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OF ED 215-R Field Student
Candidate: Amanda Rake

Check One:
1stObservation __X

Assessor: Robin Gleason

2nd Observation __

Date: 11/21/14

Cooperating Teacher: Teresa Borrelli

Number of Students: 22

School: Canterbury Elementary - Greendale

Planning and Preparation (AEA: Conceptualization, Diagnosis

Grade: 2

WTS: 1,2,3,4,5,7 DISP: Respect)

Plans instruction that addresses the range of the students stages of literacy
Plans instruction that is coordinated with the prior and future learning
experiences of the students.
Plan includes an introduction that clearly connects the lesson objective with
prior learning experiences.
Materials are well chosen for meeting the lesson objective and the
developmental needs of the students.
Plan reflects use of an effective theoretical model, such as Holdaway,
Cambourne, Vygotsky, etc.
Plan includes the teacher think aloud and questions/prompts to engage the
children in the thinking.
Plan reflects the gradual release of responsibility of the learning to the
Plan includes adaptations for students with specific needs and learning
A meaningful closure that restates the lesson objective and sets
expectations for the learning concludes planning process.



Subject(s): Reading Workshop

Evidence (Candidate)

You were well prepared for this lesson, Amanda. This third plan
clearly demonstrated your growth in developing a lesson. It
reflected the theory because it contained think alouds, social
interaction, and the gradual release of responsibility. The plan
also kept the focus on the lesson objective throughout, from the
introduction to the closure. You did a great job of selecting and
preparing materials to teach to your lesson objective. It was
very appropriate to use enlarged text for this lesson. Your
anchor chart was colorful and easy to read. Your plan included
strategies to address the range of the students reading
development in your classroom.
To strengthen future plans, remember to include a brief
statement in the introduction that connects this lesson to prior
learning so that the children understand how this lesson builds
upon what they have already learned.


Copyright 2014. Alverno College, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. All rights reserved under U.S., International
and Universal Copyright Conventions. Reproduction in part or whole by any method is prohibited by law.

0210 ED

School: Canterbury Elementary - Greendale

Grade: 2

Subject(s): Reading Workshop

Classroom Environment

(AEA: Coordination, Integrative Interaction WTS: 1,2,3,4,5,6

DISP: Respect, Responsibility, Collaboration, Communication)

Clearly communicates expectations and procedures for behavior and

learning experiences.
Focuses student attention by engaging them productively in learning
Offers explicit praise to students.
Teachers and students connect to one another by smiling, sharing and
Respects each child as an individual, addressing the children by name.
Supports students as they work independently and collaboratively.
Manages transitions efficiently.
Effectively uses resources and curriculum materials to develop the ideas
being taught.




Evidence (Candidate and Student)

Your CT settled the children down for you after she redirected them back
to their tables for a smoother transition to the rug. You set a productive
and positive learning environment right from the start, Amanda, following
the reading workshop routines established by your cooperating teacher.
You began your lesson by saying that you wanted the children to be
good learners today. You connected with them by calling on them by
name and by smiling and maintaining strong eye contact. You engaged
the children in the learning through your well-focused mini-lesson, your
use of enlarged and appropriate text, your incorporation of turn and talks,
focused questioning, and by involving the children in independently
reading to practice your lesson objective on books of their choosing at
their own instructional levels. You used effective strategies to transition
the children to share with their partners, to their independent reading,
and back to whole group instruction. After transitioning the children to
their independent reading, you praised a couple of them who were
settling in quickly and began to circulate around the room to monitor on
task behavior.
You demonstrated a really warm manner with the children and it is clear
that you have established a caring and supportive relationship with them.


Copyright 2014. Alverno College, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. All rights reserved under U.S., International
and Universal Copyright Conventions. Reproduction in part or whole by any method is prohibited by law.

0210 ED

Instruction (AEA: Communication, Coordination, Diagnosis,

Integrative Interaction WTS: 1,2,4,5,6,7,10
DISP: Respect, Communication)
Relates learning to students previous learning and/or to students
personal experiences.
Focuses student attention on lesson objectives throughout the lesson.
Demonstrates knowledge of content throughout delivery.
Presents content in developmentally appropriate ways.
Explicitly teaches the lesson objective through modeling the thinking of
the lesson objective using the think aloud approach.
Actively engages students in the thinking and keeps them on task.
Consistently demonstrates enthusiasm.
Models and supports active listening, discussion and thoughtful
Challenges and supports student thinking by using:
o different types of explanations
o various levels of questioning and/or prompts
o techniques that repeat and/or extend student responses
o a variety of modalities (visual, auditory, kinesthetic)
Adapts plans as needed.
Varies role in instructional process (instructor, facilitator, coach,
audience) in relation to content, purposes of instruction and needs of
learners to gradually release the responsibility of the learning to the
Respects cultural and gender differences.




Evidence (Candidate and Student)

You started your lesson by stating the lesson objective reacting to the
text when reading non-fiction texts. (How could you have connected this
lesson to prior learning as well?) You referred to the anchor chart to
review the prompts and then read the prepared enlarged text. You
modeled what you wondered about when you were reading the
information about the clock. You stated that you would use a post-it as
well and showed the children how to place on the page you were reading
and to which you were responding. Good job holding up the text so all
could see. You thought out loud to model your thinking, using the
prompts intentionally to respond to the text. (Your modeling/thinking
aloud was particularly strong in this lesson.) When you asked yourself a
question, you engaged the children in answering the question. You read
on and again modeled how to use your post-it. You then said that the
children should try this together. The children wanted to read the text
and they did. Then, you engaged the children in doing a turn and talk to
respond to the text. You referred them back to the prompts on the anchor
chart nice job. After a brief time, you shared a few comments you
heard them say and then called on individual children to share their
thinking. You went on to read the next page saying that you thought
they got the hang of it. You engaged them in another turn and talk and
directed them to respond to the text using the three prompts on the
anchor chart. A bit more time for the turn and talks?
After the mini-lesson, you gave specific directions for transitioning to
independent reading. (It would have been a good idea to restate the
lesson objective one more time and tell them why its important to
respond to text how it helps us as readers.)
After the independent reading, you invited the children back to the rug to
share their thinking. They sat in a circle and shared their responses to
their reading. Nice job having the children show the pictures and
responding to their thinking. When you noticed that more children
wanted to share, you engaged them in partner shares. At the end, you
stated the lesson objective and told the children why it was important to
respond to their texts. Nice work!
Amanda, you clearly understood your lesson objective and this
contributed to your confidence and your calm manner as you taught.
You varied a bit from your lesson plan at appropriate times to respond to
the needs of the learners in your classroom. Throughout the workshop,
you also varied your role from instructor to coach to audience.


Copyright 2014. Alverno College, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. All rights reserved under U.S., International
and Universal Copyright Conventions. Reproduction in part or whole by any method is prohibited by law.

0210 ED

Assessment (AEA: Diagnosis, Integrative Interaction WTS: 1,2,3,7,8,9

DISP: Reflection)
Focuses the students attention on the process of learning rather than
just getting the correct answer or finishing an activity.
Provides specific feedback to learners (oral and/or written).
Assessment relates directly and is appropriate to the lesson objective
and the levels of development of the students.
Students self assess (oral and/or written).
Evidence of student learning is gathered and used along with
additional information/ feedback from lesson to plan future lessons.
Reflects on own performance in relation to student learning and WI
teacher standards and the Alverno Education Abilities.




Evidence (Candidate and Student)

Did you follow up on your assessment plans to check the childrens postits as they were independently reading? What did you find out? Could
you have also taken anecdotal records of your observations of their
behaviors? Did you collect their post-its as evidence of their learning?
You did listen in carefully during the turn and talks and to their responses
to your questions to monitor their learning during the mini-lesson and
whole group share from your seat in the front of the group. Think about
how you might have learned even more if you had circulated a bit around
the groups as they shared their thinking with their partners. You gave
positive feedback as they shared their thinking.
In our feedback conference after your lesson, you identified this as an area
for improvement. We discussed the specific behaviors you would be
looking for and noting on a checklist as you circulate around the room
during independent reading and conferring time. We also discussed how
you could jot down notes even after you taught your lesson to record
observations of student learning in relation to those behaviors.
You do reflect on your own performance in relation to student learning and
the WTS and AEA. Work toward reflecting on student learning and your
performance in relation to the theory as well.


Copyright 2014. Alverno College, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. All rights reserved under U.S., International
and Universal Copyright Conventions. Reproduction in part or whole by any method is prohibited by law.

0210 ED

Professional Responsibilities (AEA: Communication, Integrative Interaction WTS:

1,2,6,7,9,10 DISP: Respect, Responsibility, Reflection, Collaboration, Communication)
Demonstrates professionalism through timely completion of quality work for field
classroom and seminar.
Demonstrates professionalism through appropriate dress and regular attendance,
arriving on time to the field classroom and seminar.
Relates professionally and effectively with students, cooperating teacher, staff, and
supervisor (including initiating conversation, and problem solving). (Social Interaction at
Level 4)
Completes self -assessments, reflecting on planning and implementing of lessons in
relation to student learning and the theory.
Is willing to give and receive help.
Demonstrates Effective Citizenship by attending a school/parent event and thoughtfully
completing an accompanying log.
Actively participates in seminar by coming prepared and offering ideas, sharing
materials and supporting peers. (Social Interaction at Level 4)




Evidence (Candidate)
You attended all your field and seminar sessions throughout the
semester. For the most part, you also completed your
assignments on time throughout the semester, although you
neglected to email your CT all of your lesson plans in time for
feedback. You also got a bit behind in your self-assessments and
postings on Moodle toward the end. You are still working on
strengthening your written work through more attention to
organization, elaboration, and editing. You are also working on
reflecting on your practice in relation to student learning and the
You came prepared to seminar and actively participated in the
learning with your colleagues. You maintained a positive and
supportive attitude and certainly were willing to give and receive
help. You sought out and used feedback to grow as a
professional. You clearly developed a positive relationship with the
children in your classroom and are striving to maintain the role of
teacher rather than friend.
You handled the bump in the road with your CT in a professional
manner. I am sure that you will reflect on your actions that may
have contributed to the situation and will share your reflection with
your cooperating teacher.


Additional Comments: Amanda, this was a fine literacy lesson! Your thoughtful and thorough preparation clearly contributed
to your successful performance and to the positive learning experience for the children. Youve learned a great deal this
semester about how to plan a focused and effective lesson that is guided by theory. You took advantage of this field
placement to learn the workshop model and effective strategies to keep children focused and engaged in their learning. In
addition, you learned the importance and ways of addressing miscommunication issues with your CT in a professional
manner. I wish you well as you continue on in your education program and challenge you to apply what you have learned
from this experience in your next field.

Copyright 2014. Alverno College, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. All rights reserved under U.S., International
and Universal Copyright Conventions. Reproduction in part or whole by any method is prohibited by law.

0210 ED

Overall Performance: ____Inadequate ____Emerging __X__Proficient ____Distinctive

Copyright 2014. Alverno College, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. All rights reserved under U.S., International
and Universal Copyright Conventions. Reproduction in part or whole by any method is prohibited by law.

0210 ED

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