab, elo harus jago bener" jago saat itu juga.
41. Bikon raport tkpa juga
42. Setelah tryout, buat catatan tentang masalh yg dihadapi

Pg. 6


43. Trick untuk ujian semester ditengah sibuknya aktivitas ini, Kuasai
foundationnya + Review teori secepatnya. Pakai kesempatan belajar biat
semester, buat belajar S2 juga. Sambil belajar buat semester, kerjain soal
soal semester untuk menunjang keahlian ngerjain soal di tes S2

Pg. 7

Independent Auditors Report

1.1 Unqualified Opinion
1.2 Qualified Opinion Report
1.3 Adverse Opinion Report
1.4 Disclaimer of Opinion Report
1.5 Auditors Report on Internal Controls of Public Companies
1.6 Going Concern



Pg. 8

Contact Information
To replace a photo with your own, right-click it and then choose Change Picture.
Tel [Telephone]
Fax [Fax]
[Email Address]

Tel [Telephone]
Fax [Fax]
[Email Address]

Tel [Telephone]
Fax [Fax]
[Email Address]

Pg. 9

Company Information
[Street Address, City, ST ZIP Code]
Tel [Telephone]
Fax [Fax]


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