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Published: 11-M ay-2011

Anti-Theft - Passive - Vehicles Built From: 07/2001 - Anti-Theft - Passive

D escription and O peration

Engine im m obilisation is available on all2002M Y engine derivatives, although it is not available in selected m arkets. O n Td5
m odels, the im m obilisation system is controlled directly by the anti-theft alarm ECU . O n 300Tdim odels, the im m obilisation
system is controlled by an engine im m obilisation EC U in conjunction w ith the anti-theft alarm m odule.
W hen im m obilisation occurs on Td5 m odels, engine crank is disabled by the anti-theft alarm m odule breaking the earth path
for the starter relay coiland the EC M disables the fuelpum p relay and the glow plug relay.
W hen im m obilisation occurs on 300Tdim odels, engine crank is disabled by the anti-theft alarm m odule breaking the earth
path for the starter relay coiland the engine im m obilisation ECU disables the fuelcut-off solenoid, the starter m otor solenoid
and the glow plug relay.
Tw o types of im m obilisation are available; passive and active.

Engine Immobilised Warning Lamp

The engine im m obilised w arning lam p is located in the instrum ent pack. The lam p is used by the anti-theft alarm m odule to
show that the engine is im m obilised during an attem pted engine start.
The w arning lam p receives a battery supply from the ignition sw itch position I (aux) via the passenger com partm ent
fusebox. The anti-theft alarm m odule controls the w arning lam p. W hen the w arning lam p is not required, the m odule
supplies a battery supply to the w arning lam p. W hen w arning lam p operation is required, the m odule provides an earth for
the bulb.
If the ignition sw itch is m oved to the crank position, but operation of the starter m otor is prohibited and the engine
im m obilised w arning lam p flashes, then the anti-theft alarm m odule has not received the correct code from the rem ote
handset and the vehicle w ill rem ain im m obilised. Ensure that the rem ote handset is in the proxim ity of the transponder coil.
If the rem ote handset is not available or inoperative, the im m obilisation system can be disarm ed using the EKA procedure
outlined later in this section.
If the ignition sw itch is turned to the crank position III and the rem ote handset is not in the proxim ity of the transponder
coil, engine im m obilisation w illrem ain active and the w arning lam p w illflash to inform the driver.

Passive Immobilisation
Passive im m obilisation occurs w hen the key is rem oved from the ignition sw itch and the drivers door is opened, after a
period of 30 seconds the engine w illbecom e im m obilised. If the ignition is turned off or the key is rem oved from the ignition
sw itch and drivers door is not opened, the engine w illbecom e im m obilised after 5 m inutes.
The passive im m obilisation system operates in conjunction w ith the transponder coillocated around the ignition sw itch
barrel. The transponder coilem its an electro m agnetic w aveform signalw hich excites the rem ote handset into transm itting a 11/02/2015

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rem obilisation signal. W hen rem obilisation is requested, the anti-theft alarm ECU transm its an appropriate code to the EC M
on Td5 m odels or the engine im m obilisation ECU on 300Tdim odels.

Active immobilisation
Active im m obilisation is only invoked w hen the vehicle is locked using the rem ote handset. Active im m obilisation perform s
the sam e engine disable functionality as the passive im m obilisation previously described, but includes fullCD L and activation
of perim etric and volum etric alarm m odes.

Emergency Key Access (EKA)

If the vehicle is in an im m obilised condition and the rem ote handset is not available or inoperable, an EKA procedure using
the vehicle key is available to rem obilise the engine system s. The EKA code is supplied w ith the vehicle and is show n on the
security card supplied w ith the ow ners handbook.

N O TE: This feature is only available in m arkets w here full alarm functionality is specified.
The EKA code involves the input of a unique four digit code w hich is entered using the ignition sw itch and the drivers door
sw itch. N ote that the alarm sounder w illoperate as soon as the drivers door is opened and w illcontinue untilthe sequence is
successfully com pleted.
To enter the code (2, 3, 4, 5 for exam ple) perform the follow ing steps:
1. Rem ove the handset from the key ring and position the handset w ell aw ay from the ignition sw itch w hen entering
the code.
8 2. O pen the driver's door and im m ediately insert the key in the ignition sw itch and turn the ignition sw itch to position
II. H old this position until the alarm sounds, then sw itch the ignition off (position 0) and close the driver's door.

3.Enter the first digit of the code. Turn the ignition on (to position II) and then off tw ice. O pen and close the driver's
door to enter the first digit.
8 4.Enter the second digit. Turn the ignition on and then off, three tim es. O pen and close the driver's door to enter the
second digit.
8 5.Enter the third digit. Turn the ignition on and then off, four tim es. O pen and close the driver's door to enter the
third digit.
8 6.Enter the fourth digit. Turn the ignition on and then off, five tim es. O pen and close the driver's door to enter the
fourth digit. If the code has been entered correctly, the alarm LED in the instrum ent pack w illextinguish and the
engine can be started after the last closure of the driver's door.

If a digit is incorrectly entered, holding the ignition sw itch in the on position for m ore than 5 seconds w illreset the sequence.
The code m ust then be re-entered from the beginning.
If the EKA code is correctly entered, the security LED w ill illum inate for 1 second, the im m obilisation w illbe disabled and the
alarm sounder w illcease to operate.
If the EKA code is incorrectly entered, the alarm sounder w illsound tw ice and the correct code m ust be re-entered, If the
EKA code is incorrectly entered three tim es the system invokes a 30 m inute lockout. This is signalled by the LED flashing
w ith a long illum inated period follow ed by a short extinguished period for the lockout duration.
D isabling the alarm and im m obilisation system using the EKA procedure is only valid for one ignition on/off cycle. W hen the
ignition is sw itched off, the im m obilisation system w illbe activated after a period of 30 seconds. If the rem ote handset is still
unavailable, the EKA procedure w illhave to be repeated each tim e the vehicle is to be driven. 11/02/2015

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