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La Anatoma comparada estudia las similitudes y diferencias entre los organismos. La imagen
muestra los huesos homlogos en la extremidad superior de diversos vertebrados.
La anatoma comparada es la disciplina encargada del estudio de las semejanzas y diferencias en la
anatoma de los organismos. La anatoma comparada forma parte nuclear de la Morfologa
descriptiva y es fundamental para la filogenia.
Conceptos clave en anatoma comparada
Homologa entre las alas de Pterodactylus, murcilago y ave.
Analoga y homologa
Plan corporal: El plan corporal de un animal se refiere, bsicamente, a la disposicin interna de sus
tejidos, rganos y sistemas, a su simetra y el nmero de segmentos corporales y de extremidades que
The planet on which we live is actualmentepasando by an environmental crisis where resources are
deteriorating and need to be aware of the damage that is causing
The need to protect our planet Earth and make usoresponsable the environment, awareness about the
way we interact with it and finding information to save our planet.
It is the responsibility of the Ecole train children from small individuals to be committed to the care
of the environment for the future, let's enjoy the planet's resources.
It is expected that ynias children are aware of the need for the world to be protected through
activities, research and proposals, in order to change behaviors of people estncercanas to our
environment while appropriating the contents grade strengthening existing weaknesses in reading,
writing, mathematical logical thinking, Troubleshoot and values.
Disseminate knowledge about caring for the environment, in order to help the social circle to
become aware of environmental problems.
Conduct campaigns deconcientizacin to prevent environmental pollution
Develop posters, banners, notices, messages related to protecting the environment.
Be aware of the need to relate the consumopara less waste generation.
Actively participate in the problem of caring for the environment and generate different proposal he
and his companions to carry out
Resuelvansituaciones and problems of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division
Realise the importance of recycling and their contributions to environmental preservation
Differentiate situations ...

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