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Important Organizational Behavior Concepts for a New Manager

Organizational behavior is the study of how people act in an organization or

workplace, and what motivates them to act that way. Given the importance of
hiring, training and developing employees, a new manager needs to understand
key aspects of organizational behavior. Motivating your workers helps you
optimize business success.
Relationship Building
Your role as a manager isn't to boss people around or exercise power. Instead,
the manager has responsibilities to develop one-on-one relationships with each o
his employees and to create an environment where employees within the work unit
rapport as well. This relationship emphasis allows the supervisor to develop a c
with employees that helps in coaching, offering constructive feedback and challe
workers to reach new heights.
Goal Setting Benefits
Motivating employees to high levels of performance is an important element of or
behavior for new managers. The key point of delineation between a manager and a
regular employees
is the leader's role in pushing employees to greater production. Goals provide e
mployees a
target to shoot for in carrying out work activities. Collaborating with workers
to set goals -and then monitoring progress, rewarding achievements and addressing deficiencies
-- all contribute
to building and maintaining high levels of performance.
Managing a Diverse Workforce
Diversity has become a prominent theme in the field of organizational behavior.
As the
typical workplace becomes more diverse in areas like ethnicity, race, age and ge
the manager's duties to manage diversity increase. Hiring for diversity helps in
work units with varying backgrounds and perspectives on projects and tasks. As a
you have to develop a culture of tolerance, acceptance of differences and open c
Without these cultural values, diversity can lead to personal conflicts, tension
potentially discrimination allegations.
Management Style
Your management style impacts the behaviors of your workers. Traditional manager
s were often
controlling, monitored employee task performance closely and directed routine ac
Contemporary managers often do better with a coaching style approach, where you
value employee
input, treat employees as key assets to the organization and rely on the talent
you hire and
develop. If you hire the right people, create a positive culture and develop wor

kers, you have

more potential to develop a high-performing workplace.

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