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The Vision of the School : Transforming

English Worksheet


Articles { A An }

1- An before a vowel
2- A before a consonant { l , v , f , ------- }
3- Vowels are { a e i o u }

Eg.:1- This is an apple.

2- It is a book.
3- It is an orange.
4- This is a desk.
5- This is an umbrella.

I- Choose (a) or (an) between brackets :1- It is [a - an ] egg.


2- It is [a - an ] umbrella.
3- I have got [a - an ] big bag.
4- I eat [an - a ] apple everyday.
5- This is [a - an] parrot.
II- Add (A) or (An) :1- . ball.
2- . insect.
3- . kite.
4- house.
5- owl.
6- girl.
7- teddy.
8- elephant.
9- . boy.
10- robot.

Pronouns: {He, she, it, we, you, they}

1) He

boy- father- Ahmed......


2) She
3) It

girl - mother- Mona.....

cat - bag.......

4) They

children boys - lions/ Mona and Hany

5) You

you and Tom/ Ramy and you

6) We

Rana and I/ you and I

A) Put a suitable pronoun:

1) Sara


2) Hany


3) A pen


4) My aunt


5) The pupils
6) Tigers


7) You and Dina


8) Omar and I


9) Nahla and you


10) Rasha and Samy

11) Books



12) Grandpa and grandma

13) You and I



B) Choose:
1) {He- she- it} is my brother.
2) {He- it- you} is a bag.

3) {They- you- it} are elephants.

4) {She- he- they} is my mum.
5) This is my sister. {He- she- it} is seven.
6) Mona and I are happy. {We- she- they} are playing.
7) Elephants are big animals. {It- They- you} have long

C) Put: he, she, it, you, we, they

1) -------------- is Mona.
2) --------------- is Fady.
3) Sally and I are sisters. ----------- have red dresses.
4) ---------- is a blue bus.
5) You and Sara are at home. ---------- are watching T.V.
6) Camels are brown. --------------- are big animals.
7) Mum and dad are at home. ------------- are eating.
8) --------------- is my grandpa.
9) -------------- are my sister and brother.
10) ----------- is a bag.

Verb to Be

{Am- is- are}

1) I

m {am}

2) He, she, it

's {is}

3) We, you, they

're {are}

A) Put m, s, re:
1) I ----------------- a pupil.
2) They ------------ teachers.
3) Sara ----------- a doctor.
4) We --------------- singing.
5) My father ------------- reading.
6) The giraffe ----------- tall.
7) Ramy and I ---------------- friends.
8) You and John --------------- clever.
B) Choose:
1) Camels {am- is- are} brown.
2) Grandma {am- is- are} short.
3) Samy and Hany {am- is- are} brothers.
4) I {am- is- are} six.
5) You and Mona {am- is- are} twins. {She- You- He} have got pink
6) Noha {is- am- are} a pretty girl. {He- She- They} has long hair.
7) Randa and I {am- is- are} twins. {We- They- She} always
sleep early.

Verb to have
{Have- Has}
1) I, we, you, they
2) He, she, it

've got {have got}

's got {has got}

A) Put {s, ve}:

1) I ----------------- got a blue bag.
2) Mona -------------------- got a red dress.
3) You and I ----------------- got a white cat.
4) Birds ----------------- got wings.
5) The monkey ----------------- got a long tail.
6) Ramy ----------------- got a nice bike but Sara and Nancy
---------got many dolls.
7) The elephant ----------------- got a long trunk.
8) Nancy ----------------- got green eyes.
B) Choose:
1) Ramy {has- have} got a computer but his brothers
{has - have} got some toys.
2) The cat {am- is- are} a small animal. {He- You- It} {has- have}
got green eyes.
3) Mary {am- is- are} cooking. {She- He- They} {has- have} got a
red apron.
4) Naglaa and her sister {am- is- are} feeding the ducks. {SheThey- We} {has- have} got seven ducks.
5) I {has- have} long hair but my mother {has- have} short hair.

Exercise (3)
1-What's this ?
It is a .


2-What's this ?
It is .

3-What's this ?
It is

4-What's this?
It is ..

5-What's this?
It is .

6- What's it?
It is .

Remark 1:
1) I
2) You


A) Put {my- your}:


1) I love --------------- mother.

2) You are good pupils, ---------------- books are clean.
3) I have got a cat, ----------------- cat is white.
4) Samy and you are playing with ----------------- toys.

B) Choose:
1) I {am- is- are} doing {my- your} H.W.
2) You {am- is- are} helping {my- your} father.

Remark 2:
1) We


2) They


A) Put {our- their- my- your}:

1) We live in ---------- house.
2) Ahmed and Adel are playing with ------------ ball.
3) These are Sara and Nancy, ------------ dresses are red.
4) You and Mary are pretty, ---------- hair is long.
5) I always keep ------------- room clean.

B) Choose:
1) Fady and Ramy are pupils. {Our- Their- My} shoes
are black.
2) I {am- is- are} Aly, this is {my- your- our} book.
3) We {am- is- are} pupils, Mrs Hanan is {my- our- their}

4) You are my playing football, this is {our- your- their}

5) Mona and I {are- am- is} twins. This is {their- ouryour} doll.
6) Monkeys {am- is- are} funny, {our- my- their} tails are
Remark 3:
1) He
2) She
3) It


A) put his, her, its:

1) Ramy is playing football. This is -------------- ball.
2) Mona is playing with -------------- doll.
3) The cat is running. ------------- tail is long.
4) Mary is helping ------------- mother.
5) This is my dog. -------------- colour is black.

B) Choose:
1) We love {our- their- its} teachers.
2) I {am- is- are} {a- an} pupil, {my- our- their} desk is brown.
3) You {am- is- are} {a- an} postman. {Her- your- our} bag is big.
4) Ahmed {is- am- are} flying {his- her- its} kite.

5) The pupils {am- is- are} doing {her- its- their} H.W.
6) Fady {has- have} got a car. {His- its- her} car is red.

C) Correct the mistake:

1) I have got a bag. Our bag is white.
------------------------------------------------2) We are writing in its copybooks.
------------------------------------------------3) Fady and Hany are playing with her toys.
--------------------------------------------------------------4) The cat are moving my tail.
----------------------------------------------------------------5) My father am doing her work.
------------------------------------------------------------------6) Nadia am washing his face.

I- Put [ My - Your - his - her - its] :1-I am a pupil , desk is brown.

2-You are a postman. .. bag is big.
3-Mary is a good girl, . dress is clean.
4-Ramy is reading in book.
5-It is a bus, wheels are big.

6-I love family.

7-The cat is drinking milk.
II- Put [Their - Our]:1-They are boys, shirts are blue.
2-We are pupils, we love teachers.
3-Dina and Dalia are playing with dolls.
4-We are pupils, this is . school.
5-Hala and Mary love
6-We have to obey parents.

Choose the correct answer:1- We love [our - their - its] teachers.

2- This is my mother, [his - her - its] hair is black.
3- Peter and Maged are playing with [his - her -

their] ball.
4- Hoda is a pretty girl, [his - my - her] eyes are

5- We have to obey [their - our - your] parents.

6- Ahmed and Mona love [their - his - her ] school.

7- The cat is drinking [our - its - his] milk.
8- I go to school with [his - her - my] friend.
9- You are a good pupil, [his - your - our ] books are

10- This is my father, [its - his - ours] car is red.
11- I am a girl, this is [my - his - her] dress.

A) Answer the following questions:

1) Is this a book?
Yes, -----------------------------2) Is it an apple?
No, ---------------------------------3) Is it a camel?
No, -----------------------------------------4) Is this a table?
Yes, -----------------------------------------

B) Choose:
1) {Is- are} it a cat?
No, it {is- isnt}.

2) {Am- is- are} it {a- an} umbrella?

Yes, it {is- isnt}.

3) Is {it- you- we} {a- an} banana?

{Yes- No}, it is.

4) Is {he- she- it} an ant?

{No- Yes} it isnt.


1) Add {S} to the noun
Ex: Bag






2) To change into plural cross {a, an}

Ex: A cat


An apple


Change into plural:

1) A doll
2) An orange


3) A lion


4) A car


5) An ant


6) An eye


7) A monkey


8) A book


9) An egg


10) An insect


3) Nouns ending in : {S, ss, sh, ch, x, o} take (es)


Ex: Box






Change into plural:

1) A watch


2) A bus


3) A fox


4) A brush


5) A car


6) A sandwich
7) A desk
8) An umbrella
9) A book
10) A mango


11) An onion


12) A dress


13) A tomato


14) A box


4) Colours and adjectives


No change:

Ex: A blue box

blue boxes

An orange car

orange cars

A big bus

big buses

A tall boy

tall boys

Change into plural:

1) An orange desk
2) A long train
3) A brown brush
4) A pretty girl
5) A clever teacher


6) A lazy pupil


7) A big class


8) A white watch


9) A pink dress


10) A yellow star

11) A red apple
12) An excellent boy
13) An orange box
14) A purple dish





He she it


Am {m} is {s}

Are {re}

Change into plural :

1) I am a clever pupil.
-------------------------------------2) She is a pretty girl.
--------------------------------------3) It is an old car.
-----------------------------------------4) He is a tall boy.
-------------------------------------------5) It is an orange box.
----------------------------------------------6) The lion is a wild animal.
----------------------------------------------Choose :
1) (She They It) are (nice nices) cakes.
2) He (m s re) (a an) old man.

3) We (am is are) (tall talls) boys.

4) They (m s re) (red reds) (boxes boxs).
5) Cats (m s re) (small smalls) animals.
6) (Camels camel) are (brown browns).

Correct the mistakes :

1) Lions is wild animal.
----------------------------------------2) Ants is smalls insects.
------------------------------------------3) He are clevers doctors.
--------------------------------------------------4) I am tall girls.



Has got {s got}

Have got {ve got}





Change into plural:

1) This is an orange.
-------------------------------------------------------------2) That is a doctor, he has got a white coat.

3) This is a fox, it is wild.

----------------------------------------------------------------4) The tomato is red.
---------------------------------------------------------------5) I have got a grey watch.
---------------------------------------------------------------6) That pretty girl has a pink dress.
---------------------------------------------------------------7) She has got a nice doll.

Choose :
1) (This These) (class classes) are big.
2) Those (dish dishes dishs) are (red reds).
3) (I We She) are (happy happys) pupils.
4) These (tall talls) doctors (s ve) got blue bags.
5) (Wild Wilds) animals (s ve) got sharp teeth.
6) (That Those) are (grey greys) (boxes boxs).

Correct the mistakes :


1) Elephantss got bigs ears.

2) Tomatos are reds.

3) This brushes is green.

4) We m clever pupil.

1) {It- They- We} {are- is} {big- bigs} balls.
2) {A- An} apple {is- are} {red- reds}.
3) They are {tall- talls} {girl- girls}.
4) We {am- is- are} {clever- clevers} pupils.
5) Ramy and Sara {am- is- are} {good- goods} friends.
6) I {am- is- are} a pupil, my bag is {big- bigs}.
7) The {yellow- yellows} {bus- buss- buses} are big.

8) Our {watchs- watches- watch} are {new- news}.

9) Their {classs- classes} are {clean- cleans}.
10) The table {have- has} four {leg- legs}.
11) {This- These} {dishs- dish- dishes} are {blue- blues}.
12) We {have- has} got four {book- books- bookes}.

Prepositions of Place
{In On - under }
I- Put [ in - on - under] :
1-Where is the cat?
The cat is the car.
2-Where is the cat?
The cat is the table.
3-Where is the ball?
The ball is . the chair.
4-Where is the cat?

The cat is . the hat.

5-Where is the mouse?
The mouse is . the elephant .

6-Where is the monkey?

The monkey is . the bath.

I- Choose:1- There is a glass [in - on] the table.

2- I sit [in - on - under] the chair.
3- I put my books [under on in] my bag.
4- The cat is [in under ] the chair.
5- There are three flowers [in on under] the
6- I put my pencils [under on in] my pencil
7- There is a clock [in on under] the wall.

8- I live [in under] a big house.

9- The carpet is [under - on - in] the table.

The chair is [on - in - under] the carpet.

Put [ in - on - under] :-

1- There is a book . the table.

2- The pencil is . the pencil box.
3- I put my book . my bag.
4- I put my bag . the desk.
5- The flowers are . the vase.
6- There is a clock . the wall.
7- I live . a big house.

8- Don't put your fingers . your mouth.

9- The teacher is . the class.

I sit . the chair.


Revision 1
1) This {is- are} a cat.
2) {That- those} are dogs.
3) These {is- are} my {book- books}.
4) {Those- that} are {bird- birds}.
5) Those {am- is- are} {big- bigs} cars.
6) {Banana- Bananas} are {yellow- yellows}.
7) My books {is- are} {clean- cleans}.
8) {What- How} is your name?
9) Hello, my {name- old} is Meg.
10) This {book- books} is yellow, {I- he- it} isnt
11) Father is {in- on- under} the garden, {he- we- I}
is reading.

12) Whats this? {It- I- she} is {a- an} orange.

13) Soha and I are {friend- friends}, {she- we- I}
are in the same class.
14) An {ant- ants} {am- is- are} an insect.
Revision 2
Change into plural:
1) This is a big tree.
-------------------------------------------------2) That bird is yellow.
------------------------------------------------3) The parrot is a beautiful bird.
------------------------------------------------4) He is a clever pupil.
------------------------------------------------5) She has a pink dress. It is beautiful.
---------------------------------------------------6) This is a green watch.
------------------------------------------------7) I am a boy. I have got a blue ball.
--------------------------------------------------8) It is an orange brush.

9) This is a brown box.


Revision 3
Answer the following:
1) What is this?
----------------------------------------------------------2) What is this?
-----------------------------------------------------------3) What is this?
----------------------------------------------------4) Is this a kite?
Yes, -----------------------------------------5) Is this a book?
No, -------------------------------------6) Is it a window?
Yes, ----------------------------------7) Is it a door?
No, ---------------------------------8) Is he a pilot?

Yes, ---------------------------------9) Is she a teacher? No -----------------------Revision 4

A) Re-arrange:
1) My- is- dress- pink
----------------------------------------------2) is- This- ant an.
-----------------------------------------------3) are- What- doing? you
---------------------------------------------------4) have- I- eyes- two.
---------------------------------------------------5) name- My- is- Tom.
--------------------------------------------------6) are- old- How- you?
---------------------------------------------------B) Make a sentence:
1) Window: -----------------------------------2) Teddy: ------------------------------------3) Pencil: --------------------------------------30-

4) Book: ----------------------------------------Revision 5
A) Choose:
1) {He- she- I} am {a- an} clever boy.
2) I can help {his- her- my} mother.
3) We {am- is- are} playing with {my- your- our}
4) Hany and Samy love {his- her- their}
5) You are a pretty girl, {my- your- our} {dressdresses} is wonderful.
6) Ahmed plays with {his- her- its} ball everyday.
B) Correct the mistake:
1) The cat drinks her milk every morning.
----------------------------------------------------------------2) We eat my sandwiches everyday.
----------------------------------------------------------------3) Tom plays with its ball everyday.
----------------------------------------------------------------4) Peter and Samy always sleep in our room.

----------------------------------------------------------------Revision 6
A) Choose:
1) She {am- is- are} my friend, {he- she- it} has
blue {eye- eyes}.
2) Fady {has- have} got {a- an} orange ball.
3) Nancy and I {has- have} got a nice doll, {myour- their} doll is big.
4) It {is- are- am} {a- an} car, {my- its- their}
colour is white.
B) Correct the mistake:
1) They is an housewife.
---------------------------------------------------2) Samy and I is doctors, he are busy.
-----------------------------------------------------3) You is sisters, her hair is long.
--------------------------------------------------------4) She are my mother, its hair is curly.
---------------------------------------------------------5) He is Mary, she have got a pinks dress.

Revision 7
1) Penguins are {bird- birds}, {my- our- their}
wings are {small- smalls}.
2) What {am- is- are} this? {It- she- they} is {aan} ice-cream.
3) Is {they- she- it} a housewife? Yes, she {isisnt}.
4) Is {she- he- we} a doctor? No, he {is- isnt}.
5) {Cat- Cats} {is- are} small animals,{its- theirour} tails are long.
6) Crocodiles are {wild- wilds} {animalanimals}.
7) {These- this} books are big, {I- we- they} are
English books.
8) You and your friends {am- is- are} playing
football, {you- he- they} are happy.
Put in a sentence:
1) Watch: -------------------------------------2) School: ---------------------------------------3) Doctor: ------------------------------------------


Revision 8
Put {my- their- our- her- his- its- your};
1) I am tall, ----------- hair is short.
2) You are playing with -------------- toys.
3) Sara has got a dress. ------------- dress is pink.
4) Noha and Mona are teachers, ----------- pens
are red.
5) This dog is big, ------------- tail is short.
6) My dad has got a black car, ------------- car is
7) My brother and I have got a house,
-------------house is big.
Put {he- she- it- we- you- they- I}:{pronouns}
1) ----------- is my grandpa.
2) Mary is my sister, --------------- is tall.
3) Fady and Ramy are fire fighters, -------- are
4) ---------- am six years old.
5) This is my car, ----------- is old.
6) Meg and I work in a school, ---------- are
Revision 9

-Choose:1- (Who-What-How) is your name?

2- Hello! My (name-class-book) is Hend.
3- (B) is for (lion-bird-camel).
4- A (lion-monkey-parrot) is a bird.
5- (A-B-C) is between A and C.
6- Camel gives (L - C - M).
7- Five and Five are (eight-nine-ten).
8- (What-Who-How) old are you?
9- This is my (book-present-friend). I love him.
10- Grass is (black-green-purple).
11- The (sun-sky-moon) is blue.
12- The sun and the moon are in the (moongrass-sky).
13- A tree is (blue-green-white).
14- She`s got six candles. She is (ten- sixsixteen) years old.
15- Dad is my (grandpa- father- uncle).


16- A (lion- cow- duck) gives us milk.

17- Breakfast, lunch and dinner are (numberscolours- meals).
18- We have (lunch- dinner- breakfast) in the
19- Don`t (say- go- play) I want. Say please.
20- Stand (up-down-in), please.
21- Sit (up- in down), please.
22- (Write-Do-Open) your book, please.
23- Hens lay (eggs-oranges-potatoes).
24- We sit on the (friend-radio-sofa) and watch
25- Dont close the window. (touch-open-put) it,
26- We sleep in the (kitchen-dinning roombedroom).

Change into plural:-36-






A , An

1-This is a book.
2-That is a bird.
3-This is an apple.
4-That boy is tall.
5-That clown is happy.
6-This tree is very big.
7-An ant is a small insect.
8-The parrot is a beautiful bird.

Choose:1- This [is - are ] a cat.

2- [That - Those] are dogs.
3- These [is - are] my books.
4- [Those - That] are [bird - birds].
5- [This - These] [is - are] a clown.
6- These [is - are] my [hand - hands] .
7- The pupils [is - are] in class.
8- [An elephant - Elephants] [is - are]
big animals.
9- My books [is - are] [clean - cleans] .
10- Those [girl - girls] [is - are]
11- [These - This] cars are [small smalls] .
12- [ Banana - Bananas ] are [yellow
- yellows] .
13- Apples [is - are] [red - reds] .
14- Those [is - are] [big - bigs ] car.


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