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Sample Class: Pilates 50/50

Pilates 50/50 is a combination class that fuses lowerbody standing moves with mat exercises for a balanced
mind-body experience that emphasizes Pilates
principles. By moving Pilates into a vertical position,
you bring a more functional experience to participants
while continuing to offer the key elements of core
control and optimal spinal alignment. The standing
work is also a great way to warm the entire body for
more effective spinal movement during the mat
Pilates 50/50 Details
Format: mind-body combination class
Total Time: 60 minutes
Equipment needed: mats
Music: Select music that promotes control. Hip-hop or reggae speed is perfect (98110 beats per
Additional Considerations:
Perform the class barefoot. This gives participants a chance to experience alignment from the
feet as the foundation.
Cue and move in layers: what moves first, second, etc.? Add levers last.
Cue stability first, mobility second.
Start every movement slowly. Learn the combination and cuing alignment before speeding up to
Use four base movements as the foundation for all standing combinations: squat, pli, lunge or
Between each of the standing combinations, allow students to release accrued tension by moving
around, performing hip circles or leg swings, or just getting a sip of water. The movement
patterns take concentration as well as muscular-endurance work, so students may need a mental
break as well as a physical one.

Standing Warm-Up (5 minutes)

Stand with feet hip width apart, in neutral posture. Perform 812 repetitions of each of the following:
Heel lifts: emphasize pressing down into middle toe, keeping posture neutral.
Tailbone drops (minisquat, as if tailbone is sliding down a wall). Cue to keep knees pointing
directly ahead, pelvis in neutral.
Posterior and anterior pelvic tilts: find range of motion, and keep knees neutral.
Arm swings, forward and overhead: emphasize rib cage knitting.
Scapular elevation and depression: cue participants to float the shoulders up, and gently press
them down.
Scapular protraction and retraction: educate students that you will cue scapular retraction more
often, as it is usually the more desirable position.
Emphasize Pilates breathing: inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth. Exhale
during the most difficult part of a movement, or when the muscles are concentrically contracting
(as in the retraction phase of the scapular movement).
Standing Combinations (2025 minutes)
Combination #1: picking flowers (816 reps per side)
Start in lunge position, with right foot forward and left foot back. Feet are aligned with the front hip
bones (anterior superior iliac spine, or ASIS); spine is neutral and vertical.
Count 1: Lower into lunge, with front knee staying over ankle, spine in neutral.
Count 2: Hinge forward at hip, bringing spine forward over front thigh. Arms hang under
shoulders. Keep spine in neutral, and do not allow front knee to move forward.
Count 3: Bring spine back into vertical position, still low in lunge. Bring arms back and engage
scapular retraction; cue picking flowers when coming out of forward hinge.
Count 4: Come up out of lunge.
Finishing move: Pulse down in lunge for 816 counts, then pulse 816 more counts in forwardhinged position.
Combination #2: Squat Lift (816 reps) Begin in standing position, feet hip width apart,
in neutral posture.

Count 1: Lower to squat, with arms coming forward to shoulder level. Cue participants to bring
tailbone and hips back as if sitting in a chair. Knees point forward.
Count 2: Lift onto balls of feet (heel raise) while remaining in squat position. At same time, raise
arms overhead. Important alignment cues: lift up and do not shift forward in the heel raise; keep
ribs knit while bringing arms overhead.
Count 3: Lower heels back to floor, and lower arms back to shoulder level.
Count 4: Release squat, and come back to standing position.
Finishing move: Come down to squat, find heel balance with overhead arm position and hold for
32 counts.
Combination #3: Tip the Bucket (819 reps per side, alternate sides)
Begin in pli position with feet wide, toes pointed out to 45 degrees, spine tall and neutral. Hold
arms out in front of chest in ballerina stancea wide circular shape with fingers lightly
Count 1: Bend knees and lower down as far as you are able while keeping spine in neutral.
Count 2: Laterally flex to the right as if your arms were a bucket and you were tipping the
bucket. Cue participants to keep knees pointing out at 45 degrees while flexing.
Count 3: Come out of lateral flexion.
Count 4: Come back up to start position.
Finishing move: Lower into pli, and pulse for 8 counts; then hold low and tip the bucket 4
times before coming up. Repeat on both sides.
Combination #4: Touch the water (816 reps per side)
Start by balancing on right leg, with left leg extended in front of body. Use cues such as Stand tall
through the right side of the body and Minimize leaning to the right.
Counts 12: Lower into single-leg squat, allowing left leg to touch floor lightly in front of body
(touching the water).
Counts 34: Come back to standing.
Counts 56: Lower into single-leg squat. This time direct left leg to touch floor lightly out to left
side, as if touching the water.

Counts 78: Come back to standing.

Continue to alternate where the left leg touches: front, side, front, side, etc.
Mat Work (2530 minutes)
For the second half of class, choose a well-balanced selection of mat exercises that you are familiar
with. Include flexion, extension and rotation as well as a nice mix of stability- and mobility-focused
exercises. For example:
flexion: half roll-back, the hundred (or preps), single-leg stretch, double-leg stretch
extension: breaststroke preps and breaststroke, swimming, swan dive
stability: single-leg circle, shoulder bridge, one-leg kick
full mobility: roll-up, roll-over and teaser series
End your class with a good 5 minutes of stretching for the entire body, with some hamstring,
quadriceps and hip flexor/hip complex stretches included. Your students will love this total-body,
booty-sculpting, core-strengthening class, and theyll definitely be talking about you in the locker room
(in a great way, of course!) n
2009 by IDEA Health & Fitness Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction without permission is strictly

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