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Marine Structures 18 (2005) 6284

Shaft line alignment analysis taking

ship construction exibility and deformations
into consideration
Lech Murawski
Ship Design and Research Centre (CTO), Gdansk, Poland
Received 1 October 2003; received in revised form 1 June 2004; accepted 10 May 2005

Proper shaft line alignment is one of the most important actions during the design of the
propulsion system. Usually, a beam model of the power transmission system is isolated from
the ship hull. Therefore, determining the correctness of the boundary conditions is one of the
most important and difcult issue during the marine shaft line alignment calculations. In the
authors opinion stiffness and damping characteristics of the journal bearings oil lm, ship
hull and bearings frame should be taken into account. Ship hull deformations, under different
load conditions and regular sea waves, are also analysed. The presented numerical analysis
method is compared and veried by measurements on real ships.
r 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Shaft line alignment; Hull stiffness; Hull deformations; Oil lm stiffness and damping; Bearing
characteristics; Measurement methods of a shaft line alignment

1. Introduction
The shaft line alignment consists of determining the location of the main engine
driving axis, intermediate bearings axis and stern tube bearing axis. The propulsion
system bearings are usually mutually moved in the vertical plane. The shaft line
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L. Murawski / Marine Structures 18 (2005) 6284


alignment in horizontal plane is applied quite rarely (only in special ships or navy
Appropriate loadings of the shaft line and crankshaft bearings are the main targets
of the shaft line alignment [1]. Firstly, reactions in stern tube and intermediate
bearings do not have to be too high or too small in all the propulsions service
conditions. In the case of low static bearings reactions, the possible inuence on
lateral vibrations (dynamic reactions) should be considered. If the static reaction is
similar to the dynamic one, the loading direction might be changeable. Impact
loading might be the cause of a quick deterioration of the bearing.
All the bearings should be equally loaded. The Sommerfeld number (see Eq. (1))
may be a good parameter to characterise the bearings load. A low bearing loading is
dangerous especially for the intermediate bearings (ship hull deformation may be the
cause of decreasing relatively small reactions). Therefore, it is reasonable that the
Sommerfeld number of the intermediate bearings are sometimes 3050% greater
than other bearings
R d 2
ZU c


where S is the Sommerfeld number, R the bearings loading unitary force, Z the
lubricating oil absolute viscosity, U the peripheral speed, d the diameter of shaft
journal, and c the bearing slackness.
The loading distribution of the stern tube bearing is another important problem,
which should be taken into consideration. The stern tube bearing is the heaviest
loaded bearing as it is relatively long. What is more, loading is strongly asymmetrical
(due to the propellers forces) so part seizure of the bearings is a danger. Therefore,
the reactions distribution should be checked, for instance by comparing reactions on
both the bearing edges (both reactions should be positive even with the dynamic
component). Checking the relative deection between the line of the journals and
tube axis is an alternative method. In this method deformation of the shaft line, as
well as the ship hull has to be determined.
The crankshafts loadings by shear force and the bending moment, coming from
the shaft line, must be appropriate. All the world producers of marine engines, dene
the allowable area of the crankshafts loading. There is a discussion recently leaded
by Wartsila about changing the method of calculation requirements. The
proposition is that old requirements should be changed to another: reactions,
coming from shaft lines loading, in the engine main bearings are given. In this case
the model of the crankshaft must be more detailed. Calculation with the propeller
thrust includes the moment inducted by the eccentricity of the thrust bearing.
According to the new method, calculations with maximum propeller thrust provide
low or zero load for aft most, main bearing no. 1 (driving end) at alignment
condition (i.e. ship hull deformation not considered). The thermal rise of the engine
main bearing is not sufcient to avoid the a.m. substantial load reduction for main
bearing no. 1. This is acceptable because the draught related ship hull bending, which
is involved until the full thrust is available, will have shifted the static load from main


L. Murawski / Marine Structures 18 (2005) 6284

bearing no. 2 to aft most no. 1. This remark is valid for a typical propulsion system: a
propeller directly driven by a relatively short shaft line (up to two intermediate
bearings) and a slow-speed main engine.
Finally, the bending stresses of the shaft line in the given nal alignment, should be
checked. Usually (for most typical marine power transmissions systems) these quasistatic stresses are not very high for all service conditions. Relatively large shaft line
diameters are determined by the torsional vibration requirements.
The most popular method used for shaft line alignment calculations is the Finite
Element Method. The shaft line is modelled by linear beam elements. According to
world producers of marine engines, the model of a crankshaft is simplied: there are
fewer beams in the line arrangement (in the model there is no geometry of the
cranks). The weight of the propeller and shafts, hydrodynamic forces acting on the
propeller and the other forces coming from the propulsion system are modelled by
static, nodal forces and moments. Thermal expansion of the main engine body is
modelled as a vertical movement of the main bearings. The value of this movement is
specied by the engines manufacturers.
Calculations have to be done for all the typical ships propulsion systems service
conditions. A power transmission system working in nominal conditions (with
hydrodynamic forces in a nominal propulsion speed and a hot main engine) is the
most important variant. Parameters of a non-working propulsion system with a
hot and a cold main engine must also be checked. Calculations must also be
prepared for a disconnected power transmission system (during installment). A shift
of the shafts necks (SAG and GAP) has to be dened.
Shaft line alignment and lateral vibration analysis are especially sensitive to proper
boundary conditions determination [2]. Nowadays, it is still difcult to nd out
realistic data for all the shaft line foundation characteristics. Shaft lines with
pointwise, ideal stiff models of journal bearings are common. In Section 2, before
presentation of the shaft line alignment analysis, methods for determining the
boundary conditions will be shown.

2. Bearing foundation stiffness

A ship hull beam is often more elastic than a shaft line. Therefore, the proper
determining of the stiffness characteristics of the bearings mounting places are very
important. Stiffness of the ship hull (analysed together with the main engine body) is
the main component of the propulsion systems boundary conditions. The
calculation methodology of static and dynamic analysis is similar. Therefore static
as well as dynamic stiffness characteristics will be determined. Dynamic characteristics are essential during lateral (whirling) vibrations analysis.
Stiffness calculations of the typical foundations of a stern tube bearing,
intermediate bearing and engine main bearing are presented. For dynamic forced
vibration analysis, a modal superposition method has been applied, so rstly natural
frequencies and modes have to be determined. During this kind of calculation added
water must be taken into account. In a typical marine power transmission system,

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the dominant frequency range of excitations does not exceed 1520 Hz. Calculations
are limited to this frequency level.
Calculations have been performed by Patran-Nastran commercial software (the
Finite Element Method). Several, different models of different ship types have been
analysed. From the author experience, modelling the stern part of a ship hull is
enough for analysis of a bearings foundation stiffness. The stiffness characteristics of
the bearings foundation depend mostly on the local hull (double bottom)
construction; even modelling a superstructure with a funnel is not necessary. The
typical FEM model of a container ship (2000 TEU, 188 m length) is presented in
Fig. 1. The model contains 19,000 degrees of freedom. The excitation forces are
placed at the stern (k8) and bow (k11) edges of the stern tube bearing, stern collision
bulkhead (k16) and intermediate bearing (k20). Dynamic, vertical stiffness
characteristics of the bearing foundation are shown in Fig. 2.
The FEM model of the power transmission system is supported by several
independent FEM elements with stiffness and damping properties, which are
modelling bearings. In this case, the ship hulls continuity is omitted. The double
bottoms continuity is the cause of one bearings movement when the force is acting
on the other bearing. In some cases taking substitute stiffness into account might be
important. Coupled stiffness is dened in Eq. (2). The kij represents the ratio of the
force acting on bearing j to the i bearing displacement caused by this force



where kij the coupled stiffness, Rj the reaction on bearing j and Dij the bearings i
dislocation under reactions acting on bearing j.
After determining the coupled stiffnesses for all the bearings, substitute stiffnesses
might be calculated. As a result of applying substitute stiffnesses (as independent
boundary conditions) the same shaft line and crankshaft deection is to be had as
with full hull model usage. Substitute stiffness might be determined by means of the

Fig. 1. Model of a container 2000 TEU stern part with a power plant compartment.

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Fig. 2. Vertical dynamic stiffness of a container hull.

following equation:

j1 R =R kij


where ksi the substitute stiffness on bearing i, Dsi the summary bearings i
deection and n the bearings quantity.
The static and dynamic bearings reactions distribution has to be known for the
substitute stiffness calculations. Therefore, shaft line alignment and lateral vibration
calculations should be performed as an iterative process. Substitute stiffnesses of the
container ship mentioned above have been analysed. An example of coupled, vertical
stiffness characteristics of the aft end of the stern tube bearing foundation is shown
in Fig. 3. All types of vertical stiffnesses are confronted in Table 1. Dynamic
stiffnesses were determined for 7.92 Hzthe rst propellers harmonic frequency
(95 rpm, 5 blade). Vertical-to-horizontal coupling is very weak and need not to be
taken into account.
Unfortunately, different types of ships with different propulsion systems have to
be calculated separately. The stiffness values are valid only for sister ships with
relatively small modications.

3. Stiffness of the intermediate bearing frame

The intermediate bearing frame is another exible element of the power
transmission system foundation. Its stiffness should also be analysed. The

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Fig. 3. Vertical coupled stiffness of an aft end of a stern tube bearing.

Table 1
List of vertical container hull stiffness
Stiffness kind

Substitute static
Substitute dynamic

Bearings type
Aft end of stern tube
bearing (N/m)

Fore end of stern tube

bearing (N/m)

Intermediate bearing

5.551  108
2.281  108
3.800  108
2.350  108

7.910  108
4.042  108
2.000  109
9.310  108

1.102  109
1.928  108
2.000  1010
1.386  109

intermediate bearings frames are heavy and stiff. The lowest bearings natural
frequency is usually above 100 Hz. Detuning from the main excitation forces (up to
20 Hz), from the marine propulsion system, is very good. Therefore, only static
calculations have to be performed. Direction and distribution of the loading forces
should be determined on the basis of the oil lm pressure distribution (see Section 4).
Stiffness analysis of a typical intermediate bearings frame are presented.
Calculations were performed by the Patran-Nastran program. The pressure loading
is assumed on the basis of the oil lm calculations for the nominal main engine speed
(Fig. 7). The horizontal and vertical deformations are dened as a mean
displacement of the bearings (shafts) axis. Differences between white metal and
steel material characteristics are omitted.
Several, different bearings sizes (for shafts from f430 to f620 mm) have been
analysed. An example of a bearing frames static deformation is shown in Fig. 4. The

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Fig. 4. Deformation of an intermediate bearing frame, f520/f540 mm type.

Table 2
Static stiffnesses of an intermediate bearing frame
Bearings type


Stiffness (N/m)


2.98  109
3.35  109
3.84  109

2.01  109
2.31  109
2.57  109

presented FEM model contains nearly 50,000 elements and 200,000 degrees
of freedom. The static stiffnesses for the analysed bearings frame are listed in
Table 2.

4. Journal bearing oil lm characteristics

Usually, oil lms static stiffness is than the ship hull stiffness. The oil lms
stiffness and damping characteristics calculation are nevertheless important. The
characteristics longitudinal distribution (especially for a stern tube bearing)
determines the supporting points of the shaft line. What is more, only the oil lm
has got strong non-linear characteristics in the power transmission system. Beside
added water property, only the oil lm has got signicant damping characteristics.
Not taking them into consideration may cause serious errors [3]. Similar to Section 2,
static characteristics were analysed as well as dynamic ones.

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The marine journal bearings of the power transmission system are relatively wide
with a slow rotation. During a shaft line alignment analysis, proper distribution of
the oil lms pressure should be checked. Especially during a slow journal rotation,
the shafts support might be pointwise and the local oil pressure excessively high. The
relative deformation of the bearing shaft and tube should be taken into account
especially for the stern tube bearing [4] (not the central loading by propellers forces).
In the literature, known by the author, there is no reliable data of marine journal
bearings oil lm characteristics [5]. There are no widely accessible computer
programs for determining the oil lms stiffness and damping.
Specialised software, based on the Finite Difference Method, was made by the
author to determine non-linear lube oil stiffness and damping characteristics of
journal bearings. Reynolds and Stefans principle [6] was applied in the algorithm. In
the presented algorithm, the oil lms pressure distribution is determined for a quasistatic bearings working parameters [7]. The dynamic characteristics are calculated
on the basis of small motions around a static equilibrium location. Analysis was
performed taking the relative deformation of the bearing journal and the tube into
consideration. The ship hull and the shaft lines bending line have to be known as
well as the static and dynamic bearings reactions distribution. Therefore, the shaft
line alignment and lateral vibration calculations should be performed as an iterative
process. The algorithm determining the bearings characteristics is based on the nite
bearings length theory. Therefore, full, two-dimensional partial differential
equations of Reynolds theory have to be solved.
The stern tube bearing lube oil lm from a container ship was analysed. Stiffness
and damping characteristics were determined as a shaft line alignment and
revolutions function. The optimal stern tube bearings lift is designed as
+1.75 mm from the axes of the power transmission system. This alignment has
been veried on several ships during its exploitation. The oil lms pressure
distributions in the designed shaft line alignment and for minimal main engine
speed30 rpm, exploitations revolutions 50 rpm and for nominal speed95 rpm,
are shown in Figs. 57. The drawings assumptions are the following: 0 mbearing
stern edge, 01bearing top point.

x 107
Pressure [Pa]

1.6 1.4 1.2 1
0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2
Bearing's length [m

0 0


Fig. 5. The stern tube bearings pressure distribution in a minimal speed30 rpm.

L. Murawski / Marine Structures 18 (2005) 6284

Pressure [Pa]


x 108
1.6 1.4 1.2 1 0.8
0.6 0.4 0.2
Bearing's length [m

0 0

100 200 gle [deg]
ping a

Pressure [Pa]

Fig. 6. Stern tube bearings pressure distribution in an exploitation speed50 rpm.

x 108
1.6 1.4 1.2 1
0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2
Bearing's length [m

ping a

Fig. 7. Stern tube bearings pressure distribution in a nominal speed95 rpm.

Fig. 8. Stern tube bearings vertical stiffness distribution as a revolution function.

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Fig. 9. Stern tube bearings vertical stiffness distribution as an alignment function.

Table 3
Container bearings characteristics
Bearing type

Vertical stiffness

stiffness (N/m)

Vertical damping

damping (Ns/m)

Stern tube b.
Interm. bearing
Main bearing

2.9  109
1.8  109
1.4  109

2.3  109
1.1  109
0.9  109

2.8  108
1.0  108
0.7  108

2.8  108
1.0  108
0.7  108

The lube oil lms vertical stiffness distribution along the stern tube bearing as a
shaft line revolutions function is shown in Fig. 8. Vertical stiffnessshaft line
alignment (a bearings relative vertical shift) dependence is also shown in Figs. 8 and
9. Dynamic characteristics were calculated for the rst propeller blade (ve-blade
propeller) harmonic excitation frequency7.9 Hz.
In a typical marine propulsion system there are one or two intermediate bearings.
Their loadings are symmetrical in the longitudinal direction and not very high. Oil
lm pressure distribution as well as stiffness-damping characteristics are symmetrical. The engine main bearings are relatively narrow but their loadings are still
symmetrical. Therefore, the modelling of the intermediate and main bearings as a
pointwise support is acceptable. Stiffnesses and dampings absolute values of the
container power transmission system bearings are presented in Table 3.

5. Calculation method of shaft line alignment

Our aim is to determine correct propulsion bearings displacements. Specialised
software, based on the Finite Element Method, was made by the author for shaft line


L. Murawski / Marine Structures 18 (2005) 6284

alignment analysis. A marine power transmission system was modelled by linear

beam elements with non-linear boundary conditions (e.g. lube oil lm stiffness). In
the case of the bearings non-physical, negative, vertical reaction, the model has to be
changed. A mathematical model of the shaft line should omit this negative
bearing. Therefore, shaft line alignment analysis is performed as an iterative process.
A marine power transmission system is usually modelled by two-node beam
elements. In the author opinion, the stern tube bearing should be modelled as an
elastic continuous support. The intermediate and engine main bearings may be
modelled as a pointwise support with elastic property (see Section 4).
The inuence of different boundary conditions on the shaft line alignment analysis
has been discussed. The power transmission system (working in nominal conditions)
of the container 2000 TEU was analysed. A model of the shaft line is presented in
Fig. 10. The following ve variants of calculations have been done:
(1) a classical modelall bearings are modelled as a pointwise, ideal stiff support;
(2) a model similar to classicalthe stern tube bearing is continuous but still ideally
(3) all bearings are modelled as a pointwise support with elasticity (uncoupled
stiffness of a hull structures and oil lm);
(4) the stern tube bearing is modelled as a continuous support, the rest assumptions
are the same as in variant no. 3; and
(5) a substitute stiffness of the hull structure is used, the rest of the assumptions are
the same as in variant no. 4.
Shaft line vertical absolute deformation and bearings static reactions, for the
variants mentioned above, are shown in Figs. 11 and 12. Nos. 1 and 2 mark stern

Fig. 10. Shaft line alignment of a container ship.

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Fig. 11. Shaft line deformation in different analysis assumptions.

Fig. 12. Bearings reactions in different analysis assumptions.

tube bearing (stern and aft edge), no. 3intermediate bearing, nos. 4, 5 and 6rst
of the main engine bearings.
An especially large analysis assumption effect may be observed on the crankshaft
anges loading. The crankshafts bending moment changes from 119 kNm (for an
ideal stiff pointwise support) to 30 kNm. The shear force changes from 72 to
83 kN.

6. Inuence of a ship hull deformation on a shaft line alignment

The ship hull is a thin-walled construction. In Section 2, only local elasticity of a
double bottom was taken into consideration. Global deformation of the hulls beam
appears during a ship launching, changing the ship loading along with the inuence
of sea waves. Computational analysis of the shaft lines alignment, applied to
shipbuilding up to the present, usually do not take ship hull deformation into
consideration under the inuence of a loading conditions as well as in consequence
of the sea wave motion. Some researchers stresses out that in some cases (for ships

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with an elastic hull and/or long shaft line), all these kinds of hull deformations may
have inuence on the propulsion working parameters [8].
The nal alignment is usually done at very light draught or in dry-docks. The ship
draughts inuence on the engine main bearing loads need to be considered in the
alignment calculation. Generally, the loading of main bearing no. 1 (driving end)
increases during the change from a light to a full draught. Loading of bearings no. 2
and 3 is decreased. With larger distances between the stern tube, intermediate and
engine main bearings, the bearing load variations become lower. Larger bearing
distances (i.e. a reduced number of propulsion shaft bearings) should be considered
as an aim in ship hull and propulsion shaft design.
The FEM algorithm for study analysis of a ship hulls deformation in different
loading conditions on calm water, as well as on a given regular wave, was
investigated by the author. The Timoshenko beam model was used to model the ship
hull global deformations estimation. Water reaction is modelled by using elastic
elements with stiffness determined by a specialised procedure. Special elastic
elements are added to the global matrix of the hulls stiffness. The waters reactions
are determined on the basis of the ship hull shape. It leads to static non-linear
equations, which are solved through the iteration procedure.
6.1. Ship hull deformation under different loading conditions

Deformation [mm]

The computational analysis were realised for a 2000 TEU container ship. The
calculations were executed for three of the ships load conditions: for the empty ship
in the middle of shaft lines alignment at the tting-out berthdraughts: bow6.5 m
stern4.8 m; for ballast statedraughts: bow8.1 m, stern7.8 m; for nominal
loading statedraughts: bow10.4 m, stern10.2 m.
The determined maximal ship hull bending on calm water is as follows: empty
ship148.5 mm, ballast state159.4 mm and loading state135.9 mm. The
propulsion system is placed in the stern part of this ship, where the displacements
are smaller. What is more all the bearings of the power transmission system are
moving together. Relative deformations of the ship hull, for the different loading
conditions, in the power plant compartment are presented in Fig. 13 (the diagram
scales are highly deformed: vertical axes5 mm, horizontal30 m). The lines

Loading 1
Loading 2
Loading 3




Frame no



Fig. 13. Ship hull deformation in relation to the shaft line axis.


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collapsing near frame no. 16 are caused by the stern collision bulkheadthe ship
hull is much stiffer outside this bulkhead.
The shaft line is usually aligned just after the ship launching, when the ship is in
the empty load condition. Therefore, the only difference between this condition and
other load conditions is interesting. The ballast load condition is more dangerous for
the propulsion system than the nominal load condition for the analysed container
ship. The intermediate bearings displacement is equal to 0.53 mm for the ballast
load condition and 0.13 mm for the nominal load condition. The fore end of the
stern tube bearing is moved as follows: 0.27 and 0.11 mm. During shaft line
alignment, the intermediate bearing was elevated to 1.66 mm in relation to the axis of
the power transmission system, while the stern tube bearing was elevated to 3.75 mm
on the considered ship. The ship hulls bending under different load conditions may
have signicant inuence on the intermediate bearings position. The method for
appropriate analysis of engines main bearings should be investigated. A shaft line
should be analysed with a full model of a crankshaft with a good representation of its
3-D geometry (crankshafts springing should be taken into account).
6.2. Ship hull deformation under sea waves
The inuence of sea waves on the propulsion systems working parameters is
another interesting problem. A wave of 14 m height corresponds to a hurricane
(Beaufort 12). This kind of sea state is very rare. It is accepted that a 5-m wave (very
strong windBeaufort 7; while Beaufort 8 is a already storm) is the maximal one
during which the ship can be normally operated without weathering. This operating
condition will be analysed. The mean 5-m wave period is between 9 s. (0.111 Hz) and
13 s (0.077 Hz). The frequency of bending of the ship hull is very low, so preliminary
analysis may be performed as quasi-static. The analysed, typical wavelength is
between 120 and 270 m. What is more, the relative wavelength is increased when the
ship course is not parallel to the wave direction. The typical ocean-going ship length
varies from 150 to 300 m. Therefore, the most dangerous situation, when the
wavelength is equal the ship length, may happen quite often.
An analysis of wave inuence on a propulsion system was performed for the same
container ship. Fig. 14 contains a scaled side view of the oating ship waterline on
calm water and on wave types I and II (waves of 5 m height). Fig. 15 illustrates the
ship hulls response to assigned wavy motion and the hulls deformation on calm

Fig. 14. Side view of the waterline on calm water as well as on regular waves of two types.


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Fig. 15. Ship hulls deformations on calm water as well as on a 5-m high wave.

Fig. 16. Ship hull bending amplitude in four points of the power transmission system.

water. The beam deformation is illustrated in enlarged scale in comparison to the

ships dimension.
Fig. 16 presents the amplitudes (relative to shaft line axis) of the deformation in
four power transmission systems points: the bow edge of a stern tube bearing, an
intermediate bearing, as well as both stern and bow ends of the main engine. The
amplitudes of ship hull deformation on the wave considered in one spot of the
propulsion system foundation are considerable. But all the characteristic points of
the power transmission system are relocated synchronously. The amplitude of the
intermediate bearing displacement in relation to the axis of the shaft line is 0.65 mm
for a wave 5-m high. Ship hull performance on a wave should be taken into
consideration (as well as under different loading conditions) when the analysis of the
power transmission system performance are executed, particularly in the case of
static shaft line alignment as well as when transverse vibrations analysis are carried
out. In the author opinion, it would be fundamental to check the performance
reliability (strength) of the ships power transmission systems during strong storms
especially for ships destined to operate in the North Atlantic.
6.3. Ship hull deformation during launching
Shaft line aligning just after the ship launch is a typical technology applied by the
worlds shipyards. However, the complete foundation of the whole propulsion
system in the slipway or dry dock would be protable. The time of the ship building
can be shortened and global costs can be decreased. The possibility of the container

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ship shaft line alignment in the slipway was analysed. The straight beam of the ship
hull on the slipway and vertical stiffness of the propulsion system foundation might
be even 104 times stiffer (taking into consideration the elasticity of a ground and a
shipway construction) than after launchingit is a basic assumption during
calculations. The stiffness of a dry docks keel block support is expected to be
much more elasticsupporting stiffness might be in the same order of magnitude as
a ship hulls stiffness.
There are two possible methods of shaft line alignment before launching.
Achieving the same line of power transmission as in the old technology is the rst
one. In this case the axis of the stern tube bearing has to be turned askew in relation
to the main engine axis. The skew value should be matched in such a way that after
launching (and ship hulls bending) both axes are collinear. However, large
technological difculties may appear. Three variants are calculated: the shaft line
is disconnected on the slipway; the shaft line is connected on the slipway and the
shaft line (cold) connected on the water. Shaft line deformation and bearings
reaction for these calculations variants are presented in Figs. 17 and 18. The
reaction of the aft edge of the stern tube bearing after shaft line connection on the
slipway is nearly two times greater than during a normal propulsion action. At
the same time, there is no reaction on the fore edge of the stern tube bearing. Thus
the shaft line is supported only on the aft bearing edge. It might lead to the stern tube
bearings overload and sliding surfaces destruction. For these reasons, the method
described above, is difcult to apply.
The collinear arrangement of the propulsion systems axes on the slipway is the
second technological method of shaft line alignment. New, optimal propulsion
bearings displacements of the 2000 TEU container ship, different from those
presented in Section 6.1 (intermediate bearing: +1.66 mm; stern tube bearing:
+3.75 mm), are determined. The intermediate bearing was lowered to 0.80 mm in
relation to the axis of the power transmission system, while the stern tube bearing
was elevated to 0.80 mm. The following variants are calculated: the shaft line
disconnected on the slipway; the shaft line connected on the slipway; the shaft line
connected on the water but not running in cold condition; the shaft line connected

Fig. 17. Shaft line deformation in the rst technological method.


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Fig. 18. Bearings reactions in the rst technological method.

Fig. 19. Shaft line deformation in the second technological method.

Fig. 20. Bearings reactions in the second technological method.

on the water but not running in hot condition and the shaft line running with the
main engine nominal speed. Shaft line deformation and bearings reaction for all
these calculations variants are presented in Figs. 19 and 20. All bearings reactions

L. Murawski / Marine Structures 18 (2005) 6284


are acceptable. The shaft lines bending stresses are somewhat larger (about 1.5 MPa)
but they are still permissiblethey do not exceed 9 MPa. The described
technological method seems to be possible to apply, providing that exact calculations
of the ship hull bending are performed. Measurements and/or calculations of the
slipway (dry dock) stiffness with the foundation should be done. Additionally,
accurate calculations of the shaft lines whirling vibrations should be performed.
Measurements of the shaft line alignment should be widened. For instance, a
continuous check (during all assembly process and during sea trial) of the
intermediate bearings reaction should be applied by strain gauge measurements

7. Measurements of a shaft line alignment

Three different experimental investigation methods of propulsion shaft line
alignment are discussed [3,9]. Possible applications of the methods were analysed by
means of computations carried out on a 2000 TEU containership at the quay side
and during sea trials. A new original method for the direct measurement of the
intermediate bearings reactions on the foundation pads is presented. During
shafting alignment work onboard the ship lying at the quay side, the bearing
reactions were measured with the use of strain gauge dynamometers. The
measurements were performed in parallel with standard ones of measuring the oil
pressure in the jacks. During the ships trial static and dynamic reactions of the
intermediate bearing, measured by means of the dynamometric pads, as well as
transverse vibrations and quasi-static stresses in the intermediate shafts were
recorded. Dynamic measurements have been be described in paper [3] in which
lateral (whirling) vibrations of a shaft line are discussed.
7.1. Direct measuring of the intermediate bearings reaction
This attempt at the direct extensometric measurement of bearing reactions by
determining the stress in the bearing foundation pads is an important novelty of the
elaborated measurement method applicable to the shafting alignment process. It is
assumed, in accordance with the shaft line assembling technique, that the bearing is
set on its foundation with the use of four spherical pads. In order to determine
bearing reactions, measuring the stresses on the foundation pads was assumed to be
carried out on all pads.
A short computation analysis of stress distribution in the pad was performed to
appropriately elaborate the measurement method and program in question. It was
assumed that strain gauges had to be glued on the upper part of the pad. The
analysis of this part of the pad was performed for two types of boundary conditions
by means of Patran-Nastran FEM software. In the rst case, the external edge
support of the pad spherical surface was only assumed. The second type of boundary
conditions modelled the ideal support of the pad on its entire spherical surface. The
deformation distribution of both pads models is presented in Figs. 21 and 22. It was


L. Murawski / Marine Structures 18 (2005) 6284

Fig. 21. Deformation distribution of the pads model supported on the edge.

Fig. 22. Deformation distribution of the pads model supported on the whole spherical surface.

L. Murawski / Marine Structures 18 (2005) 6284


concluded from the analysis that the way of supporting the pad had very substantial
inuence on the deformations and stresses on the external surface of the pad. Large
differences should be expected between measured stresses in particular pads,
depending on the exactness of workmanship of the spherical contact surface of each
of them. Therefore, it was decided to test all complete sets of pads by means of a
testing machine. During the tests the pads were compressed and the full hysteresis
course was determined.
The extensometric investigations on the ship at the quay side were carried out in
parallel with the measurements performed with the use of hydraulic jacks. The
described phase of shafting alignment proceeded as follows: two hydraulic jacks were
installed under the intermediate bearing of the assembled shaft line, then an
appropriate reaction was inducted by lifting the bearing. In the nal stage the heights
of the pads were adjusted to the bearing position, then the foundation bolts were
tensioned and the hydraulic jacks were taken away. The required value of the
reaction (taking bearing weight into account) was determined equal to 183 kN which
corresponded to 32.5 MPa pressure value in the jacks.
At the beginning, the intermediate bearing was standing on the dynamometers and
not yet lifted to an appropriate level. Forces in the dynamometers were recorded
during bearings lifting by the jacks (unloading the pads) and after position adjusting
and released the pressure in the jacks (loading the pads). The recorded measurement
results were put onto the dynamometers characteristics curvesFig. 23. Global
reaction measured during unloading is equal to 183 kN (ideal conformity with jacks
measurements). Global reaction measured during pads loading is equal to 156 kN.
The reason for the smaller measured reaction during the dynamometers loading is
residual pressure in the jacks. Several measurements of the pads loading were
performed with the time delay. Floating of the signals in the measurement points,
conrms that the pressure is of a non-zero value. It can be stated that the preliminary
seated bearing does not transfer load to pad no. 2, i.e. the intermediate bearing was
seated on three pads only.

Fig. 23. Dynamometers loading measured during shafting alignment.


L. Murawski / Marine Structures 18 (2005) 6284

In technological processes used nowadays, it is not possible to control the

tensioning level of the foundation bolts (the tensile stresses in them could reach
120 MPa), reaction distribution onto particular pads and shafting alignment state
after completing the process. The present process of generating the assumed bearing
reactions is very useful because it is simple and reliable. However, it should be
supplemented with recommendations on the use of the torque spanner for tensioning
the bolts and on the control of the load distribution onto particular pads.
In typical shafting alignment technology there is no control of the other works
which are provided for execution during sea trials. The only warning is an excessive
bearing temperature signal, with no warning against the insufcient loading on the
intermediate bearing. This was the reason to carry out extensometric investigations
of the changes of loading on the intermediate bearing foundation pads. It is
necessary to account for the screw-orice cooperation, because of the loading
exerted on the pads by the foundation bolts in tension. The total load increment of
the bolt-pad system can be calculated from Eq. (4). In the case of the system in
question the multiplier value is 1.1905. Measured load values have to be multiplied
by the multiplier value in order to obtain the total load value

where DR is the total load change, DRK the pad load increment, ks the foundation
bolt stiffness and kk the pad stiffness.
Measuring channels were set to zero just before the ships departure for sea trials.
The ship loading condition was close to that during the measurements at the quay
side. The main engine was in a cold condition. No hydrodynamic loads were
applied. The rst measurement was performed after changing the ship ballast
condition (the main engine was still in a cold condition). The fore draught was
decreased by 0.5 m, and the aft draught was increased by 1.3 m. The total load of the
dynamometers was decreased by 120 kN (65%) after a substantial change in the ship
load condition. It can cause a dangerous unloading of the intermediate bearing as a
result of which, for instance, the stern tube bearing can be overloaded. The inuence
of the ship loading condition on the shafting alignment, up to now rarely taken into
account, seems to be far from negligible. A signicant asymmetry of loading on the
portside and starboard pads of the bearing was observed. Therefore shafting
alignment analysis should be carried out in respect of two planes: vertical and
Next, the measurements of bearing reaction on the pads were carried out in
the same ballast condition as that during the preceding measurements. An
important difference of the propulsion systems state was that the engine was in
the hot condition. The investigations were performed just after the engine had
been run for many hours. The total load on the dynamometers was decreased by
16 kN (9%) after heating the engine. The inuence of the engines state on the
magnitude of the bearing reactions was thus conrmed. The drop in the intermediate
bearing reaction after heating the engine should reach 13% according to the
computation analysis.

L. Murawski / Marine Structures 18 (2005) 6284


7.2. Intermediate shaft bending stresses measurement

The measurements were performed by means of the complete strain gauge bridges
glued on the intermediate shaft of the ship power transmission system [10,11]. The
measuring systems were adjusted to measuring the shaft bending stresses only.
Telemetric systems are utilised for transmitting signals from the extensometric
bridges to a digital recorder. Therefore, carrying out the measurements while
running the main engine is possible. Two measuring systems were installed: the rst
measurement point was located close to the main engine and the second point close
to the intermediate bearing (from the side of the engine). The extensometric
measurements of bending stresses were carried out in parallel (in the same ship and
propulsion systems conditions) with the direct measurements of the bearing
reactions (see Section 7.1). The measured shaft bending stresses were related to the
calculated static stresses.
The low level and relative high noises of the measured signals of the shaft line
bending stresses are the difculties involved in using this method for checking shaft
line alignment. Differences between calculated and measured value are high and
reach up to 50% of error. The calculated changes of the bending stresses were
conrmed by measurementsthe errors do not exceed 8% of error. The recorded
changes of the intermediate shaft bending stresses show less distinctly the inuence
of different working conditions of the propulsion system than the changes of loading
on the foundation pads. Nevertheless, a greater part of the conclusions were
conrmed. The ship load condition should be taken into account as well as main
engines thermal state.

8. Conclusion
Measurements and numerical analysis (with bearings foundation stiffness
characteristics taken into consideration) have got good correlation in cold
main engine condition. Also the inuence of engine thermal conditions
on the bearing reaction level was conrmed. The inuence of ship ballast
condition in the shafting alignment, not taken into account so far, seems not to be
In authors opinion, stiffness and damping characteristics of the boundary
conditions should be taken into account during static and dynamic analysis of the
shaft line alignment and whirling vibrations. It is essential while shaft line alignment
is performed in the dock or on the slipway. Stern tube bearings should be modelled
as a continuous support, intermediate bearings and main engine bearings support
can be modelled as points. Hulls local stiffness, intermediate bearings frame and oil
lm stiffness are in the same order of magnitude, therefore all these components
should be taken into account. Foundation stiffness might be determined by
modelling only stern part of the ship hull even without deckhouse and chimney (to
the upper deck). Natural frequencies of the intermediate bearings frame are high,
therefore only static analysis can be done.


L. Murawski / Marine Structures 18 (2005) 6284

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