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of Service
in Pakistan

Bring the CX Day Celebration to Your Company!

Busy over-tasked people focused on immediate issues and problems can lose track of a
larger vision and
the overall customer experience culture. CX Day is that
moment, a pause during the year, when your
company can take a breather,
refresh and recommit to the customer experience, and show the customer
love in

Do you have CX Day plans for this year?

Celebrating CX Day within your organization is a great way to:

Create awareness of what customer experience is and what it means in the
Create awareness for what CX initiatives are underway
Create awareness of the governing CX body
Educate the experience framework (e.g. Customer Understanding,
Measurement, Governance, Executive Commitment, etc.)
Celebrate customer experience successes

Thank people for their ongoing work to deliver great customer experiences

Ideas to celebrate CX Day

1. Day-Long CX Educational Series
Organize events around the framework and show what we do to gain customer
understanding (e.g., research, VOC programs), designing around the customer
experience, etc.
Go further and carry on the series for the whole week.
2. Take a Walk in Your Customers Shoes
Not necessarily literally. But this is a great chance to empathize with your customers
and evaluate their experience from their perspective. What is your company doing
well? What could you do better?
3. Proactively Reach Out to a Customer
Just because you havent recently received bad (or good) feedback from a
customer doesnt mean that
everything is going swimmingly. Take CX Day as an opportunity to pick at least one
customer that maybe you havent engaged with in a while to proactively connect

with. Ask them to be honest about

their experince with your organization and
what you could be doing better to improve that
4. Learn from Other Companies
Get your team together and pick two brands: one thats known for great call center
support and one thats on the opposite end of the spectrum. Put the phone on
speaker and role play being a

difficult customer. After each call, discuss with your team what went well and what
didnt and
see if you can discover some new best (and worst) CX practices.
5. Invite- Customer Appreciation Events at your field offices or districts
Invite customers to come in celebrate the day with employees
Go further, generate an educational program for employees & customers
to take advantage
6. Recoginize - Viral Recognition
Create a movement to flood the company with recognitions and rewards
from top contributions to customer service to person who parked the
furthest from the entrance.

Inspire and promote a colleague recognition initiative leading up to the

day where each
employee is encouraged to show recognition
and/or gratitude to someone else in the
company through
their own creative way.
7. Award Your Customer Champions
You know who they (and you) are. The people in your organization who live to make
customers happy. CX Day is your chance to celebrate their efforts and socialize their
efforts (and CX approaches) with your broader organization.
8. Visualization: Customer Journey Visualization

Create a visualization of the current customer journey map.

Go further by sending employees on a customer journey and ask them

to record their insights and takeaways
9. Spread the Word of CEM
Customer experience non-believers arent hard to find. While they might see the
implicit value of customer experience, they dont prioritize it in their work or their
resource allocation. On CX , go find at least one of these non-believers and share a
strong customer experience proof point with them perhaps one on the ROI of CX.
10.Invite the teams to the CX-Day event
Ensure partcipation of Opinion leaders of your organisation to join us at CXDay
Facilitate a lspace to broadcast the live event of CX-Day of Marriot Nov 03,
2016 to your teams
Go further by holding discussion to talk about observations & lessons learned
from sessions
11. Destress: Stress-less Employee Value Opportunity
Provide on-site fun where employees can take a break for 10 min and receive
a laughter.
Go further with this by providing a recorded, fun message about the companys
experience that employees listen to on headphones while

enjoying the laughter. Sit down

and soak
Say Thank You!
Think about the businesses in your community that you frequent and whose
customer experiences continually delight you. Pick at least one to visit and go thank
them for their
awesome service. (You should probably also buy something).
Make CX Day Everyday
This ones pretty self-evident Youre already doing something Good every
Great.But you probably know at least one person for whom this is
not true. Someone who doesnt think about their impact on your customers
experience and isnt focused on constant improvement. Someone who doesnt
usually go above and beyond to delight or rescue a customer.

Todays the day to change that!

Naval Vaswani
Director, Integrated Services Excellence

805, Trade Tower

Near Hotel Metropole
Karachi Pakistan
Cell: +92 300 2237927

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