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Evi Princess Yuliani
Indonesian education university
Geography Education Program
The city is a center of population settlements and activities that have administrative
constraints set out in legislation and settlements that have shown the character and
characteristics of urban life. (Regulation No. 2 of 1987, Article 1). Results of the census of
2013 mentions the city of Bandung has a population of 2,483,977 people with numbers
reaching 14.847orang population density / km2. A growing number of people who make the
city increasingly crowded. This coupled with the number of migration population who do not
have the expertise to be able to work. More and more residents of the increasing need for land
and garbage yag issued. Garbage is a serious problem faced by big cities in Indonesia as well
as the city of Bandung. In this case is not in line with the concept of Bandung as a Smart City.
One of the environmental quality improvement efforts undertaken by the Government of
Bandung is a waste bank program. So this study was conducted in an effort to determine the
Waste Bank Program Implementation Being Smart City for Sustainable Development (Case
Study Waste Bank Program in Rw 14 Castle Top Bandung). In this study, researchers used
interviews, documentation and study of literature.
Keywords: Waste Bank Program, Smart City, Sustainable Development

A. Introduction
The city is a center of population settlements and activities that have administrative
constraints set out in legislation and settlements that have shown the character and
characteristics of urban life. (Regulation No. 2 of 1987, Article 1).
The continued development of a city, the more complex the permasalahnnnya if not balanced
with good urban planning ..
Part of Settlement in Indonesia can be classified as good. That is because construction is still
separated (gate community). This is based on several factors such as the increasing number of
people living in cities, while the land area is still the same. The needs of an increasingly
diverse population and, of course samaph produced more and more.
Garbage mmerupakan second largest problem faced by big cities in Indonesia which includes
the city of Bandung.
Bandung has a load of rubbish from residential as much as 909.15 tons and 143.4 tons of
the total market. Not only that in 2005, the city of Bandung had experienced landslides
precisely garbage in the landfill Leuwigajah.
In handling this case city government has frequently issued and run its programs to address
the problems in the city including hygiene program. One of the government is the famous

concept of Smart City. Smart City is to support the city of Bandung into a city that is not a
problem anymore. It could even be a reference to other cities that have yet to implement a
Smart City and made the city of Bandung into the city developed and recognized by ASEAN
as a beautiful city. In the program, Smart City has six elements:
1. Economic Pintar (Smart Economy)
2. Environment Smart (Smart Envrionment)
3. Mobility Smart (Smart Mobility)
4. Society Smart (Smart People)
5. Life Smart (Smart Living)
6. The Government Smart (Smart Goverrnance)
This element of some researchers took concentration on smart environmental elements
(Smart Envrionment) to address environmental problems in the city, especially in the case of
garbage. Smart City made the city of Bandung-based IT. Including the handling of garbage
had to be based IT to be controlled properly.
In the smart environment is definitely more programs to realize the smart environment. In
this case the researchers looked Garbage Bank program is one way the government programs
to deal with the waste problem.
Bank of garbage is already there already exist in various villages throughout the country.
Researchers already know this concept and for now the researchers wanted to see how the
waste bank program in the cty smart mewujudakn role for sustainable development.
Based on the background that has been described, the problems regarding waste banks in the
Smart City is a Waste Bank Program Implementation Being Smart City for Sustainable
Development (Case Study Waste Bank Program in Rw 14 Castle Top Bandung).
B. Method
1. Sources of research data
The data used in this study are of two kinds, namely:
a. Primary data
In this pennelitin dipeoleh data from interviews with the Bank's management of garbage RW
Castle Top 14 Up and some of the garbage customers.
b. Secondary data
In this study, researchers conducted a literature study and documentation relating to this
2. The data collection technique
a. Observation Techniques
Observation assist researchers in finding the data and answer the questions will program the
garbage bank.
b. Interview Techniques
Interview to the perpetrators or that determine the development of waste management in the
Bank Trash namely RW 14 Tamnasari Top officials and local residents.
c. Technical Documentation
Researchers conducted a literature study and documentation related to this discussion is
through journals and previous research.
3. Data Processing and Analysis Techniques
The processing techniques in this research is descriptive qualitative. Subject-Object Research

a. The subjects were resource persons authorized to answer questions asked by the
interviewer (researcher)
b. The objects used in this study is the Garbage Bank RW 14 Castle On Top.
Research Framework
Source: Document Writer
C. Results / Discussion
1. Overview of Bandung
Bandung is the capital of West Java province that between 1070 36 'East Longitude, 60 55'
South Latitude.
Administratively Bandung borders the districts / cities, namely:
a. North side Regency Bandung and West Bandung regency.
b. The western side is bordered by Cimahi and Bandung Regency West.
c. East and south Regency Bandung
d. South of Bandung Regency
Bandung is currently fix the landscapes with the concept of Smart City.
Smart City is defined as a city that is capable of using human resources, social capital and
modern telecommunications infrastructure to achieve sustainable economic growth and a
high quality of life, with prudent resource management through community-based
2. Overview Bank Trash
In 2025, the population is expected to grow to 270 million. With the number of population, it
is expected to be generated garbage as much as 130,000 tons / day. This is a great potential as
a resource (materials that can be recycled, energy sources, etc.), but is currently still largely a
source polluters.
Increased waste generation due to the increasing population and the ratio of waste to be a
challenge for the Government of Indonesia to develop a proper solid waste management
(Chaerul et. Al., 2007). Therefore, the waste reduction to limit the volume of waste generated
should be done immediately.
Law No. 18 of 2008 suggests the importance paradigm shift in waste management, where the
handling of waste in urban areas with the old paradigm that is done by gathering, transport,
waste, into a new paradigm through the implementation of the program of Reduce, Reuse,
and Recycle with a view to reducing waste generation so that waste management should be
done from the source to the emergence of garbage in the final disposal.
Law is then followed by the issuance of Government Regulation No. 81 Year 2012 on
Household Waste Management and Waste Similar Garbage House Tang One of the efforts
implemented by the government to raise awareness of local government in waste
management, namely by requiring the City / County to adopt the concept Bank Garbage as
one of the requirements in the assessment of the environmental award for the City / County is
This is supported by the publication of the Regulation of the Minister of Environment of the
Republic of Indonesia Number 13 of 2012 on Guidelines for Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle
through the Bank Trash.
Implementation of waste banks can provide real output for the community in the form of

employment opportunities in carrying out operations management of garbage and investment

bank in the form of savings (Ministry of Environment, 2011).
Waste management is carried out through the concept of waste banks can build public
awareness in managing its waste properly and can produce economic benefits of garbage.
Thus, indirectly we will get a cleaner environment and comfortable. Waste management
directly from the source will be helping local governments to reduce and control the amount
of waste that goes into landfills and ultimately helped bring about an environment that is
clean, cool and healthy (Imansyah S., 2014).
For terms - terms (indicator) the establishment of a waste bank are:
a. Program targeting accuracy
b. Socialization program
c. Program Objectives
d. Monitoring
According to data from the Government of Bandung PD.Kebersihan In 2014, there were 30
banks garbage in the city of Bandung.
One bank program garbage in the city of Bandung is a waste banks RW 14 Top Castle.
3. The Bank's role in the implementation of Smart City Trash
a. Environment
RW garbage Bank Top 14 Castle began active in 2011. The response felt by local residents
with garbage bank presence is felt has given the improvement of environmental hygiene and
immediate benefits with reduced pile of garbage in the environment.
The existence of garbage can be more meaningful because it can ditabungkan than needlessly
wasted or burned.
Therefore, the existence of garbage bank can also improve the environmental comfort. Since
the bank look no further public trash littering because every house is facilitated by the waste
places starting from small to large.
b. Social
The impact is felt in the presence of garbage bank is the existence of several residents who
absorbed into the workforce in the garbage bank as bank officials garbage.
Not only that, people also recognized a change in attitude began to feel the change of which
was not initially aware of the environment is becoming aware of the importance of
environmental hygiene.
According to the bank management of garbage, trash bank members of RW 14 Tamnasari
SMA is still some 80 families of 500 families were there. Because of the constraints to invite
others to participate become a member of what could be the necessary cooperation between
Other social impact of the bank where the garbage can be seen from the absence of influence
and encouragement of local residents (at the household level) for sorting garbage. Although
the change in the pattern of these behaviors is not easy because it relates to how changes in
culture and outlook. Given this garbage bank was also able to provide additional links to the
collectors-collectors who are already working this garbage bank premises.
c. Economics
According Sugiyono as chairman of RW 14 Castle Upper say if the presence Garbage Bank
program brings economic impact indirectly because people are trained to save and push for

life-saving and also in sorting else that people should know which part should be sold at
expensive in one type of waste , As well as the aluminum bottle alumuniumnya should be
separated because aluminum can be sold at expensive.
Not only is it of sewage waste that is processed by the creative will produce economically
valuable goods yanng will add to revenue.
For the collection of garbage bank itself in RW 14 every Tuesday. But if there is
accumulation in their homes, then when will occur pembludakkan collected garbage in the
garbage bank. If it happens like that then for its own revenue to reach Rp 800.000,00 once
collection and the results will be saved to the client (the public) is.
D. Conclusions and suggestions
1. Conclusion
Garbage bank program in RW 14 Top Castle has been performing well. This can help the
realization of the Smart City concept being promoted by the government of Bandung.
Public awareness of the importance of environmental hygiene and the importance of waste
banks. Good community participation will support the success of Smart City garbage bank in
There is a positive relationship between the government, community and worker hygiene or
social workers such as garbage collectors, collectors of used goods and other social workers
2. Suggestions
Researchers suggest if will be back research on smart city embodiment can be seen from
other programs, for example in terms of ekonmoi or health.
E. References
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Ministry of Environment. (2011). Garbage bank and 3R: Building Environmental and
Economic Democracy.
Novianty, Mita. Impact Against Waste Bank Program Socio-Economic Society in Binjai
Village, District Denai Medan, Medan.
Permanasari, Devita and Enri Damanhuri. 2012. "Garbage Bank Effectiveness Study as One
Approach to Community-Based Waste Management", Environmental Engineering Program.
ITB. in http:
Rozak, Abdul. 2014. Role of Citizens Bank Waste Environmental Concern (WPL) In
Economic Empowerment Customer. (Thesis S1 Program Muamalat (Islamic Economics).
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