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3.1 Infrastructures works
An infrastructure work is conducted to construct a track as a base for supporting purpose
to the railway runs.
There is five major elements combine to construct the railway track, which are formation,
ballast, sleepers, steel rail and fastening. The formation is the ground upon which the
track will be laid, it can be the natural ground level or embankment or cutting. The track
needs ballast to give support, load transfer, and drainage for keeping water away from the
rail and sleepers. Sleepers can be classified as the wooden type, steel type, concrete type
or others material types. Each of the type of sleeper has used on different road, the main
function of the sleeper is to resist the movement. Next, a pair of steel bar laid on the
ground which is bolted or welded to the sleeper forming a railroad track for the train.
Fastening is necessary to secure and connect each of the component to complete the

Figure 1: The elements of

the infrastructure of railway
By conducting an infrastructure work, the first step is to begins with preparing for
railways infrastructure construction by according to the new build or renewal
development process.
The sequence of the process can be started by route considerations such as the number of
tracks required, the need for service, the impact on the environment, infrastructure
integrity, stability, and the associated structures. Then public consultation will be
conducted which is involving the public enquiries, environmental regulation, protests,
and a parliamentary approval. After that, it is necessary to concern about the work force
and public, legislation or regulation of Health and Safety at Work Act,
Construction(Design & Maintenance) Regulation, safe methods of work and method

statement, industry standards and the railway safety systems. Lastly, the contract
administration will be conducted which included the contract conditions, the selection of
contract, legal process and methods of measurement.

Next, the railway track earthwork activities will be carried out in the construction of the
infrastructures. A proposal for the construction of earthworks for a new section of track
was prepared by a contractor before the earthwork starts. The section of railway track for
a new build development will then be asked to design by the construction company. Last
but not least, a track maintenance is required to produce a self evaluation form for quality
control by the rail construction contractor.

Figure 2: The railway track

in Batu Cave
3.2 Building Works




stations. Firstly, the project team will evaluate potential station sites within the area,
including an evaluation of existing train station sites. They need to determine preferred
locations and optimum number for the stations. Each of the stations will look slightly
different and will have a different kind of construction.





evaluated will be ranked by the Project Team with input from officials of the
communities in which the site is located.
Besides that, before start the construction, project team will prepare the design elements,
components and facilities to be included in conceptual station designs. Preliminary site
plans will also developed for select station sites which need to fulfill the required space
and facilities. The station facility design will provide the suitable height and design
waiting facility platform. Moreover, they will provide the design of pick-up or drop-off

areas, parking areas ,transit and taxi stop, and Other facilities and design elements.

Figure 1 & 2: show the design of the Batu Caves stations.

3.3 Mechanical & Electrical Catenary System Works

A wide variety of electric traction system has been emerged around the world. This
electric system offers some benefit of the quick acceleration and power especially for the
heavy freight train. For this SENTUL-BATU CAVE electrified double-track railway
project, the electric traction system has applied to supply electric power to the train in

order to make it runs quickly by compare to previous non-electrification system.

In this project, the power supply , third rail, overhead line, catenary wire and
suspension system were installed in the railway station with a proper method. All this
parts were form a overhead catenary system as shown in figure 1, it was installed for the
electrification of the railway lines. The overhead catenary system is designed to transmit
the energy from traction substation to the vehicles of electric stock. The overhead line is
used to provide current to the train, so the wire used in the overhead line must last long
enough to justify the expense of installing. Furthermore, the wire must be able to carry
the high voltage of current and can withstand heat and nasty whether due to the wires
usually explore to the sun. However, the third rail which used in this system is awkward
because of the greater risk of it being touched at ground level. Therefore, a special
protection is needed for the third rail routes to ensure that it is completely safe and a no
harm will bring to the passengers. Apart from this, the power supply was also needed by
the train which allow the engines of the train powered by electrical to run on electrified
Next, alternating current (AC) motor was proposed to use in this railway track as the
power transmission system. The reason of using alternating current motor is because of
the voltage of AC can be boosted easier than direct current (DC), so it can easily send
more power over the transmission lines. Besides, the AC motor is an ideal medium for
electric railways as it is able to transmit over long distances. Nevertheless, a special
precaution is needed for reducing the interference in communication wires which is the
lines equipped with AC overhead wires. Other than this, because of the unequal voltage
can represent the safety hazard, a booster transformer is provided to overcome the
To sum up, an electric traction system and the overhead catenary system were
applied to this railway project in order to achieve the rebuild purpose of electrify the
railway track and the train, and the alternating current (AC) motor was chosen to transmit

Figure 1: Overhead catenary systems

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