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1. Allergy (noun allergy \a-lr-j\) is the body's abnormal reaction to certain foods or environmental
substances (e.g. causes a rash).
a. Regine has an allergy to sea foods like shrimp.
b. He has an allergy to reality TV.
c. She cant breathe because of her allergy to dust.
2. Cancer (noun cancer \kan(t)-sr\) is a disease caused by the uncontrollable growth of cells.
a. There are many different options when it comes to treating cancer.
b. Eating certain foods may help reduce the risk of cancer.
c. Advanced cancers are more difficult to treat.
3. Chemotherapy (noun chemotherapy \-ther--p\) is the treatment used on cancer patients.
a. My mother has already had three rounds of chemotherapy.
b. Many poor people cannot afford Chemotherapy because of its very expensive cost.
c. I wish this monthly Chemotherapy Im having would somehow lengthens my days, said Anna.
4. Chickenpox (noun) is the virus commonly contracted by children, characterized by itchy spots all over the
a. It is best to get chickenpox as a child so that you don't get it worse as an adult.
b. How annoying it is to have Chickenpox when youre already an adult.
c. Ive got these scars after having a Chickenpox.
5. Emergency Room (ER) (noun) is a hospital room used for treating patients with immediate and lifethreatening injuries.
a. The child was rushed into the ER after he had a severe allergic reaction to a bee sting.
b. I wonder how a doctor feels when inside the ER saving someone elses life.
c. The parents of the seven-year-old cancer patient were prohibited to enter the ER.
6. X- ray (noun \eks-r\) is a photograph of a person's bones and organs.
a. He was shocked when the doctor showed him his X-ray.
b. He has kept the X-ray of his arms when he met a motorcycle accident before.
c. The doctor ordered some x-ray s of my injured wrist.
7. Wheelchair (noun wheelchair \hwl-cher, wl-\)is a chair on wheels used for transporting patients from
place to place.
a. If you get in the wheelchair I'll take you down to see the garden.
b. The handicapped old man was so happy with the new wheelchair given to him.
c. Losing your legs and sitting in a wheelchair for the rest of your life must be hard to accept.
8. Virus (noun virus \v-rs\) is dangerous organism that causes the spread of minor and major diseases.
a. The virus is contractible through the exchange of bodily fluids.
b. Is the illness caused by bacteria or a virus?
c. I think I have the virus that's going around this winter.
9. Visiting hours (noun) is the time of day when friends and family are allowed to visit patients in hospital.
a. I'm afraid you'll have to come back during visiting hours.
b.Relatives and friends are only allowed to come during visiting hours.
c.Visiting hours is at 6:00-9:00PM only.
10. Urine sample (noun) is a small amount of the body's liquid waste that is tested for different medical reasons.
a. The urine sample tells us how much alcohol is in your blood.
b.She was asked by the Doctor to have a urine sample.
c.The young lady was a bit shy to give her urine sample to the medical technologist.

11. Ultrasound (noun ultrasound \l-tr-sauund\) is a test that examines the body's internal organs and
processes using sound waves (often used during pregnancies).
a. The ultrasound shows that we are expecting a baby boy.
b. Pregnant women usually ought to undergo ultrasound to know what baby they are bearing.
c. Theres nothing to be afraid of when undergoing an ultrasound.
12. Symptoms (noun symptom \sim(p)-tm\) are the pain or physical changes that occur because of an illness
or disease.
a. You have all of the symptoms of a diabetic.
b.We should all be vigilant for the symptoms of Dengue.
c. Several patients suffered from symptoms such nausea and vomiting.
13. Blood donor (noun) is a person who gives blood to a blood bank or other person.
a. Blood donors have to answer questions about their medical history.
b. Timothy volunteered himself to become one of the blood donors.
c. Some of the blood donors are ROTC Officers who were tested first if qualified or not.
14. Specialist (noun specialist \spe-sh(-)list\) is a doctor and is an expert in a certain kind of medicine.
a. My family doctor is sending me to a specialist.
b. Id like to see a Specialist to get these prescribed medicine to me.
c. Daniel aspires to become a very successful specialist someday.
15. Spasm (noun \spa-zm\) is the uncontrollable tightening of a muscle.
a. Ever since I injured my leg I've been having muscle spasms in my upper thigh.
b. I hate experiencing spasm when walking.
c. He suddenly fell down in the ground because of spasm.
16. Heart Attack (noun) is the instance in which blood stops pumping through the heart.
a. People who smoke are at greater risk of having a heart attack.
b. He was rushed in the hospital due to heart attack.
c. People with hypertension fear of experiencing heart attack.
17. HIV (noun \ch--v\) is a virus that infects the human T-cells and leads to AIDS.
a. HIV can be passed down from the mother to her fetus.
b. Through sexual intercourse, HIV virus can be transmitted.
c. Many people disgust him for he is HIV positive.
18. Illness (noun illness \il-ns\) is the general term for any condition that makes a person feel sick for a
certain period of time.
a. Her illness went away when she started eating better.
b. The doctors were unsure of the exact nature of the illness.
c. Hannas consecutive absences in class was due to her illness.
19. Immune system (noun) is the system or the parts of the body that fight diseases, infections, and viruses.
a. Many of us would want to have a strong immune system.
B People whose Immune system is strong are actually the ones who are away from any kind of disease.
c. How lucky you are to have a good immune system.
20. Blood count (noun) is the amount of red and white blood cells a person has.
a. You will be happy to know that your blood count is almost back to normal.
b. It might be alarming to know your blood count is too low.
c. Person with low blood count is not allowed to become a blood donor.
21. Asthma (noun asthma \az-m, British as-\) is a condition that causes a blockage of the airway and makes
it difficult for a person to breathe.

a. I carry an inhaler when I run because I have asthma.

b. My sister Christine has an asthma.
c. To have asthma limits you in doing things like sports.
22. Amnesia (noun amnesia \am-n-zh\) is the condition that causes people to lose their memory.
a. I can't remember the accident because I had amnesia.
b. I wish to wake up with an amnesia for in that way I will forget about you said John.
c. He met a car accident last month and now hes in the state of amnesia.
23. Ambulance (noun ambulance \am-by-ln(t)s, -b- also -lan(t)s\) is a emergency vehicle that rushes
people to a hospital.
a. We called the ambulance when Josh stopped breathing.
b. The government should increase the number of ambulance in every province.
c. The ambulance rushed again a patient of hypertension.
24. Diabetes (noun diabetes \d--b-tz, -b-ts\) is a type of disease typically involving insulin
a. People with diabetes have to constantly check their blood sugar levels.
b. You must be careful of the foods youre eating you might get diabetes.
c. He had spent a lot of money for his maintenance to remedy his diabetes.
25. Intensive Care Unit (ICU) (noun) is a section of the hospital where patients get constant attention and
doctors rely on specialized equipment.
a. She will remain in the ICU until she can breathe on her own.
b. I was able to enter the ICU when we visited our Lola last year.
c. The parents insisted to put their child already in the ICU.
26. Antibiotic (noun antibiotic \an-t-b--tik, -t-; -b--\) is a medication that kills bacteria and cures
a. My throat infection went away after I started the antibiotics.
b. The antibiotic given to him was effective.
c. Your feeling would have been better if youve had the antibiotic prescribed by the doctor.
27. Fever (noun fever \f-vr\) is a condition of a person who has higher than normal body temperature.
a. He has a fever, and his temperature is near danger point.
b. Diane had been suffering for how many days because of fever.
c. He caught some sort of fever and never got over it.
28. Dislocated (adj. dislocate \dis-l-kt, -l-; ()dis-l-\) is term used when a bone is temporarily separated
from its joint.
a. You will have to wear a sling because of your dislocated shoulder.
b. Due to motorcycle accident, his arm is dislocated.
c. The boy cried painfully because of his dislocated leg.
29. IV (noun \-v\) is a tube that pumps liquids and medication into a patient's body.
a. The toddler was so dehydrated that the doctor decided to get him on an IV.
b. The new born baby is in need to have an IV.
c. She feels pity to the 3-year-old baby having the IV.
30. Lab (laboratory) (noun, often attributive laboratory \la-b(-)r-tor- sometimes la-b(r)-or l-bor-, British usually l-br--t(-)r\) is a place where samples of blood/urine etc. are taken for testing.
a. I'll take these samples down to the lab on my way out.
b. Only those personnel like the doctor, medical technologist and nurse are allowed to enter the Hospital

c. Laboratory is a place where chemicals, drugs and microbes are prepared and manufactured.
31. Life support (noun) is a machine that keeps patients alive by helping them breathe.
a. The woman has severe brain damage and is currently on life support.
b. Hes been alive because of the life support.
c. Its hard to see your own child having that life support.
32. A newborn (noun newborn \-born\) is an infant that is less than three months old.
a. You have to support her neck because she is still a newborn.
b. The mother was so happy to see their newborn baby.
c. The newborn baby looks like his father.
33. Operating Room (OR) (noun) is the place where major surgeries and operations take place.
a. You must wear a face mask and gloves while you are in the OR.
b. The Cardiologist performed again an operation successfully at the OR.
c. The neurologist entered the OR to do the operation.
34. Operation (noun operation \-p-r-shn\) is a medical procedure that involves going inside a person's
body in an attempt to fix a problem
a. The operation lasted seven hours, but it was successful.
b. The operation for the conjoined twins performed by the doctor was a success.
c. The parents were relieved after the successful operation of their child.
35. Pain killer (noun) is a type of medicine that takes away some or all of the discomfort of an illness or injury
a. You can take two pain killers every four hours.
b. Can I have some more pain killers said the survivor.
c. He was given the pain killers hes asking.
36. Patient (noun patient \p-shnt\) is a person staying in a hospital or medical facility.
a. The patients in Room 4 are not getting along.
b. The Cancer patient is still cheerful despite of her situation.
c. The nurse is always annoyed by the patient.
37. Pharmacist (noun pharmacist \fr-m-sist\) is a person who fills a doctor's prescription and gives people
advice about medication.
a. Ask the pharmacist if there is a generic brand of this medication.
b. My elder sister is a pharmacist.
c. The pharmacist a while back had an annoying personality.
38. Pharmacy (noun pharmacy \fr-m-s\) is a place where people go to buy medication and other medical
a. You should be able to buy a bandage at the pharmacy.
b. Go to the pharmacy and buy this prescribed medicine.
c. Abel went to the pharmacy to buy medicines.
39. Prescription (noun prescription \pri-skrip-shn\) is the correct amount and type of medication needed to
cure an illness or relieve symptoms.
a. You will need to visit your doctor to get another prescription.
b. You should follow the prescription given to you by the physician.
c. The doctor finally gave her prescription.
40. Side effects (noun) are other symptoms that might occur as a result of a certain medication or procedure.
a. One of the side effects of antidepressants is a loss of appetite.
b. Im afraid therell be some bad side effects of this medicine Im taking.
c. You should always consider the possible side effects of that beauty product youre using.

41. Stress (noun \stres\) is a worry that causes muscles to tighten and blood pressure to rise.
a. You need to take some time off work and relieve some of your stress.
b. She was obviously under a lot of stress.
c. The guy seems to be suffering a lot from stress.
42. Anti- depressant (noun) is a medication that helps relieve anxiety and sadness.
a. The anti-depressants helped me get on with life after Lucy died.
b. I think you need to take an Anti-depressant already.
c. The child was given an anti-depressant by the nurse..
43. Arthritis (noun arthritis \r-thr-ts\) is a disease that causes the joints to become swollen and crippled.
a. My grandmother can't knit anymore because the arthritis in her hands is so bad.
b. People who are getting old usually experience Arthritis.
c. The man with Arthritis was forbidden to eat legumes.
44. Biopsy (noun biopsy \b-p-s\) is the removal of human tissue in order to conduct certain medical tests.
a. The biopsy ruled out a number of illnesses.
b. The doctor decided to perform biopsy to the cancer patient.
c. My friend had already undergone biopsy.
45. Blood pressure (noun) is the rate at which blood flows through the body (high/low).
a. High blood pressure puts you at risk of having a heart attack.
b. You must always check your blood pressure all the time.
c. People with hypertension should be always aware of their blood pressure.
46. Brace (noun \brs\) is a device that holds injured body parts in place.
a. You will probably always have to wear a brace on your ankle when you jog.
b. Hes not used to wear the brace for his injured arms.
c. Wearing that brace on his legs makes him irritated and annoyed.
47. Caesarean section, C-section (noun) is a procedure that involves removing a baby from its mother through
an incision in the woman's lower abdomen.
a. The baby was so large that we had to perform a Caesarean section.
b. The doctor had performed the Caesarean section successfully.
c. The mother gave birth to her first child through Caesarean section.
48. Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) is a procedure restoring a person's breath and circulation.
a. You saved your brother's life by performing CPR.
b. We should also know how to perform CPR.
c. He had no option but to do CPR to the drown child.
49. Genetic (adjective genetic \j-ne-tik\) is a medical condition or physical feature that is passed on in the
a. The disease is part genetic and part environmental.
b. If your family has a cancer history it is said to be genetic.
50. Incision (noun incision \in-si-zhn\) is a cut in the body made during surgery.
a. I had to have stitches to close the incision.
b. Doctors make it sure that the incision thatll be made must be right.
c. He suddenly made a wrong incision to the patient.
51. Sprain (noun \sprn\) is an injury (less serious than a break) to a joint (ankle, wrist, knee etc).
52. Transplant (noun transplant \tran(t)s-plant\) is the moving of an organ from one human to another.
a. The heart transplant saved your life.

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