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new in version 0.6.

-------------------Added support for all documented aspects of the LIRC TCP/IP protocol,
except that SEND_START and SEND_STOP are not supported. For full
compatibility, set the transmit password to "SEND_ONCE". The password
is no longer case sensitive. Clients are now notified about
reconfiguration, etc.
Fixed gap length for transmitting remotes with CONST_LENGTH
Transmitter type is now set correctly for the last remote in the config file
new in version 0.6.4
-------------------advanced power management support
The TCP port for the server is now configurable via a registry key.
-use regedit to add a new DWORD value to software\LIRC
- name it "tcp_port" set the value to whatever port you want.
- winlirc will use this new value the next time it is restarted.
added an inverted option for the transmitters (not used for TX softcarrier)
-this swaps the definition of on and off states.
-this makes it possible to support pioneer SR control by wire
(and possibly sony S-Link)
the number of pre and post data bits now break evenly into hexidecimal
(so the config files will be easier to read).
buttons can now be named "begin" or "end"
(this will be allowed in future versions of lirc as well)
config files support a "transmitter" field for the remote
if the SPECIAL_TRANSMITTER flag is specified, then the transmitter type
will override the default settings (but only for that remote).
-LIRC does not support these settings, and winlirc will not write this data to
the config files it creates
-this means you can have a different type of transmitter for each remote.
-to use add |SPECIAL_TRANSMITTER to the flags section then add the line
transmitter <type>
where <type> is the same value used in software\LIRC\transmittertype when
configured for the transmitter you want.
e.g., transmitter 0x05 uses INVERTED HARDWARE_CARRIER DTR
fixed all known crashing bugs in windows NT/2000/XP.
possible lockup when exiting raw codes mode is eliminated.
restored the yellow light on initialization.
closes some file handles that were previously left open.
the tx transmitter supports longer pulses
toggle_bits are now transmitted correctly
scrolling output windows now remove about 100 lines at a time when filli
ng up
new in version 0.6.3
-------------------RX device support
No tray icon option
tx transmitter support

hard carrier transmitter support

RC-6 support
RC-MM support (receive only)
detects RC-5 codes that start with 1
lets codes from raw remotes be sent from other applications
new in version 0.6.2
-------------------fixed bug where server expects the LIRC key to exist and fails to start.
new in version 0.6.1pre3
------------------------------The "animax" serial port receiver is now supported. This receiver uses DTR and
RTS pin for power. If you have an animax receiver, check the animax box at the c
onfiguration screen. Note that animax receivers are incompatible with the curren
t winlirc transmitter.
You can now tell WinLIRC to transmit codes from the TCP/IP port
The format is:
password remotename codename reps
(just like transmit.exe, but with a password in front). To enable this, you need
to use regedit to add a key software\LIRC\password it should be a string that
contains no spaces or tabs. If the password key is not set, or the password is
wrong WinLIRC won't accept commands from the TCP interface
WinLIRC can now transmit codes from raw (unanalyzed) remotes.
Hopefully, the win2k/xp crashes are gone.
Some user interface improvements.

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