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I'i"r l,rrii,r!li I 1)6lrlr (L-) lrlll) \\ar u. nljr r (r,,!LIr(\ rli\f l('l' Ii rR: ?

-2-r'A:,1 I 4

P,tsted..,1 AuqLst 21. 2)41 06:24

(U) DIRgram-2O1: "l.listony Channel Poll"

Distribution; Director's Message to the Work Force
POC: Hichael V. Hayden [talk_d irnsa@ nsa ]

(-'I ri,.rlC, ie f,:;f ar€: f: -1f,a(r rer s !,, 1- )'tLr rg our
efforts tL ed"aate the Ien publ]c about the Agency and its vital
nl rssrJn

iU Recentli'ari llSA erf llo;ae Crfect€d nre to a !rer,.ers pol conducted

h,r -}e ! s..'./ at:..€l -l^rs \','eek -'t llrstory" had :Onducted a survey
for rle r,e!l oi Z3 July rhat posed the q|lesiiorr: 'yihat single federal
ag€ncv is nrost eff€ctrv€ in .onlributif)g to the nation s security?"
1Ll The result5 r^,era as T'ollo,r/s

llatiof.l SecLrilv Ag€ni:y .llSi.l 45 5::

Federa oi In;e;t qaiior-] .Fgl; 26 4r'.
Centr:l Ini€ rrqen, e Ac r^:v 'ClA' 19 I r,'.
Bufea! of .r..i.on,ri. Tcb,rac,r anl air€arnrs (ATFI 6.Co/.
Drug infcrcenrent Agenc'r' lDEA) 2 3o,o
(U)Altlrcu_oh w€ c:nnot drd14 too much ftonr the poll's conclusions, it
is e.lcouraqlnq to see tairqrilie ev'dence tilat mOre Amencans
Llndefstan.J irrat oLf puTr)Jse and nlssrc.r has less to clo with the nlm
''Enenry of the State, and orore to do with protecting the hard won
F.i'eedoms and liberties lhat /r'e all 3njo)"

(U) I woLrld like to congfrtulate l'15. Judith Emmel and the Public and
Media Affairs staff for their hard wcrk in helping me to bring
us to this pornt.

At the s.nre t,me, lil e ,-nany ,ecer-it ,nitiatives, our public

outreach strategy rs a wlrk in progress that requires continuing
input from both our senif,r leaders and the work force at large.
(U) !\Jith this in nrind, iF /our have questions or insights regarding
the5e eftorls I urg: voLr:r contact fho Public and l'1edia Affairs
Otnce (961-58.15), both tir qarn a qreat€r undefstandinq of challenges
\ae face in this afea, bLrt to offer your thoughts and ideas as well,
on the most effective way that lve can get our n]essaqe across to the
A|Trerici]ir pe,-)ple


Lieulenant General, USAF

Listing of Past M ailings:

1!)94 1999 ?OOO lOOl 2002 2003 2004 200s 2()06 2007
.Ager|ct M ass Maile.

I rtl l 01ttl2/200'7 1226 PM

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