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B. Castaneda

B. Castaneda

B. Castaneda


B. Castaneda


B. Castaneda

B. Castaneda


Keyes - Parent Teacher Partnerships



Bryan Castaneda

Page 2

23/9/2016 2:45
These factors are key because the parent-teacher relationship will only be as great as it can be if both
parties actively participate and are on the same page. Teachers need to accomodate for parent needs
such as in-person, email, phone, text or video chat. Teachers are the leading source of improvement for
students because they directly work with the students every day. The parents and teachers need to
communicate and come to and understandment of each other's role in the child's education.


Bryan Castaneda

Page 5

23/9/2016 2:40
Teacher vs parent expectations is really interesting to me because growing up my parent's expected my
teachers only to contact them for disciplinary reasons and would be confused when they would be
called for my appraisal. Growing up my parents believed that my teacher's should show me manner,
and how to function in society. Since my parents went to school in Mexico they got a very traditional
teaching method and expected my teacher's in the US to do the same. In my personal experience I
believe that my teacher's were only my teacher's for academic purposes, they were not responsible for
disciplining me socially.


Bryan Castaneda

Page 6

23/9/2016 2:36
Very interesting quote to begin the section, humans try to be progressive beings that look towards
positivity. There are levels to a developing person and influences their relationships and
communication. Teachers need to address these different levels appropiately. With today's society
being so diverse in family structure it is important for teachers to be aware of change.


Bryan Castaneda

Page 10

23/9/2016 2:00
Very important to keep in mind that the purpose of any and all communication between teacher and
parent is for the benefit of the child. The child's educaiton is what matters and should be the driving
factor of the relationship anything outside of that is open for disposal. Teachers influence the life of the
student so much that parents liking of teachers can be positive or negative for the education of the


Bryan Castaneda

Page 10

23/9/2016 2:03
It's interesting to see the parent-teacher relationship in a graphic organizer because they both play
similar roles in the social system the difference is that teachers are a public figure so their actions are
held to a greater prestige.


Bryan Castaneda

Page 11

23/9/2016 1:57
Overall great article, lots of useful information. A little repetitive in concept but overall very insightful.
The importance of great parent-teacher relationships goes far beyond this article into the real world
although the article does a great job in providing key information.

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