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Mrs. Genao and Mrs.

Dear Parents & Guardians,
Welcome to the Third Grade! Your child has two teachers; Mrs. Genao & Mrs. Godfrey.
The following information will help you and your child make a smooth transition into third grade.
We look forward to working with you and your child.
1. Notices: You will be receiving many notices and forms throughout the year. Some of
these will need to be completed by you and returned to school with your child. Please read
each note carefully and sign those forms that ask you to do so and send them back
promptly. It is essential that you check your childs folder every day. This is where you
will receive all notices. Please encourage your child to place any notice about dismissal
changes in the basket first thing in the morning.
2. Attendance: When your child is absent, please send in a note from home informing us why
he/she was not present. School begins at 8:00am promptly. If your child arrives after
8:05 am they will be marked late as per the principal. School closings- please listen to the
news. Log on to the NYC Dept. of Ed. Website at
3. Dismissal: All walkers are dismissed by 2:20p.m. We will be out a few minutes earlier to
ensure the safety of your child. The dismissal door is through the gym/exit on 16 th Road.
If your child is going on a play date with a class/schoolmate or going home with another
adult, you must send in a note indicating who is picking up your child. If you do not have a
note or the person is not on the blue emergency card we will NOT dismiss your child.
4. Gym: Please have your child wear sneakers on the days that we have gym.
5. Collections: Throughout the year we will be collecting money for trips, lunch, etc. When
sending money into school, please place it in an envelope with your childs name and class
and indicate what the money is for. Please send in the exact amount as change is not
always available.
6. Trips: We will go on several trips throughout the year. Please return permissions slips and
money promptly.
7. Homework: A weekly homework sheet with reminders will be given to your child with
homework assignments listed. The homework will be on the class website as well. Please
check all homework assignments. Please do not go ahead with the Math homework. For the
majority of the year our homework will basically be as follows:
a. Monday: WOW 5x, Math, Response Log (choose a topic that interests you from the
list of ideas in the front cover of your Response Log notebook).
b. Tuesday: Sentences 1-10, Math, Comprehension Sheet
c. Wednesday: Sentences 11-20, Math, Response Log
d. Thursday: WOW ABC Order, Math, Comprehension Sheet
e. Friday: Read, Math Homework (IF a new lesson is taught on that day)
** Test prep homework will begin in January.
***Occasionally there will be other homework that does not follow the pattern

8. 3-211s Prep Schedule We are working on a temporary schedule. Once it is finalized we

will notify you and post it on our website.
9. Curriculum: Our curriculum is Common Core. You may access the standards online to get a
general idea of what your child will be learning this year. Simply type in Third Grade
Common Core Standards and you will see what we will be doing in all major subject areas
this year. We are using Go Math and Ready Gen as tools to access this information.
a. WOW: Words of the week
i. Your child will receive 20 words per week following a specific pattern.
ii. Every Friday your child be assessed using these words.
iii. Every night your child will do a different assignment with the words.
iv. Make flashcards and study the words each night.
v. WOW notebooks will be checked on Friday.
vi. **You may work on WOW throughout the week. It is all due by Friday.
b. Go Math
i. Math is taught everyday for approximately 90 minutes. Go Math is a
program that involves the depth study of math skills where children are
expected to record/write, solve, and explain their understanding of the
lesson or skill taught.
a. Math homework will be assigned Monday-Friday
b. Math homework is stapled together in your childs math folder.
Please do not go ahead.
There are 12 chapters in our study this year. Each chapter is
followed by an assessment. One day prior to the assessment there
is a review of the chapter taught.
c. Ready Gen/Common Core
i. Ready Gen includes vocabulary, word work (phonics and sight words) as well
as close reading of a text in order to connect and respond to text
effectively through discussions and writing.
d. Social Studies: Passports- Connecting with the world. It is a new program that we
are beginning this year. Please be patient as we enter this new journey together.
e. Cursive Writing/Typing- We will learn how to write in cursive. This is an
enrichment activity that we will be working on throughout the year. We will focus
on this more after testing.
10. Celebrations: If your child would like to celebrate his or her birthday in class, please set
up a date and time with us before you plan it. Classroom parties usually consist of
cupcakes, donuts, munchkins, cookies or some other small individual treat and drink, but
no cake. Please be aware that there are children in our class with PEANUT allergies.
Please make an effort to send in safe items. If your child has an allergy, we ask that you
send in a safe snack to be kept in the classroom for your child to be given during parties
where items are not clearly marked safe for peanut allergies. When we are unsure, we
do not share.

11. Class Library: Our library is open and our students are able to borrow books from our
library. These books must be kept in a book baggie that has been provided. We want our
library to last many years; therefore, please keep our books safe and return them in the
condition they came home in. Your child may borrow books on the day their table is able
to book shop. (Table 1-Monday, Table 2- Tuesday, Table 3- Wednesday, Table 4Thursday). This is the same time that books will be able to be exchanged.
12. Portfolios- In regards to school work, please do not be alarmed that a lot of work remain
in school. Each child will have a portfolio or work folder for work and assessments.
13. Assessments- The children will be assessed frequently over the school year. They will be
assessed after each math unit. Notice will be given when the math tests will take place.
They will also be assessed in their reading, spelling, vocabulary, and writing skills using
various assessments. Spelling tests will be on Thursdays, and Vocabulary Tests will be on
Fridays. Please sign and return any assessments that may be sent home.
14. Contact Information If you need to contact us, you can call the school at (718) 3523939 and leave a message with the secretaries. The school fax line is (718) 352-0367.
You can also email us at and You can
also write a note and send it with your child. IF THERE IS AN EMERGENCY, DO NOT
EMAIL OR LEAVE A VOICE MESSAGE just in case we do not see it or hear it in a timely
15. State Exams
a. ELA: March 28-30
b. Math: May 2-4
16. Behavior:
a. The Table Incentive: Marble Jar. The table will be working together as a team to
earn marbles for being ready. Working together as a team is an essential skills for
third graders to learn. On Fridays we will count the marbles to see which team has
the most. The team with the most marbles for the week will earn a prize.
b. Individual: We will be initiating Class DOJO in class. More information to follow.
If you have any questions, please feel free to write us a note. We will try to respond as quickly
as we can. We do hope that you find this information helpful. Please keep this handy to refer to
it during the year. We are looking forward to a fun and memorable year!

Mrs. Genao & Mrs. Godfrey

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