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The general considerations for land and marine acquisition were discussed in
chaps, 4 and 5. Now we will address the specific considerations for 3-D acquisition.
The ultimate goal from a 3-D Ssurvey is to obtain a 3-D migrated wave field. The
succsess of the migration depends upon the stack quality as wll as the accuracy in
velocity estimation. Morecover , there are two other factors that control the fidelity
of migration, and they are tied to the design of the field survey.

Migration Aparture
Figure 10-7a is a depth model that contains a dipping-reflector segment CD
buried in a homogeneous medium. Zero offset modeling using normal incidence
rays yields the time section depicted in fig.10-7b. although not shown in the figure,
the sime section would also include diffractions from the edges of the reflecting
segment. Migration, while collapsing the diffractions, moves the event CD on the
time section to its true subsurface position. CD, which is overlaid on the time
section would be blank. If , on the other hand, we were to confine the recording to
the profile segment AB, there would be no place for the event CD after migration.
So , although the target is entirely contained in profile segment OA, the field
recording must be over the longer segment , OB. The profile must also be
sufficiently long to include most of the diffractions. Additionally, the recording must
be sufficiently long to include diffraction tails and dipping events in their entirely. If
we were to record only OE, the recorded segment would be CD, which would only
yield part of the true image CD. The length of line (spatial recording length) and
maximum recording time (temporal recording length) required to image a give
dipping target events. The surveyed area and its position on the surface must be
carefully chosen based on the migration aperture required to adequately image the
target zone of interest.
Shown in fig. 10-8 is the depth contour map to the top of a fictitious
structural trap. The subsurface extent of the structure is indicated by the smaller
rectangle. Using the principles discussed above, we can define the actual survey
size, namely the recording area shown as the larger rectangle. It is important to
note that the survey area does not have to be extended equally in all directions.
The northern flank of the structure is the steepest part and therefore the survey
area must be extended most greatly in that direction. Extensions in other directions
must be determined similarly. Another consideration in extending the survey area is
the required additional length of profile to achieve full coverage over the already
extended survey area. So , a typical subsurface anomaly with a lateral extent of say
3 x 3 km might require a 3-D survey over an area as much as 9 x 9 km.

Spatial Sampling
Consider the synthetic section in fig. 10-9a, which contains dipping event
ranging from 0 to 45 with an increment of 5. Two narrow bandpass-filtered
versions of this section area shown fig. 10-9b and c , with passbands 8,75 to 10 Hz
and 35 to 45 Hz, respectively. In the high-frequency passband, however, shown in
fig.10-9b, the true dips of all the events are easily inferred ( the dip directions in fig.
10-9a and b are in agreement). We see that high frequencies at steep dips are in
danger of being migrated to wrong positions, since migration moves events in the
apparent undip direction. However the problem of spatial aliasing is due to too
spatial sampling of the wave field to be migrated.

Other Considerations
Almost all of the field operational aspects of 2-D acquisition are applicable to 3-D
surveys as well, for example, choice of positioning and recording equipment
depends on the type of field conditions. The operating environment must also be
taken into consideration. In marine environtment, water depth, tides, currents, sea
conditions, fishing and shipping activity, obstacles such as drilling platforms,
wrecks, reefs, fish traps, and on land, environmental restrictions, accessibility,
topography, cultivation, and demographic restrictions are some factors that affect
the survey design and acquisition.
Three-dimensional surveys require a relatively dense coverage of an entire area in
contrast to 2-D surveys, which require only linear traverses. It follows that increased
efficiency will be obtained 3-D surveying by increasing the areal extent of data
obtained at one time.
Similarly in marine surveying , two ship operations in which both ships tow sources
and receivers while traversing parallel tracks are sometimes used. Since the early to
mid 1980s operations have been conducted in which one ship tows two source
arrays displaced on either side of the shipss track by paravanes. More efficiency is
obtained when two receiver arrays are towed with the source in the middle.
Marine Acquisition Geometry
A marine 3-D survey involves shooting a number of closely spaced, parallel 2-D
lines (line shooting). (in the shallow water environment, the swath shooting
technique that s used in land acquisition is preferred). The direction that the ship
sails is called the in line direction and the direction perpendicular to it is called the
cross line direction.

-Fig 10-11

Clearly , the midpoint distribution in the cross line direction will not be as regular as
implied by gambar diatas . it is then extremely important to know not only the shot
location but exactly where rach of the receivers is located along the cable.
Navigation data collected aboard the survey vessel normally includes such as
information as the ship location, the source location, and cable compass locations.
Along a typical marine cable, there are 8 to 12 digital compasses.

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