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Maritime Research Institute Netherlands MARIN

HMC Heerema

Les moonpools sont employees sur diffrents types de navires, cabliers, exploration et forage ptrolier,
barge de production, recherche, ou support offshore. Elles servent a la mise a 1'eau d'quipements
(pose de cable, pipeline, riser) ou de plongeurs dans un environnement protg des vagues extrieures.
Cette fonction est assure tant que la colonne d'eau n'entre pas en rsonance, excite par 1'action des
vagues et les mouvements de pilonhemert du navire, provoquant des oscillations verticales pouvant
aller jusqu'a trois a quatre fois la hauteur des vagues. Un autre phnomne d'oscillation peut aussi se
produire en eau calme avec vitesse d'avance. Les oscillations provoquent une augmentation de la
rsistance a 1'avancement. Lorsque ces oscillations prennent une amplitude suffisante, Ie navire luimme se met a pilonner et cavaler. Malgr 1'ensemble des recherches conduites sur Ie sujet, la plupart
des solutions trouves 1'ont t de maniere empirique. Ce mmoire prsente des rsultats d'essais o
de nouvelles solutions pour attnuer ces oscillations ont t tudies. Des nouvelles approches
numriques prometteuses sont aussi prsentes, faisant appel aux methodes VOF.

Moonpools are used on many types of vessels: cable-laying vessels, exploration and drilling vessels,
production barges, research and offshore support vessels. They are used to launch and retrieve
equipment, divers or diving bells, or lay cables or risers, in an environment protected from the waves.
This use is valid as long as the column of water does not enter in resonant condition, excited by the
waves and the heave motion of the vessel. In resonant condition, the oscillations can reach as much as
three to four times the wave height. Another case of oscillation is observed in calm water with forward
speed of the ship. The oscillations will cause a dramatic increase in calm water rsistance. With large
oscillations, the vessel will also start to heave and surge. Despite the research effort conducted on that
subject, most of the solutions were found and are still found and validated experimentally. The present
paper shows recent solutions applied to reduce the oscillations in the moonpool caused by the forward
speed of the vessel. New numerical methods are also presented to solve the problem in transit and
stationary conditions in waves, making using in particular of VOF models.

ship speed


A moonpool is a large wall-sided hole in the

bottom of a ship through which, for instance,
equipment can be lowered into the sea or
through which pipes (riser, cables or drills) are
going. When properly designed and located on
the vessel, the outside horizontal forces as well
as vertical motion of the water are suppressed
to allow safe subsea operations.
Vessels equipped with moonpools are drilling
vessels, pipe-laying vessels, rock dumping vessels, survey vessels or diving support vessels.
The column of water inside the moonpool can,
however, be excited at its own natural frequency resulting in large vertical motions described
in the literature as piston mode. Internal
sloshing can also occur, resulting in transverse
breaking waves that are added to the vertical
motions. Water motions in the moonpool can be
excited through different mechanisms, in waves
or in calm water with forward speed of the
This dynamic magnification can cause
slamming on diving bells or ROVs that are
launched, green water over the edge of the
moonpool which can be dangerous for the crew,
or can increase drastically the resistance of the
vessel in transit conditions.
This paper presents the different conditions in
which oscillations of the moonpool will hamper
the operations of the vessel. Moonpool motions
have been studied since a long time (see
references [1] to [30]). Hereafter a summary is
presented of the phenomenon, of the empirical
solutions applied during model tests and on
existing vessels, as well as new techniques to
solve the problem numerically.

flow separation at the

moonpool bottom
and induced ship motions

Excitation due to waves and

ship motions

Figure 1: Conditions with motion of the

water in the moonpool
The excitation mechanisms for the two
situations in Figure 1 are quite different, which
also explains why empirical solutions to damp
the motions or simply alleviate the excitation

Excitation in calm water at forward


Large oscillations can occur in calm water at

certain threshold speeds. The excitation mechanism in that case is due to vortex shedding,
formed by flow separation at the leading bottom
edge of the moonpool.
This was observed onboard several vessels as
shown in Figure 2 and, of course, during model
tests (prior to the start of construction, or after
first trials in order to urgently find a solution).

General aspects

Moonpool oscillation can occur in two distinct


In calm water with forward speed.

In waves in stationary condition.

Of course, combined situations will also

provide oscillations when the correct conditions
are met as illustrated by the two situations in
Figure 1.

Figure 2: Sloshing and pumping on a 6x6 m

moonpool at 10 knots in calm water

Naudascher [27] wrote the following about

flow-induced vibrations: "Exceptfor afew rare
cases of extraneous excitation and selfexcitation, most flow-induced vibrations can be
traced to an instability of the flow. Whatever
the nature of the instability, its effect in
combination with disturbances will invariably
be the development of fluctuations of velocity _
and pressure in an initially steady flow, unless
viscous forces are large enough to damp this
process. Depending on the presence and
strength ofmechanisms by which:

acts to modify the streamline pattern further in

the direction of perturbation. As the disturbance
is thus amplified, it becomes asymmetrie on
account of the mean-velocity distribution and
develops ultimately into a region of concentrated vorticity. In a viscous fluid, this process
of shear-layer roll-up is either damped or leads
to the formation of discrete and gradually
decaying vortices or eddies. In summary, then,
flow instability initiates a transfer of energy
from the flow to the disturbance, giving rise to
flow fluctuations.

1. the intensity of these fluctuations becomes

2. their correlation in space becomes
increased, and
3. the distribution of their energy becomes
concentrated around a dominant frequency,

In 1977 Fukuda [12] made some photographs of

the vortex in the opening of the moonpool when
the water surface is moving up and down.
Photographs taken from [28] are shown in
Figure 4 and show vortices in a cavity which
are similar to those observed by Fukuda for a

an effective farce fluctuation along the flow

boundaries may come about and possibly lead
to (structura) vibration ".
Section 2.2.1 describes the growth of the
disturbances (vortices). In section 2.2.2 the
- increased correlation in space is discussed. In
section 2.2.3, phase locking and hysteresis are
explained as they are important phenomena for
the oscillation of the water in the moonpool.

Growth of vortices

The excitation leading to the water oscillations

is due to an instability of the flow. Considering
a flow without instabilities, the water level can
only be expected to change, but not to oscillate.
There must be some kind of flow-induced
vibration, vortices shedding from the leading
edge, introducing instabilities in the flow.


Figure3: Development of vorticity

concentrations from a disturbed thin shear
layer (see [28])
Naudascher and Rockwell [28] describe the
origination of these vortices. Figure 3 shows an
idealized model of a shear layer: a surface of
abrupt velocity discontinuity. A slight lateral
perturbation of such a surface will produce a
change in the velocity and pressure field, which

Figure 4: Hydrogen bubble visualisation

with approaching and clipping vortex
Cavity flow refers to air or water flow past a
hole leading to a large pressure gradint in this
hole. Both in the case of a cavity and in the case
of a moonpool, flow separation occurs at the
leading edge and a vortex arises from the
forward side of the hole due to an abrupt
velocity discontinuity.


Disturbance correlation in space

The feedback mechanism is the source that is of

importance to the moonpool problem. This
mechanism can be described as follows.
The vortex that arises from the forward edge of
the moonpool because of the abrupt velocity
discontinuity comes into contact with the aft
edge of the moonpool. This induces a pressure
fluctuation that spreads over the surrounding
flow field. A part of this influence will reach
the forward edge of the moonpool, leading to
the development of new vortices with the same
frequency. In this way, a dominant frequency
might arise and the energy at this dominant
frequency will be large as shown in Figure 5.
This condition is called phase locking.







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A -



Figure S: Energy of the wave rise in the

forward part of a moonpool during
resistance tests


The energy concentration that is required for

flow induced vibration can by found in the
combination of phase locking with hysteresis.
Hysteresis means that different frequencies and
amplitudes are obtained when the velocity is
increased than when it is decreased. Fukuda
observed hysteresis effects when testing the
models in a flow tank. It was possibte to
increase the speed of the water and to decrease
it after a while again.

Rockwell and Naudascher [29] mention that the

hysteresis has to do with the peaks in energy
concentration at certain frequencies. When
increasing the velocity, one frequency is sustained longer and when decreasing the velocity
again, the higher frequency is sustained.
Hysteresis is not observed for normal cavities,
but maybe, some kind of self-controlled oscillation is needed for this phenomenon to appear.
This self-control is absent in normal cavities,
but is present in the moonpool.
When the volume of water oscillating in the
moonpool is large enough, the moonpool
oscillation in heave wiil yield excitation in
heave for the vessel itself. Vertical motion of
the vessel, when occurring at the same frequency as the moonpool motions, will increase the
flow separation at the leading edge and increase
the piston motions.
This strong coupling between floater and
moonpool heave motions seems to be of great
importance in the mechanism. This coupling
was clearly measured during model tests with a
free-running model and was also observed
onboard vessels.
In the same way as for heave, a coupling also
exists with surge, most probably yielding sloshing motions in the moonpool that are then
coupled with the piston mode. When the match
of different parameters occurs, the relative
motions in a moonpool in calm water can reach
large amplitudes with water flowing over deck.
The coupling between heave and surge of the
vessel in transit and moonpool motion yields
a large resistance increase. This resistance
increase is such that the vessel cannot exceed
the threshold speed at which oscillations start.
A slight increase in speed will increase the
excitation and the motions and thus the
Due to the apparent strong coupling effect
between vessel and moonpool motions, only
tests performed with a free-running and selfpropelled model can correctly investigate the


Wave excitation in stationary



In waves, large water motions in the moonpool

originate from the match between vertical
excitation and the natural frequency of the
water column. The column of water can be seen
as a single mass-spring system that can be
excited at its natural frequency. The excitation
mechanism is quite different from what is
observed at forward speed in calm water.
Excitations can be split in two main components, resulting from the ship motions and the

local vertical accelerations at the bottom of

the moonpool;
pressure differences at the bottom of the

The equation of motion of the water column

can be written, as shown by Albert Aalbers in


Fukuda [12] has described different oscillation

mechanisms that he observed during model
tests. He gave a figure with the moving shape
of the water surface for different values of l/d
and b/d (1 = length of moonpool, d = draught, b
= breadth of moonpool). This figure is given
here as Figure 6.

-1 -Wow




Figure 7: Pattern of water motion in the
moonpool during oscillation period
When the water in the moonpool is at the
lowest point, the water starts to come up at the
aft edge (a). This motion goes on, but the water
at the surface starts to flow towards the forward
edge (b). When the wave reaches this edge, it
reflects and the water starts a backward flow
(c). The point where the forward and backward
flow meet each other, travels towards the aft
edge (d), meanwhile, the flow coming up at the
aft edge becomes smaller and the water level move down. When_the upward motion
starts again, the meeting point mentioned in
stage (c) and (et) disappears because it meets the
new coming wave of the aft edge.
English [8] has drawn a figure of the water
motion in the moonpool during the oscillation,
which is shown in Figure 8. Please note that the
ship velocity is to the left. The vortex, which
arises from the forward edge, is shown in the
side view, while the plan view shows the water
coming up from the aft side and stagnating on
the forward side.


Figure 6: Moving shapes of water
These different modes are shared by calm water
and stationary in wave conditions.
For the particular case of calm water in transit,
the following sequence usually takes place. The
letters (a) to (d) in the sequence correspond to
those in Figure 7.

of travel

back side
of opening

layer fluid
under side
of keel

Figure 8: Water motion in a rectangular

moonpool (sec English [8])

The water in the moonpool of a ship in transit

condition is not only oscillating; the mean water
level also increases. This can be concluded
from results of model tests. Figure 9 shows this

moonpool opening, which probably explains its

success. The idea behind wedges is to deflect
the flow on the leading edge of the opening, in
order to avoid that the vortex created by the
separation enters the column of water. Cut-outs
and wedges can also be applied on the trailing
edge of the opening, as shown in Figure 10.

I 2

Heller and Bliss [19] performed airflow tests

past a cavity. Franke and Carr [11] observed
that the typical oscillation cycle and sequence
of events found by water flow was the same as
for air, so air flow past cavities can be interesting for the moonpool problem. Heller and
Bliss have given explanations for the method
they used to reduce the oscillation amplitude.
The method that can be used for the moonpool
is stabilization of the shear layer. This can be
achieved by introduction of vorticity into the
shear layer (upstream vortex-generators or by
spoilers) or by providing a stabilizing trailingedge geometry.

J 0.15

I 0.1

E 0.05



Ship speed [XnJ

Figure 9: Increase of mean water level


There are two main ways to reduce the oscillations of the water in a moonpool: reduce the
excitation or reduce the motions by damping
devices. The first solution will in general be
applied for transit conditions as the techniques
make use of the flow vlocity or obstrucf the
moonpool opening. The second solution can be
applied to both cases, with non-obstructive
solution (in order to keep a "workable" moonpool).

Rcduction of excitation

This section presents empirical solutions found

during model tests or during trials. Merits and
drawbacks of each solution are described
through results of model tests. Even if this
particular moonpool cannot be representative
for al! kinds of situations, the trend obtained in
the present set of model tests has been
relatively similar to that in other configurations
of dimensions and vessels.

The optimum angle and length of the wedge are

always obtained through model tests and by
trials and errors, as no numerical tooi can
support the decision so far.
Angles usually vary between 5 to 15 degrees
and the length is around 20% of the moonpool
length. Intuitively, one can say that the optimum dimension of wedges most probably
depends on the ship speed and moonpool

p moonpool length L


DQCCI hioo

The aim of the solutions presented hereafter is

to alleviate the origin of the problem and reduce
the excitation and not simply dampening the
motions after the motions have starled.

Wedges and cut-out parts

Wedges are becoming a "classical" solution to

avoid excitation in moonpool in transit condition. This is a simple approach that can be
retrofitted on the huil without obstructing the

Figure 10: Solution 1 - Wedges


Gridof flaps

A new solution was tested on the same vessel as

previously shown, consisting of a grid of flaps
which aim is also to block the upwelling of
vortices inside the moonpool, see Figure 11.
This solution would, of course, impose the flaps
to move on a rail, in order to open the
moonpool during operations, just like a curtain.


Single flap

According to the foregoing and based on the

"understanding" of the physical phenomenon, a
large single flap was also tested, consisting of.
This solution is shown in Figure 13.
A flap of 30% and 50% of the moonpool length
were tested, with different inclinations. The
larger flap with the lowest inclination provided
the best results.
Overall, this solution proved to be the best one
with nearly no oscillations in the moonpool,
apart from the observation of a slight circulation of water inside the moonpool.
position used lo
uiethe tuil
opening in

Figure 11: Solution 2 - grid of flaps

The blocking of the upwelling is only necessary
in the aft part of the moonpool, the forward
flaps were removed during the tests, as shown
in Figure 12.
The results in terms of oscillation and added
resistance were identical in the two cases and
gave the advantage to leave more clearance in
the moonpool opening.

Figure 12: Solution 3 - Reduced grid of flaps

Figure 13: Solution 3 - Single flap

The system was mounted on an hinge, in order
to rotate the flap for the different set-ups. The
load on the flap was also measured by a twocomponent balance.
A similar set-up should be used on a vessel in
order, again, to open the moonpool during
Performance increase in calm water
Figure 14 shows the results obtained on calm
water resistance for the solutions presented

The three curves in Figure 14 show the shaft

power as a function of ship speed, for closed
moonpool, open moonpool without devices and
with the single flap solution.

use of convergent openings will help. The flow

pattern will change as is shown in Figure 16.
He tested the two openings given in the same
figure and found large reductions of oscillations.





e onfijn Bon


pull linea mtnimum


V nesse du nadre [noeud]

Figure 14: Required power for different

co nfigu ratio ns

constant forcc


o- _


/ -H


Vertical bulkhead




Figure 15: Solution 4 - Vertical plate


Convergent openings

English [8] has given another way to reduce the

oscillations in the moonpool caused by the
vessel's forward speed. This method has to do
with three-dimensional effect. He states that the


Other solutions for excitation reduction are also

existing mainly based on the same principle,
which is to obstruct the large vortex originating
from flow separation. Change in the natural
frequency of the column of water may also
explain the result.
Figure 15 shows a case where the vertical plate
was fixed in the width of the moonpool,
creating two moonpools. This solution was also
tested successfully during model tests and
adopted on a vessel.



L *<~h

Q "

Figure 16: Effect of the opening geometry


Sucking away the boundary layer fluid

Finally, English gives another idea to reduce

the excitation: "It is probable that the oscillations in the opening could also be reduced by
sucking away or re-energising the boundary
layer fluid immediately upstream of the opening. However this would require machinery and
expenditure of energy and from this point of
view is not such an attraciive solution to the
problem ".

Using hysteresis effects

It may be possible to use the hysteresis effect

observed by Fukuda to reduce the vertical water
motions in the moonpool. For situations where
the required forward velocity is less than the
maximum velocity, it can be possible to
increase the velocity to a value over the hump
and then reduce it to the required velocity.


Reduction of oscillations


Reduction of oscillations by damping devices is

applied to both transient and working stationary
vessels, because most of the solutions are nonobstructive.


The first method to reduce the oscillation by

increasing the damping is by placing flanges in
the moonpool. Fukuda [12] tested the application of flanges at three places: at the opening of
the moonpool, just below the water surface and
on the water surface. The short flanges a little
below the water surface proved to be very effective (see Figure 17). This method to reduce
the water oscillations is based on increasing the
damping. Aalbers [1] has tested the effect of
damping plates on the oscillations in the moonpool for a ship lying still in waves. He also
obtained better results for a higher placed
damping plate than for plates placed at the
opening of the moonpool.

Type A



2 h/l





Ciosing the top of the moonpool

In fact, reducing the oscillations in the

moonpool by ciosing tits top is also based on an
increase of the damping as the air above the
water surface creates damping. Assuming
incompressibility of the air above the water, the
moonpool can be seen as a real cavity where no
vertical oscillation can occur.
Fukuda has performed some resistance tests
while a plate with air holes closed the top of the
moonpool. The resistance increased by a
constant amount compared with a ship without
moonpool, but there was no peak increase for a
certain velocity. Maybe, this way to reduce the
oscillation can also be used for a fixed ship in

Damping chambers

Spangenberg and Jacobsen [30] have investigated the effect of damping chambers on the
reduction of the water motions in the moonpool
of a ship in seaway, as shown in Figure 18. In
order to reduce the water motion, the breadth of
the moonpools has been increased approximately from the water line to the main deck.
When the water level rises, the water will run
through perforated longitudinal bulkheads into
damping chambers. When the water level
decreases, the water will run from the damping
chambers back into the moonpool.
The effect of the damping chambers is that
vertical wave motions are converted into
horizontal wave motions and the wave energy,
to a large extent, dissipated as heat energy by
reflecting and conflicting currents from the
holes of the perforated bulkheads.
Damping Choke decks


Figure 17: Effect of flanges on moonpool



That type C does not reduce the oscillations for

a vessel in transit is strange, when looking at
the excitation mechanism. In fact, the length of
the opening is reduced. The excitation that is
observed will probably occur at a different
frequency, leading to a different vessel velocity
at which the maximum amplitude occurs.

Figure 18: Damping chambers


Changing the draught

Reducing the oscillations by changing the

draught of the ship must be possible because
the natural frequency of the water column
depends on the draught. On a ship in transit, the
excitation frequency is dependent on the length
of the moonpool and the forward velocity of the
ship, so for different ship speed, different
draughts can be preferred. On a ship in waves,
the excitation frequency is dependent on the
wave frequency, so for different wave
frequencies, different draughts can be preferred
as well.

Other applied solution

Adding air in the water inside the moonpool

will decrease the impact load on the equipment
passing through the moonpool but will not
reduce the oscillations. This solution has been
successfully applied in a number of vessels.


Existing semi-empirical and numerical

This section will not present all existing

methods in detail, it will only give the overall
results of available methods and the references.

Faltinsen [9] regards the water column in the
moonpool as a mass-spring system without
damping. He gives the following formula for
the calculation of the natural period T of the

where d is the draught of the ship in m.

Fukuda [12] uses the same formula, but he
makes use of an increased length, to take
account of the added mass and the increased
draught. This 'added draught' is an empirical
estimation and is given by the following
formula: t/'=0.4lVs where S is the water surface area in m2.
For a square moonpool, this leads to the
following equation for the natural period:

r > = 2 Jrf+o.4Wt7

where d is the draught of the ship in m, b and /

are respectively the breadth and length of the
moonpool in m.
This equation seems to give a good estimation
of the natural frequency when comparing with
model test results.
Molin ([24], [25] and [26]) provides a method
to obtain the piston and sloshing modes of
Amplitude in calm water in transit
Fukuda [ 12] has given a method to calculate the
amplitude of the heaving mode of the water
column using a measured value of the ship
speed where the oscillation starts. Whether the
amplitude Fukuda uses is the maximum value
or the significant value is not mentioned. The
final form of the equation gives the dimensionless amplitude:

h = amplitude of oscillation [m]
l = length of moonpool [m]
V = ship velocity [m/s]
U' = ship speed where oscillation starts (measured) [m/s]
6h = natural frequency of oscillation of water
column [rad/s].
This equation is only valid for co <cOoFigure 19 shows the model test results from
which the semi-empirical formulation was derived.
The ship speed where the oscillation starts may
be calculated by the method given by Covert
[3], otherwise obtained from model tests.
Even if the results cannot be applied to all
moonpool geometries, this graph can be used in
a design stage to check if a potential oscillation
problem may occur, given the ship speed, the
main dimensions of the moonpool and the
draught of the vessel.



Recent developments in numerical techniques,

such as volume of fluid, may open a new
approach for the moonpool problem.
The following presents first results obtained
with the software ComFLOW available at



Figure 19: Calculated and mcasured

amplitude of water motion in a rectangular
moonpool (Fukuda [12])
Amplitude in waves in stationary condition
Aalbers [1] has given a method to calculate the
water motions in a moonpool for a ship on a
fixed position in waves. The final equation of
Aalbers' method is almost the same as the
equation of Fukuda, with which the approximations are started. In the equation of Aalbers, the
heave motion of the ship is also taken into
account. The vertical displacement of the water
in the moonpool can be modelled in the same
way for a ship fixed in waves and for a ship in
transit condition. The exciting force, however,
is different.
In waves, two main components can be
identtfied in the excitation mechanism:

Introduction of VOF model

vertical acceleration, due to floater motions;

pressure at the bottom of the moonpool, due
to ship motions and waves.

ComFLOW is an improved 3D Volume Of

Fluid (iVOF) Navier-Stokes solver. The program has been developed initially by the
University of Groningen/RuG (Prof. Dr. Arthur
Veldman) to study the sloshing of liquid fuel in
satellites. This micro-gravity environment
requires a very accurate and robust descnption
of the free surface. Coupled dynamics between
the sloshing fluid and the satellite were investigated as well (Gerrits, [16] and [17]). In close
co-operation with MARIN, this methodology
was later extended to the calculation of green
water loading on a fixed bow deck (Fekken
[10]; Buchner [2]). Also anti-roll tanks, including the coupling with ship motions (van
Daalen [5]), were investigated.
The Volume Of Fluid (VOF) algorithm as
developed by Hirt and Nichols [20] is used as a
basis for the fluid advection. The method solves
the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations
with a free-surface condition on the free
boundary. In the VOF method a VOF function
F (with values between 0 and 1) is used,
indicating which part of the cell is filled with
fluid. The VOF method reconstructs the free
surface in each computational cell. This makes
it suitable for the prediction of all phases of the
local free-surface problem.

The excitation forces can be calculated thanks

to any 3D diffraction code, in order to be used
as input for the equations of motions. They are
solved in the time domain, as non-linear terms
do not allow to find a simple solution in the
frequency domain. Results were very encouraging, but are highly dependent on the choice
(or evaluation) or added mass and damping
(linear and quadratic). Added mass estimation,
even crude, is usually quite well described.
Damp ing terms, however, are much more
difficult to obtain.

First results

VOF techniques have been used recently to

reproduce model tests and moonpool behaviour
observed during sea trials. The simplest approach is the one in calm water, with the vessel
sailing at constant speed. The domain around
the moonpool is modelled as shown in Figure
20. The real domain taken into account is much
larger than shown in order to avoid bottom
interaction. A constant inflow condition was
given in order to simulate constant ship speed.

First results showed a relatively good reproduction of the physical phenomenon, with flow
separation at the leading edge and a clipping
vortex entering the back side of the moonpool.
The flow separation on the sharp edge can only
occur when a disturbance is present, such as a
strong velocity gradint that occurred at the
start of the simulation. When starting in an
uniform velocity field (except inside the
moonpool), no separation occurred leading to a
nice laminar flow over the full domain.


Further developments

Several clear developments must be done to

turn these first simulations into proven techniques that will probably end up in a useful
design tooi.
This effort is proposed to be conducted in an
upcoming Joint Industry Project initiated by
For the calm water oscillation, the following
developments should be made:

ship direction

Figure 20: VOF simulation of calm water

moonpool oscillation
Flow separation would not occur within the
boundary layer within the VOF simulation, as
the latter is not correctly modelled.
It seems quite important to model the full
interaction of the vessel and the moonpool
itself. Recent sea trials confirmed that the
moonpool oscillations in calm water would
increase gradually while the vessel was already
at its maximum clam water speed. Increasing
moonpool motions would be accompanied by
surge and heave motions of the vessel, at about
the same frequency of piston oscillations in the
When repeating simulation with forced heave
or surge oscillation, clear flow separation was
maintained at the leading edge, while magnification of water motion was calculated.
The technique seems to model correctly the
global physics underlying moonpool behaviour.
Recent study [22] confirms the fact that VOF
models are suited to solve moonpool problems.

coupled version of VOF and ship motion in

time domain, in order to obtain the correct
heave and surge motions of the vessel;
update of ComFLOW program to take into
account moving body and inflow conditions;
validation of simulation for different moonpool shapes and speed ranges;
investigation of 3D effects on moonpool
comparison of existing semi-empirical
formulation and advanced time domain
VOF techniques;
development of a general design tooi.

For the stationary case in waves, the following

developments should be made:

introduction of the excitation forces into

VOF simulations (excitation being calculated, for example, in the frequency domain
thanks to existing codes);
update of ComFLOW program to take into
account moving body and inflow conditions;
validation of simulations; comparison with
existing techniques and development of a
design tooi.


For many years moonpool motions have been

studied. These studies have allowed to identify
the excitation mechanism both in calm water
and in waves. Despite these efforts, solutions
are still found in an empirical way thanks to
model testing, intuition and trials and errors.

New numerical developments using VOF

techniques may yield improvements in the
numerical prediction of potential problems and
in a better design of the moonpool at an early
stage of the project. Early identification of the
problems could allow an early detailed design
of efficint solutions thanks to advanced
numerical techniques.


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