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Test #1

Porcupines have quills coated with antibiotics and can shoot them up to 1 metre
A polar bear is very large and rotund (round). The shape conforms to
Bergmanns Rule
Which of these statements is NOT TRUE concerning American Bitterns
Bittern eyes are situated in the middle of their faces so that they can see
all around them without moving their heads
The tapetum lucidum is an adaption for seeing night
In preparation for winter. Beavers do this
Adds lots of mud to the outside of their lodge for insulation
When Hog-nosed Snakes are frightened, they do this
Play dead
Gulls, ducks, and geese can stand on ice without freezing their feet because of this
A counter-current heat exchanger known as the Rete Mirabile activated in
the winter
A harmless moth looks just like a harmless beetle. This is an example of
None of the above
Virginia Opossums play dead when frightened
When frightened, a Kill deer freezes and allows this adaption to help it
Breast bands for disruptive colouration (patterns)
Giant Swallowtail caterpillars have a great secondary defence. This is
Sticking out a bright red osmetarium from their head (to look like a snake)
A moth sits camouflaged on a tree trunk. When disturbed, it opens its wings and two
large eyespots appear
Both (a) and (c) (a == startle the predator, c == act as distraction pattern)
Autotomy is the ability to shed a body part and regrow it. This is a defence of
Five-lined skinks
A brightly-colored caterpillar is likely to be either poisonous or be covered in poisonous
An insect eats a plant and continues to stay in its juvenile state and cannot change into
an adult. It likely ate
Balsam fur
Animals in northern areas tend to be paler than animals father south. This principle is
known as
Glogers Rule
The main defence of Angle-winged Butterflies is

Bright colours worn by insects that are poisonous are known as
Aposematic colouration
Monarch caterpillars sequester cardiac glycosides from milkweeds
Insects that swim at the surface of ponds often have this defence

Test # 2
Male Sharp-tailed Grouse and Wild Turkeys perform courtship displays in communal
display sites called
Which is NOT TRUE concerning animal reproduction
Male snakes can mate with two females at one time because they have
two hemipenes
You can tell an Orb Weaver Spider web from a Sheet Web Spider because
Sheet Web Spider webs look messy with vertical knock-down strands
and a cone in the middle of the web under which the spider sits while Orb
Weaver webs are beautiful vertical structures with complex strand patterns
The special hold that male frogs and toads use when mating is called
One common solution to the shade problem is for wildflowers to bloom in early spring
Beavers use this tool for grooming their fur
A double or split toenail
Birds are able to sing two songs simultaneously
The difference between a parasitoid and a parasite is
Parasitoids always kill their hosts while parasites usually do no harm their
Risks that arise from advertising for a mate include
Being found by a predator
Shrikes store extra food by
Imputing it on a thorn or sharp twig
An irruption is a response to a predictable food shortage
A holoparasite
Is a plant that does not make its own or use mycorrhizae to attain its food
Animals that are hermaphroditic tend to be
Sedentary or slow moving
You would find a very large tympanum on a
Male Bullfrog
When a female bird chooses a male because he sings better or looks better than other
males, her discrimination is part of sexual selection
What is TRUE concerning moose antlers

Antlers change in shape and size with age, and are visual ornaments that
reflect their beavers health and status
Plants that grow in sunny, hot habitats have leaves that
Are highly dissected and grow at a 45-degree angle to the stem
A copulatory plug is
An attempt by males to ensure paternity of offspring
During mating a male Honeybees genitalia explodes from his body
Owls deal with indigestible parts of their meals by
Coughing the indigestible parts out of their mouth in the form of a pellet

Self-Test #1

Chipping Sparrows have a black line through the eye and a white stripe above it. These
marks are called:
disruptive patterns
Inchworm caterpillars looks like twigs. This defence is known as:
Skunks are black and white because this colour pattern makes them better
camouflaged for night activity.
When Underwing Moths open their wings, this happens:
bright patterns appear that might startle a predator
Porcupines can shoot their quills with some accuracy up to three metres from their
if you see a caterpillar covered in yellow and red spines, you would suspect that it:
has a strong chemical defence
American Bitterns have streaks down their breast because the stripes:
allow a bittern to hide in cattail marshes
Monarch butterfly caterpillars are not good to eat because they contain cardiac
glycosides (terpenoids). They get these by eating milkweed leaves. The way they
acquire the toxins is known as:
Giant Swallowtail caterpillars use masquerade as their first defence.

Mullerian Mimicry is when:

an animal has its body modified to look like a non-edible item such as a
thorn or a dead leaf

Self-Test #2
Batesian Mimicry involves:
an edible animal looking like a non-edible animal (usually one that is
chemically defended)
Flocking in birds offers this benefit:
a flock provides more eyes to watch for danger and lessens the odds of
being caught for each bird in the flock
Many insects have membranes that function as ears for detecting danger.
Snakes are able to analyze scents with this structure:
Jacobson's Organ
Mallards (ducks) are able to see behind their heads and in front of them at the same
Terpenoids serve this purpose:
they taste bitter and thus serve to deter an animal from eating a plant
Black-capped Chickadees stay warm on cold nights by:

all of the above

The rete mirabile allows an animal to see at night:
The subnivean space is important to:
small mammals such as meadow voles in winter
Chipmunks and Raccoons escape cold temperatures by:
undergoing periods of torpor and/or lethargy

Self-Test #3
An analogous structure:
has the same function as another structure on a different animal but arises
from a different part of the body
Snails and slugs use sharp mandibles for ingesting plant material
Plants become cold hardy by this process:
In winter evergreen ferns curl their leaves to avoid desiccation (by reducing the surface

Moose solve the winter mobility problem by:
having really long legs, 2 metres tall at the shoulder, and a special leg
rotation at the shoulder
What is NOT TRUE concerning migration:
birds are the only animals that migrate
Migration is studied by banding birds. Before they are banded, songbirds are captured
in mist nets.
This structure is analogous to a bird's gizzard:
mammalian cheek teeth
Owls have a large blind spot behind their head and can turn their heads:
270 degrees
Moose go to beaver ponds in summer to:
acquire sodium from aquatic plants

Self-Test #4
The difference between a parasitoid and a parasite is:
parasitoids always kill their hosts while parasites usually do not harm their
Spider webs capture flying insects and thus act as flight intercept traps.

Weasels tend to kill their prey by using their canine teeth to:
bite into the back of the prey's cranium and pierce its brain
A plant (like Indian Pipe) that does not make its own food but gets its carbon products
from other plants through the help of a fungal partner is known as a:
In order to give support to their penis when mating, Walrus have a very large penis bone
The special hold that male frogs and toads use when mating is called:
A baby clam is known as a:
Plants with highly dissected leaves would likely grow in:
sunny field
Birds are able to sing two songs simultaneously.
Gray Jays:
all of the above
Risks that arise from advertising for a mate include:
being found by a predator
One common solution to the shade problem is for wildflowers to bloom in early spring.
A female Ebony Jewelwing tells a male that she is interested in mating with him by:
clapping her wings in the air above her back
The number one problem facing predators is:

What is NOT true concerning antlers of buck deer and bull moose:
antlers are also called "horns" because they are made of compressed hair
To attract mates, male Ruffed Grouse gather together and perform ritualized dances in
large areas called leks.
Pheromones are:
chemicals released by animals, often for mate attraction
Sundews grow in peatlands and attain many of their nutrients by:
catching insects with adhesive leaf traps
all of the above
Courtship gifts are often given by male predatory animals (i.e., Dance Flies,
Scorpionflies, some spiders) in order to avoid being eaten while mating with the female

Final Self-Test
Brood patches are:
bare skin on the bellies of birds for incubating eggs
Flight intercept traps are used by:
orb-weaver spiders
Which of these is NOT an aid for seed dispersal:
Opossums have a very long gestation period and then nourish their babies in a belly
pouch for another long period of time
Which statement is NOT TRUE concerning snake reproduction:
male garter snakes have two hemipenes and can mate with two females
at one time
Male Dragonflies use their claspers to:
hold a female by the back of her head during mating
Which of these statements about the colour of flowers is NOT TRUE:
many flowers are red because that colour is very popular with bees
Turtles lay many eggs and guard them until they hatch.
Pheromones are chemicals that are used for this purpose:
all of the above
What is not true about pollen:

plants that use the wind for pollination produce vast small amounts of

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