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This document describes the changes in the software since Eudora
6.0. Separate sections have been given to changes from each
release since then.
NOTE: Many times we refer to <x-Eudora-option:...> to modify a
setting. Copy the whole text, including the < >'s, and paste it into
a new Eudora message. By pressing and holding down the <Alt> key, you
can click on a URL in a new message (a hand will display over the URL
which means it can be used). This will display a dialog which will allow
the value of the particular setting to be changed.
---------------------------------------------CHANGES FROM TO
---------------------------------------------NEW FEATURES
-----------A "Recent" submenu was added to both the Mailboxes and Transfer menus, and a
"Recent" folder was added to the Mailboxes window. These locations contain the
10 most recently used mailboxes. A mailbox goes to the beginning of the list
when its window is opened up. The number of mailboxes to appear on the list
can be changed by a setting in Tools->Options->Mailboxes. Changing the value of
the setting to zero will remove the feature.
Added the ability the play a wide variety of sound formats for the new mail
sound and for sounds in filters. New formats include MP3, MIDI, WMA, and even
the audio inside of video formats such as MPEG, WMV, and AVI. Added hidden
setting <x-Eudora-option:PlayMediaFlags>, which allows the current sound/video
assigned when new mail arrives or filter sound actions to show in a media
player window. The default value of the flags keeps the window hidden. To get
the player to show up use <x-Eudora-option:PlayMediaFlags=268435824>.
Added the ability to save search criteria via File->Save and open the search
criteria later via the menu arrow on the "Search" button. There is a new
"Find Messages Using" menu next to the "Find Messages" menu item to easily call
up one of the saved searches.
Added Edit->Insert->Downloable Picture (also added to the Insert Object button
of composition windows). This allows a link (e.g. http: or ftp:) to an image
to be inserted in to a composition message. This saves disk space because only
a URL reference to the image is sent instead of embedding the image file. Great
for signatures to include a link to company logo available on web site.
Two options were added for the Eudora icon in the OS system tray, both of which
are in Tools->Options->Display. "Minimize Eudora to the system tray" makes the
OS taskbar item for Eudora disappear when Eudora is minimized. When it is
hidden from the OS taskbar, the system tray icon will appear. This option
defaults to being on. "Always show icon in system tray" ensures that the Eudora
icon always appears, but is off by default. This keeps the behavior similar to
previous versions of Eudora where the system tray icon would only show up when
there are new messages. Also, the system tray icon now has a context menu when
you right-click on it, which includes easy access to the two options mentioned
above and to some frequently used actions: New Message, Check Mail, Work Offline

and Exit.
The Enter Password dialog was modified to show personality name, username, and
server to give a better idea of which account the password is being asked for.
Also, a checkbox to remember the password is now in the dialog.
User-specified words can now be whitelisted in Mood Watch (automatically marked
as non-offensive even though they are in the Mood Watch dictionary) via the
setting <x-Eudora-option:MoodWatchWhitelistWords>. This is a comma-separated,
case insensitive list of words that should not be flagged by Mood Watch.
Incoming and outgoing mail servers are now validated when creating a new
personality. A checkbox in the "Incoming Email Server" and "Outgoing Email
Server" pages in the new personality wizard controls whether the appropriate
service exists on the specified machine. The default value of this
"Test server" checkbox can be set via Tools->Options->Extra Warnings->Warn
me when I: Enter and invalid server when creating a new personality. Also,
there is another validation method in the Personalities window that checks
username/password. Select one or more personalities in the Personalities
window, right-click and select "Test". The account will be logged in to,
but no mail will be downloaded or deleted. Errors are displayed in the Task
Errors window.
The data and application directories listed in the About dialog are now
clickable to open up an Explorer window to the corresponding directory.
Added a new menu item, Tools->Reset Tools, which resets the toolbars and
docking windows to their default state.
Explore Attachment now selects the attachment file in the resulting Explorer win
There's a couple of options that modify this feature. <x-Eudora-option:UseExplo
controls whether this new behavior happens (selecting the file), or the old way
(just opening the directory that the attachment resides in, using the "explore"
The default value is off (do the file selection). Also,
<x-Eudora-option:ExploreAttachOptions> contains the options to use if the file
selection method is being used. The default value for it is "/e,/select,", whic
h means
open an Explorer window in the default manner (/e) and select the file (/select)
---Greatly improved timing of IMAP actions requiring immediate feedback from the
Fixed bug resulting in loss of data when transferring multiple messages from
the local Out mailbox to an IMAP mailbox.
Fixed sporadic crash when performing a high priority IMAP action.

Removed forced logging of indexed search.

Fixed a crash when a nickname is added or removed from the BossWatch or
Recipient lists (only occured in Windows 98).
Now preventing negative numbers from being entered in BossWatch settings.
Fixed crash that could occur when inserting an image that is missing a file
extension (e.g. GIF file without .gif extension).
Fixed bug where outgoing messages created by Send Again would get two
Message-Id: headers.
In the Change Queuing dialog, 12:nn in international time (no AM/PM) was getting
treated as 00:nn. This has been fixed so that it is interpreted correctly.
Now allowing recovered messages (those with a state of '?') to be manually marke
as Sent, so if the Out mailbox table of contents gets rebuilt then the user can
the rebuilt messages back to Sent.
Added <x-Eudora-option:RemoveChangePassword> for hiding the Change Password menu
in the Special menu. It is on (1) by default, i.e. the menu item is hidden, bec
there are very few deployments of the password changing server. Organizations t
have a password changing server will want to show this functionality.
The format of the From: header when doing a redirect is now controllable by a se
<x-Eudora-option:RedirectFromFormat>. The value is a format specifier that uses
for the original sender of the message, and "%2" for the name and address of the
personality performing the redirect. The default value of the option is
"%1 (by way of %2)", which makes it identical to past behavior.
URL-referenced images (e.g. http:, ftp:) in messages now stay as URL references,
instead of being converted to local files as embedded images.
Fixed bug where undoing a message transfer sometimes wasn't available if the
destination mailbox is not open.
Fixed bug where Eudora could crash when displaying a message with lots of marque
tags in a row when "Use Microsoft's viewer" is on.
Fixed crash when many words are listed on the Mood Watch whitelist.
Added a new hidden setting, <x-Eudora-option:IgnoreSMTPQUITErrors>, which allows
errors in response to a QUIT command of an SMTP session to be ignored. The defa
value is on (1). This is helpful for SMTP servers like GMail's, which do a hard
close on the socket after sending the response to the QUIT command and thus make
it appear to have errors.
Better Ctrl+arrow/word-by-word navigation as multiple punctuation marks are
considered a single word. Fixes bug where you couldn't Ctrl+left arrow through

Fixed bug where doing a "Save Attachment As" over top of an existing file that i
larger than the attachment being saved would wind up leaving the end of the exis
file with the new contents at the front.
Fixed bug where saved searches didn't load correctly if they referenced the
<Dominant> personality or otherwise contained either '<' or '>'.
No longer putting up the "Please enter a positive integer" dialog when leaving t
"Check mail every X minutes" field blank in Tools->Options->Checking Mail.
Upgraded to OpenSSL 0.9.7l to patch several security holes. See
<> and
<> for details.
---------------------------------------------CHANGES FROM TO
---Fixed crash that could occur when a user transfers IMAP messages to a local mail
then closes the local mailbox before the IMAP action has fully completed.
Fixed bug where unread IMAP messages were incorrectly being marked as read after
being transferred to a local mailbox.
--------------Added hidden setting <x-Eudora-option:MSHTMLFocusTimer>, which controls how
long (in milliseconds) to wait before stealing the focus back from the preview
pane to the summary list when using the MS viewer. Default value is 400.
Fixed bug where opening up a message window when using the MS viewer was not
correctly showing some UTF-8 characters.
------------Fixed crash that could occur during junk scoring when a users email is stored in
the same directory as the application.
Fixed problem where Eudora sometimes wouldn't completely quit when another
application was connected to Eudora via automation.
The EMSAPI ems_plugin_finish() function of a plug-in is now only called when the
plug-in returns EMSR_OK to the ems_plugin_init() function.
Tooltips for Caps Lock, Num Lock, and Overwrite mode now shown.
Fixed bug introduced in Eudora 7 where the progress bar sometimes didn't display
when checking or sending mail.

---------------------------------------------CHANGES FROM TO

---------------------------------------------NEW FEATURES
-----------Offline IMAP - While Eudora is offline certain actions can be performed locally
and Eudora will notify the server the next time Eudora is online. Supported
offline actions are: changing the status of messages (read/unread, deleted/undel
transfering/copying messages as well as creating, renaming and deleting mailboxe
IMAP Improvements - IMAP performance has been improved by performing actions loc
first (where possible) then communicating with the server later in the backgroun
d as
well as by reducing the number of commands Eudora must issue to the server. Eud
also allows deleted IMAP messages to be hidden from view (the new default) or vi
along with non-deleted messages. Eudora can now also be set to purge deleted IM
messages on a schedule specified by the user: never, always or when the number o
deleted messages reaches a certain percent of the total messages in the mailbox.
Indexed Search - Eudora now offers the option of doing faster (indexed) searches
powered by the X1 search engine. This is available in Paid mode only.
Boss Watch - Eudora can now warn you before you send mail to certain recipients,
which could help keep you from sending a message to people you did not mean to
include. This is available in Paid mode only.
S/MIME plug-in - Eudora now supports digital signing and encrypting of messages
via S/MIME.
LDAP with SSL - Queries can now be performed using SSL on LDAP servers
that support SSL.
-----------Fixed bug handling address book entries with more than one address, one of
which is another nickname.
Fixed bug where you could not add numerous nicknames to Recipient List at the
same time.
Fixed bug where New and Del buttons are enabled in the Address Book window when
they should not be.
Fixed crash when right clicking on a readonly address book.
Fixed bug where "Make Nickname" from specific messages would create a malformed

------------------------Eudora now allows URLs to begin with "URL:" in compliance with RFC 1738.
Fixed hang that could occur when displaying an invalid GIF file.
Fixed case where a link that spanned multiple lines would not be loaded correctl
y by
the built-in viewer.
Fixed rare case where Eudora could crash when sending a specific attachment whic
involved a lot of quoted printable encoding.
Added an extra parameter to the attachment mappings entries that controls whethe
or not the attachment should be deleted. The value should be "0" (keep) or
"1" (delete), and defaults to "0" if not present. As an example, say you don't
want to get any meeting notices you can add an entry to the [Mappings] section o
the Eudora.ini (or DEudora.ini) file that looks like this:"both=ics,,,text,calen
Fixed bug where composition message with styles sometimes wouldn't save.
Fixed case of clipped text in attachment forwarding warning dialog.
Typing when message contains a big picture is now much faster.
No longer displaying error dialogs when inline images can't be loaded in
the internal viewer.
When replying, the initial selection is controlled by the options
(each is either 0 or 1; if more than one of these is set to 1, then the preferen
order is as listed).
When replying, setting <x-Eudora-option:WhenReplyingSeparateWithLine> to 1 cause
a blank line to be inserted between the cursor and the quoted message when eithe
<x-Eudora-option:WhenReplyingTypeBefore> or <x-Eudora-option:WhenReplyingTypeAft
is being used.
When opening a composition window (i.e. for a message that hasn't been sent yet)
, the
initial selection is controlled by the options
(each is either 0 or 1; if more than one of these is set to 1, then the preferen
order is as listed)
Pasting HTML with page-relative links (i.e. start with "#") in to a composition
window now keeping the links as page-relative rather than trying to make them
absolute with respect to their original source.

--------Insert Emoticon menu now alphabetized by meaning.
Left-justified the meanings of emoticons and removed parentheses to give
a cleaner look.
---Fixed bug that caused messages to remain in an IMAP mailbox after they were dele
via another client.
Fixed bug that caused incorrect reporting of how many messages are waiting to be
Fixed obscure problem where deleted IMAP messages that were transferred to local
mailboxes were being hidden.
Fixed problem where transferring a message from a local mailbox to an IMAP mailb
would lose any attachments.
Fixed bug that would sometimes cause IMAP messages to move unexpectedly when bei
marked as Junk or Not Junk.
Fixed bug in IMAP where EMSAPI plugins wouldn't be passed the message addresses
Fixed wrapping of plain text messages (specifically format=flowed messages) when
downloaded/viewed using IMAP.
--Fixed case where network issues while doing an SSL negotiation caused Eudora to
a bogus name mismatch error.
--------------------Fixed SpamWatch crash on certain incoming messages.
SpamHeaders is now case insensitive.
Fixed SpamHeaders memory leak.
--------Added some new ScamWatch settings:
<x-Eudora-option: ScamWatchURLNotNaughtyPrefixes> controls which prefixes to str
before comparing host names,
<x-Eudora-option: ScamWatchURLNotNaughtySchemes> controls which schemes Eudora

ignores for ScamWatch warnings,

<x-Eudora-option: ShowScamWatchDialog> controls whether or not ScamWatch will
warn about suspicious links with a dialog, and
<x-Eudora-option: ShowScamWatchToolTip> controls whether or not ScamWatch will
warn about suspicious links with a ToolTip.
-----Description output for on-arrival translations now appear in resulting message.
EMSAPI plugin function ems_attcher_info() now only getting called for translator
that are attachers.
Composition message window toolbar buttons for EMSAPI plug-ins now
remember their previous on/off state when opened up.
------------Fixed crash on startup if Eudora.log is marked as read-only.
Fixed crash on exit that could occur if "Eudora61Stats.xml" is marked read only.
Fixed crash when certain files were marked readonly.
Fixed crash that could occur when displaying certain invalid GIF files.
Fixed crash that would occur when displaying a CMYK JPEG image.
Fixed bug where rebuilding the TOC for a corrupt mailbox could cause Eudora to c
Buffer overflow checking is now controlled by <x-Eudora-option:BufferOverflowChe
where 0 means ignore buffer overflows, 1 means quit immediately when a buffer
overflow is detected, and 2 means ask the user (default is 2).
Badly formatted Date: headers now use the arrival date/time of the message.
Better error dialog information when encountering an unknown file error.
Ctrl+Space accelerator now shown on Edit->Text->Clear Formatting menu item.
Inline signatures (when Tools->Options->Composing Mail->"Show signature while co
is on) now better protect against merging with the body of the email message whi
No longer clipping text of the 'Update Filter(s)' button in filter update dialog
Replying with text selected in the preview pane will now preserve styles when qu
the selected text.
Fixed bug where doing Send to Browser or launching a file from the File Browser

a composition message gave a warning on every file type. Now it warns on file ty
based on the warn launch settings.
Error messages opening files sometimes state opening for "reading" when
really opening for writing.
Fixed problem where X-EmbeddedContent: lines in the body of a message
cause phantom attachments at the end of composition messages.
Added 'Delete a message from Search results' to Extra Warnings settings
panel and re-arranged panel.
File Browser size and modified date now showing for zip files under Windows XP.
Fixed bug with the built in viewer where replying to a message with a small
selection would incorrectly quote the small selection.
Fixed toolbar button that is the equivalent of the Help->Technical Support
menu item.
Added 'Use separate settings from Internet Explorer' option to the 'Viewing Mail
settings panel so that font changes in Eudora will not affect IE, and vice versa
Inline signatures (when Tools->Options->Composing Mail->"Show signature while co
is on) are now read-only. This fixes a bug where the user could type text into
signature and then lose that text when changing signatures.
Added support for mini dump file writing ("EudoraCrashDump.dmp") to exception
handling code (mini dumps are more extensive crash info).
The information that's written into the mini dump file is controlled by
---------------------------------------------CHANGES FROM TO
--No longer continuing to check mail if the LMOS.dat file can't be loaded.
Extra checks added to make sure the number of messages returned in the STAT
command is the same as the number of IDs returned in the UIDL command. They
should always match, and if they don't then something went wrong and we now
stop the POP session so as not to go forward with corrupt data.
Fixed case where losing the network connection during the response to the
UIDL command would cause many of the already downloaded messages to be
downloaded again.
Fixed bug where POP personalities with no configured POP Account caused message
redownload when emptying the Trash and the "Delete from server when emptied from
Trash" option is turned on.
Leave Mail On Server file (lmos.dat), which keeps track of what messages

have been downloaded from the POP server, now backed up a configurable
number of times (default 10). Can be changed with <x-Eudora-option:LMOSBackups>.
More rigorous check for a valid number of messages in the repsonse to
a STAT command.
------Better logging for the reading of the LMOS.dat file.
Improved EMSAPI plug-in logging to show plug-in and translator IDs.
Improved logging for file I/O for mailboxes and In.mbx in particular.
Now writing the log info at the start of new log files.
Lined up columns and zero-padded seconds of time in log file to make it
easier to read.
Account and personality name added to logging of events in POP sessions.
Improvements to error codes logged on move/rename/delete file routines.
Now showing result from GetLastError() when system routines fail
Bumped up the default log file size to 10 MB: disk is cheap.
Added a line to the log file during shutdown.
Improved logging of some sponsored mode failure dialogs.
--Fixed bug that would cause repeated requests for the user to trust an SSL
------------------------Fixed crash with internal viewer trying to load some images (mainly GIF).
Fixed crash when displaying improperly formatted text/enriched messages that
are missing parameters.
Attachments with special characters and character sequences in them
(e.g. the ampersand character and multiple sequencial spaces) now displayed
correctly and can be launched successfully.
Changed URL launch operation from "open" to default, and is now controlled by
<x-Eudora-option:LaunchURLOperation>. This solves the problem with some users
who click on links in messages and get nothing or an "about:blank" window.
If this causes problems launching URLs, then change the value of this option
to "open".
------------Fixed bug where message digest as mailbox attachment feature would use the wrong
MIME parameter for the name of the attachment.

Better error dialog information when encountering an unknown file error.

Badly formatted Date: headers now use the arrival date/time of the message.
Changed "Display graphics in messages" to "Show attachment images inline" in the
Tools->Options->Display panel.
Now using the domain in the Return Address for the domain part of the generated
Fixed a SpamWatch crash when processing incoming messages
(memchr function of MSVCRT.dll).
SpamHeaders matching now case-insensitive.
---------------------------------------------CHANGES FROM TO
---Fixed hang after filtering IMAP messages.
Fixed problem where fetching an IMAP mailbox tree could silently fail
when the server's SSL certificate was not trusted.
Deleted IMAP junk messages in the Inbox are no longer automatically junked
Fixed potential crash when certain IMAP operations failed repeatedly
No longer filtering incoming IMAP messages that are marked as deleted
Fixed potential crash when filtering incoming IMAP messages and one or more
of those messages were marked as deleted.
--In "Tools|Options|Checking Mail" the "Last SSL Info" button now works for
IMAP as well as POP
Fixed bogus "certificate name does not match" when negotiating an SSL
Improved wording when non-fatal certificate errors are encountered
-----------Now limiting nickname field in address book to 32 characters, since that's
all we support saving
Fixed case where certain address book entries could cause a crash when new
mail was received
Make Address Book Entry now works when the preview pane is turned off

---------No longer telling Light mode users to profile
Contextual filing is no longer available in light mode
In light mode you can no longer check mail for other personalities via
mailto: URLs
-----------Question marks in values of mailto: parameters no longer considered field
mailto: URLs with encoded characters were being decoded too soon, which
caused them not to be parsed correctly
------------------------Fixed crash that could occur when displaying a missing embedded GIF image.
No longer install "noseless" emoticons because they appeared to trigger
on non-emoticon text too often.
Fixed case where images in a message would not display when replying to or
forwarding the message.
Fixed case where embedded images wouldn't display with built in viewer.
Fixed case where embedded images sometimes displayed cut off.
------------Removed check for embedded top-level domains from ScamWatch
Fixed bug introduced in 6.2 where Eudora could crash during launch if the
Out mailbox needed to be rebuilt
Fixed case where HTML tables in certain junk messages could cause Eudora's
built in viewer to crash
Fixed crash that would sometimes occur when checking mail and the In mailbox
was locked by another program (e.g. a backup application).
Fixed bug introduced in 6.2 where using "Find Messages" to find messages
containing a phrase was slow and could yield less matches and/or incorrect
matches particularly for large mailboxes
Eudora now supports 9999 attachments with the same name (increased from 999)
Fixed small toolbar button for "Filter Messages"
Fixed bug where selected/highlighted text could be deleted during emoticon
Fixed obscure bug where text in filters would be replaced with garbage if
the text exceeded approximately 256 characters

Fixed bug where it sometimes was not possible to paste text into the "Search Bar
Fixed bug where plugin composition toolbar icons were not displayed properly
in Eudora 6.2
Added a new hidden option, <x-Eudora-option:WordWrapQPFlowed>, which controls
how many characters before Eudora will wrap a line when sending a message if
the message is being sent with the format=flowed parameter (has long lines)
and quoted-printable encoding (has 8-bit characters). The default value is 50
characters. Also, the default value for where lines get wrapped for
non-quoted-printable text, <x-Eudora-option:WordWrapColumn>, was changed to
70 characters.
Fixed case where replying to a messages sometimes used wrong personality
for reply.
Now ensuring that docking/floating windows are big enough to be visible.
Added a toolbar/docking/floating window reset mechansim by holding down
the Ctrl and Shift keys while doing a toolbar customize
(right-click on main toolbar and select Customize).
No longer produce confusing "no such file" error message about an empty
file name when more than 9999 of the same-named attachments are received.
No longer skipping messages if set to skip messages over 0 (zero) K.
Setting must be set to at least 1 K.
Removed ACAP panel from Options dialog.
Added the "Use submission port (587)" option to Tools->Options->Sending Mail
and the "Generic Properties" tab of the personality properties.
---------------------------------------------CHANGES FROM TO
--Fixed bug that would cause Eudora to reject SSL certificate even after
user manually marked it as trusted.
---Fixed potential crash when an IMAP message matched a filter that
transfered an IMAP message then changed its status.
Fixed problem where IMAP mailbox cache would be lost and a mail
resync would redownload messages that were previously downloaded.
Fixed problem where some IMAP mailbox icons would not update immediately
after the user set or reset the "Resynchronize on Mail Check" option.

Fixed crash that could occur with the built in viewer when displaying
an HMTL message that specified an extremely long font face.
Fixed crash that could occur with the built in viewer when displaying
an HMTL message that specified an extremely long font size.
Fixed slow display of large HTML messages, which was introduced in 6.2.
-------Fixed case where attachments could be spoofed via two base64 encoded
(plain-text, inline) MIME parts operating in conjuction.
-------------------------Eudora now uses less CPU during idle time.
Better at maintaining file attributes when new versions of files are
saved when using Windows 2000 or XP.
Now display second progress bar to display progress during the second phase
of rebuilding a mailbox's TOC.
Better support for lengthy values for <x-Eudora-option:TabooHeaders>
Eudora previously supported saving only up to 256 characters for any setting now there is no limit.
User is now optionally warned when many messages are attempted to be
deleted at one time. The settings to control this (whether to warn or
not, and how many messages are required to warn) are in
Tools->Options->Extra Warnings.
----------------------Fixed crash that could occur when using stationary that specified an
invalid long attachment name.
Fixed bug with Make Address Book Entry feature.
Fixed case where progress bar could draw incorrectly while rebuilding
a mailbox's TOC if the mailbox had a lot of messages in it.
No longer need to rebuild mailbox's TOC when opening a mailbox with more
than 32767 messages in it.
Fixed bug where Eudora could incorrectly convert an emoticon that was part
of a word.
Nicknames now expand to full name created from "First Name" and
"Last Name" fields in the address book if the "Full Name" field is
Fixed bug where moving a message back into the Out mailbox did not
remove it from the mailbox from which it was transferred.
Fixed bug where a poorly formatted incoming message could cause Eudora
to later think that it needed to rebuild the In mailbox's TOC.

Fixed problem where on rare ocassions ranges of message summaries would

disappear from the TOC file of a mailbox.
Editing the justification of excerpted text no longer removes the
excerpt bars - really.
---------------------------------------------CHANGES FROM 6.1.2 TO
---------------------------------------------NEW FEATURES
-----------ScamWatch - Eudora now warns with a tooltip warning when the pointer is
moved over a suspicious link and warns with a dialog when a suspicious
link is clicked.
Emoticons - Eudora now supports sending and receiving mail with emoticons.
--Eudora now uses OpenSSL instead of Certicom's SSL Plus library for SSL
When a server's SSL certificate is rejected for certain reasons
(not trusted, expired, etc.) Eudora will now present a dialog asking
the user if they want to trust the cert instead of forcing them to
navigate a complicated UI to manually trust the certificate.
---Filtering of IMAP messages should now be as fully functional as filtering
of POP messages.
Manually declaring an IMAP message to be either "Junk" or "Not Junk" now
informs the junk plugins of the change in the message's status.
Improved user's ability to stop IMAP operations.
IMAP users running on servers without UIDPLUS now have the option of
allowing Eudora to score incoming messages even though it will not move
messages to the Junk mailbox.
Eudora will now only move junk messages to the Junk mailbox from
the Inbox for IMAP accounts.
Fixed problem where creating a new IMAP mailbox would cause two
identical entries to appear in the mailbox tree.
Fixed problem where Eudora would sometimes confuse two similarly
named IMAP accounts.
Automatic IMAP mail checks no longer display the "No new mail" dialog.
Fixed potential crash with multiple simultaneous IMAP connections for
the same account.

Fixed crash when searching on certain IMAP accounts.

Fixed crash when manually filtering an IMAP message from a message window
(as opposed to a TOC window).
Fixed case where IMAP Trash or Junk mailboxes would not be acknowledged.
Eudora will no longer automatically expunge IMAP messages if fancy trash
mode is off.
Fixed problem where deleted or junked IMAP messages were not being deleted
from the mailbox when using Fancy Trash.
Fixed problem where Eudora would sometimes attempt to junk deleted
IMAP messages.
Fixed problem where junked IMAP messages were being given a score of 0
instead of the specified manual junk score.
-------Fixed cases where attachments could be spoofed via base64 or quoted-printable
encoded (plain-text, inline) MIME parts.
User is now warned when forwarding an attachment not found in Eudora's
attachment directory. See setting in Tools->Options->Extra Warnings
"Forward files that are not in the attachment directory".
Also controlled by <x-Eudora-option:ForwardingFilesNotInAttachDirAction>,
where 0 means don't warn, 1 means warn (default), and 2 means don't attach.
------"Open" and "Print" filter actions now work properly when they are the only
action a given filter takes.
Fixed cases where "Open Message" and "Open Mailbox" filter actions did not
work properly.
Fixed case where the "Notify User" "In Report" filter action wouldn't bring
up the "Filters Report" window if the filter report is turned off in
"Tools|Options|Getting Attention".
Users are now prevented from making the left panel of the address book
smaller than a specified width. Users can specify their own width by using
the ABookLeftPanelWidth INI setting.
Fixed memory leak in filtering based on regular expressions.
-----------Fixed bugs related to nicknames which contained the @ character.
Now only email addresses (and not nicknames) are added to the history list.
Remove from recipient list now works for multiple selections.
Fixed bug where the receipient list was not updated when a user discarded

Fixed bug which caused no context menu to appear in the address book window
for Windows 95 and 98.
User now has option to cancel when a duplicate nickname is found
during the operation of "Make Address Book Entry".
------------------------Content Concentrator now detects certain text digests and behaves more
Eudora no longer incorrectly warns when View Source is chosen and the source
is text.
Fixed crash that could occur when selecting "View Source" after recently
changing the "Use Microsoft's viewer" setting.
Fixed detection of <>'ed URL's with URL: prefix to end properly at closing >.
Fixed crash that could occur when editing a message.
Now correctly marks certain words misspelled, which were previously missed
when they ended with a single quote.
Fixed bug where clearing styles killed embedded images.
Strip images whose size is less than 4 square pixels (web bugs) when viewed
with Eudora's internal viewer.
Can now use internal viewer for displaying GIF files, whereas previously
QuickTime was required.
Fixed a crash (by updating to libpng 1.2.7) that could occur when displaying
an invalid PNG image.
Eudora now copies text containing colons in a manner that other applications
like WordPad will accept.
Eudora now displays calendar attachments rather than incorrectly
deleting them (POP) or displaying in the body of the message (IMAP).
Fixed bug where Eudora ignored the last header listed in
<x-Eudora-option:TabooHeaders> when using the Eudora internal viewer.
------------Undoing of a Junk or Not Junk command now restores the junk score.
"Not Junk" command now correctly adds to the white list when invoked in
the "Find Messages" window.
If all downloaded messages are declared junk or are filtered to trash Eudora
will no longer play the new mail sound.
Junk is now trimmed on an auto mail checks, and sooner if maximum junk age
is only 1 day.

SpamHeaders is no longer case-sensitive.

Fixed bug that caused junk messages not in the Inbox to be moved to the
Junk mailbox when recalculating junk scores.
---------------------Eudora is now better about remembering the preview pane splitter position
used the last time Eudora was run.
Type-to-select now searches the subject when the messages are sorted by
Type-to-select now prefers messages at the end of the mailbox (unless
<x-Eudora-option:TypeToSelectFromTop> is 1, in which case it prefers messages
at the start of the mailbox).
Type-to-select now allows punctuation and spaces.
The type-to-select string can now be reset before the idle time out by
pressing the Escape key.
Content Concentrator profile menu is now hidden when the preview pane is off.
--------Fixed bug where searches with "contains whole word" would not find anything
unless the search text was all lower case. Searches with
"contains whole word" are now case-insensitive.
Age searches now default to < 5 days, adjustable with INI settings.
Attachment count searches now default to > 0, adjustable with INI settings.
Find messages is now better at finding messages with phrases in certain cases.
Fixed memory leak in both searching based on regular expressions.
-----------------------------------Added <x-Eudora-Option:BackspaceDelete> to control whether the Backspace key
deletes the selected messages in a mailbox.
Fixed crashing bug when loading up a nickname flie with a corrupt TOC and
long addresses.
Fixed crash that could occur when a message was right clicked and
the mouse was moved.
A setting of 0 for <x-Eudora-option:MaxConcurrentTasks> or
<x-Eudora-option:MaxConcurrentDialupTasks> now means no limit to
the number of concurrent tasks.
Fixed bug where Eudora would not find mailfolders if any special Windows
attributes were turned on for the mailfolders.

Data and Executable directories now appear in Help|About.

Fixed several memory leaks, some of which affected checking mail.
Improved performance of mail checking and junk mail processing.
Widened options dialog (but not yet the individual panels) and added
"Help" button.
Eudora no longer forgets the password for a personality if you look at the
"Account Settings" for a personality and click OK.
Fixed crash that would occur when drag and dropping a mail folder onto itself.
Attachments that are deleted with the owning message via
Special->Empty Trash now go into the recycle bin.
Eudora now does a better job of finding and deleting attachments when
attachments are deleted with the owning message via Special->Empty Trash.
Fixed bug where Eudora could crash when sending certain styled messages
with lots of embedded images.
Eudora no longer sends an X-Sender header.
Fixed bug where printing from Directory Services window only printed
headers and footers.
Fixed bug where Eudora would not finish receiving certain messages
with non-standard MIME headers.
Fixed crash that occurred after cancelling the search window while
searching the address book.
Relaxed some ad failure calculations.
---------------------------------------------CHANGES FROM 6.1.1 TO 6.1.2
-------Fixed case where specially formatted URLs (typically used in spam) could
disguise their true destination.
Now warning when launching attachments or other file links when file has
no extension.
Now warning when any file link that is not in the attachment directory is
Fixed case where attachments could be spoofed via base64 encoded
(plain-text, inline) MIME parts.
Fixed case where tags allowed spoofed attachments.
Now block hrefs that reference javascript when
"Allow executables in HTML content" is turned off.

Fixed crash that could occur when clicking on an invalid long URL in
Eudora's built in viewer.
---Fixed another case where an IMAP Junk mailbox was not being recognized as the
official Junk mailbox.
Fixed the problem where messages would mysteriously disappear from the IMAP
Junk mailbox.
----------------------Fixed problem introduced in 6.1.1 where in some cases Eudora could have
address book related errors which manifested as warning messages about
renaming "NNdbase.tmp" and resulted in address book TOC corruption.
---------------------------------------------CHANGES FROM 6.1 TO 6.1.1
--Fixed crash when attempting SSL negotiation without a usercerts.p7b
Fixed bug that caused SSL negotiations to fail on OpenSSL servers with
the CBC countermeasure on.
The user is now warned if Eudora is unable to save SSL certificate
-------------Made minor change to suggestions when misspelled word begins with single
quote character.
Fixed bug where editing the subject field after choosing Edit->Check Spelling
could be difficult.
----------------------Prevent crash that could occur with a spoofed long attachment name, or overly-lo
ng URL.
Fixed bug where leftover RCV files in the spool folder could prevent POP mail
Fixed crash that could occur when sending message with very large address
(over 240 characters) in the To: field.
Added code to guard against attachment and URL buffer overflow issues.
Fixed bug where using mouse scroll wheel while opening a message caused a

temporary display glitch.

"Skip directly to advanced account setup" on first launch now correctly
brings up the "Advanced Account Setup" dialog.
Greatly improved sorting speed, which had slowed down with the introduction
of Content Concentrator.
Fixed case junk processing problem for certain kinds of newly downloaded
IMAP messages.
Fixed bug where it was impossible to insert an image with a long pathname.
If a mail check fails due to a connection error Eudora will no longer display
the misleading "Sorry, you don't have any new mail." dialog.
Limit depth of MIME interpretation to fix potential overflow for artificially
deeply nested MIME.
Improved address book performance by optimizing the file accessing.
---------------------------------------------CHANGES FROM 6.0.3 TO 6.1
---------------------------------------------NEW FEATURES
-----------Search Bar and Search Context Menus. Eudora now makes it easier than
ever to search with the introduction of a new "Search Bar" in the
toolbars and new context menu items that search for the current
selection. Both allow you to search inside Eudora or start an
Internet search.
Smarter Transfer to Selection. In 6.0 we quietly introduced
"Transfer to Selection", which allows you to right-click on a word in a
message and have Eudora try to figure out to which mailbox you might want
to transfer the message. Now in 6.1 we've improved the feature by
presenting the choice of multiple mailboxes whose names most closely
match the text (if there are few or no choices offered then there aren't
any mailboxes with names sufficiently close to the selected text).
Simply choose a mailbox name from the context menu and Eudora will
transfer the message into that mailbox. You can specify the maximum
number of matches that Eudora should show via
Content Concentrator Profile Control. The Content Concentrator feature
in Eudora has been enhanced with the introduction of the
"Profile Control". The "Profile Control" allows you to change how
Content Concentrator is concentrating your selected message(s) in the
preview pane on the fly. Simply click on the "Profile Control" and
choose a new profile. The "Profile Control" can be found above the
"Preview Pane" between the "Mailbox Size Display" and the horizontal
Better Automatic IMAP Synchronization. Eudora can now synchronize
specific IMAP mailboxes on every mail check - just choose
"Resynchronize on Mail Check" in the IMAP mailbox context menu.
Easier Mass IMAP Synchronization. You can now resync an entire mail

folder (a folder and all mailboxes inside of it) in one step via the new
"Resynchronize Mail Folder" command, which can be found in the IMAP mailbox
context menu.
Statistics window now shows Junk statistics.
---Fixed crashes and other inappropriate behaviors when attempting IMAP
operations while offline.
IMAP filters that transfer messages no longer cause two entries to appear
in the filter report.
Fixed a few more IMAP prefix issues.
Fixed case where Eudora could fail to acknowledge an IMAP Junk mailbox
as the Junk mailbox for that account.
Fixed case where messages would mysteriously disappear from an
IMAP Junk mailbox.
--Upgraded to new SSL library that addresses some compatibility issues seen
in previous versions.
------------Added Ctrl-J for Junk option to Junk Extras option panel.
The Mailbox menu unread icons now obey the "Junk mailbox is never marked
unread" option.
Fixed case where Junk mailbox could be bolded even when user has
"Junk mailbox is never marked unread" option turned on.
"Junk" and "Not Junk" commands now work properly in the "Find Messages"
Recalculate Junk Score now works properly with IMAP.
Fixed bug where Eudora would not run third party junk plugins when
Eudora is not in Paid Mode.
-----------Can no longer create an address book called "Eudora Nicknames".
Changing a nickname in address book does not change it on the recipient
------------------------Now support displaying attached graphics in messages.

Fix for case where with certain messages Eudora's built in viewer would
not display the complete text in the full message window.
Editing the justification of excerpted text no longer removes the
excerpt bars.
Eudora no longer incorrectly displays "urn:schemas-microsoft-com"
lines in messages sent from Outlook.
Fixed bug where preview display could become confused and display nothing
instead of the selected message when Eudora is first opened.
Image types that Eudora can't display in the message (like PDFs
from Mac Eudora) are now displayed as attachments.
Composition windows now use less memory.
Fixed case where text could overlap an embedded image when displayed
with the built-in viewer.
Fixed case where Eudora could crash when Insert Picture was chosen if
QuickTime was available.
Fixed case where Eudora wouldn't always offer QuickTime supported image
types when Insert Picture was chosen.
Fixed bug where Eudora could incorrectly display indented text as if it
were excerpted text when using the Microsoft viewer.
Fixed bug where Eudora could incorrectly display multiple levels of
indentation as all singly indented when using Eudora's built in viewer.
-------------Eudora no longer flags words that begin with a single quote as being
Spell checking automatically as you type is now faster for messages with a
lot of misspelled words.
Spell checking changes made via context menu are now undoable.
Spell checking context menu now works for words that were selected via
double clicking.
Adding a word to the user dictionary via the context menu now correctly
updates all open composition windows.
-------------------------Improved menu and control drawing with Windows XP.
Changing the server status of a selection of messages now shows progress.
Improved importers.
Now support moving folders via drag and drop in mail tree list.

Windows Eudora now supports the Importance: header.

Worked around Microsoft Exchange's improper use of multipart/related for
Added support for ignoring reg code attachments on arrival
(still will process if manually clicked) via setting
<x-Eudora-Option:NoRegCodeDialogOnArrival=1> (defaults to 0).
Added support for detaching text/calendar mime type into .ics attachments.
Now ignoring Status headers unless <x-Eudora-option:BelieveStatus=1>.
Toolbar wrapping now occurs sooner and is smarter.
Now support Message Plug-ins with the preview pane provided only one message
is selected.
----------------------Fixed bug that caused Eudora to think ads were failing when they were not.
Fixed folder renaming in the mailbox list (this was broken in 6.0).
Fix for context menus in address book edit fields.
Eudora is now more tolerant of really long server and/or login names.
No longer accepting directories as attachments via drag & drop.
Fixed bug where a misconfigured virus scanner interfering with Eudora
could confuse Eudora and cause it to leave subsequent messages in that
mail check in the spool file as .tmp files.
Fixed focus problem in Tools|Options dialog.
Renaming or moving mailboxes or folders no longer causes problems
with results in Search window.
Tweaked sponsored toolbar border drawing.
Who column is now instead of Sender.
Now using Windows 2000/XP font "Tahoma" for dialogs when available.
Intersect Nickname filter is no longer case sensitive.
---------------------------------------------CHANGES FROM 6.0.2 TO 6.0.3
---------------------------------------------MISCELLANEOUS BUG FIXES
----------------------Newly created or renamed address book entries now work again (this was
broken in 6.0.2).

---------------------------------------------CHANGES FROM 6.0.1 TO 6.0.2

---If the user does not specify an IMAP mailbox prefix Eudora will ask the
IMAP server which prefix should be used. This will prevent problems that
some users have with the IMAP Junk and Trash mailboxes. Users can tell
Eudora not to ask the server by adding the ImapIgnoreNAMESPACE=1 INI
setting for the appropriate personality.
Fixed problem where IMAP mailboxes sometimes appeared both under and beside
their parent mailbox.
-------------------Fixed crash that could occur with IMAP accounts when previewing multiple
messages with Content Concentrator.
----------------------Fix for long filenames embedded in AppleSingle.
-------------------------Support for senders who wrap subject lines BEFORE any content.
Greatly reduced delay on the first mail check of each Eudora session that
was seen by users with address books with thousands of entries.
---------------------------------------------CHANGES FROM 6.0 TO 6.0.1
---------------------------------------------JUNK HANDLING
------------Added option to ignore the date contained in junk messages and use the
arrival date instead.
For users who don't quit very often, junk will now be trimmed periodically
on a manual mail check.
Fixed case where junk score column would sometimes be blank for individual
-------------------Fixed display of attachments when some Outlook messages are concentrated
by Content Concentrator.
Warning message is now displayed when plugin attachment is clicked and
multiple messages are being displayed.

Fixed bug where Eudora could crash when replying to multiple messages
with the preview pane turned off.
---Fixed case where attachments wouldn't be displayed properly when Eudora
encountered encoded message body parts that didn't end with CRLF.
Fixed adding SSL certificate to trusted list via IMAP (broken in 6.0).
Fixed case where Eudora would display the wrong message in an IMAP
Fixed one problem where IMAP error messages were not be presented to
the user.
------------------------Format Painter now correctly handles fonts.
Fixed case where sorting with "Group by Subject" could sort incorrectly
when changing the "Sort by" column.
Fixed bug where Eudora could hang when queuing or sending a reply to a
message with an invalid URL.
Fixed bug where the preview did not update to show the selected message
if the message was selected while previewing was off.
Fixed bug where the selected message was not scrolled into view when
previewing was turned on via Tools->Options.
Fixed bug where the message selected after a manual filter transferred the
previously selected message wouldn't get marked read automatically after
5 seconds (if appropriate given user's settings).
Fixed reply and forward quoting of only the selected text in numerous cases
(replying with stationery and the preview pane, forwarding to an address
book entry with the preview pane, replying as a given personality with a
message window).
Fixed certain cases where "Select newly inserted messages (FUMLUB)" option
would not scroll the new message into view correctly.
-------Fixed crash when displaying a message with a spoofed Attachment Converted
Decrypted messages (e.g. Entrust or PGP) are now saved in a better format
so that attachment icons are no longer broken.
For security purposes, Eudora now deletes attachments and embedded images
associated with decrypted messages if the user chooses NOT to save the
decrypted message text.


----------------------Attempt to fix continued reports of cases where certain McAfee virus
scanning products cause Eudora to repeatedly fail to complete email
downloading when the user receives an infected email message.
Fixed "Redirect To" filter action to properly set "by way of" for "From:"
attribution (broken in 6.0).
-------------------------Made it easier to buy Eudora from the web or an ad in Eudora.
Eudora's toolbar icons now look better, particularly on monitors with more
than 256 colors.

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