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Middle Ages v Early Modern Period

a. Political shift from small nobles to kings and nations providing a central
b. Economic agricultural society to a commerce (merchant and trader) and
agricultural society
c. Social from 2 caste (noble and serf) to 3 caste (peasant, middle class, and
nobles) system. Middle class was composed of bankers, artisans, merchants and
lived in cities
d. Transition/Start of Early modern period Renaissance shift from God-centered
world (church) to man-centered world (factories, etc)
e. humanism emphasis on human achievements and advancement on intellectual
and human qualities example: daVinci able to do many things like paint, draw,
invent, ect.
f. secularism focus on world matters like wealth, power, land, sex, status, and
prestige (not religious) example: Machiavelli do whatever is necessary to gain
and keep power, overthrow kings
g. Renaissance art and architecture realistic paintings, use of vibrant colors,
portrait, 3-dimensional paintings (depth), both religious and secular works, nudity,
dramatic moment, Classical Greek/Roman myth, pillars, columns, and domes
2. Western Europe rise to power major changes and effects
a. China isolation from world, cant respond to any further advances, opens the
door for new power, shifting trading hub from Indian to Atlantic Ocean
b. Enlightenment look at society with rational approach, look for ways to improve
self, allowing for new jobs. deals with the political institution and how the
government should be held accountable to the people and serve them (secure
rights and liberties)
c. Reformation decrease power of church and strengthen power of government,
less influence of pope, take over more land = more money from taxes
d. Renaissance new interests in world around them, interested in trade and
commerce, nations graining power under a centralized king. new
learning/education methods use of vernacular and printing press
e. Scientific Revolution describe the world through observation and new
inventions, giving a technological edge. creates a new creative spirit.
f. Industrial Revolution use of steam power to produce more goods and new
transportation methods. the economic engine created cannot be caught
g. Capitalism and Adam Smith what makes a country strong and powerful, when
you let the people make decisions based on own self interests. lassiz faire: let
people/business make own decision. against mercantilism (government controls
3. (i) Reactions to Westernization, (ii) factors impeding development, (iii) state at end of
a. Russia


selectively westernize, pick and choose the parts they like => Peter the
Great. choose things like clothing, navy, and manufacturing, but not a new
middle class
ii. autocratic government and no middle class (bring in foreigners), increase
in serfdom, no increase in agriculture (cant support movement into cities)
iii. very strong/leading power, expanding/emerging as a world power
b. Ottoman Empire
i. do not westernize
ii. no navy, shrinking army, poor location because trade by sea now (cut off
from trading routes), not interested in trade (and merchants were Jew and
Arab, not Turks), serf-labor for agriculture = not productive, weak sultans
and corrupt officials, no new technology static cant keep up
iii. sick man of Europe => slow decline
c. Mughal Empire
i. do not westernize by choice. British each Indian company comes in and
takes over eventually because of the goods they produce
ii. religious intolerance to Hindu people after Akbar (leaders were Muslim,
but most people were Hindu) (Akbar = extreme, marry Hindu princess)
iii. taken over by foreigners (colonized by the British East Indian Company)
and because of little technology, cant keep up with production
d. China
i. no desire to westernize (under Ming, tried trading, but saw nothing they
liked and moved towards total isolation), but Europe wants the goods
(porcelain, tea, silk, ivory, lackerware, and spices) = two ports of Machau
and Canton
ii. large population is hard to feed, stagnant culture and economy,
corruption, influx of new world silver causes inflation and income
inequality, growing inefficiencies of Qing government b/c weak emperor
=> stagnant
iii. falling behind, no advancement
4. Industrial Revolution
a. Textiles
i. agriculture changes in farming, leaving one field fallow to regain
nutrients is changed by planting clovers and turnips, which also provide
nutrients. need seed drill allows planting seeds and avoid loss due to wind
and birds. new iron how used to plow. Enclosure movement: can no longer
let animals graze in city land, so have to lose farming land to grazing,
many farmers cant makes end meet, so quit and move to city. While there
are less workers, the productivity can make up for it = increase in food
ii. human have to hand spin things to get spinning jenny and flying shuttle
to work first in farmers homes to help supplement income

iii. water move factory to fast moving river, middle of nowhere, upstream.
build canals to transport goods back to society. fast and efficient
iv. steam waste of transportation costs. steam powered machinery cause the
change, factories can move anywhere especially to trading hubs = cities.
burning coal, developed by James Watt. trains used to distribute goods
b. Why it started in Britain
i. large business class with capital investments in factories get money to
fund these by colonies
ii. large supply of labor peasants moving into cities
iii. large resources of coal and iron allows use of steam power
iv. scientific revolution enables new inventions didnt share with other
nations (Sam Slater)
v. supporting government to supply infrastructure build new roads, canals,
ports, and railroad
vi. capitalism and look for ways to increase productivity entrepreneurial
c. Effects of IR
i. urbanization = move into cities and work in factories
ii. increase in food production b/c new chemical fertilizers, farming
equipment, etc
iii. new wealthy class factory owners
iv. health conditions increase (eventually) = sewage disposal and pure
drinking water
v. increased productivity and produce more goods quickly
vi. increase in desire for consumer goods
vii. no longer live where you work and no longer have same job as parents did
d. Global Event
i. set off new desire for getting colonies oversea to get raw materials and a
market to sell the goods to
ii. environmental impact of dirty water, chemicals in food, sewage, and
iii. outlaw slavery movement
iv. set off wave of new technology like railroads and telegraph
v. effect of warfare, new destructive weapons: machine guns, poison gas. less
diplomatic because of gap in strength between non-industrialized and
industrialized societies
5. Revolutionary events
a. Political thought in Enlightenment
i. government are accountable to the people and the people can change or
overthrow the king if he is not doing his job correctly
b. Glorious Revolution
i. replace leaders to William of Orange and Catherine. bloodless. people
choose new king (in form of parliamentary vote)
c. American Revolution

i. first time where a colony revolted and breaks away from mother country
and replaced government with people ruling themselves. republic. first
time elected government leaders. replace entire government, not just
d. French Revolution
i. political most powerful nation that changes from absolute powerful king
to people focus nation and nationalism
ii. social catholic church power decreases, feudalism and aristocratic
privileges come to end, series of reforms with education, end of slavery,
and Frances influence in Europe can inspire other countries, end of

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