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7 Things NOT to Do When Speaking English

Ive spent the last few years traveling and living abroad, and during that time Ive talked to a lot
of people who spoke English as a foreign language.
After talking to thousands of foreigners in
English Ive noticed several things that they do that hurt their progress as a language learner.
Here are the top 7:
1. Dont be too ashamed to speak: There is only one way to learn how to speak English, and
that is to open your mouth and speak English! The only way you will ever get better at speaking is
by speaking, and speaking a lot!
You can make excuses for why you dont want to speak, like saying that youre too embarrassed
to speak, but these wont get you any closer to your goal of achieving English fluency. It doesnt
matter if you have no vocabulary, or if your pronunciation isnt perfect, you need to open your
mouth and speak if you want to improve.
Whatever you do, dont say that you cant speak English because this will become a self-fulfilling
By believing that you cant speak English you close your mind to
trying, and never give yourself the opportunity to improve. The only way to improve your English
is to practice it, no matter how bad you may or may not be at it.
2. Dont Be Afraid of Making Mistakes: Another thing you shouldnt do when speaking English
is to be afraid of making mistakes. Part of being human is making mistakes and sooner or later
youre going to have to accept the fact that youre not perfect and that you will always make
mistakes. The only way you can avoid making mistakes is by not trying at all.
If you
follow this approach youll avoid making mistakes, but youll never improve either.
Ive missed more than 9000 shots in my career. Ive lost almost 300 games. 26 times,
Ive been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. Ive failed over and over
and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed. Michael Jordan
This may seem counter-intuitive, but you should try making as many mistakes as possible. If you
are making mistakes that means you are actually speaking English and improving. If you arent
making mistakes every day then you arent speaking enough. Of course, you shouldnt
intentionally make mistakes, and you should try to be aware of your mistakes so you can learn
from them and improve your skills.
Grammar is the last thing you should be worried about when speaking English. You dont need to
have perfect grammar in order to communicate with someone in English. Native speakers arent
going to judge you for having bad grammar, they are going to be more focused on understanding
your meaning and continuing the conversation.
As long as you speak clearly and confidently, it doesnt matter if you use the wrong article,
adjective ending or sentence order. Many language programs put too much emphasis on grammar
and not enough emphasis on speaking. They spread the idea that you have to know all the
grammar rules before you can start speaking, which can have the effect of reducing your
confidence when you finally start speaking. This is backwards.
You should learn to speak first to build your confidence, and then work on correcting your
grammar after youve reached a basic level of fluency.

Everybody makes mistakes, even native speakers of English. Nobody is born speaking perfect
English; fluency is something that takes time and hard work to achieve. There are many
Americans who go through 13 years of schooling and still dont learn how to speak English
properly. So dont be discouraged by your mistakes. Learn to embrace them and value them for
the role they play in your learning.

3. Dont Apologize For Your Level: Something that really annoys me when Im talking to
someone in English is when they apologize for how much English they speak. Ive never been
offended by someones level of English, and I dont get upset when someone makes mistakes. If
you talk to someone and they do get offended or upset because of your level of English they are
an evil person who probably tortures kittens in their spare time.
Most of the people who apologize for their level of English feel like they should speak better than
they do. Its fine to think this, but dont get upset at yourself for not knowing more than you do.
Achieving fluency in any language is a process that takes time, and you cant expect to become
fluent overnight. Whether youve been studying English for years or only for a few months, youve
put in a lot of work to get where you are, so dont underestimate yourself.
4. Dont get frustrated with yourself: Learning English will come with a certain amount of
frustration. At some point you will come to a stage where you wont be able to fully express
yourself like you would be able to in your native language, and there will be times when you wont
be able to find the right word to say.
Nearly everyone who learns English goes through this phase; its just a natural part of the
language learning process. This stage may last only a few weeks if you are completely immersed
in English, but it could last years if you only use English twice a week at your language school.
The only way to overcome this frustration is by practice, practice, practice.
Keep in mind that this frustration isnt because youre not smart enough, or because the language
is too difficult, it is something that many people have to go through. By embracing this frustration
and feeling it more intensely through increased exposure you can pass through this stage more
5. Dont take it personally when people dont understand you: At some point in your
English speaking career you are going to speak to someone who, no matter how hard you try just
cant seem to understand you. Due to the large number of English speakers in the world, there are
a wide range of accents, some of which are hard to understand. I for one have a hard time
understanding some Australian accents and most Irish accents.
Youll have this problem a lot when talking with people who arent used to dealing with foreigners.
If they dont have this experience they will be used to hearing English spoken in a very specific
way, and they wont have any frame of reference when talking to you. Realize that this isnt a
reflection of your language skills, but rather a reflection of this persons lack of exposure to
different people.
This can also happen when talking to English learners who have a lower level of English than you.
They wont be able to understand everything you say because of your more advanced vocabulary.
Try to remember that you were once at their level and not everyone is at the same place on their
language journey. The same person who gets offended when you speak English also tortures
kittens like these.

6. Dont compare yourself to other English Speakers: No matter what level your English is
at, you had to work hard to bring yourself to that level. Be proud of what youve accomplished and
dont be too concerned with what other people think about it. They dont know how many hours
youve had to work to get to where you are, they dont know all the struggles youve been through
to get there.
This also means you shouldnt go around comparing yourself to other people. Everybody is
different; some people learn languages more easily than others and some people have spent
more time working to improve their English. Just because your friend who lived in London for 3
years can speak really well doesnt mean that youre not on the right path.
Some people like to see others fail, and by paying any attention to these people you are just
feeding their negativity.
Any time you spend worrying about what they think of you is
time wasted that could be better spent by working to improve your English.

7. If you are fluent, or just think you are, DONT GET COCKY (ARROGANT) Life (English) is
a Journey Not a Destination.
English is not a chip in your brain. Its a learning process. Maybe this is gonna seem harsh, and
definitely a bit paradoxical, but for the rare English Jedi breed, they realize that theres never
really perfect fluency, only the impassioned and ever-approaching journey toward it.
This means that when you finally become fluent, (whatever that really means to you or to the
world), you shouldnt adopt the attitude of somebody who thinks I already learned English
because there are some fundamental problems and limitations that come from this assumption.
Here are just a few:
Youre living a lie because you never stop learning a language. It is like calling yourself a fullyrealized human being. Theres always the next level up, and the current level always needs
practice. The learner tends to get lazy, and its a universal fact about any learning process, that if
you arent growing, you are probably getting worse.
The inflated ego prevents you from recognizing the final 5 or 10% that separates you from the
master Jedi breed of English speakers.
There is a tendency to treat other English learners (or people who are learning their language) in a
condescending, totally idiotic way, forgetting what it is like to learn because they themselves are
no longer connected to their own learning process.
So there you have it, 7 things not to do when speaking English. Now that you know what not to
do, go out there and speak English!

Think seriously about your actual situation, think seriously about your future
and start setting priorities.
Start doing whatever you have to do
to reach your goals in life.
For example, consider quitting your studies (High School or University) for a

year, or at least a semester and dedicate all that time (8 hours a day including
Saturdays) to learn English. The world its not going to come to an end. You will
just graduate a year later, thats all, no big deal; after all you have a long life to
live ahead of you. Once I suggested that to one of my students. Before saying
anything to his father, he asked him one afternoon over a cup of coffee what
wouldve happened if for some reason (sickness, an accident, money problems,
etc.) he had had graduated a year later. His father answered well, I guess
nothing major wouldve happened; I was going to be a doctor there was no
doubt about it, I am a doctor, so I guess I just wouldve graduated a year later,
maybe I would be working in another hospital thats all Then my student asked
him what wouldve happened if he spoke very good English..The father
answered I would not be just a regular doctor at the hospital where I work, I
would be if not the director of the hospital at least the deputy director or
perhaps I would be working abroad The father said: Why are you asking me all
these questions son? My student replied: Would you support my decision of
taking a year off from University to learn English? The father said: let me sleep
on it son, give me a day or two to also talk it over with your mother, ok?

(Como aprender Ingles?)

( Para aprender Ingls )

Mejor respuesta - elegida por quien pregunt

Bueno, yo creo que tu problema lo comparten gran parte de los hispanohablantes que estudian ingls
como idioma extranjero. Primero una aclaracin... aprender un idioma como idioma extranjero puede ser
en tu pas a travs de algn profesor que no sea hablante nativo; despus cuando ya sostienes una
conversacin normal, puedes aprender mas de un profesor nativo. Mira, yo soy hablante nativo de dos
lenguas y adems es mi hobby es aprender idiomas, por eso me la he pasado aprendiendo lenguas y
viajando toda la vida. Yo te voy a recomendar algunos tips que a travs del tiempo me han ayudado
muchsimo pero antes que eso te voy a dar cinco condiciones:
1. Que la lengua que estudias te
guste. Si la cultura de esa lengua no te apasiona o no te mueve "algo" adentro cuando la escuchas... y
piensas que es bella e interesante... cambia de idioma. Es preferible hablar bien una lengua que te guste y
no masticar y maltratar un idioma por obligacin. 2. Disciplina. Si no estas dispuesto(a) a dedicarle dos
horas diarias al estudio (independientemente de la prctica) incluidos fines de semana POR LO MENOS...
Ni te tomes la molestia, porque solo te vas a seguir frustrando.
3. Estudia un solo idioma a la vez.
No tengas miedo al error... jams y frente a nadie. El equivocarte al hablar no te hace parecer estpido(a),
te hace parecer una persona con inters por superarse, y muchos extranjeros aprecian eso, por ello
conseguirs mas interlocutores.
5. Jams digas: aprender rpido... eso por s mismo ya es imposible,
contradictorio y hasta cierto punto mediocre. Un buen estudiante aprender en 8 10 meses; un
estudiante normal en un ao o dos, esto es siguiendo mis consejos y tips (pues esta es mi experiencia
personal de estudiantes que he conocido)
Ahora si... aqu te van algunos tips que te ayudaran a PENSAR en ese idioma:
1. Copiar artculos. Agrrate una revista que te interese y transcribe artculos completos... mnimo una
hora al da... MINIMO... no solo te va a dar una excelente ortografa, sino que poco a poco vas a incorporar
vocabulario que te "vendr a la mente" sin darte cuenta.
2. Despus de ello, lelos en voz alta todas las
veces que puedas...
3. Jams utilices un diccionario bilinge. Si algo no entiendes, trata de deducirlo, si
no puedes, omtelo, ya lo aprenders... si no puedes omitirlo... busca un diccionario ingles-ingles. JAMAS

un diccionario bilinge.
4. No intentes traducir en la mente tampoco.
5. Pierde el miedo a la
literatura. Agarra novelas y avintate!!! al principio no vas a entender demasiado... pero con el tiempo
comenzars a cosechar... Agarra obras de teatro y memoriza DIALOGOS, estudia DIALOGOS, aprende a
travs de DIALOGOS principalmente. Pdele a algn actor que te ensee tcnicas de memorizacin para
actores y aplcalos al idioma... Te sorprenders cuando comiences a "escuchar en ingls" cosas que antes
no entendas... y tambin a hablar con tu vocabulario aprendido... 6. Aprende de 5 verbos diarios... no te
mates con las conjugaciones ni con repeticiones de perico loro... pero s aprehende la idea de 5 verbos
diariamente, MINIMO... Escrbelos en hojas blancas y TAPIZA tu recamara y toda tu casa con tus nuevas
"adquisiciones". Reptelos todo el da... cuando te encuentres comiendo, baando, cocinando, leyendo,
barriendo, prendiendo, apagando, subiendo, bajando... etc... entiendes? Los verbos son la clave de toda
comunicacin. 7. Si, lo de las pelculas esta espectacular... pero mas bien te recomiendo noticieros y
documentales. Ah!! y para aprender lenguaje callejero, las series americanas, esas estpidas, pero muy
grficas, tambin los comerciales... qutales los subtitulos... en otras palabras: DEJA EL MIEDO DE LADO!!!
8. Busca grupos de conversacin, pero trata de que no sean hispanos, porque cometern los mismos
errores que tu y se te van a "pegar". Si no encuentras grupos de conversacin con hablantes nativos, has
amistad con hispanos que dominen bien el Ingls.
9. No te desesperes... un idioma se aprende durante
toda la vida... incluido el propio, si no me crees te invito a que leas a Alejo Carpentier, como un ejemplo...
10. Haz composiciones de tu inters... ensayos... juega con tu nuevo vocabulario... 11. Una de las cosas
MAS complicadas del ingls: phrasal verbs: (los mismos tips del #6)
12. Lee literatura de tu rea
de conocimiento o inters... pero no descuides la prensa y la poesa. No querrs ser uno/a analfabeto/a del
ingls... 13. Prefiere los mtodos conversacionales o comunicativos a los gramaticales. Cuando ests en
un nivel avanzado entonces si preocpate por la gramtica, y cuando le vayas a entrar a la gramtica...
primero estudia gramtica del espaol, si no, te vas a quedar en blanco cuando te hablen de objeto
indirecto, preposiciones de espacio, verbos transicionales, tiempo pluscuamperfecto, modo subjuntivo,
etc... Pero te repito... esto es para niveles avanzados... tu concntrate en la expresin del idioma, no en
sus estructuras.
14. Si piensas que no tienes talento o cualidades para los idiomas, se puede deber a
dos cosas: no has tenido las herramientas necesarias, ni la disciplina, ni un buen profesor(a) que
realmente quiera que aprendas el idioma en verdad no tienes cualidades, eso es normal, no todo el
mundo tiene talento para las matemticas o para cantar,etc... as es la vida, que se le va a hacer... sin
embargo hay otra cosa cierta: el estudio disciplinado tarde o temprano te lleva ah... al objetivo... si no
tienes talento natural y te tardas mas... que importa!!! lo importante es llegar... A lo mejor no llegas a ser
interprete de Naciones Unidas, pero si puedes lograr un ingls acorde a tus necesidades.
15. Otra
aclaracin: Mucha gente piensa errneamente que hablar con acento hispano es sinnimo de hablar mal...
Te voy a decir una cosa... no es lo mismo hablar con errores hispanos, que hablar sin errores y con acento
hispano... tu puedes hablar un ingls SUPER correcto, pero JAMAS vas a hablar como un hablante nativo si
no lo eres. Eso no reviste ninguna importancia, porque lo importante no es como o pronuncias la "r", sino
que lo hables con fluidez y precisin: dicho de otro modo: que lo manejes con soltura, que te entiendan y
tu entiendas. Uno se debe sentir orgulloso del idioma que habla como lengua nativa, y no pretender
ocultarlo con otro idioma porque eso es esnobista y salta a la visa de cualquier oido nativo. Entiendes?
Nada... muy orgullosos de ser hispanos que podemos hablar un ingls perfecto pero sin querer ser lo que
no somos.

Bueno, pues espero que te sirvan estos consejos!!! y mucha suerte!!!!

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