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Digital Image Processing


Active contour - snake

Digital Image Processing

Active contour model- snake

The active contour model, or snake, is defined as

an energy minimizing spline - the snake's energy
depends on its shape and location within the
Local minima of this energy then correspond to
desired image properties.
a) initial snake
b-c) iteration steps
of snake energy
Digital Image Processing


The function cvSnakeImage() updates the snake in order to

minimize its total energy that is a sum of:

internal energy that depends on the contour shape (the

smoother contour is, the smaller internal energy is) and

external energy that depends on the energy field and

reaches minimum at the local energy extremums that
correspond to the image edges in the case of using an image

Digital Image Processing

Parametric Snake Model

Digital Image Processing

Point Representation

Snake can be represented by a list of points.

Digital Image Processing

Internal Energy

For a curve represented as a set of points.

The elastic (length) energy can be expressed as

Digital Image Processing

Internal Energy

For a curve represented as a set f points

The stiffness (curvature) energy can be expressed as

Minimizing this energy can smooth the curve.

Digital Image Processing

External Energy

The external energy describes how well the curve matches the
image data locally.

Numerous forms can be used, attracting the curve toward

different image features.

1. Gradient energy form:

Digital Image Processing

External Energy

Directed gradient energy

(skalrny sin)

Digital Image Processing

Flow Chart

Digital Image Processing


Demo Pictures

Digital Image Processing


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