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'------------------------------------------------------------------------------' Project

' Procedure :
' Description:
' Created by :
Project Administrator
' Machine
' Date-Time :
8/15/2016-9:40:53 AM
' Parameters :
'------------------------------------------------------------------------------Private Sub Form_Load()
On Error GoTo Form_Load_Err
Dim I As Integer
PvtCorChg = False
FromLoad = True
LangSetupLocal = False
nReg = 1
PVTFluidSysTypeBut(PVTFluidSystem(nReg)).Value = True
nRegOld = nReg
RegBox = nReg
Call PossitionPanel(PVTCor, 3)
PlotLarge(1) = 0
PlotLarge(2) = 0
PlotLarge(3) = 0
sPMAX = pMax(nReg)
sRTEMP = RTemp(nReg)
sRhoSco = RhoSco(nReg)
sRhoScg = RhoScg(nReg)
sYN2 = YN2(nReg)
sYCO2 = YCO2(nReg)
sH2S = YH2S(nReg)
sRSI = RSI(nReg)
sSALIN = Salin(nReg)
sPbMsd = PbMsd(nReg)
sBobMsd = BobMsd(nReg)
sVobMsd = VobMsd(nReg)
sBobMsdInit = BobMsdInit(nReg)
'... JLB6-3-2015
sVobMsdInit = VobMsdInit(nReg)
'... JLB6-3-2015
sRVOInitMsd = RvoInitMsd(nReg)
'... JLB7-16-2015
sWetGasGravDew = WetGasGravDew(nReg) '... JLB7-16-2015
sPsep = Psep(nReg)
sTsep = Tsep(nReg)
sTamb = Tamb(nReg)
sTgrad = Tgrad(nReg)
sRockC = Str(GasPVT(1, 4, nReg))
PVTFluidSysTypeBut(PVTFluidSystem(nReg)).Value = True
EMW(1) = 600
UnderSatTempFlag = UnderSatOpt '... Load undersaturated flag and set check
box below JLB5-18-2015
ReDim ResetFlagUSatPress(nRegions(11))
'.. set regions flag for all regions 1[=] normal PVT and 2[=] PVT
If UnderSatOpt = 1 Then

UnderSat.Value = 1
For I = 1 To nRegions(11)
ResetFlagUSatPress(I) = 2
UnderSat.Value = 0
For I = 1 To nRegions(11)
ResetFlagUSatPress(I) = 1
End If
PvtTabChg = False
For I = 2 To 10
EMW(I) = 600 - I * 50
APIEMW(1) = 5
APIEMW(2) = 13
APIEMW(3) = 19
APIEMW(4) = 24
APIEMW(5) = 28
APIEMW(6) = 33
APIEMW(7) = 38
APIEMW(8) = 44
APIEMW(9) = 52
APIEMW(10) = 70
BPPF(1) = 0.17
BPPF(2) = 0.3
BPPF(3) = 0.43
BPPF(4) = 0.58
BPPF(5) = 0.75
BPPF(6) = 0.94
BPPF(7) = 1.19
BPPF(8) = 1.47
BPPF(9) = 1.74
BPPF(10) = 2.1
BPPF(11) = 2.7
BPPF(12) = 3.29
BPPF(13) = 3.8
BPPF(14) = 4.3
BPPF(15) = 4.9
BPPF(16) = 5.7
BPPF(17) = 6.7
For I = 1 To 17
GMF(I) = I * 0.05



"Oil Viscosity vs Pressure"

"Oil FVF vs Pressure"
"Gas:Oil Ratio vs Pressure"
"Condensate Yield vs Press" '... JLB6-26-2015
"Gas Viscosity. vs Pressure"
"Gas FVF vs Pressure"
"Rock Compressibility Msips"
'... JLB8-15-2015

PvtT(3, 1) = "Water Viscosity. vs Pressure"

PvtT(3, 2) = "Water FVF vs Pressure"
'PvtCorChg = False
If ReportModel Then
SaveBut.Enabled = False
TextArea.Enabled = False
End If
'... Define Rv constants JLB5-22-2015
'... First set of constants are to calculate DEw Point pressure (table 1 in
McCain paper)
C0Rv(1, 1) = 9.8895
C0Rv(2, 1) = 11.7
C0Rv(3, 1) = 3.5202
C0Rv(4, 1) = 0
C1Rv(1, 1) = -0.87528
C1Rv(2, 1) = -0.29709
C1Rv(3, 1) = -2.9145
C1Rv(4, 1) = 0
C2Rv(1, 1) = -0.01691
C2Rv(2, 1) = 0.00151
C2Rv(3, 1) = -0.81744
C2Rv(4, 1) = 0
C3Rv(1, 1) = 0
C3Rv(2, 1) = 0
C3Rv(3, 1) = 0
C3Rv(4, 1) = 0
C4Rv(1, 1) = 0
C4Rv(2, 1) = 0
C4Rv(3, 1) = 0
C4Rv(4, 1) = 0
'... Second Set of constants calculate yield curve (table 2 in McCain paper)
C0Rv(1, 2) = 20.809
C0Rv(2, 2) = 11.175
C0Rv(3, 2) = -13.365
C0Rv(4, 2) = -1.5309
C1Rv(1, 2) = -6.7095
C1Rv(2, 2) = -1.2965
C1Rv(3, 2) = 27.652
C1Rv(4, 2) = 0.0058453
C2Rv(1, 2) = 0.5136
C2Rv(2, 2) = 0.042311
C2Rv(3, 2) = -18.598
C2Rv(4, 2) = -0.0000014
C3Rv(1, 2) = 0

C3Rv(2, 2) = -0.00054
C3Rv(3, 2) = 4.3658
C3Rv(4, 2) = 0
C4Rv(1, 2) = 0
C4Rv(2, 2) = 0.00000249
C4Rv(3, 2) = 0
C4Rv(4, 2) = 0
'... Third set of constants calculate wet gas gravity (for gas proeprties be
low the dew point pressure)
C0Rv(1, 3) = -0.92913
C0Rv(2, 3) = -19.79538
C0Rv(3, 3) = 0
C0Rv(4, 3) = 0
C1Rv(1, 3) = 2.1688
C1Rv(2, 3) = 84.86958
C1Rv(3, 3) = 0
C1Rv(4, 3) = 0
C2Rv(1, 3) = -2.73343
C2Rv(2, 3) = -120.65049
C2Rv(3, 3) = 0
C2Rv(4, 3) = 0
C3Rv(1, 3) = 2.74921
C3Rv(2, 3) = 70.96942
C3Rv(3, 3) = 0
C3Rv(4, 3) = 0
C4Rv(1, 3) = 0
C4Rv(2, 3) = -15.24672
C4Rv(3, 3) = 0
C4Rv(4, 3) = 0
YieldAtBp.Text = Format(RvoInitMsd(nReg), "###.#")
'... J
WetGasGrav.Text = Format(WetGasGravDew(nReg), "#.###")
'... J
'.. define constants for rock Cr JLB8-11-2015
A_Var(1) = -0.00002399
A_Var(2) = 0.0001054
A_Var(3) = -0.0000285
B_Var(1) = 300
B_Var(2) = 500
B_Var(3) = 300
C_Var(1) = 0.0623
C_Var(2) = -0.225
C_Var(3) = 0.1395
D_Var(1) = 0.00004308
D_Var(2) = -0.00001103
D_Var(3) = 0.0001183


= 0.85
= 0.9
= 0.85
= 0.8
= 0.9
= 0.85
= 0.45
= 0.6
= 0.55

Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description & vbCrLf & "in MERLIN.PVTCor.Form_Load ", vbExclamati
on + vbOKOnly, "Application Error"
Resume Next
End Sub
'------------------------------------------------------------------------------' Project
' Procedure :
' Description:
' Created by :
Project Administrator
' Machine
' Date-Time :
8/15/2016-9:40:53 AM
' Parameters :
API (Single)
WetGrav (Single)
YieldGas (Single)
Temp (Single)
'------------------------------------------------------------------------------Function CalcDewPress(API As Single, _
WetGrav As Single, _
YieldGas As Single, _
Temp As Single) As Single
On Error GoTo CalcDewPress_Err
'... From SPE paper "Tools to Manage Gas/Condensate Reservoirs:Novel Fluid-P
roperty Correlations on the Basis of Commonly Available Field Data"
'... Calculate dew point pressure JLB6/17/2015
'... Interate using coefficients from yield correlation
Dim PBGuess
As Single
Dim IBoundLow

As Integer

Dim PBoundLow

As Single

Dim YieldBoundLow As Single

Dim IBoundHigh

As Integer

Dim PBoundHigh

As Single

Dim YieldBoundHigh As Single

Dim YieldChange

As Single

Dim iC

As Integer

Dim YieldTry

As Single

Dim IBoundSum

As Integer

Dim SlopeYield

As Single

Dim InterceptYield As Single

IBoundLow = -1
IBoundHigh = -1
YieldChange = 100
iC = 0
PBGuess = 5000
Do While YieldChange > 0.01 And iC < 1000 And PBGuess > 100
YieldTry = CalcGasYieldAtPress(Temp, API, WetGrav, PBGuess)
'... Reset bounds
IBoundSum = IBoundHigh + IBoundLow
If YieldTry > YieldGas Then
'... Reduce PBGuess by 100 psi, upper bound found
IBoundHigh = 0
PBoundHigh = PBGuess
YieldBoundHigh = YieldTry
If IBoundSum <> 0 Then
If PBGuess < 600 Then
PBGuess = PBGuess / 2#
PBGuess = PBGuess - 300
End If
End If
ElseIf YieldTry < YieldGas Then
'... Reduce PBGuess by 100 psi, upper bound found
IBoundLow = 0
PBoundLow = PBGuess
YieldBoundLow = YieldTry
If IBoundSum <> 0 Then

PBGuess = PBGuess + 150

End If
End If
'... Find next pressure guess
If (IBoundSum) = 0 Then
'... Solution bounded - use interval halving to find solution
'SlopeYield = (YieldBoundHigh - YieldBoundLow) / (PBoundHigh - PBoun
'InterceptYield = YieldBoundHigh - SlopeYield * PBoundHigh
PBGuess = (PBoundHigh + PBoundLow) / 2#
End If
'... Convergence criteria for the loop
YieldChange = Abs(YieldGas - YieldTry)
iC = iC + 1
CalcDewPress = PBGuess
Exit Function
MsgBox Err.Description & vbCrLf & "in MERLIN.PVTCor.CalcDewPress ", vbExclam
ation + vbOKOnly, "Application Error"
Resume Next
End Function
'------------------------------------------------------------------------------' Project
' Procedure :
' Description:
' Created by :
Project Administrator
' Machine
' Date-Time :
8/15/2016-9:40:53 AM
' Parameters :
Temp (Single)
API (Single)
DewWetGasGrav (Single)
Press (Single)
'------------------------------------------------------------------------------Function CalcGasYieldAtPress(Temp As Single, _
API As Single, _
DewWetGasGrav As Single, _
Press As Single) As Single
On Error GoTo CalcGasYieldAtPress_Err
'... Calculate GasYield at or below dew point pressure JLB6/17/2015

Dim ZTot
As Double
Dim ZVar(4) As Double


VarCond(1) = Log(Press)
VarCond(2) = API
VarCond(3) = DewWetGasGrav
VarCond(4) = Temp
ZVar(1) = C0Rv(1, 2) + C1Rv(1, 2) * VarCond(1) + C2Rv(1,
C3Rv(1, 2) * VarCond(1) ^ 3 + C4Rv(1, 2) * VarCond(1) ^ 4
ZVar(2) = C0Rv(2, 2) + C1Rv(2, 2) * VarCond(2) + C2Rv(2,
C3Rv(2, 2) * VarCond(2) ^ 3 + C4Rv(2, 2) * VarCond(2) ^ 4
ZVar(3) = C0Rv(3, 2) + C1Rv(3, 2) * VarCond(3) + C2Rv(3,
C3Rv(3, 2) * VarCond(3) ^ 3 + C4Rv(3, 2) * VarCond(3) ^ 4
ZVar(4) = C0Rv(4, 2) + C1Rv(4, 2) * VarCond(4) + C2Rv(4,
C3Rv(4, 2) * VarCond(4) ^ 3 + C4Rv(4, 2) * VarCond(4) ^ 4
ZTot = ZVar(1) + ZVar(2) + ZVar(3) + ZVar(4)

2) * VarCond(1) ^ 2
2) * VarCond(2) ^ 2
2) * VarCond(3) ^ 2
2) * VarCond(4) ^ 2

If ZTot < 7 Then
CalcGasYieldAtPress = Exp(3.684 + 0.61967 * ZTot + 0.015359 * ZTot ^ 2)
CalcGasYieldAtPress = 0
End If
Exit Function
MsgBox Err.Description & vbCrLf & "in MERLIN.PVTCor.CalcGasYieldAtPress ", v
bExclamation + vbOKOnly, "Application Error"
Resume Next
End Function
'------------------------------------------------------------------------------' Project
' Procedure :
' Description:
' Created by :
Project Administrator
' Machine
' Date-Time :
8/15/2016-9:40:53 AM
' Parameters :
YieldGas (Single)
API (Single)
Press (Single)
Temp (Single)
'------------------------------------------------------------------------------Function CalcGasGravAtPress(YieldGas As Single, _
API As Single, _
Press As Single, _
Temp As Single) As Single

On Error GoTo CalcGasGravAtPress_Err

'... Calculate WetGasGrav at or below dew point pressure JLB6/17/2015
'... From SPE paper "Tools to Manage Gas/Condensate Reservoirs:Novel Fluid-P
roperty Correlations on the Basis of Commonly Available Field Data"
'... Calculate dew point pressure JLB6/17/2015
'... Interate using coefficients from yield correlation
Dim GravGuess
As Single
Dim IBoundLow

As Integer

Dim GravBoundLow

As Single

Dim YieldBoundLow As Single

Dim IBoundHigh

As Integer

Dim GravBoundHigh As Single

Dim YieldBoundHigh As Single
Dim YieldChange

As Single

Dim iC

As Integer

Dim YieldTry

As Single

Dim IBoundSum

As Integer

Dim SlopeYield

As Single

Dim InterceptYield As Single

IBoundLow = -1
IBoundHigh = -1
YieldChange = 0.25
iC = 0
GravGuess = 1
Do While YieldChange > 0.001 And iC < 1000 And GravGuess > 0.4
YieldTry = CalcGasYieldAtPress(Temp, API, GravGuess, Press)
'... Reset bounds
IBoundSum = IBoundHigh + IBoundLow
If YieldTry > YieldGas Then
'... Reduce GravGuess by 100 psi, upper bound found
IBoundHigh = 0

GravBoundHigh = GravGuess
YieldBoundHigh = YieldTry
If IBoundSum <> 0 Then
If GravGuess < 0.5 Then
GravGuess = GravGuess / 2#
GravGuess = GravGuess - 0.15
End If
End If
ElseIf YieldTry < YieldGas Then
'... Reduce GravGuess by 100 psi, upper bound found
IBoundLow = 0
GravBoundLow = GravGuess
YieldBoundLow = YieldTry
If IBoundSum <> 0 Then
GravGuess = GravGuess + 0.25
End If
End If
'... Find next pressure guess
If (IBoundSum) = 0 Then
'... Solution bounded - use interval halving to find solution
GravGuess = (GravBoundHigh + GravBoundLow) / 2#
End If
'... Convergence criteria for the loop
YieldChange = Abs(YieldGas - YieldTry)
iC = iC + 1
CalcGasGravAtPress = GravGuess
Exit Function
MsgBox Err.Description & vbCrLf & "in MERLIN.PVTCor.CalcGasGravAtPress ", vb
Exclamation + vbOKOnly, "Application Error"
Resume Next
End Function

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