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Tricia Hansen, Pass Trinity now GESE Grades 9-10 =D Contents GRADE 9 _GRADE 10 Language Functions Grammar review Evaluating options Mixed conditionals Hypothesising Modals with the passive Expressing abstract ideas Review units 1-2-3 24 26 Should/might/eould/must + Evaluating past actions have and the perfect infinitive Wish, hope and ifonly Expressing regrets, wishes, and hopes Verbs followed by gerund Paraphrasing and/or infinitive: Review units 4-5-6 44 uNT7_ Roles in the famil: 46. Idioms & expressions Developing an argument (Meee Ova ee) 52 Intensifiers Defending a paint of view ee] sa ‘A) / Stress management (B Expressions used in Expressing beliefs conversation Review unis 7-8-9 64 Mees oF Cr RCW Aa ee ee) The passive Expressing opinions tentatively Tentative expressions ES een ‘A) / Social issues (B) Intensifiers & modifiers Summarising arguments Bideos eer PET ‘A) / International events (B) Signposting words Deducing & expressing assumptions Review units 10-11-12 84

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