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Ann. Rev. Earth Planet. Sci. 1980.8: 35-63
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Hans P. Eugster
Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Johns Hopkins University,
Baltimore, Maryland 21218

To most of us, evaporites are the products of sea water evaporation. Sea
salts have long been important to man and they have played an increas
ingly significant role since the industrial revolution (see Multhauf 1978).
To the geologist, the thick accumulations of marine salts found through
out the geologic column are testimony to unusual conditions of climate,
hydrology, sedimentation, and tectonics. And yet years of s tudy have
left unresolved some of the basic controversies with respect to deposi
tional processes and environments. In part this is because the giant
deposits of the past appear to lack contemporary analogues.
In contrast, scant attention has been paid to continental evaporites,
even though thousands of saline lakes exist on all continents except
E urope. Saline lake deposits, however, are usually restricted and ephemeral.
Very few nonmarine evaporites can rival their marine counterparts on
economic terms, the Green River Formation of Wyoming and Searles
Lake of California being the exceptions.
This neglect is unfortunate, because evaporitic lacustrine deposits
abound in problems of significance to climate, hydrology, tectonics, sedi
mentation, geochemistry, and mineralogy. Their compositional range is
much wider than that of marine evaporites and the formational processes
can be s tudied r ight now in a variety of settings. Quantitatively insigni
ficant compared to marine rocks, chemical sediments of closed basins
can teach us much about important processes that have modified the
earth's s urface throughout geologic time. Those of us who have spent
time and effort studying such deposits have not been disappointed.
For this review, which focuses mainly on geochemical and related
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aspects, I rely heavily on the experience of my colleagues L. A. Hardie,

B. F. Jones, and 1. P. Smoot and the earlier summaries of Hardie et al
(1978), Smoot (1978), and Eugster & Hardie (L978), which were concerned
with other aspects of the same topic.

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HydroJogic' Conditions

E vaporitic I;msins are hydrologically closed, that is, evaporation must

exceed inflow: This condition presupposes an arid to semiarid climate.
However, evaporitic deposits can form only when a sufficient supply of
solutes is available from various inflow sources. These two seemingly
contradictory requirements are reconciled in local orographic deserts,
where high mountains provide a rain shadow for the basin floors and
also act as a precipit'atlbn catchment. For this'reason, many closed basins
are found in the lee of large mountain chains. Good examples are the
salt pans and playas of the Western Great Basin (US), the salars of
Bolivia, Argentina, and Chile, the salt lakes of Afghanistan, India, and
China, and the Rift Valley lakes. of E. A frica. Many of these basins were
initiated tectonically, and' we note the interplay between tectonics,
climate, and sedimentation. Geographic latitude has l ittle effect and some
of the most arid conditions are found in arctic climates.
The hydrologic setting of a closed basin is defined by climate and
tectonics and in turn has a pronounced effect on 'sedimentation and the
depositional environment in which chemical sediments accumulate.
Typically, a'basin hilS"alow, flat floor, which is surrounded by mountains,
providing considerable topographic gradients. Dilute inflow may be by
perennial rivers, by ephemeral streams, by storm runoff; and by perennial
springs. Examples of salt lakes with perennial rivers are the Great Salt
l,ake of Utah, Lake Chad of Central Africa, the Dead Sea, the Caspian
Sea, and many others. If'inflow is primarily ephemeral, the basin is most
likely occupied by a, salt pan whidi. is seasonally wet or dry and is fed
hlrgely by springs and storm runoff. Such saIt pans are often small, but
they may occasionally reach giant size; the Uyuni salar of Bolivia, for
example, covers an area of some 15,000 km2 .
Hydrologic parameters of closed basins have been discussed by
Langbein (1961), while,the sedimentological aspects were summarized by
Hardie et al (1978). Although this review emphasizes geochemical aspects
of evaporitic lacustrine deposits, it mUst' De'kept in mind that for closed
basins hydrology, sedimentation, water chemistry, and mineralogy are
intimately intertwined.



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The Sedimentological Framework

Sedimentation in arid environments has been discussed by a number of
authors such as Reeves (1 968), Glennie (1 970). Picard.&.High (1 973), and
McKee (1979). We follow Hardie et al (1 978) in i dentifying the sedimento
logical framework of cloed basins by depositional subenvironments:
1. alluvial fan; 2. sand flat; 3. mud flat; 4. saline mud flat; 5. perennial
salt lake; 6. ephemeral salt pan; 7. perennial stream flood plain; 8. ephe
meral stream flood plain; 9. spring. Each subenvironment is defined by
a specific set of characteristic depositional processes. Because of the
arid setting, alluvial fans are important for all closed basins. They form
by catastrophic storm events which, collect large amounts of sediment
from the steep mountain slopes and deposit them in cone-shaped wedges
of very coarse sediment which build out towards the valley floor. Surface
and capillary evaporation lead to the formation of pore and surface
cements, mostly in the form of alkaline earth carbonates All of the
coarse sediment is dropped on the fan itself, but sand-sized material may
accumulate in sand fiats which fringe the toe of the alluvial fan. Mud fiats
are typical of the valley floor, where gradients, are extremely gentle. Dry
mud flats are normally exposed to the air and ,hence are heavily mud
cracked. If the water table is shallow, efflorescent crusts form on the
surface by evaporative pumping (Hsii & Siegenthaler 1 969). Saline mud
fiats, on the other hand, are usually soaked with brine. They are charac
terized by saline minerals, such as gaylussite (Na2C03 ' CaC03 ' 5HzO),
gypsum (CaS04' 2HzO), and mirabilite (NazS04 ':1 QH2 0), growing
interstitially in the mud.
The topographic l ow of the basin is occupied either by a perennial salt
lake of by an ephemeral salt pan. A perennial river is essential for main
taining a perennial salt lake and hence perennial lakes are much less
common than salt pans (see Langbein 1 96 1). Their lake leveLatld salinity
are subject not only to seasonal but also to long-term fluctuations in
response to climatic variations (see F igure 1). Because of flooding with
dilute water, such lakes are often chemically stratified, with a dense
bottom brine overlain by.fresher s urface water. The bottom waters may
be anoxic and consequently free of burrowing benthos.
Where perennial streams cannot form for lack of inflow, the topographic
low is occupied by an ephemeral salt pan. Such .pans are examples of
I playa lakes or "dry lakes." Some of the morphologic, hydrologic, and
sedimentologic aspects; of playas have been discussed by Cooke &
Warren (1973), Glennie (1970), Mabbutt (1977), Neal (1975), and Reeves
(1968, 1972). Salt pans are special cases of,playas, because they contain a
permanent body of saline water, most ,of which is present within the





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Figure 1






Elevation above sea level, in m, of Great Salt Lake, Utah, illustrating seasonal

and long-term variations of closed-basin lakes.

sediment, especially in the interstices of the saline minerals which

characterize the central part of the playa. Saline springs often issue on
the fringes of such salt pans and represent a major solute source. Seasonal
flood waters, which dissolve efflorescent crusts, are another important
source of solutes.
Stream flood plains are important subenvironments of closed basins
and their depositional elements have been summarized in books such as
those of Allen (1970), Reineck & Singh (1975), Glennie (1970), and
P icard & High (1973).
Springs are common in all closed basins, because under arid conditions
much of the water must b e transported underground to escape evapora
tion. Dilute inflow issues in the form of perennial springs at the foot of
the mountains or the toes o f the alluvial fans. In the absence of a shallow
ground water table such waters flow a short distance and then seep b ack
into the porous sediment. They will eventually act as recharge for a
saline ground water body which accumulates near the center of the basin.
It is this saline ground water which feeds the springs at the perimeter of
the salt lake or salt pan.
The chemistry of marine evaporites is confined by the constancy in com
position of sea water. No such constraint exists for continental evaporites,
and the variability of continental brines and evaporites is a characteristic
attribute. Neighboring basins, separated only by a watershed, may have
widely differing chemistry and mineralogy. The cause of this divergence
is one of the basic questions we must address .

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Saline lakes, their waters and deposits, have been discussed in many
publications. Good summaries can be found in Grabau (1 920), Clarke
(1924), Lotze (1957), and Livingston (1963). The vast majority of
continental brines can be represented by four cations and three anions:
Na, K, Ca, Mg, CI, S04, and HCOrC03. In addition, some deposits
are rich in borates and nitrates. Equilibria must be studied in the
standard quinary sea water system, Na-K-Mg-Cl-S04 (see, for instance,
Braitsch 1 971), with the addition of Ca and HCOrC03. A detailed
classification scheme based on combining Na and K has been given by
Eugster & Hardie (1978).
For broad comparisons, five major brine types can be distinguished:
(a) Na-C03-CI, (b) Na-COrS04-CI, (c) Na-SOcCI, (d) Na-Mg-S04CI, and (e) Ca-Mg-Na-Cl. For detailed discussions of brine evolution,
Na and K must be treated separately, Si02 must be added, as well as B,
Br, N03, P04, Sr, Li, and any other constituent that may be of concern.
It will come as no surprise that the mineralogy of nonmarine evaporites
is very complex. A list of the more common saline constituents is given in
Table 1. While some of these salts may occur as bedded units, others
obviously form as authigenic products from interstitial brines. Bedded
deposits are commonly formed, for instance, by gypsum, halite, mirabilite,
thenardite, trona, epsomite, and borax, and such beds presumably
accumulated in an ephemeral or perennial salt lake. Characteristic
authigenic phases are gaylussite, pirssonite, glauberite, bloedite, northu
pite, an d dawsonite. Such minerals may form interstitially in the sedi
ments associated with an active salt lake or salt pan, such as those of the
saline mud fiats, or they may have formed subsequently, after burial, in
response to changing conditions. A good example of the latter kind are
the extensive deposits of disseminated shortite in the Green R iver
formation (see Milton 1 97 1 ).
Associated with many evaporite deposits is a suite of minerals not by
themselves saline, but indicative of saline conditions. The best-known
examples are the zeolites of alkaline saline lakes (see Surdam & Sheppard
1978 for a recent summary), such as clinoptilolite, erionite, analcime, the
sodium silicates such as magadiite, and the borosilicates such as searlesite.
The most extraordinary list of authigenic minerals of a saline formation
has been assembled for the Green River formation (Milton 197 1 ).
On the basis of mineralogy alone it is not always possible to differen
tiate between marine and nonmarine evaporites. Hal ite is the most
common constituent in both cases and gypsum is widespread also among
continental environments. Minerals such as glauberite, polyhalite, epso
mite, bloedite, sylvite, and tachhydrite are not diagnostic. On the other
hand, because sea water is dominated by CI and S04, saline carbonate

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Table 1

Saline minerals of nonmarine evaporites


Primary minerals

Brine type

Authigenic minerals








Na2C03. Ca C03. 5H20




Na2C03.CaC03. 2H20



s hortite





Na2C03. MgC03 . NaCl


NaHC03.Na2C03 .2H20


9Na2S04.2NazC03. KCI


















NaZC03. MgC03 .NaZS04




CaS04. NaZS04

(c )




CaS04. Na2S04







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NaZS04' MgS04. 4H2O


NaZS04' MgS04. 4HzO






CaS04' NaZS04



















KCl. MgClz.6HzO






CaClz. 2MgClz. 12HzO







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minerals do not form in marine evaporites. Hence trona, gaylussite,

burkeite, northupite, hanksite, dawsonite, and similar phases are exclusive
to continental evaporites. Some deposits have formed under the influence
of both marine and continental pro cesses. This is true particularly for
near-shore lagoons that are accessible also to continental waters. In such
cases assemblages of saline minerals may not be sufficient to separate
the diverse inputs.
In o rder to account for the c hemistry and mineralogy of a particular
closed basin and for the variability from basin to basin, we next focus on
two aspects of mineral-water interaction: solute acquisition and brine
evolution. Solute acquisition is the evolutionary branch that will define
the composition of the dilute inflow waters and hence provide us with the
starting material for brine formation. Evaporative concentration is the
sum of those processes that lead to brine evolution. Mineral precipitation
is an important aspect of brine evolution and it leads to the accumulation
of chemical sediments of which the evaporites are an integral part.

Using a computer model built on a suggestion by Garrels & MacKenzie
(1967), Hardie & Eugster (1970) were able to demonstrate that the key to
the great variability of brine compositions from basin to basin can be
found in the composition of the dilute inflow waters. In a sense, the final
outcome of evaporative concentration in a particular basin is sealed at
the time the dilute waters have acquired their solutes. As we shall see,
some subsequent modification of paths is possible, but inflo w composition
remains the single most effective parameter.
Rain water and weathering reactions are the chief solute sources. R ain
water can contribute to all of the seven principal solutes of dilute waters,
excepting silica, but the most important contributions will be to Na, Cl,
S04, and HC03 . The amounts vary greatly with distance from the
sources, particularly for sea spray and pollution.
Many kinds of weathering reactions contribute to the solute load of
inflow waters. One of the most effective is the congruent dissolution of
soluble minerals such as gypsum or halite, whic h can lead to very high
concentrations, and is an important mechanism for recycling evaporites.
Calcite also dissolves congruently in CO2-charged waters by a reaction
such as
CaC0 3+H2C03 Ca2 + +2HC0 3".
Quartz dissolution is possible, but it is not the principle mechanism for
charging water with H4Si04.



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Silicates usually dissolve incongruently, but rain water charged with

atmospheric CO2 is not very aggressive. Soil waters, on the other hand,
can pick up much more COz and are more effective because of their
lower pH. Silicate weathering has been likened to a vast acid-base titra
tion. The best known example is the weathering of Sierra Nevada
quartz-monzonites (Garrels & Mackenzie 1 967), which can be formulated
as follows :

iAlzSiz0 5(OH)4 + Na + + H0 3" + 2H4Si04.


A feldspar is altered to a clay mineral and in the process the waters are
charged with Na+, HC03", and silica. Other silicates provide the addi
tional cations Ca2 +, Mg2+, and K +, but such waters are always domin
ated by bicarbonate, derived from the atmosphere or from soil processes.
Redox reactions are important in weathering, both in terms of iron
silicate dissolution and sulfide oxidation. In oxidizing environments, iron
behaves as a lateritic element. Sulfide oxidation represents a significant
source of acidity as can be seen by the simplified reaction,
FeSz+ 1 502 +8HzO


2Fez0 3 +8S0- + 16H+,

which proceeds most readily by bacterial pathways.

In summary, the composition of the dilute inflow waters depends largely
on the minerals present in the watershed. Igneous and metamorphic
rocks yield s ilica-rich, soft C a-Na-HC03 waters, unless there are sulfides
present to contribute sOi - . Limestones produce hard Ca-HC03 waters
poor in silica. Basic and ultrabasic rocks are likely to give alkaline
Mg-HC0 3 waters. CI is contributed from many sources and it can
accumulate as a residual element in any setting.
Ideally, a detailed knowledge of the rocks that are being affected in
the headlands should make it possible to predict inflow composition. But
usually the reverse is more powerful: using inflow water compositions as
tracers for the weathering reactions. It is of course not necessary that
all solutes be acquired from near-surface interactions. Some hot springs
may be associated With very extensive and deep hydrothermal systems
and they may be the sources of important constituents such as B or Li.
Some closed basins have inflow waters that are homogeneous, because
the bedrocks are uniform. In such cases, brine evolution can be readily
documented. Other basins receive several contrasting inflow types and
the complexities then are compounded by mixing of waters at various



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In a closed basin, all surface or near-surface waters are subject to evapora
tive concentration. Capillary evaporation is important whenever ground
water is close enough to the surface and it is responsible for the efflores
cent crusts that are so characteristic of closed basins. Evapotranspiration
may also contribute to this pro cess, but because of t he sparse vegetation,
this effect is often secondary. Evaporative concentration increases the
s.olute load and eventually must lead to mineral precipitation. In fact,
Hardie & Eugster (1970) found that many dilute spring waters ofelosed
basins are already supersaturated with respect to calcite as they emerge,
because their PcO2 is higher than that of the atmosphere.

Fractionation by Mineral Precipitation

Precipitation of one or more mineral phases has a profound effect on
the subsequent development of the water composition. This is due to the
combined constraints of equilibrium and mass balance. For instance,
precipitation of calcite is governed by the relation

Consequently, as long as the water is in equilibrium with calcite, the

activities of Ca2 + and CO - must vary inversely. On the other hand, the
mass balance condition is that 1 mole of calcite forms by removing 1 mole
of Ca2 + and 1 mole of CO - from solution. This condition implies that
the Ca : C03 ratio must change, unless it was precisely one at the outset.
Hence, evaporative concentration combined with calcite precipitation
will enrich the residual solution in the more abUl.1dant species and deplete
it in the other. The greater the initial disparity between the two species,
the faster the enrichment-depletion process takes place. In this manner,
calcit e precipitation acts as a branching point or chemical divide in the
sense that waters that are initially carbonate-rich will experience a
further relative enrichment of carbonate and depletion of calcium and
vice versa.
As calcite precipitates, the MgjCa ratio in the solution increases, first
producing low-Mg calcite and eventually high-Mg calcite and proto
After calcite, the next mineral to reach saturation is often gypsum,
which precipitates according to
Ca2 + +soi- +2H2 0 -+ CaS04 2H2 0


It provides a chemical divide with respect to calcium and sulfate in the

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Mg.:C; !

1 ro

poo r


I-1C03 I

Iv water

1 ______



Co +Mg


Co +

,HC0 3



High Mg
Calcite .

r ich







: HC0 3


-:--Ca+Mg free







beari<l g:



III 81 b
- '


Figure 2




. Na-Mg -CI .
. Salt L.:I

-' - '

I Deep

iI?. . _.1


i Basque




Spr ings

L. Sar !es .L . j

j S04


iN-:-Co;'CT' -LM9dii


Brine evolution flow diagram (from Eugster & Hardie 1918), showing critical precipitates

with examples of salt lakes.


I brt.




(solid rectangles) and resulting brines, together






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same manner as calcite provided a chemical divide between calcium and

carbonates. Hardie & Eugster (1 970) formulated a brine evolution scheme
based on such chemical divides. Following Garrels & Mack enzie (1 967),
Mg was removed in sepiolite. The revised version, shown in Figure 2, uses
Mg-calcites and dolomite as Mg precipitates. This scheme, which is dis
cussed in detail in Eugster & Hardie (1 978), illustrates the fate of three
inflow waters: path I has an excess of bicarbonate over alkaline earths
(soft water), path II an excess of alkaline earths over bicarbonate (hard
water), while path III is intermediate. Path I is the typical parent water
for alkaline brines devoid of Ca and Mg. The normal precipitation
sequence is calcite --+ trona; gypsum never appears along this path.
Examples are brines such as those of Alkali Valley, O regon, or Lake
Magadi, Kenya. In contrast, path II produces brines poor in HC03 ,
which normally precipitate gypsum after calcite. The path then divides
into a sulfate-rich (Saline Valley, Death Valley, California) and a sulfate
poor branch (Bristol Dry Lake, Cadiz Lake, California).
In many waters, neither HC03 nor Ca +Mg are dominant (path III)
and consequently large amounts of alkaline earth carbonates are formed.
In the process, Mg becomes strongly enriched over Ca, and high-Mg
calcite or dolomite become abundant. Eventually, either Ca +Mg or
HC03 are exhausted, and the brines then move to the alkaline side or
become saturated with gypsum. The latter divide again separates sulfate
rich (Basque Lake) from sulfate-poor (Dead Sea) products.
A scheme such as that of Figure 2 is capable of accounting for most of
the brine types encountered on the earth's surface. It demonstrates force
fully the fact that the nature of t he end product is defined by the input.
Hence the variability of the continental brines is explained in terms of
the variability of the inflow waters. In t he process, a pronounced frac
tionation and differentiation has taken place. This is best illustrated in
Figure 3, which compares inflow waters with closed basin brines. Inflow
anions are predominantly HC03, whereas the cations are mixtures of Na,
K, Ca, and Mg. In contrast, the cations of the brines are dominated by Na
and the anions are mixtures. To a considerable extent, this shift in
emphasis is caused by alkaline earth carbonate and gypsum precipitation.
If Na and K are treated separately, if silica is included, if sulfide
sulfate equilibria are considered as well as additional m inor constituents,
then mineral precipitation alone is not sufficient to account for the ob
served fractionation between inflow and brines.

Other Fractionation Mechanisms

A comparison of brine evolution in a number of closed basins led Eugster
& Jones (1979) to propose the following five major fractionation




Mineral precipitation

Dissolution of efflorescent crusts and sediment coatings

Sorption on active surfaces
Redox reactions.



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0 OJ





6 Orf6 6
o 6" 6






Na+ K


C03 + HC03


Figure 3 Comparison of dilute inflow waters with closed basin brines. From Hardie &
Eugster (1970).

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Efflorescent crusts and soil coatings represent another powerful process

for fractionation and for increasing the solute load. Such crusts are
common in all closed basins with sufficient inflow. They form either from
ephemeral runoff by surface evaporation or by capillary evaporation from
shallow groundwater. When rain or dilute runoff comes in contact with
these crusts, only the most soluble constituents are taken back into solu
tion, such as the sodium chlorides, carbonates, and sulfates, while the
less soluble phases, such as the alkaline earth ,carbonates and silica,
remain in,the crusts. Since efflorescent crusts and soil coatings are ubi
quitous in closed basins and generally short-lived, the importance of this
process is obvious (Smith ,& Drever 1 976, Jones et al 1 977, Eugster &
Hardie 1 978). Drever &.Smith (1978) used a laboratory demonstration
to underscore the importance of wettig-drying cycles for the formation
and fractional dissolution of intrase,diment coatings. It should be empha
sized that partial dissolution of efflorescent crusts does not lead to frac
tionation between components of the same soluble phases, such as Na
and Cl, Na and.c0 3 , or Na and S04, but the differences in solubility
between halite, trona, and thenardite are sufficient to produce fractiona
tion between Cl, eHC03 +C03), and S04. This, more than anything
else, is responsible for the lateral zonation of sa:1in.e minerals so frequently
observed in salt pans (Hunt et al 1966, Jones .1965). This zonation is
mirrored in the salinity of the interstitial brines, with the most concen
.trated brines at the center of the pan, near the topographic low, and the
more dilute waters at the fringes.
Differential uptake and exchange of cations on active surfaces, such
as provided by clays, has been -blamed for a variety of solute losses. For
instance, Eugster & Jones (1 979) compared the extent of Na over K
enrichment during evaporative concentration in a number of closed
basins. They found the most extensive fractionation to have occurred at
Lake Magadi which contains essentially no clay minerals. Volcanic
glasses and silicate gels were thought to provide the surfaces on which
exchange could take place.
Degassing of CO2 in response to equilibration with respect to the
atmosphere or to temperature changes :leads to a decrease in the total
carbonate species, "while the carbonate al'kaliniy remains constant, as is
.indicated by the reaction


col- +C0-+ H20.

It is one of the important mechanisms by which the pH of alkaline waters

rises during evaporative concentration. Sulfate can be removed from bacterial reduction to H2 S and subsequent degassing.
Sulfate 'is the most important solute responsive to redox reactions.



Many instances of sul fate l oss from solution have been blamed on bac
terial reduction (Kuznetsov et al 1963, Goldhaber et al 1 977, Jones et al
1 977) and associated sldfi'de precipitation. An interesting case of sulfur
oxidation acting as a source foI' so1- has been described for some Lake
Chad waters by Eugster & Maglione (1979).

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by Columbia University on 10/01/14. For personal use only.

Behavior of the Major Solutes

The number of closed basins for' which sufficient water chemistry data
are available to document solute behavior during evaporative concentra
tion is no more than ten. In some of these, such as Saline Valley, California
(Hardie 1 968), inflo w waters are so varied that the final products are a
complex mixture' that is difficu1t to interpret. Through an intrabasin
comparison, Eugster & Jones (1979), have attempted to delineate the
basic behavior of the majo r solutes.
The first task consists of finding an indicator of the degree of evapora
tive concentration. This s ho uld be a solute that does not participate in
any o f the fractionation mechanisms and. hence is conserved in the solu
tion. In many instances, no single solute satisfies this condition over the
whole concentration range and it is then necessary to use bridges. Among
the major constituents, we have found Cl to be the most useful, except
for concentrated brines saturated with respect to chloride minerals.
Minor solutes such as Br, B, and Li may also be useful.
Figure 4 illustrates the fractionation between Na and Cl over a con
centration factor of 30;000 for the Lake Magadi, Kenya, basin. Among

o octJ

-,. i.-."



sw:face water inflow

*Dilute groundwaters
o Saline springs

Ibg CI, in mm01es/kg

Figure 4

Fractionation between Na and Cl during evaporative concentration for Lake

Magadi. From Eugster & Jones (1979).

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by Columbia University on 10/01/14. For personal use only.



the dilute inflow (squares), Na is acquired more quickly than CI, which
points to feldspar weathering as the principal source for Na. From
ground waters (stars) to spring waters (open squares) to all but the most
concentrated\brines (dots), Na/CI remains constant, because no fractiona
tion occurs. The most concentrated brines are saturated with respect to
trona, NaHC03 Na2 C03 2H2 0, and precipitation clearly leads to a
decrease in Na/Cl.
Carbonate species are subject to removal from solution by a variety of
mechanisms, including precipitation of alkaline earth carbonates, degas
sing, and crystallization of saline carbonates. Figure 5 shows an example,
again for the Lake Magadi basin and using Cl as monitor. Carbonate
species are removed gradually and over the whole concentration range
as befits the multiple removal mechanisms available.
Ca and Mg can be enriched or depleted during evaporative concentra
tion, depending upon the initial HC03 /Ca+Mg ratio. At Magadi, they


Dilute surface water inflow

* Dilute groundwaters

Saline springs




-. /




. .....

, :..,









. . ..

log el, mmoles/kg

Figure 5 Fractionation between (RC03 +C03) and Cl during evaporative concentration
for Lake Magadi. From Eugster & Jones (1979).




Bear River


+ Weber River
!::. Jordan River
o Lake margin springs
South arm, GSL
North arm, GSL


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. oj/



, '/'





0 0


0 0






log CI, in mmoles/kg

Figure 6

Fractionation between Mg and Ci during evaporative concentration for Great

Salt Lake. From Eugster & Jones (1979).

are rapidly removed by precipitation as carbonate cements. In contrast,

Figure 6 illustrates a case of Mg-enrichment as found at Great Salt Lake,
Utah. The river waters show a distinct loss of Mg. compared to CI.
presumably due to carbonate precipitation. O nce the waters have become
impoverished in HC03, however, Mg is conserved along with CI during
evaporative concentration. This is the case for the lake margin springs
and the lake brines.
In the brine evolution model of Figure 4, K and Na were combined,
but in fact these solutes exhibit pronounced fractionation, as illustrated
in Figure 7 for Lake Magadi. From dilute waters to hot springs, Na is
enriched over K by a factor of 100, presumably by adsorption o n active
surfaces. The lake brines show no further enrichment of Na over K; in
fact, the most con trated brines are enriched in K due to trona precipi
Sulfate can behave in a complex fashion, s ince it is s ubject to mineral
precipitation (e.g. in gypsum) and adsorption, as well as redox reactions.
Silica is perhaps the least understood of the major solutes. In dilute
waters it is most readily removed by diatoms and similar organisms and
some l ake waters are strongly undersaturated even with respect to quartz
( < 1 ppm Si02). Evaporative concentration does not appreciably raise the
s ilica l evel above that of the inflow. It has been suggested that during




Dilute surface water inflow


Saline springs



*0i1ute gwundwaters



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log CI,



Figure 7 Fractionation between Na/K and Cl during evaporative concentration for Lake
Magadi. From Eugster & Jones (1979).

this period, silica is lost from solution mainly in the form of opaline and
similar cements. In alkaline brines, silica concentrations eventually
increase due to the polymerization of H4Si04 at high pH.

Behavior o/the Minor Solutes

Data on minor solutes inclosed-basin waters is very l imited. Jones et al
(1977) discussed Br, B, F, and P04 at Magadi and Vine (1976) has
assembled information on Li. Boron contents of brines from Teels Marsh,
Nevada, were reported by Surd am & Sheppard (1978). Smith (1979)
believes that a single hot spring was responsible for the high boron
content ,(f the Searles Lake brines.
In principle, minor constituents can :give as much information on
evaporative concentration processes in dosed basins as major solutes,
but because of their low abundance in the dilute inflow, they are more
difficult to trace. Nevertheless, many economically important deposits,
such as those of nitrates, phosphates, borates, and lithium, are based on
unusual enrichment of minor constituents. Most of these are connected
with unusual inpat sources rather than unusual processes.




Mineral precipitation is, as we have seen, one of the main fractionation
mechanisms affecting brine evolution. We must now focus on the fate of
the precipitates.

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Carbonate Production and Deposition

Alkaline earth carbonates are by far the most abundant products in all
but the most unusual closed basins. A good example is the Green River
formation which consists predominantly of dolomite and calcite. Similarly,
at Searles Lake, California, the muds of the Mixed Layer, Bottom Mud,
and Parting Mud are mainly dolomite, aragonite, and calcite (Smith 1979).
Alkaline earth carbonates are known to accum
ulate in active perennial saW lakes such as Great Salt Lake (Utah), Dead
Sea, Lake Natron (Tanzania), Lake Balaton (Hungary), and others. Car
bonates can be carried into the lake as clastics, they can be precipitated
in the water column and settle to the bottom, or they can precipitate
n ear-shore, for instance, in connection with bioherms (algal mounds).
Clastic input, contributed by rivers or by sheet floods, will probably
consist mainly of reworked material derived from surrounding mud fiats.
Eugster & Surdam (1973) and Eugster & Hardie (1975) have suggested
that much of the dolomite found in the oil shales of the Green River
formation has this provenance. Peloidal fabric, the presence of intraclasts,
and current structures are used as indicators.
The lower member of the Lisan formation, deposited from the precursor
of the Dead Sea, is finely laminated and consists of dark-light couplets
(Begin et al 1974). Calcite (reworked microfossils), dolomite, quartz, and
clay minerals make up the dark couplets, which are considered to be of
detrital origin, while the light couplets contain mainly precipitated
The most detailed study of precipitation mechanisms of carbonates in a
standing body of water has been carried out by Kelts & Hsu (1978) on
Lake Zurich. Although referring to a freshwater setting, the conclusions
are applicable to saline lakes. An earlier study by Nipkow (1920) has
provided the basis for the "Lake Zurich model," used by Bradley (1929)
to explain the "varves" of the Green River formation. According to Kelts
& Hsii (1978), warming of surface waters in spring leads to supersaturation
with respect to CaC03. Supersaturation is enhanced b y' algal blooms
which remove CO 2 from the water and increase pH. In consequence, a

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fine rain of calcite and aragonite particles is initiated, which continues

throughout the summer and results in the accumulation of a mm-thick
carbonate lamina. Other material such as diatoms is included. During
the fall, dead algal matter settles to the bottom, forming a dark lamina,
the upper part of a couplet. Bioturbation is absent because of eutrophica
tion. Couplets are continuous and are shown to be annual.
The Dead Sea also has carbonate laminae as part of couplets, but the
other part is made up of clastic material (Neev & Emery 1967). Ca and
HC03 are brought in by the fresher waters of the Jordan River and super
saturation with respect to aragonite takes place in response to surface
evaporation. This produces a more-or-Iess continuous rain of carbonate
particles which is interrpted by aperiodic floods bringing in detrital
mud. The floods are not annual and in the last 70 years only 1 5 -20
couplets have formed.
Great Salt Lake illustrates a further modification of the simple settle
out model. A considerable amount of the bottom sediment consists of
brine shrimp fecal pellets (Eardley 19 38). We have recently found that
these pellets consist of a mixture of aragonite and detrital matter, mainly
quartz and clays. Since Artemia gracilis is a filter feeder, the fecal pellets
represent a sample of the mineral matter suspended in the water column.
Aragonite probably formed in response to photosynthesis by algal blooms
as indicated by a rise in pH of the surface waters.
Carbonate deposition near shorelines can take a variety of forms.
Great Salt Lake is well known for its oolite beds (Eardley 1938) but the
origin of the oolites is not yet clear (Sandberg 1975). Algal mounds or
bioherms are common in many saline lakes and are important contribu
tors to the carbonate rock record. At Great Salt Lake, Halley (1976) found
the algal mounds to belong to an earlier, less saline period. Much has
been written generally about the interaction between algal and carbonate
sediment (for recent summaries see Walter 1976, FliigeI 1977), but much
more detailed information is needed from closed-basin situations. Smoot
(1978) has discussed the significance of bioherms for part of the Green
River formation.
Mixing of dilute, Ca-HC03 waters with alkaline lake brines may also
lead to carbonate deposition near shore. At Lakes Magadi and Natron,
this process leads to the formation of a pisolite pavement (Eugster 1979).
The chemical aspects of mixing effects were delineated by Wigley &
Plummer (1976).
Salt pans are not themselves environments where
substantial Ca-Mg-C03 deposition takes place, though they may be
surrounded by carbonate-rich mud fiats. This is because salt pan brines

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are either poor in C a+Mg or in C03. Alkaline earth carbonates present

on the salt pan therefore are of clastic derivation or have formed by some
unusual process, such as mixing of brines with dilute waters.
An interesting case of calcite pisolite growth in an active salt pan has
been described by Risacher & Eugster (1979) from the Bolivian Andes.
Hot springs, highly supersaturated with respect to atmospheric CO2,
bring in enough C a to cause l arge supersaturation with respect to calcite
after cooling and degassing. The result is a remarkable surface deposit
reminiscent of cave formations.

Mud flats associated with salt lakes can be very important

for production, reworking, and deposition of Ca-Mg carbonates. The
outer fringes of the flats may have waters dilute enough to precipitate
substantial amounts of Ca-Mg carbonates in response to capillary eva
poration . In saline, water-soaked mud flats a soft, micritic carbonate mud
may accumulate, as it does at Deep Springs, California (Jones 1965,
Clayton et al 1968), whereas intrasediment coatings and hard surface
crusts are more typical for dry mud flats. The nature of cal crete surface
crusts has been d escribed by Goudie (1973), R ead (1976), and S moot
P ore waters of mud flats surrounding ephemeral salt pans are often
zoned l aterally with the most concentrated brines n ear the center. Because
of calcite precipitation near the fringes, the Mg/Ca ratio commonly in
creases towards the center. This may lead to dolomitization of already
precipitated calcite, a process invoked by E ugster & Hardie (1 9: 75) to
account for the high dolomite-to-calcite ratio of the Wilkins Peak Member
of the Green River formation.
Mud flats are important locations not only for producing, but also for
storing, reworking, and depositjng carbonate sediment. Eugster & Hardie
(1975) attributed the peloidal fabric of the carbonate-rich mud stones of
the Wilkins Peak member to ripping up and transporting of mud-crack
polygons by sheet floods associated with storm events. In general, lamina
tions formed by such ephemeral, high-energy events can be distinguished
from t hose of a quiet, standing body of water (Smoot 1978).


Smoot (1978) has emphasized the importance of spring
deposits for carbonate production in closed basins. Such deposits may
be in the form of tufa mounds, travertine terraces, or surface crusts. They
are particularly abundant near the toes of the alluvial fans, where dilute
waters are abundant, and in the floor of ephemeral stream channels
(Barnes 1965, Golubic 1969, Slack 1967). Dunn (1953) has associated
tufa mounds with water mixing.



Deposition of Evaporites
Few details are available on the deposition of
evaporite minerals in perennial salt lakes. We know that the Dead Sea is
presently precipitating halite in the South Basin, which is in the process
of drying up, whereas the lower water mass of the North Basin, which is
just saturated with respect to halite (Lerman 1967, Lerman & Shatkay
1968), did deposit a massive halite unit 1500 years ago (Neev & Emery
1967). Great Salt Lake deposited halite during two periods in historic
time, 1933-1934 and 1959-1963, and halite deposition appears to con
tinue at the present time in the N-arm, where by 1972 a 1.5-m-thick
halite crust had accumulated (Whelan 1973).
Precipitation of gypsum has been observed in the surface waters of the
Dead Sea (Neev & Emery 1967), but gypsum apparently does not
accumulate at the bottom, presumably because of bacterial reduction
during settling. If it did, we might expect to find a laminated deposit
consisting of aragonite-gypsum couplets. Aragonite and gypsum laminae
have been described from the Lisan formation (Begin et aI 1974).
From a perennial, nonalkaline salt lake in a regressive phase we might
initially expect laminations consisting of detritus + a CaC03 phase pre
cipitated in the water column. Increasing evaporation may cut out the
detrital material and produce CaC03 + gypsum couplets. Eventually
halite saturation will occur, represented by gypsum-halite couplets and
eventually perhaps by halite beds. Finally, whatever residual salts are
present, such as Mg or K, will deposit. No real salt lake follows this
simple evolution and repressive phases will be interrupted by transgres
sions, reversing the depositional cycles. Furthermore, perennial saline
lakes are prone to density stratification, with heavy brines at the bottom
overlain by a more dilute water mass. This has been observed for the
Dead Sea (Neev & Emery 1967) and Great Salt Lake (Whelan 1973).
Begin et al (1974) have reported freshwater diatom laminae in the White
Cliff member of the Lisan formation, which represents a saline stage of
Lake Lisan. The diatoms must have been derived from a bloom in a
dilute epilimnion.

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The deposition of evaporites in ephemeral salt

pans has been studied in a variety of modern settings (see Bonython 1955,
Jones 1965, Hunt et a11966, Hardie 1968, Eugster 1970, 1979, and others).
Most of these pans are strongly zoned with respect to their interstitial
brines and hence also their evaporite minerals which form by capillary
evaporation. As mentioned earlier, the. solute load is highest near the
center and at the surface, presumably l?ecause of partial dissolution of

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efflorescent crusts. Less concentrated brines occur near the fringes of the
pan and also below the center, producing a lateral as well as vertical
zonation (see, for instance, Jones 1965). In steep-sided troughs, such as
Lake Magadi, only the vertical zonation is obvious, as revealed by drill
cores (Surd am & Eugster 1976, Eugster 1979). High-density brines are
underlain by more dilute brines and there seems to be no tendency for
overturn, because the brines are interstitial to the sediment.
In ephemeral salt pans, evaporite minerals can accumulate in one of
two modes : as bedded surface deposits or as intrased iment precipitates.
Efflorescent crusts, important as they are for brine evolution, are recycled
too quickly to be able to accumulate in sizable deposits.
Bedded surface deposits may be very local and thin or they may be
very large, depending upon the size of the pan and time of accumulation.
At Lake Magadi, a trona deposit 7-40-m thick extends over 75 km2 and is
thought to have formed in less than 1 0,000 years (Eugster 1970). The salar
of Uyuni in Bolivia has a bedded halite deposit of unknown thickness,
covering 1 5,000 km According to our model (Eugster & Hardie 1975),
the many extensive trona beds of the Wilkins Peak member of the Green
River formation have also formed in an ephemeral salt lake setting.
It is characteristic of bedded salt pan deposits that they are largely
monominerallic. This is related to the fact that only the most soluble
constituents of the efflorescent crusts will be dissolved and transported
to the center of the pan, producing a chemically simple brine. Upon
evaporation of this brine, a single, saline bed, usually in the mm--cm
range, will be deposited. Flooding of the central pan is normally asso
ciated with storm runoff or spring thaws and such waters may bring in
detrital material. This material will settle out in a thin mud layer before
the saline mineral layer is deposited, producing a dark-light couplet.
Couplets of 1 -3-cm thickness have been described from the trona deposit
at Lake Magadi (Eugster 1969).
Saline minerals accumulating in salt pans initially produce a sparry
crystal meshwork with a porosity of up to 50 %. Pores are occupied by
interstitial brine. Considerable diagenetic changes are necessary to pro
duce the massive deposits of the fossil record.
Surrounding the central salt pan we often find porous sediment con
taining interstitial brines. Capillary evaporation will initiate the growth
of euhedral crystals or crystal aggregates of saline minerals within the
porous sediment. The crystals can grow either by displacing the surround
ing sediment or by including it. This is a common mode of growth for
gypsum nodules, magadiite, gaylussite, glauberite, trona, and many other
saline minerals. If there is a water table with fairly stable elevation, siz
able beds of minerals can form in this manner. Jones (1965) has described



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the mineral zonation at Deep Springs playa (see Figure 8), which consists,
from the fringes to the center, of the' sequence : calcite -t dolomite -t
gaylussite 4 thenardite 4 burkeite. At Saline Valley, Hardie (1 968) noted
the following mineral zones : alkaline earth carbonates -t gypsum -t
gypsum + glauberite -t glauberite -t glauberite + halite -t halite.
Mineral ;-:onation appears to respond rapidly to changes in playa
hydrology. If a playa grows, interstitial saline minerals will adjust to
changes in brine composition and the zone boundaries will move out
ward, underscoring the dynamic nature of the playa system.

Evaporites are highly susceptible to postdiagenetic changes because of
their solubility, their initially high porosity, and the presence of inter
stitial brines. Many of these brines are capable of interacting also with
less soluble minerals, such as alkaline earth carbonates and silicates, and
the result can be a varied and often characteristic suite of authigenic

Saline Minerals
Because their solubilities are strongly dependent upon Pco2 , trona and
nahcolite commonly form from interstitial brines, with the addition of
CO2 provided, for instance, by bacterial processes. In the Green River
formation, nahcolite occurs as spherical concretions within the alkaline
earth carbonate muds (Dyni 1974), while trona forms rosettes of bladed
crystals which disrupt the bedding (Bradley & Eugster 1 969, Eugster &
H ardie 1 975).
If the interstitial brines are Na2 C03-rich, minerals such as gaylussite
(Na2C03 ' CaC03 ' 5H2 0), pirssonite (Na2C03 ' CaC03 . 2H20), or shor
tite (2CaC03 ' Na2 C03) are lik ely to form by reaction with CaCO r
minerals. Gaylussite is a very common constituent of Recent muds of
saline alkaline lakes, while pirssonite forms at a somewhat higher
salinity or temperature. In the Searles Lake muds, Eugster & Smith (1 965)
have used such mineral relations to document variations in the activity
of H20 of the interstitial brines. Shortite has only been encountered in
the Green River formation and it probably formed at somewhat elevated
temperatures (Bradley & Eugster 1 969).
Gypsum and anhydrite can form within the sediment by authigenic
processes, such as the reaction of CaC03 with sulfate-rich waters, although
. primary growth by mixing of waters is also possible. The latter process
is thought to be responsible for the gypsum nodules of the Trucial Coast
sabkhas where gypsum forms near the water table with continental runoff



1 1 80 2 '
. N BS


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/ CS


Figure 8

Mineral zonation of the Deep Springs playa. Modified from Jones (1965). 1 :
burkeite, 2 : thenardite, 3 : gaylussite, 4 : dolomite, 5 : calcite. Black circles are mineral
springs. From Eugster & Hardie (1978).

providing most of the Ca and sea water the necessary sulfate (Butler 1 969).
O xidation of iron sulfides or organic sulfur is a mechanism that should
not be overlooked for the formation of gypsum or anhydrite in areas
where waters appear to be too low in sulfate. A Thiobacillus species is
usually involved in the oxidation, which can produce acid waters that
may dissolve CaC03 and locally l ead to the formation of gypsum.
Examples from the Chad basin, Africa, have b een discussed by Eugster
& Maglione (1 979).
Double and triple salts, such as glauberite (CaS04 ' Na2 S04), burke
ite (Na2 C03 ' 2 Na2 S04), hanksite (9NaS04 ' 2 Na2 C03 ' KCI), northupite
(Na2 C03 . MgC03 . NaCl), tychite (Na2 C03 . MgC03 . Na2 S04), aphthi
talite (K3 Na(S04h), polyhalite (KZS04 . MgS04 . 2CaS04 . 2HzO),
bloedite (Na2 S04 ' MgS04 . 4H 2 0) commonly form by authigenic
reactions where the requisite starting materials are present. Hardie (1 968)
accounted for the presence of glauberite at Saline Valley, California, by
reaction of previously formed gypsum with Na-rich b rines. At Searles
Lake, California, similar reactions were invoked for the presence of
burkeite, tychite, northupite, haniksite, and aphthitalite (Eugster & Smith
1 965). Some of these complex salts also have primary stability fields which
can be reached by evaporation of natural waters. Glauberite and poly-



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halite, for instance, can form directly from sea water (Braitsch 1 971),
while burkeite forms a bedded surface deposit at Deep Springs (Jones
1 965). In salt lakes of Turkey, polyhalite seems to form both by primary
precipitation and by authigenic reactions (Irion 1 973).
Careful textural observations may help document particular mechan
isms, but in the case of these soluble minerals there may be no sharp
division between primary growth by evaporative concentration and dia
genetic formation or authigenic growth by brine-sediment interaction.

Associated Minerals
Zeolites and associated silicates, such as searlesite (NaBSi2 06 ' H2 0) and
K-feldspar (KAlShOs), are common authigenic products of lake sedi
ments. They form by reaction of interstitial brines with volcanic glass,
silicate gels, or silicate precursors. They are typical for alkaline waters,
such as sodium carbonates, because the high pH promotes silica solubility
and hence reactivity. They take the place of clay m inerals, such as mont
morillonite, of nonalkaline settings. A recent summary of lacustrine zeolite
occurrences has been provided by Surdam & Sheppard (1 978).
At Searles Lake, California, and Teels M arsh, Nevada, searlesite
(NaBSi206 , H2 0) grows in response to high boron concentrations. In
the Green R iver formation, several authigenic boro-silicates occur,
namely searlesite, reedmergnerite, garrelsite, and leucosphenite (Milton
1 971), along with other sodium-rich silicates, such as acmite, riebeckite,
natrolite, and elpidite, all of which document the high activities of Na
and Si02 in the interstitial brines. The unusual Zr-silicate elpidite
(Na2ZrSi60dOH)6) is a case in point. Presumably it formed by interac-.
tion of a detrital zirconium mineral, such as zircon, with alkaline brines.
Among the many authigenic minerals of saline lacustrine deposits there
are also some non silicates that are quite insoluble, such as fluorite (CaF2 ),
celestite (SrS04), and dawsonite (NaAlC03(OH)z ). At Magadi, fl uorite is
thought to form by interaction of fluoride-rich alkaline brines with CaC03
minerals (Surdam & Eugster 1976), a process also held responsible for
some Oregon occurrences (Sheppard & Gude 1 974). Celestite and dawson
ite both occur in the Green River formation (Milton 1971) and presum
ably formed in a similar manner. Celestite has been reported to form in
Turkish salt lakes by Irion (1 973).

In the salt lakes of arid regions nature has provided us with fascin ating
laboratories in which processes of weathering, mineral formation, and
deposition can be studied, processes that have significance well beyond



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evaporative settings. To understand and interpret their deposits fully,

wc must bc cognizant of climatic, hydrologic, geochemical, biologic, and
sedimentologic as well as tectonic aspects. At this time we probably know
most about the geochemical controls, something about the sedimento
logical framework, and least about the interplay between climate, hydro
logy, and tectonic events. Lacustrine deposits represent records brief in
geologic terms, but complete and unusually sensitive as indicators of
environmental changes. We have a long way to go before we can adequately
read this record.
My understanding of lacustrine deposits owes much to my colleagues
L. A. Hardie, B. F. Jones, and J. P. Smoot. Work supported by grants
from the Petroleum Research Fund and the National Science Foundation.
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