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Raj K Pandey, MBS, MA, Jawalakhel, Lalitpur, Kathmandu, Nepal, Mobile: 977-01-98510 86884/9841 813529

d]/f] hLjgsf] ;To !

(The Truth of My Life)

k'a{ k'u+], d klZrd k'u+]≤

af“Rgsf nflu d s“xf–s“xf k'u+]≤
hLjgsf] Ps df]8df ;lDemP/ Nofp“bf≤
v}, d t hLjgdf sxf“ g} k'u]+ / <

;fgf] 5“bf dfq} ;kgf b]Vbf≤

cfkmGtsf] df“emdf dfofdf e'Nbf≤
k|s[lt;“u}+ /dfpb} lx8\bf≤
nfUbYof] hLjg :ju{ g} /x]5 .

t/ hLjgdf uf]/]6f] km]bf{≤

dflg;sf] le8df PSnf] e} af“Rbf≤
;ayf]s kfPgL, v} cflv/ s] g} kfo“ / <

u'dfpg hLjgdf w]/} u'dfo“≤

dgsf] zflGt / v';L udfo“≤
Psknsf] hLjgnfO{ e|dd} 8'afP≤
t[i0ffsf] xf]8df bf}8bf bf}8bf≤
hLjgn] lbPsf] ;ayf]s u'dfo“ <

af“Rg l;Sbf–l;Sb}, d t af“Rg} e'n]5' ≤

hLjgsf tL v';L s“xf k'u], v,} cflv/ d t xf“:g} e'n]5'≤
;'vsf] nfn;df ef}tfl/bf ef}tfl/b}≤
d}n] cfkmgf] hLjg g} hLpg} e'n]5' .

cfj/0fdf x]bf{ ;kmn b]lvo“ xf]nf≤

c?sf] gh/df dxfg ag+] xf]nf≤
v}, hLjgdf cflv/ s] g} kfo“ / ≤
hLjgsf] bf}8df s“xf g} k'u+] / <,,

Raj K Pandey, MBS, MA, Jawalakhel, Lalitpur, Kathmandu, Nepal, Mobile: 977-01-98510 86884/9841 813529

k'a{ k'u] gL, klZrd k'u] gL≤

l;jfo Ps e|ddf af“Rg'≤
hLjgdf d}n] s] g} u/] / <
af“Rgsf nflu af“Rg' afx]s≤
cflv/ d hLjgdf s“xf g} k'u+] / <
Note for Discussion:

 This write-up was prepared for the speak of mind at 10:00pm on

30 May 2010 (Sunday) to creatively use the load-shedding time
in home, keeping in mind - NRN, for Global Nepalese Language
Speaking Communities, Organized by NRN, Boston, USA.

 I had intensively discussed/interacted with several retired Lahure

communities, who had spent energetic young blood in abroad and
eventually returned to their homelands, simply to wait for death. I
noticed them lamenting for loosing some beautiful aspects in life:
loneliness feeling due to lack of love/family, and identity crisis in
abroad, albeit they were financially secure for whole life!

This write-up is targeted, especially for those:

 A professional, who achieves career height, but eventually retires

at 60;
 A businessman, who works for 24/07, but finally collapses;
 A beautiful/handsome wo/man, who refuses/ignores the intimate
love/marriage proposals, but ultimately feels extremely lonely,
when the ageing wrinkles starts on her/his face and s/he is sick;
 A politician, who uses hanky-panky to gain the power/authority,
but ultimately returns to the ground reality;
 An academician/intellectual, who has enough information in the
mind but merely for the sake of knowledge;
 A NRN, who abandons homeland, but mentally and emotionally
in own country and psychologically facing identify crisis; and
 All the people, who are surviving in nostalgic life after 60 years!

Composed by:,,
Raj K Pandey, MBS, MA, Jawalakhel, Lalitpur, Kathmandu, Nepal, Mobile: 977-01-98510 86884/9841 813529

Raj K Pandey, MBS, MA (10:00pm at home, 30 May 2010 Sunday)

Jawalakhel, Lalitpur, GPO Box: 19862, Kathmandu, Nepal
Mobile: 977-01-98510-86884/9841-813529,,,,

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