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Construction Industry has a very important role in national

development, therefore the Construction Industry is required to work
professionally and pay attention for health aspects and safety work to the
worker. The application of OHSAS (Occupational Health and Safety
Assessment Series) 18001:1999 as a health management and safety work
system standart wich recognized at the international level, is one way to
get over how to apply health and safety work so that the worker well and
there is no accident in working. At the end of this final task, the problem
raised is how to apply health and safety work OHSAS 18001:1999 and
what factors that take effect in the application of OHSAS 18001:1999 to
PT. Slipi Raya Utama in GOR/Stadium Swecapura Klungkung development
project, which located in Swecapura Village Klungkung.
For assessment the application of OHSAS 18001:1999 to PT. Slipi
Raya Utama in GOR/Stadium Swecapura Klungkung development project,
by using audit score methods with the scale of variable measurement
used is likert scale. Whereas for factors that take effect in the application
of OHSAS 18001:1999 is done by factor analysis. Data obtained from
interviews is recapitulated in the form of data matrix and processed by
factor analysis using Statistical Program For Social Science (SPSS) for
Windows version 15.
From analysis of the result obtained that the application of OHSAS
18001:1999 to PT. Slipi Raya Utama in GOR/Stadium Swecapura
Klungkung development project, which located in Swecapura Village
Klungkung is 69.07% with good category (61% - 80%). Whereas the result
from factor analysis acquired a factor which dominant influence in the
application of OHSAS 18001:1999 is management review factor. And
factors which less dominant influence and need improvement in the
application of OHSAS 18001:1999 are Policy K3 factors, Planning,
Implementation, and operation.

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