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A/D/P - Analysts / Designers / Programmers

A/UX - Apple's version of Unix

AA - Attribute Association Function
AAAP - Autodesk Animator and Animator Pro
AAB - All-to-all Broadcast
AACR - Anglo - American Cataloguing Rules
AAER - Accounting and Auditing Enforcement Releases
AAL - ATM Adaptation Layer
AAP - Association of American Publishers
AAP - Applications Access Point
AAR - Addition Accumulation Register
AAS - All-to-all Scatter
AASP - ASCII Asynchronous Support Package
AAT - Average Access Time
AAUP - American Association of University Presses
AB - Average BIOS
ABC - Adaptive Binary Coder
ABC - American Broadcast Company
ABC - Abstract Base Class
ABC - Atanasoff-Berry Computer
ABCDCM - Abstract Base Class Derived Class Method
ABCM - Abstract Base Class Method
ABED - Algorithm - Based Error Detection

ABEND - Abnormal End

ABFT - Algorithm Based Fault tolerance
B - ICI - Broadband - Intercarrier Interface
B - ISDN - Broadband Integrated Services Digital Network
B-ISDN - Boardband Integrated Services Digital Network
B-LLI - Broadband Lower - Layer Information
B-NT - Boardband Network Terminator
B-TA - Broadband Terminal Adapter
B-TE - Broadband Terminal Equipment
B/F - Background / Foreground
B2X - Binary to Hexadecimal
BAB - Branch and Bound
BAI - Book Aid International
BAIM - Baseline Advanced Industrial Management
BAK - Backup
BAK - Binary Adaptation Kit
BAL - Basic Assembly Language
BAL - Branch and Link
BALUN - Balanced Unbalanced
BAM - Boyan Action Module
BAM - Bidirectional Associative Memory
BAPI - Business Application Programming Interface

BARTS - Bell Atlantic Regional Timesharing

BAS - Basic Language
BAS - Buffer Allocation Size
BASH - Bourne Again Shell
BASIC - Beginner All Purpose Symbolic instruction Code
C - C Source Code
C SLIP - Compressed Slip
C&T - Chips and Technologies
C++ - C Plus Plus
C+LP - Cluster and LP algorithm
C/D - Control Data
C/R - Command / Response
C/S - Client / Server
C/SB - Client / Server Binding
C/SCS - Client / Server Computer System
C2D - Character to Decimal
C2X - Character to Hexadecimal
CA - Collision Avoidance
CA - Cellular Automate
CAB - Citizens Advice Bureaus
CAC - Connection Admission Control
CACM - Communication of the Association of Computers Machinery
CACP - Central Arbitration Control Point

CAD - Computer Aided Design

CAD - Computer Aided Drafting
CAD - Computer Aided Dispatch
CAD - Class Association Diagram
CADD - Computer Aided Design and Drafting
CADE - Client / Server Application Development Environment
CAE - Client Application Enabler
D/C/T - Design Code Test
D/CP - Decomposition / Composition Principe
D/R - Direct or Reverse
D2C - Decimal to Character
D2T2 - Dye Diffusion Thermal Transfer
D2X - Decimal to Hexadecimal
DA - Double Addressing
DA - Design Associate
DA - Destination Address
DA - Desk Accessory
DAA - Decimal Adjust Accumulator
DAA - Decimal Adjust for Addition
DAB - Digital Audio Broadcasting
DAC - Divide And Conquer
DAC - Discretionary Access Control

DAC - Data Acquisition and Control

DAC - Dual Attachment Concentrator
DAC - Digital to Analog Converter
DAD - Desktop Application Director
Dad - Data Administrator
Dadm - Data Administration
DAG - Distributed Acyclic Graph
DAG - Directed Acyclic Graph
DAI - Distributed AI
E-FORM - Electronic Form
E-MAIL - Electronic Mail
EA - Extended Address
EA - Effective Address
EAC - Estimate At Completion
EAF - Establish Analysis Framework
EAG - Extended Attribute Grammar
EAM - Extended Andorra Model
EAN - European Articles Numbering
EAP - Enquiry Access Path
EAR - External Access Register
EARA - Entry - Attribute - Relationship - Aggregate
EARN - European Academic Research Network
EAROM - Electrically Alterable Read Only Memory

EARS - Electronic Access to Reference Services

EARS - Electronic Authoring and Routing System
EARS - Explicit Archive and Retrieval System
EAT - Estimation Quality Factor
EATA - Enhanced At Bus Attachment
EB - Exabyte
EB - Executive Board
EBC - Environment - Based Constraints
EBC - EISA Bus Controller
EBCDIC - Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code
EBCT - Electron Beam Computed Tomography
F - Flag
F/T - Full Time
F2F - Face to Face
FAA - Folding And Adding
FACOLA - Face Coder based on Location and Attention
FACT - Federation of Automated Coding Technology
FACTS - Fast Adaptive Context Template Selection
FAL - File Access Listener
FALCON - Fuzzy Adaptive Learning Control Network
FALVQ - Fuzzy Algorithm for Learning Vector Quantization
FAM - Fuzzy Associative Memory

FAMOS - Floating Gate Avalanche MOS

FANS - Future Air Navigation System
FAP - File Access Protocol
FAP - File Allocation Problem
FAPI - Family Application Program Interface
FAPM - Functional Activity Program Manager
FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
FAQL - Frequently Asked Questions List
FARNET - Federation of American Research Networks
FASIC - Function and Algorithm - Specific Integrated Circuit
FAT - Feature Attribute Table
FAT - File Allocation Table
FBA - Full Bit Array
FBP - Fast Backpropagation algorithm
GA - Genetic Algorithm
GAL - Generic Array Logic
GAP - General Argumentation Blow
GAPI - Gateway Application Programming Interface
GART - Graphics Address Relocation Table
GAT - Group-based Adaptive Tolerance
GATT - Graphics Address Translation Table
GB - Gigabytes
Gb - Gigabits

GBML - Genetics - Based Machine Learning

GBN - Go Back N algorithm
Gbps - Gigabits Per Second
GBSB - Generalized Brain State in a Box
GBT - Glass Box Testing
GBTT - Generalized Backpropagation - Trough - Time
GC - Garbage Collector
GC - Guarded Commands
GCAC - Generic Connection Admission Control
GCC - Global Collect Call
GCC - GNU C - Compiler
GCCD - Glass - passivated Ceramic Chip Diode
GCE - General Competitive Equilibrium
GCNN - Gram Charlier Neural Network
GCR - Group Code Recording
GCRA - Generic Cell Rate Algorithm
HAD - Hierarchical Aggregation Decompression
HAD - Hierarchical Aggregation Disaggregation
HAGO - Have A Good One
HAL - Hardware Abstraction Layer
HAL - Heuristically Programmed Algorithm
HARN - High Accuracy Reference Network

HAS - Hybrid Access System

HBA - Host Bus Adapter
HBS - Harvard Business School
HCA - Huffman Coding Algorithm
HCB - High Capacity Battery
HCC - Horizontal Cell Collection
HCI - Human - Computer Interaction
HCN - Hierarchical Computer Network
HCS - Header Check Sequence
HD - Hamming Distance
HD - Hard Disk
HD - High Density
HDB - Heterogeneous Database
HDB - Historical Database
HDBMS - Hierarchical Database Management System
HDBS - Heterogeneous Data Base System
HDC - Half Duplex Communication
HDD - Hard Dick Drive
HDF - Hierarchical Data Format
I/EMS - Integrated / Engineery Modeling System
I/O - Input / Output
I/O A - Input / Output Area
I/O C - Input / Output Channel

I/O C - Input / Output Controller

I/O D - Input / Output Device
I/O P - Input / Output Port
I/O P - Input / Output Processor
I/O S - Input / Output Statement
I/OS - Input / Output Structures
I/OSD - Input / Output Structure Description
I2C - Inter Integrated Circuit
I2L - Integrated Injection Logic
I2O - Intelligent Input / Output
IAB - Internet Activities Board
IAB - Internet Architecture Board
IAC - Inter - Application Communication
IACEE - Asociatia Internationala de Educatie Continua Inginereasca
IAG - Instruction Address Generation
IAHC - International Ad Hoc Committee
IAK - Internet Access Kit
IAL - International Algebraic Language
IANA - Internet Assigned Numbers Authority
IANS - International Article Numbering System
IAP - Internet Access Providers
J/SQL - Java Structured Query Language

JA - Jump Address
JAD - Joint Application Design
JAD - Joint Application Development
JAE - Jump if Above Or Equal
JANET - Joint Academic Network
JAR - Java Archive
JBE - Jump if Below or Equal
JBOD - Just a Bunch Of Disks
JC - Jump if Carry set
JCE - Java Cryptographic Extension
JCGIS - Jefferson County Geographic Information Systems
JCIN - Jefferson County Information Network
JCL - Job Control Language
JCMD - Jefferson County Mapping Department
JCN - Jittery Coding Nudnicks
JCOS - Jefferson County Open Space
JDBC - Java Data Base Connectivity
JDE - Java Development Environment
JDK - Java Developer Kit
JE - Jump if Equal
JEDEC - Joint Electron Device Engineering Council
JEIDA - Japanese Electronics Industry Development Association
JEPI - Joint Electronic Payment Initiative

JES - Job Entry System

KA - Knowledge Aquisition
KARP - Knowledge Aquisition Representation and Processing
KAS - Kerberos Authentication Server
KB - Kilobytes
Kb - Kilobits
KBANN - Knowledge Based Artificial Neural Network
KBD - Keyboard
KBE - Knowledge Based Engineering
KBps - Kilobytes Per Second
Kbps - Kilobits Per Second
KBS - Knowledge Based Systems
KBSA/ADM - Knowledge Based Software Assistant / Advanced Development Model
KDC - Kerberos Distribution Center
KDD - Knowledge Discovery in Databases
KDS - Korean Data System
KDT - Key Definition Table
KEDS - Knowledge - based Equation Discovery System
KEFIR - Key Findings Reporter
KHZ - KiloHertz
KIDS - Kertrel Interactive Development System
KIF - Knowledge Interchange Format

KIS - Knowbot Information Service

KKL - Knowledge - based Kernel Language
KLM - Knowledge Level Model
KLOC - Kilas Lines Of Code
L2TP - Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol
LA - Look - Ahead
LAA - Locally Administrated Address
LADDR - Layered Device Driver Architecture
LAG - Logical Address Group
LAIS - Local Area Interconnect Support
LALL - Longest Allowed Lobe Length
LALR - Look - Ahead Left to Right
LAMP - Link Access Protocol for Modems
LAN - Local Area Network
LANACS - Local Area Network Asynchronous Connection Server
LANDP - LAN Distributed Platform
LANE - LAN Emulation
LAP - Link Access Procedure
LAP-B - Link Access Procedure - Blanched
LAPB - Link Access Protocol Balanced
LAPD - Link Access Procedure type D
LAPM - Link Access Procedure for Modems
LAR - Load Access Right

LASER - Laboratory for Advanced Software Engineering Research

Laser - Light Amplification by the Stimulated Emission of Radiation
LAST - Local Area Storage Transport
LAT - Local Access Terminal
LAT - Local Area Transport Protocol
LATA - Local Access and Transfer Area
M3P2E - Machinery Materials Measurement People Process Environment
MA - Medium Adapter
MAC - Media Access Control
MAC - Message Authentication Code
MAC - Macintosh
MAC - Medium Access Control
MAC - Multiple Access Computers
MAC/TCP - Macintosh TCP
MACH - Multilayer Actuator Head
MACOS - Macintosh Operating System
MAD - Median of the Absolute Deviations
MADE - Manufacturing and Automated Design Engineering
MADYMO - Mathematical Dynamic Modeling
MAE - Metropolitan Area Ethernet
MAE - Mean Absolute Error
MAE - Macintosh Application Environment

MAG - Modular Attribute Grammar

MAI - Multiple Applications Interface
MAN - Metropolitan Area Network
MAN - Manual
MANIAC - Mathematical Analyzer Numerical Integrator And Computer
MAP - Maintenance Analysis Procedures
MAP - Memory Allocation Map
MAP - Manufacturing Automation Protocol
MAP - Maximum A Posteriori
N-ISDN - National ISDN
N-ISDN - Narrowband ISDN
N/I - Non - Interlaced
NAC - Network Application Consortium
NAC - Notesuite Application Collection
NAC's - Network Attachment Controllers
NACD - National Association of Computer Dealers
NAE - Not Above or Equal
NAEP - National Assessment of Education Progress
NAG - Numerical Algorithms Group
NAK - Negative Acknowledgment
NAL - Novell Application Launcher
NAM - Number Assignment Module
NAM - Name Space Module

NAM - Network Administration and Management

NAMPS - Narrow - band Analog Mobile Phone Service
NAND - Not And
NAP - Network Access Point
NAP - National Attachment Point
NAPA - National Auto Parts Stores
NAPLPS - North American Presentation - Level Protocol Syntax
NARM - Nonlinear Autoregressive Moving Average
NARX - Nonlinear Autoregressive Models with Exogenous
NAS - Network Application Support
NAS - Network Access Server
O/R - Originator / Recipient
OADW - Oracle Application Data Warehouse
OAG - Open Application Group
OAI - Open Application Interface
OAL - Object Assembly Language
OAM - Object Access Model
OAM - Operations Administration and Maintenance
OAM & P - OAM and Provisioning
OARE - Output Appearance Reliability Estimation
OAS - Oracle Application Server
OAS - One - to - All Scatter

OASIS - Open Access Same - time Information System

OB - Object Based
OBA - Object Behavior Analysis
OBD - Optimal Brain Damage
OBD - On Board Diagnostics
OBDM - Object Based Data Models
OBE - Office By Example
OBEX - Object Exchange
OBI - Open Buying on the Internet
OBJ - Object
OBP - Object Based Programming
OBS - Organization Breakdown Structure
OBS - Optimal Brain Surgeon
OC - Optical Carrier
P - Positive
P&IP - Piping and Instrumentation Diagram
P&P - Plug and Play
P-MAIL - Paper Mail
P-SRAM - Pseudo - Static Random Access Memory
P/FR - Problem / Failure Report
P/T - Part Time
PA - Perturbation Analysis
PA-RISC - Precision Architecture - RISC

PAB - Personal Address Book

PABX - Private Automatic Branch Exchange
PAC - Presentation Abstraction Control
PACE - Priority Access Control Enabled
PACIS - Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems
PACS - Picture Archiving and Communication System
PACS-L - Public Access Computer Systems List
PAD - Packet Assembler Dissembler
PADS - Pen Application Development System
PAF - Page Address Field
PAF - Prearbitrated Function
PAIH - Public - Access Internet Host
PAIS - Public - Access Internet Site
PAL - Programming Assembly Language
PAL - Phase Alternation Line
PAL - Performing Arts Laboratory
QA - Quality Assurance
QA - Queued Arbitrated
QAD - Quick And Dirty
QAF - Queued Arbitrated Function
QAM - Quadrature Amplitude Modulation
QARCC - Quality Attribute Risk and Conflict Consultant

QBE - Query By Example

QBF - Query By Form
QBIC - Query By Image Content
QBL - Query Based Learning
QBP - Quick Backpropagation Algorithm
QC - Quality Control
QCC - Quality Control Circles
QCS - Quality Capacity System
QCU - Qualification Control Unit
QD - Querty / Dvorak
QD - Queuing Delay
QDA - Quality Data Analysis
QDI - Quicken Dictionary
QDOS - Quick and Dirty Operating System
QDV - Quality Destroys Value
QE - Quality Evaluation
QEMM - Quaterdeck Expanded Memory Manager
QFA - Quick File Access
QFD - Quality Function Deployment
R&D - Research and Development
R-DAT - Rotary Digital Audio Tapes
R/W - Read / Write
RAA - Random Access Algorithms

RAD - Rapid Application Development

RADIUS - Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service
RADSL - Rate Adaptive Digital Subscription Line
RAIC - Redundant Array of Inexpensive Computers
RAID - Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disk
RAM - Random Access Memory
RAM - Risk Assessment and Management
RAM - Responsibility Assignment Matrix
RAMDAC - Random Access Memory Digital-to-analog Converter
RAMM - Risk Analysis Management and Methodology
RAMP - Risk Assessment and Management Program
RAND - Random
RAP - Rapid Application Prototyping
RARP - Reverse Address Resolution Protocol
RARP - Raster Address Resolution Protocol
RAS - Raw Address Strob
RAS - Remote Access Server
RAS - Remote Access Service
RB - Recovery Block
RBCN - Rule - Based Connectionist Network
RBF - Roadval Basis Function
S-HTTP - Secure Hypertext Transfer Protocol

S/MIME - Secure Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension

S/N - Signal to Noise Ratio
S/WAN - Secure Wide Area Network
S2MP - Scalable Symmetric Multiprocessing
SA - Synchronous Allocation
SA - Source Address
SA - Structured Analysis
SA/SD - Structured Analysis / Structured Design
SAA - System Application Architecture
SAAL - Signaling ATM Adoption Layer
SAB - Segment Accessed Bit
SADT - Structured Analysis and Design Technique
SAE - Society of Automotive Engineers
SAF - Sequential Access File
SAFB - Store And Forward Buffer
SAFE - Security And Freedom through Encryption
SAG - SQL Access Group
SAINT - Symbolic Automatic Integrator
SAL - Shift Automatic Left
SAM - System Administration Manager
SAN - Stochastic Activity Networks
SAN - Storage Area Network
SAN - System Area Network

SANE - Standard Apple Numeric Environment

T-ASPs - Transport Abstract Service Primitives
T/B - Top and Bottom
T/R - Transmit / Receive
TA - Terminal Adapter
TAC - Terminal Access Controller
TACACS - TAC Access Control System
TACS - Total Access Communication System
TAD - Telephone Answering Device
TAMPEL - Task Analytic Model for Predicting Ease and Learning
TAMS - Telnet Access Management System
TAP - Telelocator Alphanumeric Protocol
TAP - Terminal Application Program
TAPCIS - The Access Program for the CompuServe Information Service
TAPI - Telephony Application Programming Interface
TAQL - Task Acquisition Language
TAS - Telephone Access Server
TASI - Time Assignment by Speech Interpolation
TASM - Turbo Assembler
TASs - Terminal Access Controllers
TAXI - Transparent Asynchronous Transceiver / receiver Interface
TB - Tera Byte

TBBS - The Bread Board System

TBF - Time Between Failure
TBGA - Tape Ball Grid Array
TBK - Toolbook
UA - User Agent
UAA - Universally Address
UAA - Universally Administered Address
UAC - User Assurance Coordination
UAE - Unrecoverable Applications Error
UAM - User Authentication Method
UAPI - Universal Asynchronous Protocol Interface
UART - Universal Asynchronous Receiver - Transmitter
UBNS - Upper Bound on Network Size
UBR - Unspecified Bit Rate
UCE - Unsolicited Commercial E-mail
UCL - Universal Communications Language
UCPC - Useful Character Part with Coordinates
UCPP - Useful Character Port with Projection
UCS - Unicode Conversion Support
UCS - Universal Character Set
UCS - User Coordinate System
UCT - Universal Coordinated Time
UDAO - Universal Data Access Object

UDC - User Defined Commands

UDC - Universal Decimal Classification
UDE - Universal Data Exchange
UDEC - Universal Digital Electronic Computer
UDF - User Defined Functions
UDF - Universal Disk Format
V&V - Verification and Validation
V-BIC - Wavelet Based Image Coding
VA - Virtual Address
VAB - Voice Answer Back
VAC - Volts Alternating Current
VAD - Value Added Dealer
VADD - Value Added Disk Driver
VADSL - Very - high - rate Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line
VAF - Value Adjustment Factor
VAG - VRML Architecture Group
VAL - Voice Application Language
VAM - Virtual Access Method
VAN - Value Added Network
VAP - Value Added Process
VAR - Value Added Reseller
VAR - Variable

VAS - Vendor Application Services

VAST - Variable Array Storage Technology
VAX - Virtual Address Extension
VAX/VMS - Virtual Address Extension / Virtual Memory System
VB - Visual Basic
VB - Variable Block
VBA - Visual Basic for Application
VBAR - Vectorial Boundary Adaptation Rule
VBE/AI - VESA BIOS Extension / Audio Interface
W3 - World Wide Web
W3A - World Wide Web Applets
W3C - World Wide Web Consortium
W4 - What - Works - With - What
WAAS - Wide Area Augmentation System
WABI - Windows Application Binary Interface
WAI - Web Application Interface
WAIS - Wide Area Information Server
WAIS - Wide Area Information Service
WAITS - Wide Area Information Transfer System
WAM - Workstation Access Method
WAN - Wide Area Network
WATM - Wireless ATM
WATS - Wide Area Telecommunications Service

WATT - Web Automation Toolkit

WAV - Waveform audio
WBEM - Web - Based Enterprise Management
WBM - Workload Base Models
WBS - Work Breakdown Structure
WBT - Windows - Based Terminal
WC - Word Count
WCL - Wireless Communication Link
WCS - Writable Control Storage
WCS - World Coordinate System
WD - Write Direct
X - X window system
X2B - Hexadecimal to Binary
X2C - Hexadecimal to Character
X2D - Hexadecimal to Decimal
XA - Extended Architecture
XAPIA - X.400 API Association
XBM - X - windows Bitmaps
XCMD - External Command
XCOPY - Extended Copy
XDF - Extended Density Format
XDM - X Display Manager

XDMCP - X Display Manager Control Protocol

XDR - External Data Representation
XFCN - External Function
XFCN - Extended Function
XFN - X / open Federated Naming
XGA - Extended Graphics Adapter
XGA - Extended Graphics Array
XID - Exchange Identifier
XIOS - Extended Input / Output System
XLL - Extensible Linking Language
XML - Excel Macro Language
XML - Extensible Markup Language
XMM - Extended Memory Manager
XMP - X / open Management Protocol
Y2K - Year 2000
YAHOO - Yet Another Hierarchically Officious Oracle
YCM - Yellow - Cyan - Magenta
YHBT - You Have Been Trolled
YHL - You Have Lost
YSDM - Yourdon's Structured Design Method
YTD - Year To Date
AAE - aminoacizi esentiali
AAM - anticorpi antimitocondriali
AAN - anticorpi antinucleari

AAT - alfa-1-antitripsina
Ac - anticorp
ACE - antigen carcinoembrionar
AcLKM - anticorpi antiproteina microzomiala hepatica
AcLKM - anticorpi antiproteina microzomiala hepatica si renala
AcSLA - anticorpi anti antigen hepatic specific
AcSMA - anticorpi antifibra musculara neteda
ACTH - adenocorticotrop hormon
AD - atriul drept
ADH,HAD - hormon antidiuretic
AFP - alfa fetoproteina
AG - antigen
AHA - American Heart Association
AHAI - anemie hemolitica autoimuna
AID - acid iminodiacetic
AINS - antiinflamatoare nesteroidiene
ALAT (TGP) - alanin-aminotransferaza
AM - acidoza metabolica
AMN - anticorpi antifibra musculara
ANCA - anticorpi anticitoplasmatici neutrofilici
Ao - aorta
AP - artera pulmonara
AP2C - anteroposterior 2 cavitati
AP4C - anteroposterior 4 cavitati
AP5C - anteroposterior 5 cavitati
ARP - activitatea serinei plasmatice
AS - atriul stang
ASAT (TGO) - aspartat-aminotransferaza
ASLO - anticorpi antistreptolizina O
ATR - acidoza tubulara renala
ATS - ateroscleroza sistemica
AVA - aria valvei aortice
AVC - accident vascular cerebral
AVM - aria valvei mitrale
BAV - bloc atrioventricular
BC - boala Crohn
BEM - biopsie endomiocardica
BFA - bloc fascicular anterior
BII - boli inflamatorii intestinale
BLS - Basic Life Support
BPRAD - boala polichistica renala autosomal dominanta
BPRAR - boala polichistica renala autosomal recesiva
BRD - bloc major de ramura dreapta
BRS - bloc major de ramura stanga

BSA - bloc sinoatrial

C - complement seric
CABG - by-pass coronarian
CAPD - dializa peritoneala continua ambulatorie
CBP - ciroza biliara primitiva
CCPD - dializa peritoneala continua ciclica
CDM - clacment de deschidere a mitralei
C-DOPP - Doppler continuu
CDT - clacment de deschidere a tricuspidei
CHP - colangiografie hepatica percutana
CIC - cardiopatie ischemica cronica
CICD - cardiopatie ischemica cronica dureroasa
CICN - cardiopatie ischemica cronica nedureroasa
CID - coagulare intravasculara diseminata
CIM - clacment de inchidere a mitralei
CMD - cardiomiopatie dilatativa
CMH - cardiomiopatie hipertrofica
CMHO - cardiomiopatie hipertrofica obstructiva
CoAo - coarctatie de aorta
CPC - cord pulmonar cronic
CPK - creatin-fosfokinaza
CPK-MB - creatin-fosfokinaza MB
CPT - colangiografie percutana
CS - cicloserina
CT (TC) - tomografie computerizata
DAPD - dializa peritoneala ambulatorie diurna
DC - debit cardiac
DEK - diuretice care economisesc potasiu
DiA - diuretice de ansa
DSA - defect de sept atrial
DSV - defect de sept ventricular
DTPA - acid dietilen-triaminopento-acetic
DTSVD - diametru telesistolic al ventriculului drept
DTSVS - diametru telesistolic al ventriculului stang
DZ - diabet zaharat
EAB - echilibru acidobazic
EBT - tumorile arborelui biliar extrahepatic
Ecg,EKG - electrocardiograma
EDRF - factor endotelial vasodilatator
EDTA - acid etilen-diamino-tetraacetic
EEG - electroencefalograma
EH - encefalopatie hepatica

EHE - echilibru hidroelectrolitic

EMB - etambutol
EP - embolie pulmonara
EPA - edem pulmonar acut
EPO - eritropoetina
ERCP - colangiopancreatografia endoscopica retrograda
ESA - extrasistola atriala
ESJ - extrasistola jonctionala
ESSV - extrasistola supraventriculara
ESV - extrasistola ventriculara
ETM - etionamida
FA - fibrilatie atriala
FA - fosfataza alcalina
FCG - fonocardiograma
FE - fractie de ejectie
FF - fractie de filtrare
FG - filtrare glomerulara
FPR - flux plasmatic renal
FSH - hormon foliculostimulant
FV - fibrilatie ventriculara
GGTP - gama-glutamil-transpeptidaza
GM - greutate moleculara
GNA,GNAAc - glomerulonefrita acuta
GNC - glomerulonefrita cronica
GNDAPS - glomerulonefrita difuza subacuta poststreptococica
GNEC - glomerulonefrita extracapilara
GNLM - glomerulonefrita cu leziuni minime
GNM - glomerulonefrita membranoasa
GNRP - glomerulonefrita rapid progresiva
Gr.Md. - gradient mediu
Gr.Vf. - gradient de varf
GSFS - glomeruloscleroza focala si segmentara
H,HIN - hidrazida
HCA - hepatita cronica activa
HCG - human chorionic gonadotrophine
HCP - hepatita cronica persistenta
HD - hemodializa
HDL - lipoproteine cu densitate crescuta
HDS - hemoragie digestiva superioara
HPTH - hiperparatiroidism
Ht - hematocrit
HTA - hipertensiune arteriala

HTA - hipertensiune arteriala

hTA - hipotensiune arteriala
HTAE - hipertensiune arteriala esentiala
HTARV - hipertensiune arteriala renovasculara
HTP,HAP - hipertensiune pulmonara
HTPP - hipertensiune pulmonara primitiva
HVA - hepatita acuta virala
HVD - hipertrofie ventriculara dreapta
HVS - hipertrofie ventriculara stanga
IAC - inhibitori de anhidraza carbonica
Iao - insuficienta aortica
IC - insuficienta cardiaca
ICC - insuficienta cardiaca congestiva
IDR - intradermo reactie
IEC - inhibitori de enzima de conversie
Ig - imunoglobulina
IH - insuficienta hepatica
IL - interleukina
IP - indice de protrombina
IP - insuficienta pulmonara
IPD - dializa peritoneala intermitenta
IRA - insuficienta renala acuta
IRAI - insuficienta renala acuta ischemica
IRC - insuficienta renala cronica
ISMO - isosorbid mononitrat
IT - insuficienta tricuspidiana
ITU - infectie de tract urinar
IVS - insuficienta ventriculara stanga
KM - Kanamicina
LCAT - lecitin colesterol acil transferaza
LCR - lichid cefalorahidian
LDH - lacticdehidrogenaza
LDL - lipoproteine cu densitate joasa
LES,LED - lupus eritematos sistemic
LH - hormon luteinizant
LpX - lipoproteina X
LSP - proteina specifica a ficatului
MAC - complex de atac al membranei
MBG - membrana bazala glomerulara
MBT - membrana bazala tubulara
MCE - masaj cardiac extern

MCG (mg) - micrograme

ME - microscopie electronica
MEN - neoplazia endocrina multipla
MER - mercuriale
MO - microscopie optica
MT - mycobacterium tuberculosis
N - normal
NASB - nefroangioscleroza benigna
NASM - nefroangioscleroza maligna
NAV - nod atrioventricular
NDZ - nefropatie diabetica
NFA - activitatea functionala a nefronului
NG - nefrita glomerulara
NH4CL - clorura de amoniu
NIPD - dializa peritoneala intermitenta nocturna
NSA - nod sinoatrial
NTA - necroza tubulara acuta
NTI - nefropatie tubulo-interstitiala
OAD - oblic anterior drept
OAS - oblic anterior stang
ODR - osteodiatrofie renala
Osm - osmol
PA - pancreatita acuta
PA - pericardita acuta
PA - potential de actiune
PAN - panarterita nodoasa
PAPm - presiunea arteriala pulmonara medie
PBR - punctie biopsie renala
PC - pancreatita cronica
PC - pericardita cronica
PCA - persistenta de canal arterial
PDF - factor eliberat de plachete
PDF - produsi de degradare a fibrinei
P-DOPP - Doppler pulsat
PEV - perfuzie endovenoasa
PG - prostaglandina
PIF - pneumonie interstitiala fibrozanta
PIII - procolagen III
PMN - polimorfonucleare
PNA - pielonefrita acuta
PNC - pielonefrita cronica
PPVS - perete posterior ventricul stang

PR - poliartrita reumatoida
PRA - perioada refractara absoluta
PREVS - perete posterior extern ventricul stang
PRR - perioada refractara relativa
PSH - periartrita scapulohumerala
PT - proteina
PTDVD - presiune telediastolica ventricul drept
PTDVS - presiune telediastolica ventricul stang
PTFE - politetrafluor etilen
PTH - parathormon
PTI - purpura trombocitopenica idiopatica
PTSA - angiografie coronariana transluminala percutanta
PVC - presiune venoasa centrala
PVM - prolaps de valva mitrala
PZM, Z - pirazinamida
R, RMP - rifampicina
RAA - reumatism articular acut
RCP - resuscitare cardio-pulmonara
RCUH - rectocolita ulcero-hemoragica
RFG - rata filtrarii glomerulare
RIA - radioimunodozare
RMC - rinichi multichistic congenital
RMI - imagine de rezonanta magnetica
RMN - rezonanta magnetica nucleara
rt-PA - recombinat tissue plasminogen activator
RVP - rezistenta vasculara periferica
RVU - reflux vezico-ureteral
SAM - miscare sistolica anterioara a valvei mitrale
Sao - stenoza aortica
SAS - sindrom de apnee in somn
SC - soc cardiogen
SDRA - sindrom de detresa respiratorie acuta
SEE - soc electric extern
SGF - scleroza glomerulara focala
SIV - sept interventricular
SK - streptokinaza
SM - stenoza mitrala
SM - streptomicina
SN - sindrom nefrotic
SN, SNC - sistem nervos central
SP - stenoza pulmonara
ST - stenoza tricuspidiana
STH - hormon somatotrop

SVS - supraincarcare ventriculara stanga

TA - tensiune arteriala
TAD - tensiune arteriala diastolica
TAS - tensiune arteriala sistolica
TBC - tuberculoza
TCD - tub contort distal
TCP - tub contort proximal
TEP - tromboembolism pulmonar
TEVS - timp de ejectie a ventriculului stang
TFP, TVP - tromboflebita profunda
TFS - tromboflebita superficiala
TG - trigliceride
THAM - trihidroximetilaminometan
TIA - tiazidice
TIPS - sunt portosistemic transjugular intrahepatic
TP - timp de protrombina
TPSV - tahicardie paroxistica supraventriculara
TR - transplant renal
TS - secretie tubulara
TSS - tratament strict supravegheat
TV - timp de varf
UDPGT - uridin difosfat glucuroniltransferaza
UF - ultrafiltrare
UIV - urografie intravenoasa
US - ultrasonografie
UTIC - unitate de terapie intensiva coronariana
VA - valva aortica
VB - vezicula biliara
VCI - vena cava inferioara
VCS - vena cava superioara
VD - ventricul drept
VHB - virus hepatitic B
VHC - virus hepatitic C
VHD - virus hepatitic D
Vins - velocitate instantanee
VIP - peptid vasoactiv intestinal
VLDL - lipoproteina cu densitate foarte joasa
VM - valva mitrala
VMA - valva mitrala anterioara
VP - valva pulmonara
VS - ventricul stang
VSH - vene suprahepatice

VSTD - ventricul stang telediastolic

VSTS - ventricul stang telesistolic
VT - valva tricuspida
VTDS - volum telediastolic stang
VTSS - volum telesistolic stang
VU - vezica urinara

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