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Unit 1 ay-sound (/ei/)

1 bay
2 may
3 pay
4 say
5 lay
6 play
7 bray
8 crayon
9 clay
10 today

Unit 2 ou-sound (/a/)

1 out
2 loud
3 pout
4 couch
5 mouth
6 round
7 shout
8 cloud
9 proud
10 ground


12 fairground

=scream, yell


Unit 3 ie-sound (/ai/)

1 necktie

2 lied

3 dice
4 die
5 died

6 cried

7 skies

8 spies

9 fried rice

Unit 4 ea-sound (/i:/)

1 meat

2 tasty meal

3 pea

4 neat

5 meal

6 leap

7 easy

8 leaf

9 cheap

10 clean

11 lean and mean

12 bleat

Unit 5 oy-sound (/i/)(silent e)

8 oyster


9 voyage

10 destroy

1 joy
2 enjoy
3 toy
4 soy
5 loyal
6 royal
7 royal


Unit 6 ir-sound (//)

1 dirt
2 skirt
3 twirl
4 firm
5 swirl
6 circus
7 circle

10 fried


11 fried

Unit 7 ue-sound (/u/)

1 clue
2 rue
3 sue
4 tissue
5 flue
6 glue
7 out of the blue
8 due to

Unit 9 Ph-sound (/f/)

1 photo
2 dolphin
3 graph
4 morph
5 nephew
6 alphabet
7 phrase
8 orphan
9 trophy

Unit 7 aw-sound (//)

1 claw

Unit 10 ew-sound (/ju/)

2 crawl

1 lovely view
2 few

8 straw

9 shawl

8 newt

9 pewter

3 grassy lawns
4 paw
5 law
6 jaw
7 thaw

10 dawn
11 brawn

Unit 8 Wh-sound (/w/)(silent e)

1 what
2 where
3 when
4 who
5 how
6 why
7 whip

11 hew

12 chew

13 mildew

3 dew
4 blow,blew
5 brewblue)
6 whew
7 pew

10 stew

Unit 11 oe-sound (/ /)
1 foes=enermy
2 woe
3 hoe
4 aloe

8 whale
9 which
10 while
11 wheat
12 whistle


Unit 12 au-sound (//)

1 flora and fauna

2 author

3 illustrator

4 aura

5 haul

6 maul

7 sauce

8 audio

9 haunt

10 cautious

11 astronaut

Unit 13 a-e
1 lemonade
2 homemade
3 ape in the cave
4 pale nightingale
5 in the cage
6 is in a daze
7 whale
8 trace
9 crane
10 face the music
11 eat , ate
12 stage
13 blade
14 plate
15 tame
16 quake
17 cake

sound (/ei/)

6 toe

7 oboe

5 doe

Unit 14 e-e sound (/i:/)

1 even
2 scene

3 gene

4 theme

5 serene

6 complete

7 eve

8 genie

9 mere
10 fete

11 complete

12 delete

Unit 14 i-e sound (/ai/)

1 line
2 bite
3 hide
4 rice
5 stile
6 rice
7 wise
8 pine
9 time
10 shine
11 revise
12 line
13 hide
14 pile
15 compile


18 slate
19 date
20 brake
21 age
22 crate
23 create

Unit 15 o-e
1 slope
2 close
3 tickled my nose
4 robe
5 code
6 note
7 hole
8 chose
9 those
10 broke
11 drive,drove
12 ride, rode
13 whole journey
14 pole
15 role
16 sole
17 cone
18 hole
19 mole
20 hose
21 note
22 rode
23 cove

Unit 16 u-e sound(/u:/)

sound (/ u/)
1 use

2 flute

3 tune

4 huge

5 fume

6 rule

7 cube

8 duke

(DatoTan Sri)
9 cute

10 any clue

11 mule

12 dune

13 cute

14 tune

15 rule

16 rude

17 mute

ridepast tense

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