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Business Requirements

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PROJECT INFORMATION.....................................................................................8

Project Purpose / Objectives........................................................................................................... 8

Links with Strategic Objectives........................................................................................................ 8
Project Stakeholders........................................................................................................................ 8
Project Background......................................................................................................................... 8
Current Situation.............................................................................................................................. 9
Project Scope.................................................................................................................................. 9
Related Projects.............................................................................................................................. 9
Constraints...................................................................................................................................... 9
Assumptions.................................................................................................................................... 9
Urgency........................................................................................................................................... 9
Impacts.......................................................................................................................................... 10

BUSINESS PROCESSES / USE CASES.............................................................11


Business Process Name (BP001.Name)....................................................................................11

FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS.........................................................................13

Business Requirement Name (1Name)......................................................................................13

NON-FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS................................................................14

Purpose of this document................................................................................................................ 6

Intended Audience........................................................................................................................... 6
Approach......................................................................................................................................... 6
Document Scope............................................................................................................................. 6
Definitions........................................................................................................................................ 7
References...................................................................................................................................... 7

Performance Requirements........................................................................................................... 14
Interface Requirements................................................................................................................. 14
Operational / Technical Requirements...........................................................................................15
Resource Requirements................................................................................................................ 15
Acceptance Testing Requirements................................................................................................ 15
Documentation Requirements....................................................................................................... 16
Security Requirements.................................................................................................................. 16
Portability Requirements................................................................................................................ 16
Availability Requirements............................................................................................................... 17
Criticality Requirements................................................................................................................. 17
Legal Requirements....................................................................................................................... 17
Training Requirements................................................................................................................... 18
Implementation Requirements....................................................................................................... 18


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1 Introduction
2 Purpose of this document
The Business Requirements Specification is one component of a standard approach to project management. This
document can be amended to suit the nature of the project. It can be tailored to be a high-level business requirements
document, usually constructed in the Concept Phase of a project. Or it can be used further down the line as a detailed
Requirements Specification. Remove or add sections to fit your requirements.
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3 Intended Audience
In this section describe whom this document has been written for. Often this consists of both a primary audience, and a
group of other stakeholders whom it may be of interest to but is not vital that they read in detail.
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4 Approach
In this section describe the steps taken in developing this document. Describe any investigations carried out, research
methodology used and consultation carried out to date.
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5 Document Scope
5.1.1 In Scope
This defines exactly what this document will cover and where the boundaries lie. List all items that are included in the
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5.1.2 Out of Scope

List identified items that will not be covered in this document.
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6 Definitions
In the table below define any terms which this documents audience may not understand, including specific terms,
abbreviations and acronyms.
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Term / Acronym


7 References
This item lists any documents to which this document refers including any previous investigations carried out. Include
all previous documents prepared as part of this project.
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This document has used the following documents as points of reference:


Insert reference to other documents / sources of information


Insert reference to other documents / sources of information


Insert reference to other documents / sources of information


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8 Project Information
This whole section is optional depending upon whether you want to include the Projects context & background. This
may be useful if it is being circulated to people who have not previously been involved in the project, or who do not
have sufficient understanding of the context of the work. If this is not necessary, remove all of the Project Information
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9 Project Purpose / Objectives

Provide a statement of what the project is expected to achieve including potential benefits based upon the current state
of knowledge and understanding.
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10 Links with Strategic Objectives

Provide a statement of how the project links to the organisations Strategic Plan and objectives. If the project has not
originated from the Strategic Plan then the justification / benefits for the project should be stated, together with some
demonstration that this project is the right one to satisfy the need or to solve the problem.
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11 Project Stakeholders
Illustrate the consultation undertaken with stakeholders in developing this document and the key findings of that
consultation. List all stakeholders with an interest in this document both internal and external. Stakeholders may be
listed in tabular form (as below) if considered appropriate.
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Stakeholder area




12 Project Background
Provide a brief history to bring the reader up to date on the subject matter and associated business issues.
This section should describe the history of the project. It should include details of:
- Who initiated the project and how it was initiated
- Describe the products and/or services
- Describe any other initiatives carried out previously to address related issues.
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13 Current Situation
Describe the current situation and problems, needs and/or opportunities along with their associated impacts on internal
and external stakeholders.
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14 Project Scope
14.1.1 In Scope
Define the project boundaries to facilitate effective management of deliverables on time and to agreed/approved cost.
Refer to the Project Plan for the full details of Project Scope.
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14.1.2 Out of Scope

List identified items that will not be delivered as part of this project.
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15 Related Projects
List any related projects or proposals affecting this project (whether past, current or planned) and their relationship to
this project. The impact of these on your project should be described. Such projects may pose significant risks to the
project if they are not done at all by others or not completed in time. This may create risks for the project which need to
be recognised and managed.
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16 Constraints
List all factors which will limit the way the objective is to be achieved (describing anything that might impact on the
successful development and/or implementation of the project). This may include restrictions on budget / funding,
political issues, limited resources to work on the project, timing constraints or constraints on the implementation of the
outcomes of the project.
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17 Assumptions
List all assumptions made in producing this document.
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18 Urgency
Identify the urgency of the project stating reasons.
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19 Impacts
This can be completed in narrative or table format.
Identify areas of potential impact, the nature of impact and who will be impacted (internal and external).
Include both the impacts envisaged during the life of the project (that is, costs, disruptions, temporary arrangements,
etc) and ongoing impacts resulting from the projects product/deliverables.
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19.1.1 Internal
This item describes when, where and how the project will impact on areas within the organisation and should include an
outline of both positive and negative influences.
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Area within the organisation

Nature of impact

19.1.2 External
This item describes the impact that the project will have outside the organisation and includes both positive and
negative impacts on external stakeholders.
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Area external to the organisation

Nature of impact

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20 Business Processes / Use Cases

Use this section to describe the business processes or Use Cases (depending upon chosen methodology) associated
with your business requirements. Generally each business process or Use Case will have a series of functional and
non-functional requirements associated with it.
Each requirement should be cross-referenced back to a process / Use Case.
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21 Business Process Name (BP001.Name)

For each new business process, copy and paste the following section.
To delete this guidance text box, double click mouse in the left margin then press delete.

Business Requirements

List the business requirement/s that this process covers

Event sequence
Preconditions / Triggers
Is there anything that needs to have happened before this process can start?
What triggers or causes this process to start?
Typical Course of Events


Step 1

List here the steps that occur as part of this process. If you wish, you can draw a process
diagram to describe the process in addition to, or instead of, listing the steps.

Step 2
Alternate Course of Events (Optional) Create an alternative to describe anything that may go wrong or may be
different in the above process.
To delete this guidance text box, double click mouse in the left margin then press delete.

Alternate Course of Events



Alternate 'X' at Step 'N'

Step 1

Enter a summary name for the alternative

List here the steps that occur as part of the alternative process.

Step 2

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Graphical representation
Discuss with the System Analyst the use of a diagramming technique to represent this scenario.
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22 Functional Requirements
For each business function describe the business process in plain English. Repeat for each business function.
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23 Business Requirement Name (1Name)

For each new requirement, copy and paste this section.
The information in this section should cross-reference to the information captured in the Business Requirements
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Requirement No.


Event / Use Case No.

Requirement Name

Name of Requirement


Must Have / Should

Have / Could Have /
Wont Have

Requirement Type

(Control / Data / Document / Notify / Policy / Process / Report / Resource /

Review / Training / Transfer /


A one sentence description of the intention of the requirement


Justification / benefits of the requirement


The person who raised the requirement

Fit Criterion

Test criterion to ensure that the solution meets the original requirement

Customer Satisfaction

Degree of stakeholder happiness if this business requirement is successfully

implemented. Scale from 1 = uninterested to 5 = extremely pleased

Dissatisfaction rating

Measure of stakeholder unhappiness if this requirement is not part of the final

product. Scale from 1 = hardly matters to 5 = extremely displeased


Document other business requirements that have a dependency on this one or

that this one are dependent upon.


Other business requirements that cannot be implemented if this one is

Related Business

Cross reference the relevant business processes



(Raised / Approved / Complete /


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24 Non-Functional Requirements
Identify any other non-functional requirements for the system.
It is mandatory to complete the Performance Requirements section. All other sections are optional.
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25 Performance Requirements
25.1.1 Performance Requirement (1Name)
For each Performance Requirement copy and paste this section.
A performance requirement may refer to the response time expected at a certain screen event.
Reference: OR0001
Description: The search customer functionality must provide a response time of less than 5 seconds.
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Insert Reference Here


26 Interface Requirements
26.1.1 Interface Requirement (1Name)
For each Interface requirement copy and paste this section.
An interface requirement will describe either internal or external interfaces requirements that are non-functional.
A particular function may require that the interface must be designed using a web interface or PDA.
Alternately, an interface to an external party may require that a certain standard of security or encryption is used.
Reference: OR002
Description: All screen interfaces must support the use of Internet Explorer xxx or Netscape xxx. It must conform to the
accessibility standards as specified by xxx organisation.


Insert Reference Here


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27 Operational / Technical Requirements

27.1.1 Operational / Technical Requirement (1Name)
For each Operational Requirement copy and paste this section.
An Operational Requirement will specify requirements relating to the capabilities and characteristics required for the
proposed system.
Reference: OR003
Description: - The system downtime must not exceed 20 minutes within any 24 hour period.


Insert Reference Here


28 Resource Requirements
28.1.1 Resource Requirement (1Name)
For each Resource requirement copy and paste this section.
A Resource Requirement specifies what hardware, software or technical requirements are required.
Reference: OR004
Description: - The system must support transmission of messages to/from external systems using XML.


Insert Reference Here


29 Acceptance Testing Requirements

29.1.1 Acceptance Testing Requirement (1Name)
For each Acceptance testing requirement copy and paste this section.
The Acceptance Testing Requirements specify what provisions are to be made by the business to support the
acceptance of the delivered system, including personnel and schedules.
Reference: OR005
Description: - System Testing is to be undertaken on the customer site during the period of (insert date)


Insert Reference Here


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30 Documentation Requirements
30.1.1 Documentation Requirement (1Name)
For each Documentation Requirement copy and paste this section.
The Documentation Requirement specifies the deliverables that are expected by the customer
Reference: OR006
Description: The IT department will provide at least a Functional Requirements Specification which will be signed off by
the business.


Insert Reference Here


31 Security Requirements
31.1.1 Security Requirement (1Name)
For each Security requirement copy and paste this section
The Security Requirement will specify policies and procedures which must be used in designated functional area of the
system to be implemented.
Reference: OR007
Description: Credit Card information is to be only accessible by xxx


Insert Reference Here


32 Portability Requirements
32.1.1 Portability Requirement (1Name)
For each Portability Requirement copy and paste this section.
The Portability Requirement will identify which system architectures the system is to support.
Reference: OR007
Description: The system must be supported on Windows XP and Linux desktops.


Insert Reference Here


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33 Availability Requirements
33.1.1 Availability Requirement (1Name)
For each Availability Requirement copy and paste this section.
The Availability requirement specifies that the system will have a designed up-time of a specified period.
Reference: OR008
Description: The system will be available for operation on a 24x7 basis, with provision for critical failure and recovery
within 1 hour of any downtime.


Insert Reference Here


34 Criticality Requirements
34.1.1 Criticality Requirement (1Name)
For each Criticality requirement copy and paste this section.
The Criticality requirement specifies what aspects of the system are of high importance and are essential to the
effective operations of the customer.
Reference: OR009
Description: The customer billing functionality is of critical importance and must provide failsafe backup mechanisms to
ensure 99% accuracy and turnaround in invoicing and recovery of debt.


Insert Reference Here


35 Legal Requirements
35.1.1 Legal Requirement (1Name)
For each Legal Requirement copy and paste this section.
The Legal Requirement specifies legislative issues that impact the project.
Reference: OR010
Description: The system must be operational by xxx date to support the announcement in parliament of the new xxx


Insert Reference Here


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36 Training Requirements
36.1.1 Training Requirement (1Name)
For each Training Requirement copy and paste this section.
The Training Requirement specifies what training may need to be put in place to successfully deliver the project.
Reference: OR010
Description: The user must be trained in how to configure the system to xxx


Insert Reference Here


37 Implementation Requirements
37.1.1 Implementation Requirement (1Name)
For each Implementation Requirement copy and paste this section.
The Implementation Requirement specifies how the project must be implemented.
Reference: OR010
Description: The system can only go-live on a weekend between the hours of 10pm and 6am


Insert Reference Here


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38 Appendices

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