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SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 691,249, dated January 14, 1902.
I Application ?led May 23,1901. Serial No, 61,664. (No specimens.)

To all whom it may concern.

Be it known that I, KARL DIETERIOH, a sub

be successfully done by saturating the sepa

rating-strips with a substance like paraf?n,

ject of the King of Saxony, residing at Helfen ceresin, wax, varnish, 850., or any other sub
berg, near Dresden, Germany, have invented stance which is as odorless as possible and 55
which is indifferent alike to acid or alkaline
The paper of which'it is intended to make
esses of Making the Same; and I do hereby
declare the following to bea full, clear, and ex the compound testing-paper is ?rst provided

certain new and useful Improvements in Com

pound Ohemical-Testing Papers and Proc

act description of the invention, such as will with very narrow separated insulating strips

enable others skilled in the'art to which it ap

pertains to make and use the same.

or coatings of heated ceresin or any of the be-'

fore-named substances, and between these in

This invention relates to chemical-testing sulating-strips alternate coatings of the dif
paper, and has for its object to provide an im ferent reacting color materials are applied.
proved compound testing-paper for testing It is sufficient to apply the insulating mass 65
di?erent solutions, such as acids and alkalies, and also the reacting material on one side
at one operation and an improved process for only of the paper, as it penetrates sufficiently
into the paper. Thus the red and blue color
making such compound paper.
The need of a testing or litmus paper which ing-matter of litmus can be placed parallel
is not alone sensitive, as the usual blue paper, upon one paper, and in the same manner any

to acidity or, as the usual red paper, to alkali, desired acting body of animal or synthetic
but which simultaneously reacts upon both origin may be used. Also when the quantities
the acid and alkali, has led to the manufac of theacting bodies are varying narrow or
ture of the so-called neutral reacting lit - wide strips of not only two, but several, acting
mus-paper. This neutral paper bya certain bodies can be applied side by side, or on one 75
sheet twenty to thirty strips of red litmus
25 neutralization of the color material in violet .paper
can be united with twenty to thirty
colored manufactured paper has the disad


vantage that it is not durable and is always strips of blue. In each case two or more re

uneven in its sensibility, being either excess actions can be executed or tested at once by
ively sensitive to acidity, or vice versa, to coating one piece of paper. The compound
may also have strips of the ordinary testing

The object of this invention is to provide papers pasted upon it instead of being colored

litmus-paper, as well as other test-papers, , in strips, if so desired.

with all possible coloring and testing quali

Having thus fully described my invention,

ties, in which a plurality of sheets of the test what I claim as new, and desire to secure by 85
Patent of the United States, is
35 ing-papers are placed one beside the other, Letters
1. YA process of manufacturing testing-paper
but separated from each other. This, how

ever, is not easily possible, for instance, with which is sensitive to two or more chemical

substances by ?rst providing the paper with

rosity of the paper,be it ?ltering or. writing narrow insulating strips or coatings of a sub 90
red and blue litmus colors, because of the po

paper, which allows the di?erent solutions of

coloring-matter to run into each other. Even
when this should not be thecase at the be
ginning in storing up the paper a gradual ex

stance impervious and as far as possible in

di?erent' to the chemicals to be tested, and

thereafter applying the different testing sub

stances in parallel, separated strips on the pa

change of colors through the various sheets per, substantially as described.
this inconvenience is obviated by placing be sisting of a sheet of paper having separated
tween the dilferent strips of coloring-paper a strips of testing coloring or material thereon,
very narrow strip of a substance which ren separated by insulating-coatings on the paper,
ders the paper at this place impermeable to substantially as described.
3. A compound chemical-testing paper con
50 liquid solutions and, so to say, insulates the
different strips of testing-papers. This can - sisting of a sheet of paper having separated


strips of testing coloring or material thereon, 'vious to acids and alkalies, substantially as 10
separated by insulating-coatings on the pa-

described. -

per, the various strips of testing material beIn testimony whereof I af?x my signature
ing sensitive to diiferentohemicai substances, in presence of two Witnesses.
5 substantially as described.

4. Aoompoundchemieai-testingpaper consisting of a sheet of paper provided with ad-



jacent but separated strips of blue and red


litmus coloring, separated by strips imper-


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