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The thief of books narrates the history of Liesel, a German girl that it is
given in adoption by his mother when it begins the II World-wide War. It arrives
to his new home without family, without knowing read and without hopes. They
are travelling to the small city of Molching, to the outskirts of Munich, Germany,
to live with his adoptive parents, Hans and Rosa Hubermann. Werner dies in
the train by unknown causes related with the poverty, the hunger, the cold and
the fault of medical attention. Before arriving to Molching, Liesel took to the
burial of his brother in a cemetery covered of snow. She steals the Manual of
the Sepulturero of the cemetery, after this book falls of the coat of a youngster
that works there. The problem is that Liesel does not know to read.
She resists to go in in the house of the Hubermann in the street Himmel, but is
encouraged by his adoptive father, Hans, the one who likes him immediately.
However, it is not safe acerca of his feelings by Rosa. Liesel Begins the school,
but suffers because it still does not know to read. Also it knows to Rudy Steiner,
the one who soon turns into his best fellow and mate of theft of books and food.
A night, afterwards of the usual nightmare of Liesel in which it sees to his
brother died in the train, Hans finds the Manual of the sepulturero unseen in the
mattress. This is what inspires it to begin to teach him to read. When Liesel
learns to write, begins to draft letters for his mother, but does not obtain answer.
Finally, us enteramos that his mother has disappeared.
Liesel At last understands what means to live in the nazi Germany when it
organises one burns of Jewish books to celebrate the birthday of Adolf Hitler on
20 April 1940. This burns results him fascinante and, at the same time,
inquietante. Now that it can read and write, Liesel comprises the value of the
books and of the words. When it hears to a nazi spokesman clamar by the
death of communists and Jewish, a light turns off in her. The only that knows on
his father is that it has been accused of communist. In this moment darse that it
is likely that Hitler was behind the disappearance of his father, the death of his
brother and the disappearance of his mother.
When Hans confirms him his suspicions afterwards of burns it of books, Hitler
turns into the enemy acrrimo of Liesel. This is a dangerous problem for a
youngster of the nazi Germany. Hans warns him that it do not express his
opinions anti-Hitler in public. This conflict promotes to Liesel to steal his second
book, The Man that shrank of shoulders, of the passionate battery.
A day,a Jewish arrives to the house of Hans.His name is Max and is the son of
Erik Vande a Jewish that saved the life of Hans in the first world-wide war , and
Hans is his last hope to survive. To the enterarse of his situation, Hans
collaborates in the organisation of the trip of Max to the street Himmel. When it
arrives the youngster hambriento and exhausted, Hans and Rosa hide it in his

house. At the beginning, Liesel does not know what think about Max, but soon
turn into fellow. At the same time, the arrival of Max and his suffering produce a
positive change in Rosa. Liesel Surprises when seeing his courage and his
Hide to a Jewish in your house during the Second World War was one of the
things more aterradoras and brave that could do a German. This meant a
constant state of paranoia between all the involved. For Max, however, this
translates in a feeling of deep fault for putting in risk the life of which has learnt
to love. But especially, it means a bow of become friends with the Hubermann.
Definitely, a friendship complicated.
Liesel Also boards a species of become friends with the wife of the mayor, Ilsa
Hermann. Ilsa sees to Liesel steal the book The man that shrank of shoulders.
Besides, it pays him to Rosa for washing his clothes. When Liesel visits the
house of Ilsa by the requests of lavandera, the woman invites to the small to
read in the library. But when Ilsa leaves to use the service of wash of Rosa,
Liesel begins to steal him books, although to Ilsa does not seem to matter him.
Everything changes in October of 1942, when "The parade of Jewish" (55.4)
goes through Molching of way to the field of concentration more next: Dachau.
Hans feels the need to offer him to one of the Jewish prisoners a piece of bread
and is azotado together with the prisoner by a nazi policeman. Now Hans fears
that the nazi inspect his house and find to Max. That's why Hans decides to
take it out of there this same night. However, the nazi do not inspect his house
and Hans reproaches his error, expecting be punished for that.
A day, Liesel sees to the Gestapo (the nazi secret police) in the street Himmel
and Hans thinks that they come by him. In fact, they come by Rudy, the one
who shows to be a big student and athlete. The Gestapo wants to carry to Rudy
to a special school of training. His parents protest and arrive to an agreement.
Rudy can remain home, but his father, Alex Steiner, has to leave to incorporate
to the army. Almost at the same time, Hans also is drafted like punishment for
having him given bread to the Jewish man.
Without the presence of Hans and of Max, Liesel encourages for going out
forward. She reads him to the residents of the street Himmel in the antiaircraft
shelter during the bombardment, steals with Rudy and help to Rosa. A night,
Rosa shows him to Liesel the book that Max left for her, a book written on
pages of the book of Adolf Hitler Mein Kampf. It calls The tree of the words, and
in him narrates a history with the same name.
In February of 1943, just after the fourteenth birthday of Liesel, Liesel and Rosa
enteran that Hans will go back home. The reason of his return is an accident in
truck in which it finish with the leg broken. That's why his sergeant decides to
transfer it again to Munich.

In August of 1943, Liesel sees to Max again. He leaves of Molching to Dachau.

Liesel Walks with him in the procession. There she whole that it was captured
some six months backwards; that is to say, five months after leaving the house
of the street Himmel. The nazi policemen do not see with good eyes the brave
accionar of Liesel, by what the azotan to Max and to her. Rudy avoids that
Liesel follow to Max and, thanks to this, perhaps saves him the life.
Shortly after, Liesel decides to abandon the books and leaves to visit the library
of Ilsa Herman. Ilsa gives him a book in white and Liesel begins to draft the
history of his life, called The thief of books. It writes in the basement and finds
doing it when the street Himmel is bombed. All his beings wanted die while they
sleep. Exasperated in front of similar catastrophe, Liesel leaves to fall his book,
that soon is collected by Death. Since Liesel does not have to anybody more,
the police decides to do charge of her. However, his destination seems
uncertain. Prompt Ilsa Hermann appears in scene and decides to carry it to live
to his house by a time. Alex Steiner returns home time afterwards and Liesel
happens time with him.
When the novel is coming to an end, us enteramos that Liesel dies afterwards
to having lived a happy life beside his husband, children and grandchildren.
Also us enteramos that Max has attained to survive to the field of concentration
and that she and Liesel reencuentran at the end of the Second World War.
However, we do not know what occurred afterwards with Max. At the end of the
novel, Death gives him back to Liesel his book, The thief of books and, in
return, carries his soul.

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