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Volume 1 . Issue 24

Dr. Richard Averbeck

Dr. Bill Bright

Dr. Paul Cedar

Mr. Dave Coleman

Dr. Larry Crabb

Mr. Roger Cross

Rev. Samuel Farina

Saving Our Youth From
Dr. Kenneth O. Gangel Self Destruction
Rev. Lud Golz

Dr. Howard G. Hendricks

A Quick Focus
Mr. Olan Hendrix The Book's Purpose
Dr. David Jeremiah Identify factors and situations
that lead to youth disconnection.
Rev. Knute Larson by Josh McDowell
Explain the impact of Postmod- Published by Word Publishing
Dr. John C. Maxwell ernism on adult-youth relation- Nashville
Dr. Bruce McNicol ships. At the root of this pain is a sense of alienation
Mr. Dean Merrill
Learn how to recognize and and aloneness; if we want to help counter it, we
establish crucial connection points. must offer our teenagers strong relational connec-
Mrs. Elisa Morgan tions. The stronger the connections, the better
Understand the roller coaster equipped they will be to make positive choices
Dr. Ray Ortlund world of the adolescent. and lead healthy lives.
Dr. Luis Palau Link belief to absolute truth.
Dr. Gilbert A. Peterson
The Book's Message Six Main Points
Rev. Wes Roberts Murder, illicit sex, and callous disregard

Mr. Jim Warren
for life and property~something has gone The Generational Disconnection .............. 2
terribly wrong. What causes our young
Dr. Rick Warren people to lash out with fierce brutality? Postmodern Generation ........................... 2
Disintegrating families and light-speed The Relational Factor .............................. 3
technology provide fertile ground for re- Six Crucial Connection Points ................. 4
lational alienation. Societal ties and founda-
tional doctrines have crumbled in the face Connecting to Their World ...................... 7
David A. Martin
John S. Martin, III of postmodernism, leaving our youth feel- Beyond Belief to Conviction .................... 8
ing lost and disconnected. Violence ensues
Editor as an outgrowth of their unbearable pain,
Michael J. Chiapperino loneliness, and confusion.
boomers," "millennials" or "mosaics,"
number over 22 million. These "baby
boomer offspring" enjoy unprece-
dented opportunities, including al-

The problems we
are seeing are not most limitless access to the world
solely outgrowths of through the Internet.
Disconnection = violent video games, how-
Newsweek predicts that more
ever; a major factor is the
Self-Destruction abandonment of moral than 70 percent of teenagers will be
absolutes. Establishing Internet-connected by 2003. Social
West Paducah, Kentucky relationships that once revolved a-
Pearl, Mississippi a foundation of unwav-
ering truths, the moral round family, church, school and
Littleton, Colorado. absolutes identified in friends now take place through cy-
Scripture, is one key to berspace chat rooms, e-mail, and
These are only a curbing the destructive instant messages.
sampling of the communities recent- trends among our youth.
ly scarred by horrific tragedies at There is something even Violent interactive video games,
the hands of youngsters. Recent sur- deeper still~the need to rejection of moral absolutes, and
veys conducted by USA Today and feel connected to par- cyberspace technology have all been
CBS News reveal that an alarming ents, to adults in gen- contributing factors in widening the
percentage of teenagers categorize eral, and to society present generation gap. Add sky-
their schools as a hostile and unsafe as a whole. Feeling alien- rocketing divorce rates and the grow-
environment. The data showed that ated in a hostile world is ing numbers of kids coming home
80 percent of kids polled at a Mid- frightening and the result- to empty houses, and we can begin
western middle school admitted to ing emotional pain often to grasp the underlying causes for
bullying their peers in the last month, unleashes anti-social their disconnection.
one-fourth feared personal injury at behaviors.
school, and more than half could en-
vision a murderous rampage break-
ing out in their own school.
Why? What causes young
people to resort to violence towards
their peers, parents, and teachers?
What is happening in our culture
that produces such vicious anger in
mere children?
During World War II, the U.S.
Army discovered that soldiers were
“...The core that
much more likely to pull the trigger
in combat if they had plenty of prac-
tice firing at man-shaped outlines
rather than bull's eyes.
they feel alone,
disconnected, Postmodern
"Directing the soldiers' firing
practice at man-shaped outlines
numbed their consciences and
and unsure
of who they
really are.”
It is not what you
made killing a reflex action." say that matters; it is what you mean.
Today, computers can be pro- To successfully reach out to In many homes, teenagers and par-
grammed as virtual reality simulators, this "disconnected generation," ents are failing to connect because
offering hands-on instruction on it is imperative that we learn who they simply do not understand one
everything from driving a car to these kids are and why they feel another.
piloting an airplane. Similar techno- so alone.
"I'm talking about adults and
logy~used to develop realistic, inter- On-Line, But youth using a common vocabulary
active video games~is teaching our with different definitions, com-
young people how to kill. Points are Disconnected pletely unaware that such differ-
given for hitting specific targets; in In the quest for a unique iden- ences exist."
many popular games, headshots are tity, each generation creates new
rewarded with bonus points! In Pa- social norms by pushing back exist- The root cause of this communi-
ducah, Kentucky, Michael Carneal ing cultural boundaries. The present cation problem is the fact that the
shot five out of eight people in the generation, often referred to as "echo thinking of many teenagers has been
head or neck.
colored by the modern cultural doc- Disconnection occurs because Nature and
trine of postmodernism~woven into of the generation gap and the influ-
the fabric of their lives via public ence of postmodernism, but it does Nurturing
education, secular music, television, not have to result in isolation and Recent discoveries at the Nation-
advertising, movies, and peers. destruction. Parents, youth workers, al Institute of Mental Health in Beth-
pastors, and Christian edu- esada, Maryland indicate that the
cators can reach across two regions of the brain mature at
“Postmoderism is that gap to build strong, different rates. The limbic system,
which generates raw emotions, in-
permanent connections.
a worldview cluding anger and fear, shifts into
high gear during adolescence. At this
characterized by same stage, however, the prefrontal
cortex operates on low, limiting the
the belief that
truth is created
The teen's ability to make good decisions.

"With their prefrontal cortices on

rather than Relational overload, teenagers don't always

have the brainpower to organize
their thoughts and make wise de-
Rules Don’t
cisions. No wonder our kids often
feel confused and disconnected
while everything makes perfect
sense to us. They aren't fully hard-
Words like tolerance, acceptance wired yet!"
and truth have been subtly redefined. Connect Us
A postmodern thinker cannot sepa- In an honest effort to help their The Los Angeles Times reported
rate a person from his or her beliefs teenagers become obedient and re- that children between the ages of
and actions. Therefore, criticism of sponsible, many parents and youth three and eight produce twice the
any aspect of a teen's life strikes a workers unwittingly push the kids neurons, synapses, and energy of an
blow at his self-esteem and causes away~until they are disconnected adult brain. Upon entering adoles-
feelings of rejection. relationally and all but captured by cence, however, the brain "prunes"
the culture. How can we provide in- unused synapses~thousands per sec-
"Postmodernists contend that any- ond~as it reshapes itself based on
one who claims to hold an objec- struction, discipline and correction
without disconnection? One of the experiences. Trauma, severe neglect,
tive truth that unfavorably judges and abuse have been shown to cause
the values, beliefs, or lifestyle of best ways is to first establish a rela-
tionship based on unconditional love. the neural systems to enter a state
another person is intolerant and of fear-related activation. Chronic
bigoted." activation numbs the brain's stress
It is significant to note that God
The most insidious lie, however, gave His people the Ten Command- hormones, causing the person to lose
is the belief that there is no objective ments after he had entered into an the ability to experience emotions~
truth~true for everyone, everywhere, everlasting covenant of love with such was the case with Luke Wood-
all the time. Subtle cultural condi- them. Rules, presented in the context ham, who killed his mother and three
tioning has convinced our youth of time, attention, and care usually other students in Pearl, Mississippi.
that they can create a personal life- bring a positive response. Positive nurturing
style that is "true," even when it vio- has a critical impact on
lates biblical mandates. Dedicated a child's mental devel-
Christian parents, committed to rais- opment and behavioral
ing their children to respect and obey “Rules - Relationship = patterns. Adults have
God, struggle to understand why
their kids will not embrace their tra- Rebellion the opportunity and
privilege to help our
ditional values. Frustrated teens can-
not understand why Mom and Dad Rules + Relationship = youth sort through
their physical, mental,
will not let them choose their own
beliefs. And the distance between
Positive Response” emotional and social
confusion and to solid-
them broadens. ify positive neural
"The real challenge before us is connections.
learning how to enter our students'
sometimes complex and confusing Typically, young people do not
world and make relational con- respond to rules; they respond to continued on page 4
nections at a deep, emotional level relationships.
that no cultural influence will be
able to destroy."
THE RELATIONAL FACTOR continued from page 3

Getting Up Close
and Personal velop purpose and identity apart from Resistance comes when we offer
It is abundantly clear that our family. Although each teen wants to instruction before establishing and
youth are impacted~either positively be unique, each also has a strong affirming a connection. Once this
or negatively~by the treatment they need to identify with a group. Parents connection has been put in place,
receive from adults. We enter into need to expect some conflict as their we need to discover the crucial con-
their world and provide loving re- baby bird tests his or her wings. necting points in our teenager's life,
lational connections by getting and learn how and when to provide
“up close and personal" with them, Likewise, we need to remember needed guidance.
learning what makes them tick, lis- that spiking hormonal changes ele-
tening, and letting them know how vate a teenager's emotional tensions
physically, socially, and emotionally. “When young people
much we care.
Unfortunately, these changes often sense they are secure,
One day your child is standing obstruct a teen's ability to think and significant, lovable,
on the mountaintop, the next in act wisely. An adolescent's ability to

a bottomless pit. Intense ups and know what he should not do is much important, authentic, and
downs can appear to be triggered different from his ability to identify responsible, they become
by trivial matters, but we do well to the warning signals to stop. shaped mentally and
realize that issues that seem inconse-
quential to adults can be major di- "Just as sexual interest and attrac- emotionally to choose
sasters for a teenager. We need to be tion intensify, their ability to make to live in right
considerate and sensitive in helping sound judgments is hampered by
an overabundance of neural con- relationships with you,
them handle both pleasure and pain. God, and others.”
nections. High emotional and hor-
It is also important to recognize monal pressure and low self-control
and validate the teen's need to de- are a disastrous combination."

Six Crucial Connection Points
We can discover and
cultivate at least six "points of con-
nection" with our young people. Nur-
turing a teenager in each of these
areas will help to equip him or her
to make the right moral and relational
“We deserve punishment,
but He validates
our need for acceptance.
We deserve rejection,
beings with valid feelings. Affirma-
tion begins with active listening with-
out judgment, admonitions, or quick-
fix solutions.
"Rejoice with those who rejoice;
mourn with those who mourn."

decisions. but He says we’re
worth forgiving. We Jesus was moved to tears by the
#1 Affirmation deserve abandonment, grief of Mary and Martha, even
Giving Youth a but He affirms we’re though He knew He would soon
Sense of raise Lazarus from the dead and trans-
worth saving.” form their sorrow into joy. In that
Authenticity moment of pain, however, Jesus wept
People have always been drawn with those who were mourning.
to Jesus Christ, embracing Him not the same way, our teenagers need us Oftentimes adults become so accus-
only because of what He taught, but to deeply identify with them. tomed to picking up the pieces of a
also because of who He was. teenager's mistakes that they are not
Identification is communicated
His identification with our through affirmation, by telling teens ready to the leap up and rejoice with
woundedness binds us together. In that they are worthwhile human a teen when there is a victory.
What is your response to every-
Published by Christian Book Summaries, Inc., 850 Morrison Road, Gahanna, day frustrations and conflicts? Do
Ohio 43230, August 2000. Published monthly. Subscription $59.95 in the you tend to be "quick to mourn and
United States; $64.95 in Canada; and, by airmail, $79.95 in all other countries.
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Christian Book Summaries,
slow to rejoice?" If your son has
1550 Lewis Center Rd., Suite G, Lewis Center, OH 43035-9925 dented your fender or your daughter
has failed biology, what is your first yourself and your acceptance when "Appreciate your students' efforts
response~the circumstances or the your kids do not meet your set stan- more than your students' accom-
child? dards? Look back at the last time re- plishments, and appreciate your
port cards came out; did you convey students' worth as God's creation
Without first establishing a con- conditional acceptance based on even more than your students'
nection of care and concern, rules grades? efforts."
and advice will create a rebellious
heart. God calls us to respond to our Acceptance focuses on positive #4 Affection
kids in the same way He rejoices and qualities like diligence, persistence,
mourns with us~to communicate and creativity~qualities which instill Giving Youth a
His compassion, concern and com- a healthy self-view. Today's youth are Sense of Lovability
fort. Comfort takes place when we unsure whether they have any value. Appropriate verbal and physical
empathize with someone's feelings Romans 12:3 encourages us to see expressions of affection tell our young
and respond accordingly. Rousing and value ourselves as God sees us, people that we believe they are worth
pep talks and attempts to explain as human beings made in God's loving. Numerous studies have docu-
away painful circumstances are not image with infinite value, dignity, mented the negative emotional ef-
comforting. and worth. fects sustained by children who are
Encouraging the development raised without the caresses of a de-

If your 14-year-old son slams
the door as he angrily stomps into of a healthy self-view is not a "one voted caregiver. Affection not only
the house and announces he was cut size fits all" proposition; nurturing shows that you care, but it also helps
from the football team, your response and discipline must be conformed kids feel close to and connected with
needs to address his pain, not the to the uniqueness of each child. A other people.
problem. Help him to identify and healthy sense of self-worth provides
a teenager with the security and cour- When kids do not experience
vent his feelings of rejection, anger, relational connection at home, they
and humiliation and then later on age to stand firm in the face of peer
pressure. are tempted to fulfill their need for
offer suggestions about other activi- affection somewhere else, generally
ties he might try. #3 Appreciation in a sexual relationship. Young peo-
ple across this nation are crying out
Dealing with feelings before ad- Giving Youth for the affection of their parents, es-
dressing issues is a major key to de- a Sense of

veloping and affirming a loving bond pecially their fathers.
with teenagers. People~including Significance "Ignoring a young person's need
teenagers~receive comfort when Appreciation is the cornerstone for affection can trigger an explo-
someone feels their hurt and sorrow of a secure relationship. It communi- sive and destructive chain reac-
with them. If we truly wish to comfort cates significance, value, and the tion, leading to premarital sexual
our kids, we must demonstrate to knowledge that someone believes my involvement and its frightening
them that that their feelings are our accomplishments matter. The heav- complications."
first priority. enly Father expressed His appreci-
ation for Jesus at His baptism. Paul's Numerous studies validate the
#2 Acceptance letters contain many instances of ap- importance of the father/child rela-
preciation toward his spiritual chil- tionship in relation to a child's heal-
Giving Youth a dren. Praise is a wonderful motivator thy development. A 1994 survey of

Sense of Security of positive behavior; in most homes, 3,795 youth in evangelical Christian
God accepts us unconditionally. however, the quickest way to get churches found that 54 percent sel-
Jesus told the Pharisees that it is the parental attention is to misbehave. dom (or never talk) about personal
sick who need a doctor. Christ died Parents would be better advised to concerns with their father, with one
on the cross while we were still sin- switch gears and focus on the many in four never holding any type of
ners so that He could forgive us and things kids do right~and honor them meaningful conversation with their
bring us into a relationship with Him- with words of praise. dad. Sadly, one in five felt that they
self that would transform our lives. seldom (or never) received expres-
At the same time, parents must sions of love from their dads. Even
establish an atmosphere and attitude when mom is maintaining relational
"If we are to strengthen the loving of unconditional acceptance, other-
bond with our young people, we, connections, kids still crave a signi-
wise teenagers may determine that ficant relationship with both their
too, must accept them for who they the best way to relate to them is based
are, no matter what." mom and dad.
on performance, i.e. "They will love
It is important to assure kids that me if I get straight As...if I hit a home- Affection can be shown in three
their value is not tied to their perfor- run...if I...." Children experience a main ways. First, when parents open-
mance. Examine your words and great deal of shame and self-condem- ly demonstrate affection, their chil-
actions closely. Do you withdraw nation when they believe they have continued on page 6


continued from page 5 62 percent spend about eight and a daries. Parameters provide stability
half minutes a day with their mothers. and authority without which chaos
dren gain an invaluable sense of se- These same kids claim they spend and confusion reign. Adults gener-
curity and are more likely to keep at least four hours a day listening ally utilize one of three approaches
an open connection. Young people to music, going on-line, watching when trying to set boundaries and
watch how spouses interact and ex- T.V., etc. teach accountability.
press love and commitment, and use
their examples as role models for “If we want our kids to The autocratic approach is "big
their own relationships. feel more important and on rules but low on relationships."
connected to us, we It centers on the adult having the
Secondly, everyone needs to hear status as the "absolute ruler." Young
the words "I love you" over and over simply must give them people respond in one of two ways:
again. We need to look for other ways more of our time.” flight or fight. Anger may be churn-
to be outwardly affectionate as well~ ing inside a withdrawn~but outward-
catching a daughter's eye across a ly obedient~child who has chosen
room, choosing a special affirming the flight option. Open hostility and
nickname, putting a note in a son's It is misleading to believe that
scheduled "quality time" is sufficient anger can be manifested verbally or
backpack, or sending e-mail messages physically.
and cards. We need to express sin- to maintain a relationship. It takes
cere affection to our kids in creative a large quantity of time to produce
quality connections and to provide Permissive adults, on the other
ways. hand, allow love to win out over
a role model so kids can see how
Third is the need for appropriate adults relate to the temptations and limits. Kids take control and hold
physical affection. frustrations of this world. Another their parents hostage. They still feel
myth is that "Disneyland experiences" unloved, believing that if their par-
"Physical touch alone will not sup- will compensate for the lack of your ents really cared, they would see
ply the emotional connection, but available time. What molds young their need for boundaries.
it is difficult to maintain a loving people, however, are consistent,
emotional bond without the rein- everyday relationship moments. Many baby-boomer parents, in-
forcement of physical affection." dulged by their parents, have an
Parents need to spend ample indifferent approach to their kids.
Work on discovering ways to While providing lots of nice things,
show affection without embarrassing time asking probing questions and
discussing specific situations if they these parents are unavailable physi-
your child. Teenagers may shy away cally and/or emotionally. The anger
from hugs and kisses, but the need truly wish to gain insight into their
teen's thoughts and beliefs. and hurt their kids feel usually rein-
for a loving touch never goes away. forces this dysfunctional pattern in
Ask questions like: their own parenting behavior.
These are simple ways to express
affection, yet they are powerful in Would you do things differently
strengthening relationships and em- if you were I [parent/youth A relational (authoritative) ap-
powering our youth to take a stand group leader]? proach uses a discipline system that
against the negative forces in our Tell me what makes you happy fosters learning and maturity. We
culture. and sad? see two such modes of discipline in
the Bible. The prodigal son experi-
#5 Availability What one question would you enced the uncomfortable results
ask God? of natural consequences when he
Giving Youth squandered his inheritance and end-
a Sense of Do kids need less time with ed up in the pigsty. Likewise, when
Importance their significant adults as they get Adam and Eve chose to disobey
older? Research conducted by Dr. God's clearly stated instructions,
Deadlines, business meetings, James Dobson found that adoles- the logical consequence was the en-
phone calls, church activities~in the cents needed their parents, especially forcement of the forewarned penalty.
midst of this pressure-filled world, fathers, as much or more at this age
it is easy to lose sight of our priorities. as in their childhood. "Relational parents hear the dis-
Providing affirmation, acceptance, connected cries of their children
appreciation, and affection is impor- #6 Accountability and move toward them with a bal-
tant~but we can only offer them in ance of love and limits to connect
the context of being available to our Giving Youth with them."
kids. a Sense of
A recent study reports that 66 Responsibility
percent of churched youth average Responsibility grows out of a
less than four and a half minutes a balance between relational connec-
day with their fathers. Meanwhile, ting points and appropriate boun-
Connecting in Their World
of Love and Sex
"Many kids grapple with these del-

Their World
icate, emotionally charged issues
alone because the significant adults
in their lives are either unwilling
or unavailable to talk about them."
The Downward Spiral of Disappointment Our youth are receiving mixed
The downward spiral begins when life's inevitable disappointments, signals all around them~misinforma-
minor and major, are not acknowledged and the teenager's feelings are not tion that distorts the truth about love
affirmed. Repeated disappointment can lead to discouragement and the loss and sex. God created us with the
of hope and confidence. Discouragement can deepen into depression when need to love and be loved; yet the
the sadness and dejection last for an extended period of time. Without in- pursuit of this elusive goal has result-
tervention, depression will produce despair, the belief that everything in ed in unbearable pain and heartache.
life is hopeless. This despair can be so devastating for some teenagers that Help your kids realize that love re-
self-destruction appears to be a reasonable solution. quires emotional and spiritual inter-
Disappointments fall into two general categories: centering on things/ action, not just physical linkage; true
experiences or centering on people/relationships. Failing a test, trying to love is not the same as lust, romance,
balance a job and a social life, overhearing unkind comments about appear- infatuation or sex.
ance, cancellation of an anticipated event~all of these disappointments need Today's youth are constantly
to be taken seriously. Watch carefully for evidence of disappointment, and bombarded with sexually oriented
then move in quickly to connect through affirming responses. Words and and explicit messages. The media
gestures of comfort tell an adolescent that you recognize the hurt and that portray sex as exciting and glamor-
you understand the pain. Once this foundation is established, communicate ous, tempting teens to get in on the
your acceptance of the teen~apart from the circumstances of the disappoint- fun. Many young people find that
ment. sexual pleasure affords a temporary
Look for a positive element within the disappointment and offer affir- respite from emotional emptiness.
mation. Your appreciation and support may take the form of practical assis- Teenagers, angry at the distance
tance or advice to avoid future disappointments. Spend time encouraging between them and their parents, may
your youth to refocus on their goals so that discouragement will not pull use sex as an expression of rebellion
them down. Entering into a teenager's disappointments tells him he is not and defiance.

Their World of Relational Losses “If I were asked to

Disappointments involving people or relationships bring about signi- name the number-one
ficant pain and a deep sense of loss. There are five major areas that bring reason a child yields
about feelings of separation and loss.
Moving away (or experiencing the move of a friend) to sexual pressure,
Rejection by friends at the top of my list
Divorce/family separation would be adolescent
Ending of a romance
Death of family or friends alienation brought
on by parental
Do not worry about saying the right thing; comfort and compassion inattentiveness.”
have more to do with being there emotionally alongside someone, than
in speaking the right words.
Make sex an open door topic;
Their World of Conflicts welcome any question at any time.
Commit yourself to stay connected, even in the midst of conflict. Look Establish your guidelines for sexual
for the underlying relational needs and focus on connecting at those points. behavior within the context of the
intimate relational connection you
Conflict is inevitable, but when your child can tell that you are sincere- have already built with your kids.
ly trying to connect, it goes a long way towards resolving the problem. An
excellent way to head off conflict is to schedule time alone to discuss ways
to keep the lines of communication open.
Beyond Belief




to Conviction
What do kids want The basis of our young people's
Volume 1, Number 24
out of life? They want the same faith is a subjective belief that has David A. Martin
things we do~"a healthy and rela- no substantiating basis. Such "faith"
tionally meaningful life on earth and John S. Martin, III
has no power to guard the believer
a home in heaven." Adults who play against making wrong choices. Editor
a significant role in a young person's Michael J. Chiapperino
life can establish relational connec- Bringing our young people be- Christian Book Summaries is published
tions that will impact the teen for a yond shallow belief involves convin- by Christian Book Summaries, Inc., 850
lifetime. These horizontal connec- cing their hearts and minds of God's Morrison Road, Gahanna, Ohio 43230.
tions play a vital role in helping our truth. They need to embrace a per- U.S. Copyright C 2000 by Christian
youth connect with God. sonal, relational connection with Book Summaries, Inc. All rights reserved.
Christ, while also receiving evidence Reproduction in any form without the
In a recent study of over 3,700 of that truth so they can understand copyright owner's written permission is
church youth, 46 percent of teens with their minds why they believe prohibited.
believed that all faiths lead to the what they believe. The mission of Christian Book Summaries
same truths, and 65 percent said is to enhance the ministry of thinking
there was no way to tell which world
We can only get this message Christians by providing thorough and
religion was actually true! across to a postmodern generation readable summaries of noteworthy books
by showing how Christianity from Christian publishers.
will work for them in their The opinions expressed are those
“Most young people own lives, then teaching them of the original writers and are not
do not choose that it works because it is true; necessarily those of Christian Book
this is the true relational con- Summaries or its Council of Reference.
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The author: Josh McDowell, internation-
ally known speaker, author, and traveling
representative of Campus Crusade for
Christ International, has authored or co-
authored more than 50 books, including
To Our Subscribers: Right from Wrong and Handbook for Coun-
seling Youth. Josh and his wife, Dottie,
Issues 23, 24, and 25 will be the final have four children and live in Dallas.
Christian Book Summaries published in print form. The Disconnected Generation by Josh Mc-
Dowell, copyright C 2000 by Josh McDowell
We are pleased to announce that the printed version and Ed Stewart. Summarized by permission
will be replaced by a downloadable of the publisher, Word Publishing, Nashville,
Tennessee. ISBN 0-8499-4077-X. $14.99.
e-mail version, offered free of charge, This book is available at most Christian
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