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MonEY MYtH #10

“I Can’t Afford It!”

Can’t afford It.” How many times do we repeat this in a day? It
has been astutely stated, “possession is nine-tenths of the law.”
It is also the basic tenant of advertising that if by repeating
something over and over again, it becomes truth.

You are ultimately the boss of the thoughts activated by your sub-
conscious. If you think and then say, “I can’t afford it,” your subcon-
scious will get the message, and will scan for and focus on circum-

stances, situations, and events to prove and solidify that myth as real-
ity. Our subconscious always seeks to find congruency with our con-
sciousness—the real boss.

SolutIon: You are the boss of your thoughts. Rearrange, reor-

ganize, re-scramble, and rethink your thought patterns to reflect an

acceptance of wealth, which is our true original condition. If you
would like to dig deeper into this subject, you may get the free pre-
view copy of a booked entitled, A Thoughtanomics Manifesto—How
to Move From Money Madness to True Abundance, by signing up
for the Dreams to Reality Report. If you feel that “wisdom” would ad-

that stop you from making

vise you not to spend resources on a particular thing at a particular
moment, then line up your thoughts, words, deeds and subconscious
to be in agreement to support you in the practice of wealth. You may

big money
say something like, “I choose to invest money in something more im-
portant right now,” or “I want to invest my resources, rather than to
consume them, right now. Try saying that and feeling that right now!
by Deborah S. Nelson
10 MonEY MYtHS 1
Copyright © 2010 by Deborah S. Nelson and Dana Susan Beasley

Published by DS Publishing, 3107 West Colorado Avenue #303,

Colorado Springs, CO 80904-2040,,

All Rights Reserved.

The original purchaser is hereby granted permission to print the

pages for personal use.

Even though this material is copyrighted, since this is a free e-book,

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10 MonEY MYtHS 2

that stop you from making

big money

MonEY MYtH #10

“I Can’t Afford It!”

Can’t afford It.” How many times do we repeat this in a day? It
has been astutely stated, “possession is nine-tenths of the law.”
It is also the basic tenant of advertising that by repeating some-
thing over and over again, it becomes truth.

Let’s face it: 50 years ago, no one needed deodorant. Mankind sur-
vived for thousands and thousands of years without it. Suddenly in
the past 50 years, deodorant is an absolute necessity in polite culture.

10 MonEY MYtHS 3

So how did that happen? Repetition
creates reality; and using mass
communications, repetition created
the “deodorant reality” for millions
of people.

Repetition is how advertising

works: “I can’t afford it,” “I can’t af-
ford it.” Repeat it often enough,
and it becomes true for you. While
you may think it was true before
you recited it a dozen or so times,
try not saying it and even try not
thinking it for a week, as I contend
this is one of those “what came
quandaries. Stop and replace that
thought and statement with an-
other more abundant thought and
statement for just one month, and
witness a change. You will realize
that “I can’t afford it,” becomes
true as long as you make the state-
ment, believe it, and practice it.

This is because it is impossible to separate our words from our

thinking and our thinking from our words. Your subconscious seeks
to obey the word pictures you feed it, because it wants to be at peace
with your consciousness. So until you break the spell, the “I can’t af-
ford it,” statement will hypnotize you into the practice of a continuous
financial state of “not enough money.”

10 MonEY MYtHS 4

You are ultimately the

Can’t Afford boss of the thoughts acti-

vated by your subconscious.

to Retire? If you think and then say, “I

can’t afford it,” your subcon-
scious will get the message,
Free Report: 5 Reasons and will scan for and focus
to Buy & Retire in The on circumstances, situa-
DOMINICAN REPUBLIC tions, and events to prove
and solidify that myth as re-
ality. Our subconscious al-
ways seeks to find
congruency with our con-
sciousness—the real boss.

SolutIon: You are the boss of your thoughts. Rearrange, reor-

ganize, re-scramble, and rethink your thought patterns to reflect an
acceptance of wealth, which is our true original condition. If you
would like to dig deeper into this subject, you may get the free pre-
view copy of a book entitled, A Thoughtanomics Manifesto—How to
Move From Money Madness to True Abundance, by signing up for
the Dreams to Reality Report. If you feel that “wisdom” would advise
you not to spend resources on a particular thing at a particular mo-
ment, then line up your thoughts, words, deeds, and subconscious to
be in agreement to support you in the practice of wealth. You may say
something like, “I choose to invest money in something more impor-
tant right now,” or “I want to invest my resources, rather than to con-
sume them right now. Try saying that and feeling that right now! You
will most likely feel stronger, more empowered, and less whiney than
when you say “I Can’t afford It!” This takes practice, but start right
now to build a personal belief system to welcome abundance into
your life.

10 MonEY MYtHS 5

MonEY MYtH #9
“I Must Have a Job”

Must Have a Job.” This is one incredible money-myth whopper.
How long has the job been in existence? A hundred years, per-
haps? The job creates a false sense of security, but also that of
indentured servitude. For a job, we trade our biggest chunk of time
each day for a “pot of porridge, credit card debt, and a home the bank
owns.” We have traded our talents, youth, even our soul, for the prom-
ise of a steady paycheck. Yet, God, the creator, the source of life, has
kept people alive for thousands of years without jobs. If you don’t be-
lieve in God, you can see that people have been kept alive by using re-
sources provided by “the creation,” the “Mother Earth.” And “the job
market” has not made anyone wealthy except for the people who in-
vented it, perpetuate it, and wield the educational system to train peo-
ple to work in it!

SolutIon: self-funded self-employment. We have been so in-

doctrinated beginning in Kindergarten all the way through college that
we must “make a living and get a good job.” We are taught this is the
road to status, recognition, retirement, and security. We are granted
grades, diplomas, awards, honors, and funding to keep us steadily on
this path. These are external things, which have gradually mesmer-
ized us to trade our soul (our purpose, our gifts, our talents, legal
rights, and our true wealth) for a small weekly stipend. And what was
originally a beautiful painting of security, perhaps initially a fair
trade—a career that included health insurance, pension, longevity,
and retirement, is no longer the real deal.

10 MonEY MYtHS 6

Today, even the thinly veiled
promise of security, status, and FREE!
retirement is now being re-
claimed by its not-so-generous Discover
perpetrators. And even worse, Who God
increasingly extra “bailout
taxes” are also being extorted Made You
from American tax payers to Be…
(workers) in exchange for their
continued, but quickly waning,
“job security.” A Blooming
Politics aside, this charade is Original!
a well orchestrated drama, clev-
erly playing on the American and world-stage daily as a distraction
from the real theft being done to productive people—Democrat, Re-
publican, American, or otherwise. Wake up people. We have been de-
ceived and gradually become “addicted to jobs,” addicted to the
“peanuts” exchanged for these jobs, and addicted to the lifestyle that
supports these jobs, and then addicted to the credit cards that sup-
port the lifestyle (that supports the jobs).

If you really ponder it, (but who has time to ponder, right?) those
very peanuts are again extracted from us as credit card interest, mort-
gage interest, expensively financed soon-to-be-obsolete automobiles,
and the lifestyle (deodorant and such things…) required to “qualify”
for this regular stipend, actually a pittance in the terms of what is
available in the real world of abundance.

It’s never too late to develop your gifts and talents and wean your-
self away from the “corporate umbilical cord.” Click here to learn more
about self-funded self-employment.

10 MonEY MYtHS 7

MonEY MYtH #8
“I Can’t Do My
(Business, Art,
Purpose, Mission)
Without Funding First!”

his is probably the number one money myth that drives us away
from living our dreams, passions, and true talent and conse-
quently realizing abundant wealth from those gifts and inspiration.
And it is not only a major money myth, but it is a big fat convenient
excuse keeping you from investing in yourself.

I know that many of you are going to be totally offended at this one.
But if you really want to live your purpose, your gift, your talent—
nothing, and I mean nothing, should stop you or distract you. The
biggest myth that Power Brokers Perched atop the Mountain of Money
(most all of it paid to them by us); is that you must have funding to
accomplish your dreams. There is only room for one real dream and
that’s theirs. Now, if you play along, you can participate in “the Pre-
defined American Dream,” which is the so-called freedom of a job, a
home (owned by the bank) and social-security retirement, with
Medicare health insurance (mostly consisting of prescription drug ad-
diction in old age). At the risk of sounding angry, let me clarify that I
am not. We are responsible for our participation, and I am simply
speaking truth.

10 MonEY MYtHS 8

What about your own
unique dream? What
about your purpose?
What about your deeply
held talents and pas-
sions? You start asking
these questions and
“Power & Money Bro-
kers” have an answer
for you…”Get funding.” We’ll loan you the money and you can pay us
(argh), interest! (again). If you jump through the right hoops, (mostly
hoops that require traditional employment) we will give you a small
business loan, an art stipend, or an educational grant (with interest).

The reality here is you spend 75–90% of your time jumping through
the red-tape hoops, paying interest, or not even being able to qualify
for these—because the goal is to keep you (and everyone) in the work
force. If somehow you manage to break away and get the funding,
however, you are still going to pay “them” interest for the loan, or
jump through red-tape hoops for the grant, and therefore will be inef-
fective in your real purpose. You are still working for them, and their
dreams—not yours.

SolutIon: Make a commitment to your dreams. Not theirs,

whoever “they are.” Start going deep inside to find out what your true
dreams and talents are. Start investing now in your own dreams. Make
a plan and a strategy to see those dreams come true. Do not be de-
railed from your dreams by the myth that you need funding or money
first in order to see your dreams come true.

Your dream is not dependent on the system of money, which is

maintained and perpetuated by those who are in a not-so-generous

10 MonEY MYtHS 9

crowd. Your dreams are dependent on your passion and your personal
power and your commitment to fulfill them. The money, financing,
and resources will come once you step out and get started. Do not
wait on their money or on them who have the money!
Use the Power of the Pen. Write them down in a journal or create a
dream board, or vision board. Better yet, publish your own dream
plan book (Dreams to Reality Curriculum, by Deborah S. Nelson,

Coming this March!

Your Do-It-
Guide to the
Basics of
Starting and
Running a

Rev Up Your
Vacation Rental Revenues
10 MonEY MYtHS 10
MonEY MYtH #7
“I Need Money
to Survive”

need MoneY to survIve.” Wrong. This is a survival mentality and a
self-fulfilling prophecy. To the extent you believe this, you there-
fore become more and more desperate for money. You lose all
sense of morality, character, and purpose because survival trumps all
these things.

It’s a downward spiral. As you become desperate for money, you

begin to focus all your energy on money. You focus on the fact that
you do not have enough money. And you are the boss of your
thoughts. Your subconscious screens and scans possible circum-
stances to bring into your circle of life, to prove your premise, and
make your belief come true.

Because you think there is not

enough money, you begin to chase it
and it begins to run away. You are so
desperate for money crumbs, you eat
seed, do not plant or invest anything
Learn how you can start your for later, and you begin to consume
own gift basket & flower your tail once the seed is gone. This
online store at home. focus on daily survival keeps you right
Free! Limited Time there, in survival mode, because you
Trial Offer! bring to pass what you focus on most.

10 MonEY MYtHS 11

Life becomes all about survival, and its
hard and cold and jaded. There is no
joy or purpose or beauty. Only money
can satiate our ever-growing need to
survive, not thrive.

SolutIon: Live your life and

your purpose. The truth is you will not
die without money. But you will die in-
side without a will to live. You will die
inside as you live someone else’s
dreams. Use your will to live for joyful
living, to sustain your purpose and cre-
ate independence from money, so that
you are not a slave to money.

Instead become a servant to your

dreams and true purpose. Invest in
yourself and in your dreams. This will
cause you to stop focusing on the fear
that you do not have enough money.
Money and resources that arrive on
your scene will be invested fruitfully
and therefore will support who you
truly are. It may take longer and will not necessarily be in the form of
small weekly stipends, but your needs will be met.

You have invested all of your life in someone else’s dreams. You
have been trained from Kindergarten all the way through college to be
in the workforce for someone else’s dreams. Therefore expect to in-
vest a few years in your own life purpose and dreams before you
begin to see a payoff!

10 MonEY MYtHS 12

MonEY MYtH #6
“It Takes Money
to Make Money!”

t takes MoneY to Make MoneY!” Again, with this statement we
believe that we are dependent on those who are sitting on Mt
Money. It takes an investment to make money, or to create
wealth. An investment can be time, resources (the use of a PC), home-
office space, automobile, learning, training, energy, love, planning,
practicing—all these can be money-free investments.

This myth is perpetuated by existing Power Brokers (I have nothing

against them), who invite you to feed their dream. If you dare to try to
break away to build your own personal dream, they’ve got it covered.
If you are breaking away from indentured servanthood, at least they
can loan you the money and earn the interest for it. Whether it be a
government loan, a small business loan from a bank, or putting up
collateral for a loan, you are again working for the existing power bro-
kers, and you may be living a semblance of your dream, but you are
still working for the bank, the landlord (lease on commercial prop-
erty), or the government (small business loan or grant and the follow-
ing their rules).

SolutIon: self-funded Creative business Model. Invest in your

own talent and build income using the Creative Business Model. With
the Internet, websites can be built for free and hosted for free. Mean-
while, you can develop a client base and hone your talent. As you

10 MonEY MYtHS 13

make income invest it in equipment, (laptop, camera, training, net-
working). This way you do not borrow thousands of dollars and invest
it unwisely. Stair-step your business gradually, building it naturally,
rather than forcing it with branded marketing and mass-created need.

This is the competitive business model that subscribes to the belief

system that “it takes money to make money,” since they are in the
business to make money from interest payments. Only if you are forc-
ing a need onto the marketplace and creating a product or service
that is not coming from heart and soul will you need to borrow money
to make a business viable. Your gifts and talents are viable because
you are you and you are viable. Work with the “Self-funded Creative
Business Model, more info at
This may take months and years and decades to come to its fullness.
The Powers that Be have been working at it for generations. Think
about how many years of education, on-the-job training, and servitude
you have invested in someone else’s vision. Instead start investing in
yourself and the creative business model.

Your guide to Purposeful
Living and Working

10 MonEY MYtHS 14

MonEY MYtH #5

“Buy Now, Pay Later!”

uY now, PaY Later.” This is a huge money myth that seems true,
because it is so big and pervasive. The real truth about this belief
system is that it is designed to create perpetual consumers! The
truth is really pay now and pay later. First you pay by subtly extend-
ing your indentured servanthood another three years, five years, or in
the case of a mortgage, 30 years. The same competitive system that
is most likely your employer is part of the same competitive system
that loans you the money to buy the house. The banking system loans
you the money as long as you stay on the job (you have to show them
your W-2, right), and “the job” keeps you in the workforce, and by
keeping you in the workforce the banking industry gets to make the
interest. You actually end up paying now, and paying later.

Do you ever own the home? Maybe, but then there are property
taxes to pay that are ever increasing, and they are never paid off. So
now you are working for the bank, the labor market, and the govern-
ment. You are paying, paying, paying, and you are investing in some-
one else’s bottom line. With buy-now,-pay-later credit cards the
interest rate is often more than the original purchase. With a car pur-
chase, you pay hundreds of dollars a month for years in interest and
additional car insurance. Once the car gets paid off in say, five years,
the car wears out and you have to buy a new one. So you never own it,
you are paying now and paying later. The truth it is quite rare that
anyone ever gets around to really buying and truly owning!

10 MonEY MYtHS 15

SolutIon: be your own THOUGHTANOMICS-Moving from
bank. This is as simple as saving Money Madness to True Abundance
up and buying with cash. One small
example: I bought my last car with
cash. Granted, it was seven years
old, but it was a luxury vehicle with
only one owner in immaculate con-
dition. I saved $225 a month in car
insurance and in interest. That
money (not a business loan) has
been invested in my writing busi-
ness because that is $225 that I do
not have to earn each month, Be Blessed!
adding up to $2,700 a year back in Shop Online
my pocket. This is the equivalent Today!
of $13,500 over five years that I Apparel
have been driving the car. In fact, it Bumper
is effectively more than that, be- Stickers
Mugs &
cause to clear that $225, I would
have to make $400 to cover taxes,
gas, commute time, lunches, dry
cleaning, and other expenses of going to work to earn that amount.
Assuming I would make about $15/hr in the “job market,” I therefore
freed up 30 hours a month (assuming I invest the time freed up as op-
posed to spending the extra $4,800 per year) to invest in my writing
business. This is because I banked the money to buy my automobile
with cash. So as my own banker, I have invested $24,000 into my
small online businesses without having to borrow that money, pay in-
terest on it, or pay it back. Be your own bank. If you need help in cre-
ating a personal banking system, go to

10 MonEY MYtHS 16

MonEY MYtH #4
“Wealthy People
Are Somehow Bad!”

eaLtHY PeoPLe are soMeHow bad.” Those disappointed in not
reaching their full wealth potential spread this myth; and they
blame the wealthy for their lack of success. Money-rich Power
Brokers pleased with the prospect of less competition for “their wad”
also perpetuate it. The assumption that people with money have come
by it in a cheating, greedy, immoral, or unethical way may be true in
some cases, but not true in others.

Why try to achieve wealth if greed and immorality is required? Why

would you want to be among the wealthy if the wealthy are in some-
way mean, greedy, selfish, inconsiderate, immoral, and an uncompas-
sionate lot? Many of us believe this money myth and give up our quest
to achieve our highest financial potential in life. The real truth is that
there are unethical and greedy people who are wealthy, poor, and
everywhere in between. Wealth does not depend on your morality; it
depends on your focus. And if someone is money-rich it does not nec-
essarily equate with true wealth; although with true wealth, there will
be an abundance of money, health, and well-being.

SolutIon: read the book Science of Getting Rich, by wallace

d wattles. Money is a tool for creativity, growth, and personal fulfill-
ment. Learn to change your mind about money and change your life.
This book written in the early 1900s teaches about abundance of

10 MonEY MYtHS 17

mind, body, and soul. Go to for a
free PDF copy of the book.

Write, Publish, & Live Your
Do the 10-Step
Dreams to Reality 
Part 1—In lanning
to Dream to become
Part 2—
Plannin our Dream

Your BluePrint
to Success!

10 MonEY MYtHS 18

MonEY MYtH #3
“There is a
Limited Supply of…”

Here Is a LIMIted suPPLY of MoneY.” Perhaps this is one of the
biggest lies of all. By defining wealth in terms of dollars, it
would appear that business and government entities control
and limit the amount of wealth and its flow. This is true if you are op-
erating on the competitive realm, but not true if you operating in the
creative realm. In the creative realm, there is limitless wealth and
abundance, and once you let go of the idea that there is limitation you
can begin to attract and live in abundance. Think of wealth in terms of
wealth-producing assets and abundance, instead of dollar bills, the
value and supply of which is controlled by others, and not you or me,
or us.

SolutIon: study and practice abundance. The principals and

practice of abundance are based on the concept of faith, unlimited
wealth, individual success, and creative thinking. This study and prac-
tice takes education and effort, but since you have rented your mind
to the competitive realm for the past few decades (or whatever), why
not take back your mind space and begin to learn how to practice
abundance and live your dreams? Learn to launch your courage, drive
your desires, and inspire your imagination to create a published
dream plan book, go to

10 MonEY MYtHS 19

MonEY MYtH #2
“I Don’t Have
Any Money!”

don’t Have anY MoneY.” How often do we say this? This is a
statement people make when their money expectations do not
live up to their reality. This is just almost never true. When you
make statements like that your subconscious will scan and stage
events and circumstances that prove these statements and beliefs to
be true. Once you make those statements you find that next month or
next year you have even less than when you last said, “I don’t have
any money!” But you still have some money, or the ability to get some
money, within a very short amount of time, if you use the creative

The University
of Self Employment SolutIon: Practice thankful-
ness for the money that you do have.
Before you get out of bed every day,
name at least seven things, events,
persons, or situations for which you
are thankful! This is practicing a prin-
Express cipal of abundance and trumps the
Your competitive marketplace idea that
T hankfulness you don’t have enough. Read and
study the book entitled the Practice
Gift Baskets!
of Gratitude by Wess Hooper. If you
are a proponent of this myth get this book and read it.

10 MonEY MYtHS 20

MonEY MYtH #1
“Cheap is Good!”

HeaP Is Good!” Just because something has a lesser number
doesn't mean that it costs less or is the best value. Often, the
cheapest ends up being the most expensive. When evaluating
how to make a good buy, price is only one consideration to get the
best value for your money. Consider quality, service, shipping, and
delivery time. Often investing a little more will buy you a whole lot
more. Thinking cheap can cause you to be robbed (staying in a cheap
hotel); expose you to fraud in business; or make you jump through
time-consuming hoops in order to return faulty merchandise.

SolutIon: trade in spending for investing. Change your mind-

set from “spending as little as possible” to investing in your pur-
chases. For example, a Mercedes, with its safety ratings, low
insurance rates, and low repair rate may actually cost less to own on a
yearly basis when compared to other less expensive automobiles.
When considering its resale value, this makes your car more of an in-
vestment than a consumable purchase. The fact you will not need to
buy a new car every three to four years is also a huge time-saving cost
saving consideration. And as for big investments, consider investing
in a vacation home instead of purchasing costly yearly vacations, you
may create a vacation rental business to pay the mortgage instead of
letting it sit vacant. Invest in your purchases rather than to spend and
consume. Go to for a comprehensive
manual about how to transform your vacation home into an income-
producing asset.

10 MonEY MYtHS 21

eborah s. nelson and dana susan beasley are the creators of DS
Publishing. Dedicated to producing inspiring, effective, and strate-
gic resources for people desiring to reach their dreams, Deborah
and Dana delight in sharing their experiences in life and business,
helping others navigate their way through finding their gifts and tal-
ents to live abundantly.

If you like this e-book, you'll love Deborah and Dana’s other prod-
ucts that will give you practical and inspiring guidance in every area of
your life, including self-employment.

deborah, the author of this book, and an entrepre-

neurial writer and marketer with over 20 years experi-
ence, has authored and published four books available
at Author Your Dreams and is the owner of The Adstuff
Company, a logo branded products company specializ-
ing in branded items. An innovator at heart, she also created The Dat-
ing Passport and the University of Self Employment.

She also markets vacation rentals, falling into the business by acci-
dent, when Deborah realized that renting her townhome in Colorado
would help pay her daughter’s way to studying in Europe for college.
Through that experience, she learned the art of marketing vacation
rentals and Vacation Suites Global, her vacation rental marketing com-
pany, was born.

10 MonEY MYtHS 22

dana, the editor and designer of this book, is princi-
pal/publisher of AngelArts, a creative arts agency and
publishing house. Dedicated to providing excellently-
designed ebooks, books, cards, stationery, gifts, gift
baskets, and art services to inspirational artists and art
enthusiasts, Dana delights in sharing her gifts and talents and the tal-
ents of others with people who are passionate about spiritual, per-
sonal, professional, ministerial, artistic, and relational growth.

If you like her graphics, you'll love Dana's products and services that
will help you reach new heights in your life, home, relationships,
homeschooling, business, ministry, and artistry. Her products and
services range from unique gifts, cards, and décor items that will in-
spire your friends, family, and associates and YOU; to ebooks and
books that will transform your life TODAY; to brand marketing and
product design that will make your business stand out above the

While Dana's expertise is in graphic arts, writing, publishing, and

music, she also is a homeschooling mother devoted to working at
home. Her desire is that AngelArts, and her work, be a vehicle for
God's glory. Because she is always reaching for new heights in her life
and beyond and wants to inspire others to do the same!

You can learn more about Deborah and Dana's products at

Even though this material is copyrighted, since this is a free e-book,

you do have permission to forward this e-book to anyone who may
benefit from this information; and DS Publishing also gives you per-
mission to post this free e-book on you website for free in order to
build your list, but do not have permission to charge anyone for this
e-book, or to alter its contents in any way, shape. or form.

10 MonEY MYtHS 23

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