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Young American Revolution

March 2010
March 2010 / Issue 05

4 Editorial
Revolutionary Politics

5 Right Young Things By Daniel McCarthy

The revolution begins on campus—but beware of 23 Liberty’s Mad Men
the last generation’s mistakes By Jeff Fulcher
Madison Avenue shows us it takes more
than good ideas to sell a philosophy
8 Freedom President By Congressman Ron Paul
How to put the Constitution back in the Oval Office 25 Pitchfork Time
By Kelse Moen
12 Soviet U By Philip Christofanelli Freedom lovers should support the
Campus commissars suppress a commemoration of masses against the classes
the fall of communism
27 Profiles in Liberty
By Trent Hill
14 More Leviathan? By W. James Antle III founder Eric Garris
You can’t “starve the beast”—but that’s no reason to feed it
29 Consistent Conservatism
18 Economics of the Living Dead By George Hawley By Matt Cockerill
John Maynard Keynes is still eating policymakers’ brains It’s individualist, pro-life, and antiwar

33 Ramparts’ Red Glare

21 Obama’s Big Rip-Off By Jeremy Lott By Dylan Hales
An interview with Obamanomics author Tim Carney A Bomb in Every Issue: How the Short,
Unruly Life of Ramparts Magazine
Changed America
31 Minister to Liberty By Norman Horn
by Peter Richardson
Edmund Opitz showed that capitalism and Christianity
are not enemies
35 The Anti-Roosevelt
By Gerald J. Russello
39 Rockin’ in the Free World By John Payne The Political Principles of Robert A. Taft
The top 25 libertarian rock songs by Russell Kirk and James McClellan

Young American Revolution
Revolutionary Politics
O bama Girl is broken-hearted. In 2008,
Amber Lee Ettinger professed undy-
ing passion for Barack Obama in a series
ample, which shows whether a candidate
can raise enough cash to make a serious
of YouTube videos that went viral like the Incumbent politicians hate nothing
Publisher swine flu. But now she says the affair is more than being challenged in a primary.
Jeff Frazee off. Even the president’s former #1 fan It forces them to spend money they would
thinks he’s just a B- politician. That’s a lib- otherwise be able to use in the general
Editorial Director eral grade—a conservative one would be election (assuming it’s contested) or give
Daniel McCarthy something less than a D-. to other candidates to spread their influ-
Obama’s first year has been a failure by ence. And the much smaller voter turnout
Deputy Editors any measure. Bailouts, stimulus, cash for in primaries creates conditions in which
Edward King, clunkers, escalation in Afghanistan, and upsets can happen all too easily. There
Roy M. Antoun Obamacare have put the president’s ap- have been instances where incumbents in
proval ratings on track to match the record safe districts have even announced sudden
Art Director lows set by George W. Bush. The Ameri- retirements when faced with an unexpect-
Matthew Holdridge can people want real change. And so for edly serious primary challenger.
the first time in four years, Republicans are Long before primary day, who con-
Illustration looking forward to November. trols a state or local party’s political appa-
Shane Helm, It was America’s discontent with Bush ratus can go far toward determining who
Anthony Rousseau and the GOP Congress—not demand reaches elected office. Years ago, the old
for more government in every aspect Rockefeller Republican establishment was
Contributing Editors our lives—that propelled the Democrats horrified to see supporters of Pat Robert-
W. James Antle III, Dylan Hales,
into their House and Senate majorities. son—who ran for president in 1988—get-
George Hawley, Trent Hill,
Obama’s party reaped the benefits of a ting involved in state and county Republi-
Jack Hunter, Bonnie Kristian,
Jeremy Lott, Kelse Moen, John Payne
backlash. Now Republicans hope to do can committees. They knew that Christian
the same. Coalition voters outnumbered Rockefeller
But the people don’t want more of voters; the only thing that had kept the es-
Young American Revolution is the official publication what the Republicans are serving, either. tablishment in power for so long was that
of Young Americans for Liberty (www.YALiberty. The public uproar against Obamacare is nobody else knew how politics was really
org). Subscriptions are $50 for one year (4 issues).
not an endorsement for Romneycare— played. Once the religious right learned,
Checks may be made out to Young Americans for
Liberty and sent to PO Box 2751, Arlington, VA 22202. just the opposite. As the populist tenor of the Rockefellers were finished.
the tea parties suggests, Americans are sick Will the tea parties do what Robert-
Young American Revolution accepts letters to the
editor and freelance submissions. Letters should of the establishment in both major parties. son’s people did? Will constitutionalists
be between 50 and 300 words. Submissions should But what alternative do they have? who supported Ron Paul in 2008 over-
be between 700 and 2400 words. Letters and Third parties, sure. But ballot-access throw the political establishment with its
submissions may be edited for length and content.
Write to us at or PO Box laws are stacked against them, and most own weapons? In a few places, this has al-
2751, Arlington, VA 22202. voters, despite their discontent, still iden- ready happened.
Young Americans for Liberty is the continuation of
tity as either Republicans or Democrats. But knowing the rules of political war-
Students for Ron Paul (SFP). In less than 8 months, The problem with politics in this country fare is not enough. As the religious right
SFP established over 500 college and high school is not that no one good can be elected on learned, it does not profit anyone to gain
chapters in all 50 states and over 26,000 students
joined the Ron Paul 2008 campaign.
a major-party ticket—Ron Paul would not the world—or at least elected office—and
be in Congress if that were true. Rather, lose his own soul. Winning is not enough:
The mission of Young Americans for Liberty (YAL)
is to train, educate, and mobilize youth activists
too few righteously angry voters know the goal must be winning on principle.
committed to “winning on principle”. Our goal is to how to channel their outrage into produc- That’s Young Americans for Liberty’s
cast the leaders of tomorrow and reclaim the policies, tive action—indeed, few are even aware motto, and YAL has an indispensable role
candidates, and direction of our government. that the biggest decisions about who will to play in the revolution that needs to hap-
We welcome limited government conservatives, represent or rule them are made long be- pen. Young Americans are the vanguard—
classical liberals, and libertarians who trust in the fore November. the rising leaders who will have to avoid
creed we set forth.
General elections give voters a choice the errors of previous generations and
Opinions expressed in Young American Revolution between Tweedledee and Tweedledum. keep the flame of principle alive. If you
are not necessarily the views of Young Americans
for Liberty. The primaries that pick the major parties’ want to support the cause of peace, free-
nominees in the first place matter more. dom, and the Constitution and learn what
Copyright 2010 Young Americans for Liberty
And even earlier there are other qualifying it takes to realize those principles, go to
tests: the so-called money primary, for ex- and join YAL today.
March 2010
Right Young Things
The revolution begins on campus—but beware of the last generation’s mistakes

Daniel McCarthy

F rank Chodorov was a man with a plan—a

50-year plan, to be exact. He had seen vast
changes came to the country during his lifetime
of Marxism this side of Pyongyang—but even
in many economics departments, where John
Maynard Keynes remains more honored than
(1887-1966). Yet what startled him most was Ludwig von Mises. Indiana University, for ex-
not “the replacement of the horse and buggy ample, recently refused to host a talk by Mises
by the automobile” but “the transmutation of Institute senior scholar Thomas Woods Jr.—a
the American character from individualist to Columbia University Ph.D. and author of mul-
collectivist.” “At the beginning of the century,” tiple New York Times bestsellers, including the re-
he recalled, “the tradition of individualism that cent Meltdown—after the economics faculty de-
had held up since the Revolution was still going cided he lacked “sufficient academic credibility.”
strong; by 1950, only the physical composition Qualms about scholarly qualifications did not,
of the individual remained, for his character had of course, stop IU from paying former senator
been well washed out by the caustic of social- John Edwards $35,000 for a campus appear-
ism.” ance. At colleges around the country, different
How had it happened? “The collectivist seed standards apply to statists and anti-statists.
was implanted in the soft and fertile student Most faculty and administrators do not think
mind forty-odd years ago,” Chodorov wrote. of themselves as socialists—but what is telling
“That’s how it all began. Collectivism is, after Frank Chodorov, individualist is that they cannot even conceive of an alterna-
all, an idea, and the usual way of acquiring an tive to the tutelary state. They are collectivists
idea is by learning.” From 1905 to 1922, an or- by habit rather than conviction. Most students
ganization called the Intercollegiate Society of Socialists, founded are too, including those conservatives who have never been taught
by novelist Upton Sinclair, preached the gospel of government that moral and economic laws do not stop at the water’s edge.
power in the service of egalitarianism to campuses across the Suckered by militarist propaganda, they believe that the U.S. gov-
nation. After the demise of ISS, other groups took up its mission. ernment can do in Iraq or Afghanistan what they know it cannot
“Truth to tell,” Chodorov observed, “those who espoused do at home.
socialism were among the most imaginative, volatile, and articu- Since Chodorov’s time collectivism has evolved from a force
late students; the fact that they were ignored or derided by their for revolution into a force of inertia. It has blended into the na-
classmates simply added to their ardor.” They carried out an in- tion’s psychological backdrop, abandoning the foreign face it wore
tellectual revolution—which turned into a cultural and political as the philosophy of Marx and Lenin to take on a more patriotic
revolution. It was time, Chodorov argued, for the other side to visage—Abraham Lincoln’s or Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s. Yet
fight back. He proposed a “Fifty-Year Project,” beginning with the faith in government as an all-powerful force for moral good
the creation of a freedom movement on campuses— an intercol- remains the same.
legiate society of individualists. So what ever became of that 50-year project and the intercol-
Sixty years after Chodorov made his pitch, the battle for the legiate society of individualists? They built the conservative move-
student soul rages on. Social democrats hold the commanding ment. But conservatives failed to stop the ideological transfor-
heights, not just in English faculty lounges—the surest redoubts mation of America because the best traditionalist and libertarian

Young American Revolution
minds fell to fighting with one another, which cleared the way for than did Chodorov, who remained a staunch noninterventionist.
their mutual enemies on the social-democratic left and neo-impe- (The older man’s answer to McCarthy-era fears about subversives
rial right to claim total power. Today Chodorov’s plan deserves to in government jobs, meanwhile, was elegantly conservative of
be rediscovered—as does the history of why it went awry. civil liberties: “just abolish the jobs.”)
Chodorov made his mark in the 1930s as one of the leading ex- In other respects, however, Buckley was heir to the tradition
ponents of the ideas of Henry George, author of Progress and Pov- of Chodorov and Nock (who had been a friend of WFB’s father).
erty. “George is the apostle of liberty,” Chodorov wrote in 1941, Indeed, Chodorov was something of a mentor, providing editorial
“he teaches the ethical basis of private property; he stresses the guidance on God and Man at Yale. In the book, Buckley consis-
function of capital in an advancing civilization; he emphasizes the tently referred to his philosophy as individualism. “Conservatism”
greater productivity of voluntary co-operation in a free market would come later; it was a word that Chodorov never warmed to.
economy, the moral degeneration of a people subjected to state “I will punch anyone who calls me a conservative in the nose,” he
direction and socialistic conformity.” Before Austrian econom- insisted in 1956, “I am a radical.”
ics came to the United States in the 1940s, Georgism—blended Buckley and Chodorov hit the lecture circuit, in keeping with
with Jeffersonianism—supplied individualists like Chodorov and the 50-year plan. But neither of them wished serve as a full-
his friend Albert Jay Nock with a theoretical foundation for their time campus organizer or run a national membership program.
beliefs. Chodorov could rely on the Foundation for Economic Educa-
Nock and Chodorov were just two of the many brilliant jour- tion, the first great libertarian think tank, to supply free-market
nalists who battled Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal in magazines literature to students on ISI’s mailing list. But Chodorov needed
small and large. But with American entry into World War II, virtu- someone young and intrepid—and willing to work cheap—to
ally all criticism of Roosevelt ceased. Only in 1944 did important oversee recruitment, manage programs, and raise funds for the
new channels of dissent begin to emerge—the start of the con- group. He quickly found his man: 29-year-old Victor Milione, an
servative renaissance. Both Human Events and Chodorov’s news- intensely faithful Roman Catholic and astonishingly well read for
letter, analysis, launched that year. (And in 1951, they merged.) his age—or any other.
Chodorov had a great deal in common with Human Events “In a single conversation,” conservative historian Lee Edwards
founders Henry Regnery, Frank Hanighen, and Felix Morley—all relates in Educating for Liberty, a history of ISI, “Milione would
had opposed the war and the president’s power-grabs. He con- quote in extenso John Henry Newman, Alexis de Tocqueville, Sen-
tributed frequently to their journal, which in September 1950 eca, Jacob Burckhardt, Ortega y Gasset, James Bryce, and Richard
reprinted his analysis essay “A Fifty-Year Project”—retitled “For Weaver, his favorite modern conservative writer.” This was no ex-
Our Children’s Children”—to bring it to a wider readership. aggeration, as anyone who worked for ISI before Milione’s death
The plan would begin with a lecture bureau—speakers “would in 2008 could attest. He exemplified the faith and erudition that
have to be acquainted with socialistic theory as well as with the lit- represented the best in postwar traditionalist conservatism.
erature of individualism” to better “uproot the trend of thought.” Milione’s intellectual roots—in religion and history rather than
The speakers program would be politics and economics—were very different from those of the
lifelong agnostic Frank Chodorov. Yet the traditionalist Milione
followed up with the organization of Individualistic Clubs
and libertarian Chodorov had more in common than not in the
and an intercollegiate affiliation. Prizes for essays on indi-
struggle to keep liberal learning alive and constrain the Leviathan
vidualism would do much to stimulate thought; and a publi-
state Franklin Roosevelt and succeeding presidents had built.
cation offering an outlet for articles would be a necessity. Out
The Intercollegiate Society of Individualists flourished. As
of these activities would come an esprit de corps based upon
Chodorov had planned, the society seeded young minds with anti-
conviction and enthusiasm for a “new” idea. The individual
collectivist knowledge, and alumni in turn led new political and
list would become the campus radical, just as the socialist was
journalistic endeavors. Philosophically energized conservative stu-
forty years ago…
dents pushed to draft Sen. Barry Goldwater for vice president at
J. Howard Pew of the Sun Oil Company liked what he read. the 1960 Republican convention. When that failed, they formed
He wrote Chodorov a check for $1,000—about $9,000 in today’s a new activist student group, Young Americans for Freedom, to
money. Chodorov had no intention of cashing it; he was a journal- battle left-wingers on campus and force the Republican Party to
ist, not a campus organizer. But Frank Hanighen convinced him the right. Four years later, Goldwater was the GOP’s presidential
not to send the money back and instead try to make his vision a nominee.
reality. In 1952, Chodorov and Hanighen (and Hanighen’s sec- But something was lost in the transition from philosophy to
retary, Patricia Lutz) incorporated the Intercollegiate Society of politics. Too often the activist campus right merely opposed the
Individualists—ISI—with a 26-year-old writer named William F. campus left—which was also burgeoning in the 1960s—and lost
Buckley Jr. as its president. sight of original principles. YAF showed little understanding of
Chodorov, 65, was almost the last of the great old-right libertar- economics, pouring its energy into boycotting Polish hams and
ians. Buckley, who had published the bestseller God and Man at Yale protesting American companies that traded with the Soviet bloc.
in 1951, was the rising star of a new right. The young man favored Young intellectuals, meanwhile, perhaps inspired by the long-
a far more activist U.S. foreign policy against the Soviet Union running feud between traditionalist guru Russell Kirk (author of

March 2010
The Conservative Mind) and the liberty-minded Cold Warrior Frank tism, ISI changed its name in 1966 to the Intercollegiate Studies
Meyer (National Review’s literary editor), indulged in internecine Institute.
squabbles, preferring fraction to synthesis. (Ironically, Meyer him- Cut loose from its philosophical moorings, YAF came to re-
self tried to be a conciliatory figure—his philosophy, combining semble more and more the College Republicans, who assumed
Cold War conservatism with classical liberalism, came to be called greater importance within the increasingly partisan and profes-
“fusionism.”) sionalized conservative movement. Henceforth the main stream
A crackup was coming, and it arrived at YAF’s 1969 convention of the young right would be symbolized not by people like Mil-
in St. Louis. The Vietnam War and cultural upheavals of the 1960s ione or the early Buckley, but by the likes of Karl Rove—who got
sharply divided libertarians from traditionalists and national-secu- his start in national politics as executive director of the College
rity conservatives. Drug legalization, draft resistance, and the war Republican National Committee.
itself were flashpoints, and as a In some respects, Chodorov’s
libertarian YAFer burned a fac- 50-year plan succeeded all too
simile draft card on the conven- well. The intellectual cadres nur-
tion floor, jeering—“lazy fair- tured by ISI in turn spawned a
ies!” was the anticommunists’ popular movement that changed
comeback to libertarian chants the language of American poli-
of “laissez faire!”—turned to tics. By 1996—46 years after
brawling. “For Our Children’s Children”—
Radical libertarians split from even a Democratic president, Bill
YAF, and just as ISI’s alumni had Clinton, felt compelled to say
done before, these young people that the era of big government
would build a movement of was over. But rhetoric, political
their own. Soon libertarian think reality, and philosophical sub-
tanks, magazines, even a politi- stance had come apart, so that
the Republican president who
cal party sprang up. Yet it was all
succeeded Clinton, George W.
on a far smaller scale than what
Bush, could pose as a conserva-
had been attempted by the con-
tive while increasing the federal
servative movement and gained
government’s role in education,
no political traction at all. In
expanding entitlements, and
1980, while conservative rallied
launching nation-building wars
to Ronald Reagan, the Libertar-
in Iraq and Central Asia.
ian Party fielded a presidential
Collectivists on both sides
candidate who described his phi-
of the political spectrum now
losophy as “low-tax liberalism.” use the rhetoric of individual-
Nobody cared, least of all the William F. Buckley Jr. (right) and L. Brent Bozell Jr. ism when it suits them—which
young. is usually whenever their party
Yet traditionalist conservatives—as opposed to young Repub- doesn’t hold occupy the White House. Antiwar liberals, so vocif-
lican careerists—fared no better than the libertarians. All along, erous during the Bush administration, are muted now. And while
traditionalists like Russell Kirk had quietly dissented from milita- tea party protesters now demand smaller government, their real
rism and the excesses of anti-communism: as historian George H. test will come during the next Republican administration—will
Nash has noted, “In 1944, Kirk predicted that New Dealers would they protest the Patriot Act, or the next incarnation of Real ID?
prolong the state of war after the Axis powers’ defeat in order to To fix this mess of philosophical confusion and bipartisan stat-
maintain prosperity. They would justify keeping men in arms (and ism will require new leadership, of the sort only young Ameri-
off the job market) by creating an enemy: Russia.” cans—particularly Young Americans for Liberty—can offer.
Young libertarians had been more willing than young tradition- Chodorov’s blueprint, updated to meet today’s needs, works. And
alists to voice their doubts—or outright opposition—to the Viet- students now have the advantage of looking to history to see what
nam War and other Cold War crusades. Together, the best minds went wrong the last time. If an effective movement against the
of both camps could have put up stiff resistance to the political welfare-warfare state is to be built, it will need libertarians who
careerists, militarists, and neoconservatives who overtook move- can understand the language and values of the great number of
ment conservatism in the Nixon years. On their own, however, religiously-minded and conservative voters in this country, and
traditionalists had little choice but to become passive partners of traditionalists who understand that centralized power is deadly
the Nixon right or drop out of politics altogether. to the civilization they cherish. Chodorov’s 50-year plan can suc-
Milione steered ISI, which had become predominantly tradi- ceed—with wiser leadership from today’s students.
tionalist, away from political entanglements, refusing contribu-
tions from donors who wanted the group to engage in partisan Daniel McCarthy [] is editorial director of Young
activities. Symbolizing both the break with Chodorov’s individual- American Revolution and senior editor of The American Conserva-
ism and a refusal to be swallowed wholesale by political conserva- tive (
Young American Revolution
Freedom President
How to put the Constitution back in the Oval Office

Congressman Ron Paul

S ince my 2008 campaign for the presi-

dency I have often been asked, “How
would a constitutionalist president go
tremendous progress simply by changing
the terms of the negotiations that go on in
Washington regarding the size and scope
about dismantling the welfare-warfare state of government. Today, negotiations over
and restoring a constitutional republic?” legislation tend to occur between those
This is a very important question, because who want a 100 percent increase in fed-
without a clear road map and set of priori- eral spending and those who want a 50
ties, such a president runs the risk of hav- percent increase. Their compromise is a 75
ing his pro-freedom agenda stymied by the percent increase. With a president serious
various vested interests that benefit from about following the Constitution, backed
big government. by a substantial block of sympathetic rep-
Of course, just as the welfare-warfare resentatives in Congress, negotiations on
state was not constructed in 100 days, it outlays would be between those who want
could not be dismantled in the first 100 to keep funding the government programs
days of any presidency. While our goal is and those who want to eliminate them out-
to reduce the size of the state as quickly right—thus a compromise would be a 50
as possible, we should always make sure percent decrease in spending!
our immediate proposals minimize social While a president who strictly adheres
disruption and human suffering. Thus, to the Constitution would need the con-
we should not seek to abolish the social sent of Congress for very large changes
safety net overnight because that would in the size of government, such as shut-
harm those who have grown dependent on ting down cabinet departments, he could
government-provided welfare. Instead, we use his constitutional authority as head of
would want to give individuals who have Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas). Photography by M. the executive branch and as commander in
come to rely on the state time to prepare Holdridge chief to take several significant steps to-
for the day when responsibility for provid- ward liberty on his own. The area where
ing aide is returned to those organizations best able to administer the modern chief executive has greatest ability to act unilater-
compassionate and effective help—churches and private charities. ally is in foreign affairs. Unfortunately, Congress has abdicated
Now, this need for a transition period does not apply to all its constitutional authority to declare wars, instead passing vague
types of welfare. For example, I would have no problem defund- “authorization of force” bills that allow the president to send any
ing corporate welfare programs, such as the Export-Import Bank number of troops to almost any part of the world. The legislature
or the TARP bank bailouts, right away. I find it difficult to muster does not even effectively use its power of the purse to rein in the
much sympathy for the CEO’s of Lockheed Martin and Goldman executive. Instead, Congress serves as little more than a rubber
Sachs. stamp for the president’s requests.
No matter what the president wants to do, most major changes If the president has the power to order U.S. forces into combat
in government programs would require legislation to be passed by on nothing more than his own say-so, then it stands to reason he
Congress. Obviously, the election of a constitutionalist president can order troops home. Therefore, on the first day in office, a
would signal that our ideas had been accepted by a majority of the constitutionalist can begin the orderly withdrawal of U.S. forces
American public and would probably lead to the election of sev- from Iraq and Afghanistan. He can also begin withdrawing troops
eral pro-freedom congressmen and senators. Furthermore, some from other areas of the world. The United States has over 300,000
senators and representatives would become “born again” consti- troops stationed in more than 146 countries. Most if not all of
tutionalists out of a sense of self-preservation. Yet there would these deployments bear little or no relationship to preserving the
still be a fair number of politicians who would try to obstruct our safety of the American people. For example, over 20 years after
freedom agenda. Thus, even if a president wanted to eliminate ev- the fall of the Berlin Wall, the U.S. still maintains troops in Ger-
ery unconstitutional program in one fell swoop, he would be very many.
unlikely to obtain the necessary support in Congress. Domestically, the president can use his authority to set policies
Yet a pro-freedom president and his legislative allies could make and procedures for the federal bureaucracy to restore respect for
March 2010
the Constitution and individual liberty. For example, today manu- federal bureaucracy by refusing to fill vacancies created by retire-
facturers of dietary supplements are subject to prosecution by the ments or resignations. This would dramatically reduce the number
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) or Federal Trade Com- of federal officials wasting our money and taking our liberties.
mission (FTC) if they make even truthful statements about the One test to determine if a vacant job needs to be filled is the
health benefits of their products without going through the costly “essential employees test.” Whenever D.C. has a severe snow-
and time-consuming procedures required to gain government ap- storm, the federal government orders all “non-essential” federal
proval for their claims. A president can put an end to this simply personnel to stay home. If someone is classified as non-essential
by ordering the FDA and FTC not to pursue these types of cases for snow-day purposes, the country can probably survive if that
unless they have clear evidence that the manufacturer’s claims position is not filled when the jobholder quits or retires. A con-
are not true. Similarly, the president stitutionalist president should make
could order the bureaucracy to stop every day in D.C. like a snow day!
prosecuting consumers who wish to A president could also enhance
sell raw milk across state lines. the liberties and security of the
A crucial policy that a president American people by ordering federal
could enact to bring speedy improve- agencies to stop snooping on citizens
ments to government is ordering when there is no evidence that those
the bureaucracy to respect the 10th who are being spied on have com-
Amendment and refrain from under- mitted a crime. Instead, the president
mining state laws. We have already should order agencies to refocus on
seen a little renewed federalism with the legitimate responsibilities of the
the current administration’s policy federal government, such as border
of not prosecuting marijuana users security. He should also order the
when their use of the drug is con- Transportation Security Administra-
sistent with state medical-marijuana tion to stop strip-searching grand-
laws. A constitutionalist administra- mothers and putting toddlers on the
tion would also defer to state laws no-fly list. The way to keep Ameri-
refusing compliance with the Real cans safe is to focus on real threats
ID act and denying federal author- and ensure that someone whose
ity over interstate gun transactions. own father warns U.S. officials he’s
None of these actions repeals a fed- a potential terrorist is not allowed to
eral law; they all simply recognize a board a Christmas Eve flight to De-
state’s primary authority, as protected troit with a one-way ticket.
by the 10th Amendment, to set poli- Perhaps the most efficient step a
cy in these areas. president could take to enhance travel
In fact, none of the measures Ron Paul addressing a crowd of over 10,000 people in security is to remove the federal road-
Minneapolis, MN
I have discussed so far involves re- blocks that have frustrated attempts
pealing any written law. They can to arm pilots. Congress created provi-
be accomplished simply by a president exercising his legitimate sions to do just that in response to the attacks of September 11,
authority to set priorities for the executive branch. And another 2001. However, the processes for getting a federal firearms license
important step he can take toward restoring the balance of pow- are extremely cumbersome, and as a result very few pilots have
ers the Founders intended is repealing unconstitutional executive gotten their licenses. A constitutionalist in the Oval Office would
orders issued by his predecessors. want to revise those regulations to make it as easy as possible for
Executive orders are a useful management tool for the presi- pilots to get approval to carry firearms on their planes.
dent, who must exercise control over the enormous federal bu- While the president can do a great deal on his own, to really
reaucracy. However, in recent years executive orders have been restore the Constitution and cut back on the vast unconstitution-
used by presidents to create new federal laws without the con- al programs that have sunk roots in Washington over 60 years,
sent of Congress. As President Clinton’s adviser Paul Begala in- he will have to work with Congress. The first step in enacting a
famously said, “Stroke of the pen. Law of the land. Kinda cool.” pro-freedom legislative agenda is the submission of a budget that
No, it is not “kinda cool,” and a conscientious president could go outlines the priorities of the administration. While it has no legal
a long way toward getting us back to the Constitution’s division effect, the budget serves as a guideline for the congressional ap-
of powers by ordering his counsel or attorney general to comb propriations process. A constitutionalist president’s budget should
through recent executive orders so the president can annul those do the following:
that exceed the authority of his office. If the president believed a
1. Reduce overall federal spending
particular executive order made a valid change in the law, then he
2. Prioritize cuts in oversize expenditures, especially the
should work with Congress to pass legislation making that change.
Only Congress can directly abolish government departments,
3. Prioritize cuts in corporate welfare
but the president could use his managerial powers to shrink the
Young American Revolution
4. Use 50 percent of the savings from cuts in overseas Traditionally, the battle to reduce the federal role in educa-
spending to shore up entitlement programs for those who tion has been the toughest one faced by limited-government ad-
are dependent on them and the other 50 percent to pay vocates, as supporters of centralized education have managed to
down the debt paint constitutionalists as “anti-education.” But who is really anti-
5. Provide for reduction in federal bureaucracy and lay out education? Those who wish to continue to waste taxpayer money
a plan to return responsibility for education to the states on failed national schemes, or those who want to restore control
6. Begin transition of entitlement programs from a sys- over education to the local level? When the debate is framed this
tem where all Americans are forced to participate into one way, I have no doubt the side of liberty will win. When you think
where taxpayers can opt out of the programs and make about it, the argument that the federal government needs to con-
their own provisions for retirement and medical care trol education is incredibly insulting to the American people, for
it implies that the people are too stupid or uncaring to educate
If Congress failed to produce a budget that was balanced and
their children properly. Contrary to those who believe that only
moved the country in a pro-liberty direction, a constitutional-
the federal government can ensure children’s education, I predict
ist president should veto the bill. Of course, vetoing the budget
a renaissance in education when
risks a government shutdown. But
parents are put back in charge.
a serious constitutionalist can-
The classroom is not the only
not be deterred by cries of “it’s
place the federal government
irresponsible to shut down the
does not belong. We also need
government!” Instead, he should
to reverse the nationalization of
simply say, “I offered a reasonable
local police. Federal grants have
compromise, which was to gradu-
encouraged the militarization of
ally reduce spending, and Con-
law enforcement, which has led
gress rejected it, instead choosing
to great damage to civil liberties.
the extreme path of continuing
Like education, law enforcement
to jeopardize America’s freedom
is inherently a local function, and
and prosperity by refusing to tame
ending programs such as the By-
the welfare-warfare state. I am the
rne Grants is essential not just to
moderate; those who believe that
reducing federal spending but also
America can afford this bloated
to restoring Americans’ rights.
government are the extremists.”
Obviously, a president con-
Unconstitutional government More than 1,000 people came to listen to Ron Paul at Ari-
cerned with restoring constitution-
spending, after all, is doubly an zona State University last year
al government and fiscal responsi-
evil: it not only means picking the
bility would need to address the
taxpayer’s pocket, it also means subverting the system of limited
unstable entitlement situation, possibly the one area of govern-
and divided government that the Founders created. Just look at
ment activity even more difficult to address than education. Yet it
how federal spending has corrupted American education.
is simply unfair to continue to force young people to participate
Eliminating federal involvement in K-12 education should be
in a compulsory retirement program when they could do a much
among a constitutionalist president’s top domestic priorities. The
better job of preparing for their own retirements. What is more,
Constitution makes no provision for federal meddling in educa-
the government cannot afford the long-term expenses of entitle-
tion. It is hard to think of a function less suited to a centralized,
ments, even if we were to reduce all other unconstitutional foreign
bureaucratic approach than education. The very idea that a group
and domestic programs.
of legislators and bureaucrats in D.C. can design a curriculum
As I mentioned in the introduction to this article, it would be
capable of meeting the needs of every American schoolchild is
wrong simply to cut these programs and throw those who are
ludicrous. The deteriorating performance of our schools as fed-
dependent on them “into the streets.” After all, the current recipi-
eral control over the classroom has grown shows the folly of giv-
ents of these programs have come to rely on them, and many are
ing Washington more power over American education. President
in a situation where they cannot provide for themselves without
Bush’s No Child Left Behind law claimed it would fix education
government assistance. The thought of people losing the ability
by making public schools “accountable.” However, supporters of
to obtain necessities because they were misled into depending on
the law failed to realize that making schools more accountable to
a government safety net that has been yanked away from them
federal agencies, instead of to parents, was just perpetuating the
should trouble all of us. However, the simple fact is that if the
government does not stop spending money on welfare and war-
In the years since No Child Left Behind was passed, I don’t
fare, America may soon face an economic crisis that could lead to
think I have talked to any parent or teacher who is happy with the
people being thrown into the street.
law. Therefore, a constitutionalist president looking for ways to
Therefore, a transition away from the existing entitlement
improve the lives of children should demand that Congress cut
scheme is needed. This is why a constitutionalist president should
the federal education bureaucracy as a down payment on eventu-
propose devoting half of the savings from the cuts in wars and
ally returning 100 percent of the education dollar to parents.
other foreign spending, corporate welfare, and unnecessary and
March 2010
unconstitutional bureaucracies to shoring up Social Security, in the 110th Congress. The first is the Audit the Fed bill, which
Medicare, and Medicaid and providing enough money to finance would allow the American people to learn just how the Federal
government’s obligations to those who are already stuck in the Reserve has been conducting monetary policy. The other is the
system and cannot make alternative provisions. This re-routing Free Competition in Currency Act, which repeals legal tender laws
of spending would allow payroll taxes to be slashed. The eventual and all taxes on gold and silver. This would introduce competition
goal would be to move to a completely voluntary system where in currency and put a check on the Federal Reserve by ensuring
people only pay payroll taxes into Social Security and Medicare that people have alternatives to government-produced fiat money.
if they choose to participate in those programs. Americans who All of these measures will take a lot of work—a lot more than
do not want to participate would be free not to do so, but they any one person, even the president of the United States, can ac-
would forgo any claim to Social Security or Medicare benefits after complish by himself. In order to restore the country to the kind of
retirement. government the Founders meant for us to have, a constitutionalist
Some people raise concerns that talk of transitions is an excuse president would need the support of an active liberty movement.
for indefinitely putting off the end of the welfare state. I under- Freedom activists must be ready to pressure wavering legislators
stand those concerns, which is why a transition plan must lay out to stand up to the special interests and stay the course toward free-
a clear timetable for paying down the debt, eliminating uncon- dom. Thus, when the day comes when someone who shares our
stitutional bureaucracies, and setting a firm date for when young beliefs sits in the Oval Office, groups like Young Americans for
people can at last opt out of the entitlement programs. Liberty and Campaign for Liberty will still have a vital role to play.
A final area that should be front and center in a constitutional- No matter how many pro-freedom politicians we elect to office,
ist’s agenda is monetary policy. The Founders obviously did not the only way to guarantee constitutional government is through
intend for the president to have much influence over the nation’s an educated and activist public devoted to the ideals of the liberty.
money—in fact, they never intended any part of the federal gov- For that reason, the work of Young Americans for Liberty in
ernment to operate monetary policy as it is defined now. How- introducing young people to the freedom philosophy and getting
ever, today a president could play an important role in restoring them involved in the freedom movement is vital to the future of
stability to monetary policy and the value of the dollar. To start, our country. I thank all the members and supporters of YAL for
by fighting for serious reductions in spending, a constitutionalist their dedication to changing the political debate in this country, so
administration would remove one of the major justifications for that in the not-too-distant future we actually will have a president
the Federal Reserve’s inflationary policies: the need to monetize and a Congress debating the best ways to shrink the welfare-war-
government debt. fare state and restore the republic.
There are additional steps a pro-freedom president should pur-
sue in his first term to restore sound monetary policy. He should Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) is author of End the Fed and The Revolution:
ask Congress to pass two pieces of legislation I have introduced A Manifesto.

Young American Revolution
Soviet U
Campus commissars suppress a commemoration of the fall of communism

Philip Christofanelli

E arly in the morning on a

cool day last November, sev-
eral young activists gathered at
“There are a lot of people who
sympathize with socialist and com-
munist ideas on campus,” he said.
a loading dock on the campus “We are trying to show that social-
of Washington University in St. ism inevitably leads to commu-
Louis. Twenty years earlier, across nism, which inevitably leads to this,
the world in Berlin, like-minded because any kind of large statist
young people had joined forces government can’t allow dissenters.”
to tear down a wall that had sep- Groups of angry professors be-
arated markets from planning, gan to gather around the perimeter
self-expression from regulation, of the gulag. One was overheard
freedom from tyranny. Now a U- telling a student, “Don’t worry;
Haul backed into the dock and we’ll get this shut down. I’ll make
quickly eight advocates of liberty some calls.”
began carting wood structures to Sure enough, it was not long
the center of the heavily trafficked before the first university bureau-
campus. Within 30 minutes, a large YAL member dressed as Soviet guard crat waddled out to the scene and
prison camp had been erected on began asking questions. He pro-
the once serene lawn of this Mid- claimed himself the Washington
western university. University Safety Supervisor and insisted that the protesters show
Men dressed as Soviet guards began to patrol the structure. him their papers. Having seen in a movie how this sort of situa-
Weary students in prisoners’ uniforms languished inside the camp, tion ends, Dirk quickly provided him with the group’s identifica-
forced to listen to Soviet propaganda and songs of national great- tion and documentation. Dirk had been sure to acquire all the nec-
ness. essary permits to use the space on campus, and he was confident
“What has the Fatherland provided for you?” the guard yelled that all requirements had been met. The bureaucrat waddled away,
in a thick Russian accent. undoubtedly disappointed that his life would remain uneventful
“Everything!” replied the prisoners. that day.
“Back to work!” he shouted. The professors, still firm in their resolve despite this first fail-
Crowds of onlookers began to gather around the camp. “What ure, began to take a more extreme approach to ending the display.
is this?” they asked. An indignant student approached. An hour or so later, a police officer arrived stating that she had
“Is this about healthcare?” he asked angrily. “Obama is trying been called to investigate the gulag by a Washington University
to save our country, you know!” he insisted. “He’s providing us employee. She went on to say that as long as the protesters were
with jobs!” not being violent, she was powerless to remove the camp. The
He stormed off, never bothering to learn about the purpose of sign on the gulag reading “Peaceful Social Re-Education Center”
the display. His outburst spoke volumes about what first comes to seemed to indicate quite clearly that no violence was intended.
mind when someone sees a Soviet-style gulag. Nevertheless, Dirk had to convince the officer that his friends
A student with flyers came by. “These are the results of Social- were not instigating any sort of rebellion.
ism!” he announced. Present at the event was the controversial James O’Keefe, mas-
The flyers discussed the plight of those who suffered in the termind of the ACORN undercover interviews (and who would
prison camps of the Soviet Union. One flyer noted that socialism be arrested in New Orleans two months later while investigat-
had killed over 200 million people in the 20 century. Historical
th ing Sen. Mary Landrieu). With his signature tie-camera, O’Keefe
information was provided on the lives of prisoners in the gulags posed as a disgruntled student and asked several administrators
and the victims of socialism in Soviet Russia. what they planned to do about the display.
KMOX, the local radio station, arrived on the scene. They “We’ll get it shut down,” one said in true bureaucrat-speak,
began to interview Dirk Doebler, president of the Washington “They’ve got amplified sound. They’re past the amplified-sound
University Young Americans for Liberty. time and they were never in an amplified sound location.”

March 2010
“Sergeant Mark is on the way,” said the to be the response of the community at large.
other. Several descendents of gulag victims contact-
“Oh excellent!” another replied haughtily. ed YAL to thank them for the display. Former
Before long, two administrators walked up Washington University professor Dr. Gregory
to the camp flanked by two armed police offi- Nikiforovich, who lived in the Soviet Union
cers. They instructed Dirk to come speak with for many decades, was so grateful for the event
them, and he complied. that he offered to give a lecture on the tyranny
“You’re going to have to take this down” of socialism to any who wanted to attend. The
said the administrator. gulag was discussed on many local media out-
She went on to cite several policy viola- lets and the front pages of websites such as
tions, such as the use of unapproved power Campaign for Liberty and Andrew Breitbart’s
tools and the erection of structures without Big Government. The evidence seems to sug-
safety helmets. gest that the offended parties were not former
The second administrator said, “There’s a Soviet citizens, but rather, American socialists
new policy on campus that they did not in- who disliked the frank portrayal of a statist
form you of. There’s a process you need to go ideology.
through.” The moral of this story is that despite
“Where can one find this process?” Dirk Washington University’s antagonism, YAL
asked. came out the victors. Yes, the administration
“It’s on the … that’s the problem, and that shut down the event, but it took their bureau-
may be the reason you didn’t get it … it’s on … cracy so long to do so that the event was prac-
A poster displayed on the YAL Gulag tically over anyway. In an irony of unintended
it’s called the, um, the art installation policy,”
he replied hesitantly. consequences, the campus administration’s at-
tempts at stifling free speech only resulted in more publicity for
Dirk instructed the group to begin to take down the camp as
YAL and the gulag. As always, freedom triumphed over interven-
directed, with the same unapproved power tools and without hel-
tionism, and YAL’s message was heard.
mets. The irony was that the university’s bureaucratic system took
so long to figure out what to do that by the time they acted, the
event was essentially over. Philip Christofanelli is a student of Political Science at Washington Uni-
The situation faced by Washington University’s Young Ameri- versity in St. Louis. His other writings can be found at www.liberty-2day.
cans for Liberty reveals an unfortunate truth about the state of He can be reached at
academic freedom in our nation’s universities. Between the heck-
ling bureaucrats, the armed inspectors, the citation of obscure
regulations, and the stifling of free expression, the administration
of Washington University could not have done a better job of
behaving like the government of Soviet Russia.
While it is sad that students cannot be provided with an open
environment to express their ideas, the bias with which Wash-
ington University and other colleges implement their policies is
worse. Only those with right-of-center views seem to fall prey to
the “new policies” which Washington University invents on a reg-
ular basis. When leftists on campus constructed an Iraqi graveyard
to greet Karl Rove, they seemed to be unaffected by the “art instal-
lation policy.” When students recreated Abu Ghraib in response
to a visit by Alberto Gonzales, they were not harassed by campus
police. Only those who seek to protest socialism seem to be held
to every rule and regulation the administration can contrive.
Washington University is a private institution. Its administra-
tors were well within their rights to ask YAL to leave. Yet it is
important to recognize that just because an institution can do
something does not mean that it should—especially when said
institution, nominally private, is always first in line to snatch up
any public funds it can get its hands on. Washington University
should respect the same rights of freedom of expression which
the government must observe in the public sphere. Universities
should be examples to the world of the benefits of free expres-
sion, not models of tyrannical governments.
While many students proclaimed that YAL’s display was of-
fensive to people who suffered in Soviet gulags, this did not seem
Young American Revolution
14“Destruction of Leviathan”. 1865 engraving by Gustave Doré.
March 2010
More Leviathan?
You can’t “starve the beast”—but that’s no reason to feed it

W. James Antle III

I n a classic “Saturday Night Live” skit, Christopher Walken plays

a record producer helping the rock band Blue Oyster Cult cut
their blockbuster hit “Don’t Fear the Reaper.” Walken’s solution to
Vocal opposition to “socialism” and “fascism,” however impre-
cisely those terms have been defined, doesn’t seem to have alien-
ated sensitive swing voters. If anything, it has galvanized them.
every problem in the recording session is to increase the volume At the ballot box, the right and center have joined forces
of the cowbell, no matter how loudly it is already clanging in the against trillion-dollar bailouts and government takeovers. They
background, to the consternation of the band members playing have said no to a federal takeover of the American health care
the other instruments. system that seems designed to prove P.J. O’Rourke’s quip, “If you
“I’ve got a fever,” Walken memorably declared, “and the think health care is expensive now, wait until you see what it costs
only cure is more cowbell.” Similarly, no matter how much self- when it’s free.” They first balked at the stimulus package’s $787
described conservative Republicans grew the federal government billion price tag—really $1.2 trillion once the added interest on the
and ballooned the national debt under George W. Bush, when the national debt is factored in—and then became even angrier when
GOP came upon hard times at the ballot box the wise men who this massive borrowing didn’t even stimulate.
write magazine articles and op-ed pieces assured us that there was This is not to say that the Republicans who have been elected
only one cure: more government. as a result of these outrages are themselves principled antistatists.
Sam Tanenhaus may have been exaggerating when he titled Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie,
his book last year The Death of Conservatism, but he did believe and Massachusetts Sen. Scott Brown all have their faults, to put
that conservatism had a fever: “Today, conservatives seem in a it mildly. One of the Republicans’ favorite arguments against the
position closer to the one they occupied during the New Deal,” Democratic health care plan is that it would cut Medicare spend-
Tanenhaus told Newsweek. “The epithets so many on the right ing, pitting one entitlement against another. Brown contended
now hurl at Obama—‘socialist,’ ‘fascist’—precisely echo the ac- that Massachusetts didn’t need universal health care from the fed-
cusations Herbert Hoover and ‘Old Right’ made against FDR in eral government because the commonwealth already had it cour-
1936.” The reader can guess as to the fever’s only cure. tesy of Romneycare.
Never mind that the conservatives who had just lost power cre- But when Republicans can win elections in Virginia, New
ated the biggest new entitlement program since the Great Society, Jersey, and “Taxachusetts” by running, however inconsistently,
expanded the federal role in education, rolled back the reductions against big government, it falsifies the argument that such a strat-
in farm subsidies that had been among the greatest Republican egy is a political loser. To be sure, other issues—and the candi-
achievements of the 1990s, and launched two unfunded wars. The dates’ own personalities and campaigns—played a role in each of
conservatism of George W. Bush and its Sarah Palin-ized after- these races. Nevertheless, no more vibrant constituency exists for
math was, according to Tanenhaus, indistinguishable from that of a conservative political revival than the hard-working Americans
the Old Right. It is the sort of political analysis that, well, deserves who have been quietly paying their bills, raising their families, col-
to be analogized to a “Saturday Night Live” skit. lecting few benefits from the welfare-warfare state—and who are
A little over a year into the big-government liberal presidency now fed up with being screwed.
of Barack Obama, this analysis also seems spectacularly wrong. It’s true: cutting taxes is more popular than cutting govern-
With the tea parties and revivified Internet activism, a much more ment spending, just as promising “free” government-provided
antistatist right now buzzes with the energy conservatism so con- health care is more popular than raising taxes to pay for it. But at
spicuously lacked during the sclerotic Bush years, save for the im- some point government programs must be paid for; at some point
mediate aftermath of the 9/11 terrorist attacks on American soil. taxes must either rise or fall to the level of government provided.

Young American Revolution
Liberals are willing to bet Democratic majorities on “tax, spend, ing reductions. Want to cut taxes? Well, it will inevitably increase
and elect.” Conservative boosters of the GOP seem less confi- revenues, no matter where marginal rates lie on the Laffer Curve,
dent a tax-cutting party could survive commensurate reductions so tax cuts pay for themselves. Want to cut spending? Fine, we’ll
in government. pass the same tax cut and reduce revenues, thereby “starving the
That’s why post-New Deal Democrats enjoyed such a substan- beast.”
tial advantage over their Republican counterparts: the Democrats Christopher Walken has returned. This time he has a fever
were handing out new federal benefits while the Republicans were and the only cure is more tax cuts. Unfortunately, neither “starve
preoccupied with paying for them. It was austerity versus redis- the beast” nor the idea that all tax cuts increase revenues has the
tribution. Newt Gingrich summed up the political problem well benefit of being true. The GOP’s fiscal policy was thus reduced
when he memorably dismissed his tax-raising GOP colleague Bob to borrow-and-spend economics, little different from what the
Dole as a “tax collector for the welfare state.” Democrats practice when they lack the courage to tax and spend.
The context of the Gingrich-Dole spat was an intraparty de- Bartlett’s prescription may be more intellectually honest than
bate between “supply-siders” and “deficit hawks.” From a political the “tax cuts + war + high spending + low interest rates = pros-
as opposed to economic perspective, the former wanted to em- perity” equation of the modern GOP. Politically, however, tax-
phasize growing the economy through reductions in marginal tax and-spend conservatives are no more viable than budget-cutters.
rates while the latter wanted to keep the focus on balanced bud- Much less so, in fact: tax cuts and jobs-producing economic
gets. “My feeling is that if you have a contest between Scrooge— growth are what make a conservative agenda of limited govern-
pure budget-cutting—versus Santa Claus, which is what the Left ment politically attractive. Balanced budgets and spending control
offers, Scrooge loses,” the late supply-sider Jack Kemp told author are what make it mathematically possible. The supply-siders and
David Frum back in the 1990s. “My view is that growth is the deficit hawks are both partially correct.
only political model that can compete with the Santa Claus of Offering spending cuts without tax reductions is like raising
the Left.” taxes without providing government benefits—a sure political los-
Ironically, the most sophisticated exponent of reorienting con- er. (The fact that the costs of the Senate Democrats’ health care
servatism toward paying liberalism’s bills was an early supply-side plan take effect before the benefits kick in is a major contributor
theorist and former congressional aide to Kemp (and, even earlier, to the legislation’s unpopularity.) It is self-defeating in other ways:
to Ron Paul). Bruce Bartlett was a rare conservative critic of ex- Though “starve the beast” is false, its opposite is mostly true:
cessive federal spending back when George W. Bush and the Re- arming a government with new revenues will inevitably tempt it
publicans were in power. His most recent book, The New American into more spending.
Economy: The Failure of Reaganomics and a New Way Forward, urges No matter what the Sam Tanenhauses and David Brookses
conservative Republicans to eschew government-cutting and in- say, high-tax conservatism has no larger constituency than a Lib-
stead seek to “design a new tax system better able to raise higher
ertarian Party advocating low-tax liberalism. A strategy of limiting
revenues at the least possible cost in terms of economic growth
government must feature less taxes, less spending, less borrowing,
and political freedom.”
and less inflating of the money supply. Pace Mitt Romney, that is
Of course, Bartlett’s book isn’t really about the “failure of Rea-
the four-legged stool upon which a sound conservatism must rest.
ganomics”—he argues that Ronald Reagan’s economic program
That’s not to say the task of cutting the federal government
worked just fine in the context of its time. Nor is the following
back down to constitutional size will be easy, or that genuine anti-
argument he advances really a “new way forward”: “In the end,
statists are anything close to a majority in this country. The essay-
the welfare state is not going away, and it will be paid for one way
ist Joseph Sobran wisely joked that if a president tried to obey his
or another,” Bartlett concludes. “The sooner Republicans accept
oath of office by following the Constitution, he would probably
that fact, the sooner they will regain political power.”
be impeached. But even this challenge is politically more feasi-
Bartlett does get to the nub of why the supply-siders failed
conservatives, however: They misapplied supply-side theory to a ble—and surely more valuable—than becoming tax collectors of
very different set of economic circumstances than those of the the welfare state.
Reagan era, and even in Reagan’s time they had begun coming up
with contradictory justifications for tax cuts unmatched by spend- W. James Antle III is associate editor of The American Spectator.

March 2010
Young American Revolution
Economics of the Living Dead
John Maynard Keynes is still eating policymakers’ brains

George Hawley

I deas have consequences. Unfortu-

nately, ideas are not always conse-
quential in proportion to their cogen-
inevitably fail.
Douglas E. French, president of
the Mises Institute, began the pro-
cy. This is perhaps best demonstrated gram by pointing out recent failures
by the continuing influence of John of Keynesian economics. Although
Maynard Keynes (1883-1946). In an Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Ber-
era of government bailouts, deficit nanke, Time’s “Person of the Year,”
spending, and all-but-nonexistent in- is hailed as an economic genius and
terest rates, there can be little doubt savior of the world economy, his re-
that Keynes is the intellectual godfa- sponse to America’s financial crisis
ther of our world’s economic policy- bears a striking resemblance to anoth-
makers. Unfortunately, the influence er effort to reverse an economic col-
of Keynesianism is inversely related lapse. When the Japanese asset bubble
to its perspicacity; Keynesian thinking finally popped in the early 1990s, the
has repeatedly led to laughably errone- Japanese responded with stimulus
ous predictions and terrible economic packages, interest rate cuts, and new
outcomes. government spending. The result was
Distilled to its essence, Keynesian- more than 17 years of economic stag-
ism holds that free-market economies nation. Obama and Bernanke are now
inevitably trend toward underemploy- following the same playbook, which
ment and underinvestment. Without will only lead to similar results.
the deft management of economic Thomas E. Woods, author of the
experts, Keynesians say, interest rates recent New York Times bestseller Melt-
will typically be too high and invest- down, pointed out the terrible track
ment will be too low. According to this record of Keynesian economists
view, depressions result from a lack of when it comes to economic forecast-
aggregate demand. It is therefore the ing. Most notable were the hysterical
government’s job to stimulate that John Maynard Keynes (right) and Harry Dexter White Keynesian predictions that the end of
demand by cutting interest rates and at the Bretton Woods Conference. the Second World War would inevita-
increasing spending. It is easy to see bly result in a return of Depression-
why members of our political class—who view themselves as the era economic conditions and the stubborn insistence of Keynes-
saviors of mankind—find Keynesianism so alluring. Unfortunate- ians that the Soviet Union was economically sound and would
ly, the basic premises of Keynesianism are simply wrong. As the inevitably overtake the United States as the world’s largest, most
great economist Henry Hazlitt said in regard to Keynes’s General robust economy—Arthur Okun, for example, stood by this pre-
Theory of Employment, Interest and Money: “In spite of the incredible diction as late as 1989.
reputation of the book, I could not find in it a single important In the face of resurgent Keynesianism, education is perhaps
doctrine that was both true and original. What is original in the the most important task of antistatists. As Congressman Ron Paul
book is not true; and what is true is not original.” noted in his address, “Congress eventually will follow when we
Left unchallenged, bad ideas can long maintain intellectual he- become the dominant philosophy.” This first requires us to read
gemony. Fortunately, a group of tenacious scholars are working and understand the main critiques of Keynesian economics. To
tirelessly to expose the errors of Keynesian economics. “The Fail- further that end, David Gordon, a senior fellow at the Mises In-
ure of the Keynesian State” was the subject of the recent Mises stitute, provided an indispensable reading list for all who seek the
Circle meeting in Houston, sponsored by the Ludwig von Mises intellectual firepower needed to refute Keynesian economics.
Institute. At this sold-out event, 600 people from 16 states met Gordon provided a short list of books that provide free-
at the Hilton Houston Post Oak to hear some of the finest liv- market refutations of Keynesian arguments. Where Keynes Went
ing economic minds refute the premises of Keynesian econom- Wrong (2009), by Hunter Lewis, provides an excellent introduc-
ics and explain why Keynesian solutions to economic downturns tion to the subject and explains how Keynes earned a reputation
March 2010
for brilliance despite his tendency to write try, more and more people are becoming
utter nonsense. Gordon also recommended receptive to Austrian insights. Rejecting
The Failure of the New Economics (1959) by conventional wisdom, unprecedented
Henry Hazlitt. This book examines all of numbers of individuals are recognizing
Keynes’s main arguments and systematically that economic downturns are a result of
takes them apart. Critics of Keynesian Eco- malinvestments stemming from easy credit.
nomics (1960), which was edited by Hazlitt, They are accepting the premise that inter-
provides some of the finest anti-Keynesian est rates should be set by the unhampered
essays ever written. Gordon advised read- market rather than arbitrarily lowered by
ers to give special attention to the essays by the government. They are recognizing that
Jean-Baptiste Say and Ludwig von Mises. any growth spurred by government stimu-
Rounding out Gordon’s list were The Keynes- lus is ephemeral at best.
ian Episode (1979) by W.H. Hutt and Man, Despite his many errors, dethroning
Economy, and State (1962) by Murray Roth- Keynes as the world’s most influential
bard. economist will be no easy task. Educating
Quoting Charles Mackay, Douglas ourselves is the first step we must take in
French noted, “Men think in herds, go order to achieve that goal. To that end, all
mad in herds, but recover their senses one freedom-loving individuals should familiar-
by one.” Despite its failures, Keynesianism ize themselves with the Ludwig von Mises
remains the dominant economic ideology Institute and its many scholars. Education
in the world today. The Mises Circle, how- is not sufficient, however, if we wish to re-
ever, provided reason to hope that this may gain our liberties. At the close of the Hous-
be changing. One by one, many people are ton Mises Circle, Lew Rockwell, founder
regaining their senses. Attendance at the Henry Hazlitt, outspoken critic of Keynes and chairman of the institute, disclosed the
Mises Circle more than doubled from the second crucial step: “Never miss an oppor-
previous year’s Houston meeting. As Dr. tunity to tell the truth.” If we follow this
Paul stressed, an increasing number of young people are express- advice, a revolution is possible.
ing interest in Austrian economics and non-statist solutions to
societal problems. George Hawley [] is a graduate student at the Univer-
We face a real opportunity for change. Throughout the coun- sity of Houston.

Young American Revolution
March 2010
Obama’s Big Rip-Off
An interview with Obamanomics author Tim Carney

Jeremy Lott

V ery few people are better at showing us

how D.C. really works than the Wash-
ington Examiner’s K Street editor, Timothy
in the power of government. I think Bush
was just really bad at being a limited-gov-
ernment president. I think Obama is a Big
P. Carney. Twice a week in his columns and Government guy to the core.
regularly on the paper’s blog, he follows the
money to show readers how companies, Why did Obama push for a stimulus bill
lobbyists, and politicians of both parties before he tried to reform health care?
collude to fleece American taxpayers and The stimulus, unlike climate legislation
limit our choices—often in the name of or health care overhaul, was easy to pass
some greater good. Carney’s first book was because the only people who are hurt by it
appropriately titled The Big Ripoff: How Big are future taxpayers and future borrowers.
Business and Big Government Steal Your Money. As far as the special interests go, everyone
It won the 2008 Templeton Enterprise won from the stimulus. Hi-tech guys: here’s
Award. a broadband slush fund. Bricks and mortar
Carney learned how to think different- guys: roads and buildings, galore. Green en-
ly about politics from his mentor, the late ergy companies: all you can eat buffet. Coal
Robert Novak, who wrote in the introduc- guys, you’re not left out, either: a billion-
tion to The Big Ripoff that the author was dollar earmark—just call it “clean coal.”
perhaps “the best political reporter out of The stimulus was Obama’s chance to be
the outstanding young men and women Santa Claus to the entrenched interests, and,
who worked for me,” a “fabulous political of course, the lobbyists loved it, too. It’s like
handicapper” with formidable “skills as an when a guy is dating a widower or divorcee
investigative reporter” who had produced K Street muckraker Tim Carney with children, and the first time he meets
an “extraordinary book.” the kids, he gives them candy.
Ron Paul penned the introduction to
Carney’s recently released sophomore effort, Obamanomics: How When you say “future taxpayers” I hear
Barack Obama Is Bankrupting You and Enriching His Wall Street Friends, “young people”—the same voters who went for Obama in
Corporate Lobbyists, and Union Bosses. He praised it as an exposé of huge numbers in 2008. Why did the kids prove so eager to
corporatism in our time and a necessary reality check. “Every lib- vote for a politician who would only put them much, much
ertarian and free market conservative who still believes that large deeper in debt?
corporations are trusted allies in the battle for economic liberty,” I think much of Obama’s appeal to the youth was the open-
Dr. Paul wrote, “needs to read this book.” I spoke with Carney in government, reformer talk—which is exactly the talk he belies
January about bailouts, tea parties, and Obama’s cozy relationship with his backroom PhRMA deals, his labor-union carve outs, and
with corporate America. his corporatism. It will take quite an effort for Democrats to re-
You’re not a fan of George W. Bush in this book. If it wasn’t capture that enthusiasm.
so much of a tongue twister, it could almost be called Bush- Did you expect Scott Brown to win in Massachusetts?
I did not. I was not surprised, however, to see the lobbyist cash,
Bushobamanomics would be a great title. I think Bush’s bailouts PAC cash, and drug-industry cash flow in to save Martha Coakley
were something of an economic blueprint for Obama—not just once she got in trouble. I think the K Street-PhRMA push to save
Big Government, but government interventions previously un- Coakley, health care reform’s 60th vote [in the Senate], makes it
imaginable; and of course, it was to the benefit of Big Business, clear as day that “reform” was a corporatist turd-burger.
but pitched as being crucial for the whole economy.
Is health care reform finally dead?
How is Obama’s approach to government different from
Bush’s approach? No. Health care reform could come back in a more modest
Obama is more thorough and more aggressive in his belief
Young American Revolution
How modest? tiers and Paulistas: They both channeled anti-elite, anti-govern-
ment passion, and they both lacked logical coherence. Ron Paul’s
Not too modest. They might stick to the deal offered by the followers included people of all stripes politically, often united
health insurers: health insurers can’t reject customers for pre-ex- more by a feeling—disenfranchisement and distrust—than by
isting conditions, and they can’t discriminate too much on price. shared goals or principles.
In exchange, everyone would be forced to buy health insurance.
Several mainstream Republican politicians are seeking to
How cynical is Obama? co-opt the tea party movement. Do you think they’ll suc-
In my books, columns, and interviews, I avoid claiming knowl- ceed?
edge of anyone’s intentions or desires. I just read the actions. That Yes, in a sense. All institutions and movements get co-opted
said, whenever I watch Obama talk, I understand perfectly the and exploited by those with money and power. Thankfully, the
impulse that drove Rep. Joe Wilson back in September. tea parties are more movement than institution, and so they will
Has covering efforts to lobby his administration and Con- probably be destroyed by the co-optation. The politicians will sink
gress for the Washington Examiner made you more cynical? the ship by boarding it.

I’m a bit more skeptical than a year ago, but working for Bob The Supreme Court recently gutted many campaign finance
Novak helped turn my heart into a dark abyss at a young age, so I laws. What effects might that have on lobbying?
didn’t have too far to go. Together with my good friend and col- The ruling is bad for K Street. Lobbyists, PACs, parties, and
league David Freddoso, I formed a rule of understanding Wash- politicians are all indirect ways for business to influence politics.
ington: the most corrupt possible explanation is probably correct. After the ruling, businesses enter politics more directly. All told,
With Obama, the big difference is that so many people be- though, I think the impact will be minimal.
lieved he was a real reformer. They should have read Freddoso’s
book, The Case Against Barack Obama. I hope Obama makes the How long did you work for Bob Novak?
whole country as cynical about politics as I am.
I worked on Novak’s staff for three years, covering the 2002
Obama claims to be an enemy of corporate interests. Is he? and 2004 elections. Then a few months after the 2006 elections, I
returned to writing the Evans-Novak Political Report as a contractor
of sorts, and I covered the 2008 elections. When he got sick and
You pointed out early on that Obama claimed to be against had to retire in the summer of 2008, I took over the newsletter full
the insurance companies when in fact the insurance com- time, and we folded it two months after the election.
panies were pretty happy with the version of health care
Did his conversion to Catholicism influence you?
reform that he endorsed.
Yes. I was heading towards Catholicism when I began working
Let me put it this way: The drug companies were in bed with for him, and he put me in touch with a priest, with whom I began
ObamaCare. As far as the insurers and ObamaCare, I think their meeting regularly. My faith was bolstered by the fact that a major-
Facebook status would be “It’s Complicated.” Obama originally ity of the peers, bosses, mentors, and role models I was finding in
opposed the individual mandate and supported a public option. D.C. were Catholic—with many being converts, like Novak.
Then he flipped on both of those, coming around to the insur-
ers’ side. Your educational background is odd for a political reporter.
Insurers still had problems with the bill that passed the Sen- You attended the classics-heavy St. John’s College. How did
ate, but the independent analyses I read all said that the subsi- that help prepare you for Washington, D.C.?
dies, mandates, and barriers to entry in the Senate bill would have
St. John’s gave me an excellent liberal-arts education that
meant more profits for insurers.
helped hone my critical-thinking skills, foster a deep curiosity, and
Liberals like to scoff at the tea party movement, but it give me the skills and confidence to take on any subject matter.
seems to be having a real effect on American politics. How One of professional journalism’s endemic flaws is that writers
has such a diverse group of people with little political experi- have little or no expertise in an area, and they don’t even try to
ence managed to muscle its way into the debate? gain it. That’s related to the He-Said/She-Said formula that acts
as if actual facts are just matters of opinion. I’ve “scooped” the
The tea parties are a manifestation of anger at the elites. They
mainstream many times by doing actual math, or learning a tiny
have had some impact because they have been independent from
bit of actual science.
either political party and from any politicians. They scare Repub-
I think my liberal arts training helped convince me that (a) a
licans while making some liberals realize that the left no longer
journalist can understand some math, science, and history; and (b)
owns populist outrage.
truth is attainable. I think that makes me a better political reporter.
To what extent do you think the tea partiers built on Ron
Paul’s 2008 presidential campaign?
Jeremy Lott is an editor at Capital Research Center and author of The
I don’t know. But this much is common between the tea par- Warm Bucket Brigade: The Story of the American Vice Presi-
March 2010
Liberty’s Mad Men
Madison Avenue shows us it takes more than good ideas to sell a philosophy

Jeff Fulcher

F ighting for liberty can be a frustrat-

ing thing. Years of history have
proved our economic theories correct.
happiness is? Happiness is the smell of
a new car. It’s freedom from fear. It’s a
billboard on the side of the road that
We have thousands of books that out- screams with reassurance that whatever
line the necessity and mechanics of you’re doing is ok. You are ok.”
a free society. The libertarian Hall of Advocates of freedom must tap
Fame is filled with Nobel Prizes, award- into that emotional side. We need to re-
winning novels, and the ashes of many a assure people it is ok to be for liberty.
failed statist government. Yet still there That our free society will take care of
are people out there who aren’t with us. their children. That, at the end of the
I’m going to suggest something a day, freedom will keep them secure, put
little radical: Maybe we need a little less money in their pockets, and let them
Milton Freidman and a little more Don live the best possible life. But we can’t
Draper. access the emotional side if all we focus
For those of you out of the loop, on are theories and statistics.
“Mad Men” is AMC’s hit show about We know the features of our phi-
the self-destructive glamour of 1960s losophy. Some of us can recite Rand,
Madison Avenue. It’s sort of like Hayek, and Friedman as if all our lives
“Leave it to Beaver” meets “Desperate we’ve been preparing to debut them
Housewives.” It’s where fortunes are at Carnegie Hall. But when we lay our
built and destroyed on one good pitch, thesis in front of our would-be recruits,
where words and ego make the sell. At their eyes glaze over. The reason most
the center of every smoke-filled scene people don’t fall head over heels when
is Don Draper, the best ad man in the we share our ideas with them is simple:
business. They. Don’t. Care.
We can do without all the rampant They don’t care how the Fed’s mon-
womanizing and ego, but the liberty etary policy drives inflation. They don’t
movement needs to embrace what Madison Avenue, New York City, looking north from care that the Constitution doesn’t pro-
Madison Avenue has known for a long 41st street. Photography by Leif Knutsen vide for government bailouts. They
time: people make decisions emotion- don’t care that there are 700 American
ally, they only justify them rationally. military bases around the globe. What
People don’t go to McDonald’s because it has the best ham- they do care about is how all those things actually intersect with
burger. Nobody buys Nike shoes because they provide the best their daily experience and make their lives better. We often focus
value. And few Americans vote for a politician because of the on the details of liberty. We talk about the mechanics and theories
specifics of his platform. Don’t get me wrong here—you’ll hear of freedom. But we leave out how those pieces come together to
talk about the issues and specifics. But the decision to chose one benefit the person we’re trying to bring into the fold.
product over another is much more guttural. A benefit is user-focused. It gives the buyer a reason to get
People don’t buy shoes, they buy a lifestyle, and Nike knows it. excited about the product. It reaches into a person’s emotional
That’s why they spend millions on Kobe and LeBron. You’re not center. But it is rarely ever about the product itself—the benefit is
buying a shoe. You’re being like Mike. You’re living the life of a about what the product represents.
sports star. You’re cooler than everyone else. People don’t buy drills. They buy holes. The drill is just the
Selling a product—and liberty is as much a product as ham- way to get what they want. In the same way, people don’t vote
burgers—is all about tapping into the emotional needs of your for policies and theories. They vote for security, prosperity, and
audience, making them feel safe, valued, and important. Advertis- happiness. Our challenge is translating the specifics of liberty into
ers define lifestyles with that simple idea. We need to take their a benefit.
techniques and apply them to the ways we sell liberty. There’s an old advertising mantra: “Tell me about my grass,
As Draper reminds us in the first episode of the series, “Ad- not your seed.” You might sell seeds that will grow the greenest
vertising is based on one thing: happiness. And do you know what grass in the world, but people don’t buy grass because it’s green.
Young American Revolution
They buy it because it is greener than their neighbors’. They are
buying all the compliments and envy of having the best lawn on
the block. Your seed might be strong and sturdy, but people don’t
buy sturdy grass. They buy the convenience, money, and time that
come with not having to drag a sprinkler back and forth all sum-
As we sell liberty, it is essential we remember people don’t buy
lower taxes, military non-intervention, civil liberties, or health
care. Their desires are more personal, more emotional. Psycholo-
gists tell us human beings are motivated primarily by the need for
security, the need for acceptance, and the need to feel important.
People don’t care about the specifics of privatizing Social Security.
They want to know they can live that fulfilled retired life they see
in commercials. As evangelists for liberty we have to make sure
we satisfy the public’s needs instead of running off frustrated that
our “idiot” classmates refuse to accept the finer points of mon-
etary policy.
Even the flashiest advertisements won’t sell a bad product.
Luckily for us, liberty is a great one. But even the best product
doesn’t sell itself. Someone has to take it to the public and show
them why they can’t live without it. You don’t have to be a hard-
drinking 1960s ad man to sell liberty. You just have to make sure
to focus on how liberty makes your audience’s life better. Give
them the benefits, not the features.

Jeff Fulcher is the Director of Programs at the Advocates for Self-Govern-

ment. He rocks a pocket square like nobody’s business.

March 2010
Pitchfork Time
Freedom lovers should support the masses against the classes

Kelse Moen

I n modern society there are three

economic classes: the rich, the very
poor, and everyone else. The rich are
of course, is a tool that the Federal
Reserve has recently used to bail out
its friends in the financial sector.
those with insider access to centers The political and economic inter-
of political power and the ability to ests of the vast majority stand against
weather almost any economic depres- those of a small minority. Naturally,
sion. The very poor are those who live these groups are not monolithic ideo-
without knowing where their means logical blocs. The individuals within
of subsistence will come from and them will have non-material, philo-
whose lives are to a great extent de- sophical beliefs regarding the proper
termined by macroeconomic factors role of government. But from a pure-
outside their own control. “Everyone ly material standpoint, it makes sense
else” is just that. that the rich and the very poor are
The fourth key player in modern naturally allied with big government
society is the leviathan state: the in- and that the middle group should
Times have changed since the French Revolution
trusive, redistributionist entity that stand against it. Since this middle
has taken upon itself to regiment as group represents a clear majority of
much of our daily lives as it can get the country, and since the people who
away with. Ceteris paribus, the rich and the very poor will be friends make it up are distinguished chiefly by their ordinariness, we can
of the state. The very poor will not have time to worry about call their interests populist. Likewise, we can call the interests of
abstract concepts like the loss of liberty that goes along with big the others elitist, since they either promote the economic inter-
government, nor will they have the luxury of looking to long-term ests of the rich or the intellectual predispositions of fashionable
consequences like increased inflation and debt. Their needs are modern philosophes—predispositions such as those toward univer-
material and immediate, so it makes sense for them to support any sal healthcare, public schooling, and social-welfare schemes. Many
entity that promises quick relief, as the modern state does. On the of these programs are touted by intellectual servants of the rich
other hand, the rich see in the state the opportunity to make them- as being for the benefit of the poor; in practice, everyone else
selves even richer. Wall Street financiers who can rely on federal pays the bill.
bailouts if they make too many bad loans are getting a pretty great From this preliminary analysis, it might seem that the obvious
deal: if their business plans succeed, they reap huge profits, but if ally for the defender of liberty is the populist common man. But
they fail the federal government will cover the damage, and their historically this has not been the case. In an essay in Capitalism: The
business is no worse off than it was to begin with. Then there are Unknown Ideal, Ayn Rand called the businessman—by whom she
the companies that get awarded no-bid contracts (i.e., the govern- meant the steel tycoon and the captain of industry, not the Main
ment awards a contract to a favored business without allowing any Street storeowner—“America’s most oppressed minority.” The
competition) to rebuild places like Iraq—places that other well- businessman, who rises by his own hard work and intelligence
connected businessmen made billions of dollars manufacturing without recourse to coercion, is weighted down, Rand argued, by
bombs to blow apart. mountains of onerous regulations created by mediocre bureau-
These two classes make up a very small segment of society. crats who could never come close to duplicating his achievements.
“Everyone else” is the much larger group. It is also the group that This might be a tough idea to accept in 2010. When we look at the
pays the most for big government and benefits from it the least. auto, newspaper, and banking industries—to name only the most
It pays the greatest amount of taxes in proportion to its income. obvious—we see a lot of Wesley Mouchs but no Hank Reardens.
It is most vulnerable to inflation; not politically well connected, it (For those who haven’t read Atlas Shrugged, we see a lot of para-
does not have initial access to newly printed money, but only gets sites but no individualists.) I haven’t heard of any business leader
new money after the bank notes have been trickling through the who accepted the meltdown with the stoic detachment of a Ran-
economy and prices have correspondingly increased. Worse, as dian hero, admitting that he made bad decisions and now had to
a fiscally prudent, “saver” class, in an inflationary economy this face the consequences. But there were plenty who were willing to
group will be faced with the choice of either spending without re- go to Washington, hat in hand, to plead for just a few billion dol-
straint or seeing its savings vaporized. Inflating the money supply, lars and to promise they would never make those same mistakes
Young American Revolution
again. of new government programs that emanate from Washington will
Rand is not the only libertarian to side with the elites against do nothing to help them—in most cases, those programs will
the masses. Quite the contrary, elitism has historically played a actively harm them. As long as the masses understand this, they
central role in libertarian philosophy, most notably in the works should be our allies.
of such writers as Albert Jay Nock, H.L. Mencken, and Herbert In Democracy: The God That Failed, Hans-Hermann Hoppe wrote
Spencer. And libertarian elitism is also wholeheartedly endorsed that a critical problem with democracy is that it gives everyone the
by statists and social democrats. It plays into their caricature of illusion that he owns a share of government, meaning people will
the capitalist as the rich, obese bon vivant with a human chessboard be much more tolerant of an intrusive state, since they consider
outside his estate. (It does not help that Ayn Rand wrote a book themselves part of the system. Of course, they really aren’t a part,
called The Virtue of Selfishness.) In the propaganda of the social but believing the contrary will keep them placated. Hoppe further
democrats, it is they who, in creating the intrusive, redistribution- wrote that monarchy—though bad for other reasons—is actu-
ist state, demonstrate their concern for the interests of the com- ally preferable to democracy because, the line between rulers and
mon man, whereas the capitalists and the libertarians would al- ruled being explicitly delineated, everyone realizes exactly where
low him to starve. Thus, Franklin Roosevelt extolled the virtues his interests lie. The commoners will be far more willing to fight
of “the forgotten man,” left behind in a heartless, laissez-faire back when the king tries to encroach on their liberty and property.
world—one which the New Deal government would instill with a This keeps government power in check.
new dignity and sense of purpose. America is increasingly actualizing these benefits of monarchy.
Ironically, the term “forgotten man” was coined by the late With the growth of the Internet, the masses are more educated
19th-century libertarian and Yale sociology professor William Gra- than ever about the conflict between their interests and those of
ham Sumner. He coined it in reference to an archetype mentioned the state. You don’t need an Ivy League education to get exposed
earlier in this essay: the ubiquitous blue-collar worker extorted to monetary theory anymore; now there is and
into paying for the elites’ “philanthropic” welfare programs. May- Ordinary citizens are less likely to be bought off by
be Roosevelt’s speechwriters had never heard of Sumner. But if short-term perks today; they are much more aware of the insidi-
they had—which seems more likely—they were certainly dishon- ous long-term effects of inflation and debt. And despite their ten-
est in stealing his terminology in order to claim that laissez-faire dency to regress into partisan Republican-boosting, the tea parties
libertarians were opposed to the populist mindset that Sumner and the 9/12 March on Washington indicate that the masses are
used that very term to support. awakening to the fact that they are the losers in a statist system.
A good rule of thumb is that it is always safe to believe the We might some day say that Barack Obama was the best thing
opposite of whatever Franklin Roosevelt believed. That goes even that ever happened for decentralist libertarians. As a walking cari-
for dating advice—lest we forget, Franklin did marry his cousin. cature of the sanctimonious liberal statist, he plays the part of the
So when he claims that populist ends can best be served by drasti- medieval king and dispels any illusions about the predatory nature
cally expanding the scope of the central government—the very of the state.
government whose expansion will harm the masses of forgotten Before the modern state emerged, it was probably advisable to
men—I am disinclined to believe him. be an elitist—back when religion and tradition were more potent
Of course, the libertarian elitists did not adopt elitism because ideas than the curative impulses of a few central planners, one
the social democrats had already taken populism. They foresaw could very well dismiss anyone who wanted to overturn society
the attraction that populist ideals promoted through govern- for some abstract good. But that world is gone. The ideas that first
ment power could exert over the masses. They knew that any motivated the 18th-century revolutionaries—Enlightenment ratio-
demagogue could drastically increase his power by promising the nalism, egalitarianism, statism—triumphed over the ancien regime
masses heaven on earth, all without any discernible price tag. The and became the system itself. Centuries later, we are living in the
masses would be too dumb to understand that the real cost—in brutal world those revolutionary ideals created. The revolutionar-
debt, inflation, and loss of liberty—comes later. In this respect, ies have cleaned up a lot; now they have well-funded think tanks
the libertarian elitists were very prescient. Roosevelt and his later and endowed chairs at Harvard and Yale. But they are still, to para-
incarnations in Kennedy, Johnson, and Obama were able to elicit phrase Victor Hugo, the “civilized men of barbarism.” How else
strong support from the masses by doing just that. The Yankee to describe a group that writes cavalier position papers advocating
Roosevelt was even able to find a strong base of support in the an invasion of some sovereign country, or who calmly appear on
agrarian South—a region that, still remembering the Civil War and C-SPAN to explain the government’s need for more of your in-
Reconstruction, had little trust for northern politicians—by shift- come, which ultimately will be extorted from you at gunpoint? To-
ing the tax burden to the manufacturing sector in the North and day’s masses might be primarily motivated by self-interest, but at
using those revenues to pay for new jobs programs in the South. least they see that their self-interest pits them against these men of
Nevertheless, in today’s world, the masses are much less dan- barbarism. The masses might want a weaker central government
gerous than the elites. The reason is not that the masses now and more powerful localities because that would benefit them-
read—or have ever heard of—Murray Rothbard or because they selves—yet at least they want decentralization. No side is perfect,
are somehow predisposed to libertarianism. They are not. But but in the choice between the populists and the elites, any 21st-
with the power structure as it exists, more and more of the regu- century libertarian’s response should be, “Where’s my pitchfork?”
lar, forgotten inhabitants of fly-over country are realizing that, as
far as Washington is concerned, they don’t matter and the plethora Kelse Moen is a recent graduate of Emory University.
March 2010
Profiles in Liberty
Eric Garris
Trent Hill

W e members of the liberty movement

often criticize “the media” for various
reasons, including the fact that our more pro-
from some of the movement’s most recogniz-
able names., meanwhile,
is the website of Richard Winger, nationally
liberty viewpoints do not often get a hearing. renowned ballot-access expert. Though this
But what would you say if there was one man website is much less frequented than the other
whose three pro-liberty websites had topped projects Garris works on, it has been of vital
10.5 million pageviews last month? The story importance to keeping political third parties
of Eric Garris is a picture-perfect account of a on ballots around the country. Garris called
libertarian who has used the Internet to spread what Winger does to advance fair election
the message. He is the longtime webmaster of laws “heroic and thankless.” One might apply
two of the most well-read pro-liberty websites similar words to Garris’s efforts.
on the Internet: and Anti- The San Francisco-based webmaster, as well as the less visited, but no less would demur with humility if someone were
important, to call him a luminary or leader of the free-
Garris founded, and is now the manag- dom movement, but that he certainly is. In
ing editor of, This is easily the fact, Eric Garris has been in the forefront
most popular and influential antiwar website of the libertarian movement since the early
on the Internet. Each day the site aggregates ’70s. Living in California, Eric worked for the
a number of links concerning wars, conflicts, presidential campaign of Benjamin Spock, a
and military events from all over the world. pediatrician, author, and explicitly socialist
At, one can get a perspective on founder Eric Garris Peace and Freedom Party nominee. Garris got
conflicts ranging from Indonesia to Ireland, involved in the antiwar movement, where he
Sri Lanka to El Salvador, Mexico to Mongo- soon came into contact with libertarians who
lia—all in the space of minutes. Add to this were also against the war and were able to
the hard-hitting, sardonic, original commentary of Justin Raimon- convert him to a more pro-liberty point of view. Among the peo-
do, the site’s editorial director, and you have a recipe for success. ple who were most influential on Garris in those early days were
To hear Garris talk about, you’d think the struggle Gene Berkman, owner of Renaissance Books, and Willis Stone,
against war was already won. His enthusiasm for peace is palpable the founder and director of the Liberty Amendment Commit-
and contagious—I found myself willing conflicts to an abrupt end tee. It was around this time that he realized, “the way to stop war
when he spoke against them, both with force and passion. This isn’t more government, it is much, much less government.” His
optimism for the future was, however, at times tempered with a conviction that “economic and personal freedom are inseparable”
pragmatic recognition of history. He repeatedly pointed to the led him to thinkers like Murray Rothbard. However, his time in
Vietnam era as one that galvanized pro-peace forces, but he la- the Peace and Freedom Party was not yet over—in 1974 he and
mented the fact that a war had to be claiming the lives of Ameri- a group of similarly converted members took over the party and
can boys in order for Americans to strive for peace. rewrote the platform to reflect their libertarian views. This dem- was founded in 1995, but at first resembled a onstrates the two sides of Garris’s nature: he is both a principled
hobby more than a vital source of breaking news. For the first ideas-man and an individual upon whom the liberty movement
years of its existence, the site was updated sporadically. It is no can depend on for action.
coincidence that the site became a more serious endeavor in 1999, Garris was a leader in Students for a Libertarian Society in the
when President Clinton rashly involved America in the Kosovo ’70s. He recognized early on the importance of student organiza-
War. It was then that the site began updating daily, as well as tions like Young Americans for Liberty. He was an alliance-builder
breaking stories on the conflict. Garris and his website were fea- from the start. In 1986 he helped to found the Libertarian Repub-
tured on PBS and in the Washington Post, which resulted in a surge lican Organizing Committee. This was meant to be a vehicle by
in popularity. which libertarians could run in elections as Republicans. Of this is a website most people in the liberty effort, Garris said, “We won a lot of primaries and were able to
movement are at least familiar with. Garris is a webmaster and get a lot of our candidates running as Republicans.” It could be
occasional blogger there, too. This site has the largest audience of said that this was a precursor to the Ron Paul movement, which
any of his projects, as well as a constant stream of original content is now in the process of doing the same thing. When asked about
Young American Revolution
the Ron Paul presidential campaign he remarked enthusiastically it we see the spirit of liberty.
that it was “the most successful libertarian movement that I have The state cannot catch up to, it cannot match, and it can-
seen in my lifetime. Ron Paul is so unique in electoral politics.” not begin to comprehend the full power of the Internet. Pol-
Garris has known Ron Paul since the ’70s, but is still every bit as iticians are baffled by it because it doesn’t conform to their
impressed with him as the day he met him. As my conversation assumptions about the world, about human organization,
with him was burgeoning on two hours already, Garris began to about the need for central planning. The glorious Internet
describe to me how much he appreciated the leadership of Ron is a major source of confusion for all with a statist mindset.
Paul and what set him apart from every other elected official. His The net is revolutionizing society, all toward more volun-
faith, he says, is not put in “particular people or politicians,” but tary, civil, and efficient methods of organization. It has given
in ideas and alliances. This makes a great deal of success, too, if us all a way to participate in speaking the truth and standing
one examines Garris’s history. He ran for office several times and up to the state. The Internet is ours—it belongs to the people
never made significant headway, but he served as director of Re- and especially the friends of freedom and peace who feel so
publicans for Proposition 215, a medical-marijuana initiative that at home online because it is so free and so much the way we’d
passed in 1996. Similarly, his alliance-building efforts through An- like to see the rest of the world. and idea-disseminating endeavors with LewRockwell.
Garris is right, the Internet functions as a microcosm of the
com and Students for a Libertarian Society were quite successful.
type of world we liberty activists envision: it is without (much) is host to an article by Garris called The In-
government intervention and thrives as a constant example of
ternet vs. the State. It begins with an anecdote in which Timothy
the spontaneous order that arises when men are left to deal with
Leary, the famous guru of hallucinogenic substances, speaks to
each other. Though Garris has long worked in the background of
a Libertarian Party convention and tells them about “something the movement, he should be held aloft as an example. He is both
called the Internet.” Virtually everyone in the room, Garris said in intelligent and active, humble and accomplished, assertive and tol-
his retelling of the story, was doubtful about the positive influence erant. Though he has worked on hundreds of campaigns since his
this “Internet” could have on the pro-liberty movement. Garris teenage years, he says, “I feel like the work I am doing now is the
now admits that it has done what Leary said it would and much most important I’ve done in my life.” While his reputation may
more. Although he was skeptical, and Justin Raimondo called it “a not match his accomplishments, because of his discomfort with
passing fad,” Garris is certainly glad it exists now: the spotlight, Eric Garris is anything but a minor character in the
The Internet really is the destined home for libertarian- history, and future, of the liberty movement in America—as well
ism, and our greatest hope for freedom. On it we see the free as the antiwar movement worldwide.
market of ideas and services flourish even as the politicians
try to stamp out civil society in real space. On it we see the Trent Hill [] is a history major at Louisiana State Univer-
truth win out over the political and media establishment. On sity and the editor of

March 2010
Consistent Conservatism
It’s individualist, pro-life, and antiwar

Matt Cockerill

“It is strangely absurd to suppose that a mil- ized nonviolent speech on the pretext
lion human beings, collected together, are not of promoting national unity and pre-
under the same moral laws which bind each of venting “sedition” or any revolution-
them separately.” ary attempt “to oppose any measure
So said Thomas Jefferson, in words or measures of the government of
that demonstrate his belief that gov- the United States.” Under the guise
ernment is not above the moral law. of “Protection to American Industry,”
That principle lies at the heart of the the Morrill Tariffs of the Buchanan
American tradition—a tradition of and Lincoln presidencies obstructed
individualism. The Constitution’s pro- the right of individuals to trade freely.
tections for such fundamental liberties Indeed, President Lincoln, who knew
as freedom of speech, freedom of re- that slavery was an inexcusable evil,
ligion, the right to assemble peaceably, justified continuing this gravest of all
and the right to keep and bear arms are violations of individual rights for de-
well known. But the Bill of Rights also cades on a collectivist moral basis, ar-
acknowledges—in its crowning glory, guing in his 1852 eulogy to Henry Clay
the Ninth Amendment—an overall that “a greater evil, even to the cause
presumption of liberty, declaring, “The of human liberty itself,” would come
enumeration in the Constitution, of from slavery’s abolition.
certain rights, shall not be construed to Immoral policies carried out by our
deny or disparage others retained by the government today are justified with a
Pay heed to Thomas Jefferson
people.” similar collectivist ideology. In prac-
The Framers believed that those tice, our leaders have rejected the prin-
rights came naturally to everyone be- ciple of inalienable rights in favor of a
cause of our shared humanity. They are not granted by king, par- special standard for themselves which includes privileges ordinary
liament, or any other sort of government institution. Indeed, to citizens will never see. They believe that they can violate the rights
deprive any individual of these rights unduly would be criminal- of regular people as long as good results are likely to come from
ity on the part of the government. After all, if an individual has doing so—the ends justify the means.
no right to use violence to stop his neighbor from expressing his That left-wing statists employ this logic should not be surpris-
opinion, why should a group of individuals acting through the ing. But it is disheartening to see conservatives also accept these
government have the right to censor nonviolent speech? premises. What kind of principled argument for economic liberty
Conservatism is properly defined in the American context as a can be made when one is simultaneously advocating the use of
movement seeking to “conserve” the Constitution and our found- force to crack down on nonviolent personal habits, such as drug
ing principles of individual rights. But the political leaders of the use, allegedly for the offender’s “own good”? Slogans about small
modern conservative movement have frequently failed to protect government and individual rights are rendered meaningless when
the individual rights they claim to support. Only in rhetoric have conservatives encourage the state to violate the natural law bind-
they dissented from the openly collectivist left. Too many conser- ing human behavior. That law says force may only be used defen-
vatives have internalized a collectivist ideology that puts govern- sively, to protect rights.
ment above the people and allows the state to commit acts that Following the implications of natural law and the natural rights
would be considered criminal if carried out by private individuals. outlined in the Constitution to their logical end will lead to con-
These inconsistent conservatives permit government to behave clusions some on the right might find unpleasant. The philosophy
in a manner that directly violates the moral law binding the rest of individual rights affirms the things conservatives hold most
of society. dear, including the sanctity of life and of personal property. But
To be sure, collectivism and statism—the opposites of indi- consistent individualism leaves no room for the War on the Drugs
vidualism and constitutionalism—have a long history. Politicians or the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
have since time immemorial tried to justify their violations of To understand what it means to uphold individualism con-
the people’s rights by claiming their actions are for the collective sistently, conservatives need look no further than the arguments
good. As early as 1798, The Alien and Sedition Acts criminal- they employ against legalized abortion. The fact that abortion is

Young American Revolution
subsidized and sanctioned by the U.S. government doesn’t make women, and children this big-government venture has maimed
it morally permissible. Nor does the claim in the 2005 bestseller or killed.
Freakonomics that abortion reduces the crime rate tilt the scales in Those on the right who oppose withdrawing from Iraq and
its favor. That abortion is state-sanctioned and is claimed by some Afghanistan and the legalization of “victimless crimes” (or more
as a net gain to society is irrelevant; abortion is murder. Period. properly understood, the outlawing of government violence
Conservative Rep. Ron Paul has taken the pro-life argument against nonaggressors) are looking at these matters the wrong
and applied it consistently, thereby deriving a truly antiwar posi- way. This confusion is partly attributable to our political culture,
tion. Paul, a veteran of the U.S. Air Force, has written, “whether it which regards virtually no area of life as outside the realm of
is war or abortion, we conceal the reality of violent acts through government. In these times, upholding liberty and opposing all
linguistic contrivances meant to devalue human lives we find in- non-defensive violence seem almost irrelevant. But it should not
convenient.” Innocent civilians killed as a direct result of modern be so—at least, not for people who take our traditions of respect
warfare, which cannot pinpoint legitimate aggressors, are “ratio- for rights, liberty, and limited government seriously.
nalized away on the Leninist grounds that to make an omelet you Unfortunately, many proponents of withdrawal from Iraq or
have to break some eggs.” of decriminalization of marijuana are unfriendly to liberty as a
Again, the government is held to a different standard than the general goal. They would just as readily launch an aggressive in-
rest of society. If someone were to launch an “anti-crime” bomb- vasion of Darfur under the banner of “humanitarianism” or tax
ing of an American city that killed several violent criminals as well legalized drugs to fund their preferred social cause. Conservatives
as a few innocent bystanders, all of private society would consider are right to be skeptical of such political agendas. But conserva-
that vigilante a criminal. Neither his motives nor even the pros- tives must realize that just as valuing freedom of religion does not
pect that his action may have wound up saving more innocent mean endorsing every religion, promoting freedom to drink beer
lives than it took would matter a whit. or smoke cannabis does not mean endorsing either practice. To
Yet when the military does the same thing and innocents are argue for the legalization of victimless crimes and for a noninter-
killed in the so-called War on Terror, inconsistent conservatives ventionist foreign policy does not mean one is a counterculture
shrug their shoulders and call that “collateral damage.” This dou- pacifist. An antiwar, pro-freedom position upholds traditional
ble standard is readily swallowed by the likes of Sarah Palin, Rush American values, rooted in the Judeo-Christian ethic, which em-
Limbaugh, and John Hagee, who while harshly condemning many phasize the inalienable rights and infinite value of each and every
other government programs apparently believe that the Penta- person.
gon should be held to a different moral standard than the rest To provide a consistent, credible alternative to the openly col-
of humanity. Regarding these ideologically muddled “pro-lifers lectivist left, the conservative movement must uphold individual-
for murder,” devout Catholic and bestselling conservative author ism—consistently, coherently, and unashamedly—and apply this
Tom Woods quips, “And these are the people who lecture the principle to every political issue. Today this means opposing so-
world about moral relativism!” cialism at home and President Obama’s wars—and yes, they are
By dismissing the deaths of innocent people as necessary sac- his wars now—abroad.
rifices for the collective good, supporters of aggressive wars per- Young people have a leading role to play in returning conserva-
petuate moral relativism and reject the sanctity of human life. I tism to consistent indivdiualist principle. Just as a previous genera-
refuse to do that, and I expect you do too, in practice if not in tion of students brought about the end of conscription and seg-
rhetoric. If you regard your life, the memories that have touched regation, ours can work to force the agents of the state to respect
and changed you, and the loved ones that keep you motivated to the inalienable rights and infinite value of every human being. The
be of limited value—able to be quantified and culled like sheep or idealism latent in every young person is more powerful than any
cattle—then why bother living at all? conventional political tool. This idealism has fallen into a slum-
Conservatives ought to fight for peace because it is the phil- ber of cynicism of pragmatism because of partisan, unprincipled,
osophically consistent and morally right thing to do. Individual and inconsistent conservative leaders. But as resistance to Obama
rights ought to be defended on the basis of a deep and abiding mounts and the lessons of Bush’s failures sink in, young Ameri-
principle; we cannot quantify the value of an individual. Contem- cans are returning to the true individualist path of Jefferson.
porary conservative “hawks” who nonetheless pay lip-service to
a pro-life position demonstrate a deep intellectual inconsistency
by supporting the War on Terror. They betray their principles Matt Cockerill [] is a student of philoso-
through their mindless disregard of the thousands innocent men, phy and economics at Creighton University.

March 2010
Minister to Liberty
Edmund Opitz showed that capitalism and Christianity are not enemies

Norman Horn

I f a patron saint for the libertarian movement were to be cho-

sen, at the top of the list would be Rev. Edmund A. Opitz, min-
ister and theologian for liberty. He was a good friend of Murray
society because each person has a destiny beyond society which
he can work out only under the conditions of liberty.” The con-
cept of individualism is often lost in the modern church. One fre-
Rothbard and many others in the freedom movement—he was quently hears in religious circles that “individualism has no place
present from the beginning and knew almost everyone. From the in the life of the church,” but this constitutes a misunderstanding
1950s through the 1990s, Opitz called the church to an integrated of the word itself. At its core, individualism means the individual
understanding of religion, economics, and individual liberty. He is responsible for his own actions, in particular before God, and
passed away in 2006, creating a void yet to be filled but leaving this thus individual liberty is necessary for living out the dictates of
world much better than he had found it. conscience. Opitz would agree that one cannot be in Christ (Ga-
Opitz trained for Christian ministry at Andover Seminary and latians 3:28) without the body of Christ—the church—but many
initially ministered in the Unitarian Church. But during his early Christians take this much too far and find themselves promoting
years of ministry Unitarianism became more and more influenced collectivism rather than community. Individualism is not social
by liberal Protestantism and the social gospel, whereas Opitz con- atomism: “We have no inclination to be hermits; we are social
sistently grew more theologically conservative. He eventually left creatures, and we achieve our full humanity only in association, in
the Unitarian Church for the Congregationalist denomination and mutuality, and in community.” Voluntary action is the very essence
continued to promote conservative values and a thoroughly free- of community, and thus the collectivist is actually acting against
market outlook upon social life. the spirit of community he seeks to promote.
Religion, Opitz would say, is far more than an academic exer- The natural outgrowth of holding a consistent philosophy of
cise in one subject among many others; rather it is the fundamen- political liberty is supporting a free-market economy. Opitz under-
tal way one approaches, understands, and evaluates all subjects. stood that the free market was absolutely essential to maintaining
One’s religion, or worldview, makes all the difference in how one a free society. “Economic freedom is to be cherished for itself, just
interacts with the world. Opitz’s Christian faith led him to the re- as we cherish every one of our liberties. But economic freedom
alization that liberty was the only reasonable organizing principle is doubly important because it sustains all the rest… . Economic
for society. Liberty and faith are not merely compatible—they are freedom represents our livelihood, and whoever controls our live-
inseparable. “Liberty rests upon the belief that all proper authority lihood has acquired critical leverage over every other aspect of our
for man’s relationships with his fellow men comes from a source lives as well.” In this insight, Opitz recognized that Christianity,
higher than man—from the Creator … . Each person has a rela- which mandates a free society where individuals can peacefully
tion to his Maker with which no other person, not even the ruler, fulfill their responsibilities before God, and capitalism, which sup-
has any right to interfere.” Reciprocally, Opitz believed a philoso- ports and maintains the free society, are not enemies in the least.
phy of liberty presupposed a background of Christian philosophy. Rather, they are critical allies, the best of friends. Opitz elaborates
Whether or not one accepts this notion, certainly Western civiliza- upon this topic at length in his appropriately titled book, Religion
tion is indebted to Christendom for the understanding that natural and Capitalism: Allies, Not Enemies.
law provides an absolute rather than relative standard—that there But how can individual freedom be protected from tyranny?
is something higher than the whims of men. The solution, according to Opitz, lies in returning to classical-
Opitz understood this philosophy of liberty as the true mean- liberal political ideals. “There is a place for government in the
ing of individualism. He repeatedly emphasized the importance affairs of men, and our Declaration of Independence tells us pre-
of individual liberty in religious conviction: “Men must be free in cisely what that place is. The role of government is to protect

Young American Revolution
individuals in their God-given individual rights. Freedom is the dation for Economic Education (FEE) as a senior staff member
natural birthright of man, but all that government can do in be- (and resident theologian). While at FEE, he founded the Nockian
half of freedom is to let the individual alone, and it should secure Society, which helped keep Albert Jay Nock’s writings in print, and
him in his rights by making others let him alone.” Thus, if govern- “the Remnant,” a small fellowship of conservative and libertarian
ment is to have any purpose at all, it is only to secure the rights of ministers named after the theme of Nock’s essay “Isaiah’s Job.”
individuals in their persons and property. Anything else is nothing He spent 37 years at FEE, retiring in 1992.
short of criminal, for the standard of morality does not change He made a great impact upon the freedom movement through
when one dons a government uniform. Opitz saw the American his writing. The paper trail of his thoughts is voluminous. While
governmental system as a unique solution in the history of man a part of Spiritual Mobilization, Opitz was a frequent contributor
that had yet to be matched. To him, minimal government was the to the magazine Faith and Freedom. He left an indelible mark upon
best way to restrain tyranny. FEE’s publication, The Freeman, with his numerous book reviews
With these principles in mind, it is no surprise that Opitz was and articles. Religion and Capitalism is considered a classic text in
patently opposed to the so-called “social gospel” that was popular both economics and theology. His manner of writing matched his
in the church for much of the 20th century. The central tenet manner of person—gentlemanly, persuasive, and humble—wor-
of the social gospel was that the chief function of the church thy traits that all friends of liberty should emulate.
was to provide for the physical needs of the destitute by all pos- Opitz could see the ramifications of the war of ideas that has
sible means. Though charity is indeed a great part of the Christian been fought for centuries between liberty and tyranny. He saw
way of life, social-gospel activists in effect renounced charity and the trajectories of the prominent ideas of his day—social gospel,
condoned the use of force to achieve their meta-goals of social collectivism, socialistic economic policy—and he used his abilities
and economic equality through government programs and wealth to promote what was good and right. “With how little wisdom do
transfer. Opitz’s keen outlook on history and philosophy led him we organize our lives, especially in the areas of government and
to write scathing critiques of the actions of social-gospel propo- the economy. We’ve been going by dead reckoning for too long,
nents, and in many respects he single-handedly turned much of and our dumb luck has just about run out,” he wrote in the August
the tide against this deviant theological point of view. (See his 1992 Freeman. Libertarian Christians should remember that Opitz
book The Libertarian Theology of Freedom for an excellent history of helped pave the way for us to make a difference. Let us honor
the social gospel.) his legacy by telling Christians in America that the answer to the
Opitz’s strong belief in freedom was coupled with action. problems society faces is not the State, but rather liberty and faith.
Early in his career, he helped form and manage a group called
Spiritual Mobilization, which disseminated newsletters promoting
Norman Horn is a graduate research assistant in the Department of Chemi-
free-market ideas to over 20,000 ministers nationwide. Following
cal Engineering at the University of Texas at Austin.
the dissolution of Spiritual Mobilization, Opitz joined the Foun-

March 2010
Ramparts’ Red Glare
A Bomb in Every Issue: How the Short, Unruly Life of Ramparts Magazine Changed America
Peter Richardson, The New Press, 272 pages
Dylan Hales

W riting a history of Ramparts is no easy

task. Starting with a staff that was an
eclectic combination of anti-communist as-
weapon in the war against the Red Menace;
Beltway insiders and political outsiders alike
viewed it as the “liberal” wing of the foreign-
sociates of the John Birch Society and tradi- policy establishment. Ramparts revealed that
tionalist opponents of the modern world, the the agency was funding the National Student
magazine eventually morphed into a defiant Association, a confederation of student gov-
opponent of America’s core institutions, run ernments on American college campuses.
by self-proclaimed “revolutionaries.” In its Although the CIA may have been more con-
relatively short life as a periodical (with an at cerned about international conferences mem-
times truly “periodical” distribution sched- bers of the association attended—such events
ule) Ramparts hosted symposiums on smut were good recruiting grounds for foreign
literature, exposed numerous cases of CIA sources—the exposure of agency’s involve-
malfeasance, employed and promoted Black ment in a domestic group raised troubling
Panthers, and defended the firebombing of questions about espionage activities at home.
banks. Helmed by spendthrifts and publici- The agency’s “outing” at the hands of Ram-
ty-seekers, the journal featured some of the parts proved to be the first of many exposés
hardest-hitting reporting in American history, that would ultimately cast the CIA in a more
but ultimately collapsed when their financiers suspicious light.
got fed up with the fast-living, devil-may-care Building on the success of the CIA stories,
attitude that defined Ramparts for most of its Ramparts branched out even further, becom-
existence. ing a vehicle for a radical cultural criticism and
Peter Richardson’s A Bomb In Every Issue is a well-written ac- political critique that was drastically at odds with its own religious
count of all of the above and then some. roots. Inspired by the revolutions in Cuba and China, Ramparts
When Ramparts began in 1962 as a highbrow Catholic journal staffers wound up becoming some of the most trenchant critics
its sole founding father was California businessman Edward Keat- of the American empire. Perhaps the most hard-nosed of all was
ing. Early issues specialized in a sort of prudish cultural criticism. Robert Scheer.
Sporadically published and heavily reliant on the personal inheri- The quintessential “street fighting man” of leftist lore, Scheer
tance of Keating’s wife, the upstart magazine narrowly averted had a take-no-prisoners style that was well suited for the always
death many times over the years and only averted irrelevance confrontational Ramparts. Having visited both Vietnam and Cuba,
when Keating hired a one-eyed alcoholic named Warren Hinckle. Scheer was uncompromising in his criticisms of American in-
If Keating was a caricature of a ’50s Catholic convert, Hinckle volvement in both regions. This ultimately led Scheer to run as a
was a caricature of the eccentric reporter. A hard-drinking self- decidedly antiwar Democratic candidate for Congress, a race he
promoter with a flare for the dramatic, Hinckle would eventually nearly won. Openly and uncritically aligned with the enemies of
be responsible in some form for most of the journalistic coups the warfare state, Scheer became the public face of the magazine,
that the magazine was able to pull off. Within months of his first even appearing on William F. Buckley’s show “Firing Line” in one
Ramparts article Hinckle was making waves in a multitude of ways of the most contentious episodes in the program’s 33-year history.
and was quickly brought on as an executive editor. His first duty Though the magazine was accused of being sexist and narrow
was to secure money, a task Hinckle would prove to be up to. in its coverage of the burgeoning counterculture, it was one the
Unfortunately for Ramparts, he was even better at spending it. But first major publications to do a feature on women’s issues, and it
before the bankruptcy there was the bombast. regularly featured essays and commentary on sex, drugs, and rock
Jet-setting the country while carelessly burning fuel and cash is ‘n’ roll. Uncovering the government’s role in the creation of LSD,
not a model for publishing longevity, but it proved an exceptional the magazine kept the trippy world of Haight Asbury at arms
approach for developing readership. With a new layout and new length, but it was clear whose side they were on. After all, straight-
mission, the Hinckle-directed Ramparts became the premier muck- laced publications don’t have pet monkeys in the newsroom or
raking magazine of the New Left. future High Times writers on the payroll.
It was Ramparts that first took on the CIA and its involvement By the end of the 1960s, Ramparts had become a virtual propa-
in funding various student groups and publications as a perverse ganda arm of the Black Panther Party (led by ex-con and Ramparts
Cold War tactic. At the time the CIA was still regarded as a trusty staffer Eldridge Cleaver), a consistent opponent of the Vietnam

Young American Revolution
War years before it was “cool,” and the only major periodical to Unfortunately, this evenhandedness and careful cultivation
have any active presence at the bloody Democratic Convention of sources produces some blind spots, primarily in Richardson’s
of 1968. Taking a unique approach to the coverage of the “po- treatment of the broader New Left. The Black Panthers are por-
lice riot” at the convention in Chicago, Hinckle and company re- trayed as violent race hucksters with absolutely no redeeming
leased daily double-sided “posters” chronicling the events of the value. Though attempts to paint the Panthers as a misunderstood,
day. Activists on the ground who also acted as contributors to peace-loving bunch are equally absurd, the almost entirely nega-
the fact-sheet placed the “newspaper” deep within the maelstrom. tive portrait painted by Richardson is at odds with much of the
They were making the news they were reporting on—the van- available literature on the group. Not surprisingly, it does closely
guardists of journalistic revolution were now doubling as political mirror the views and reporting of neoconservative David Horow-
vanguardists. After Chicago, the direction of the New Left and itz, who in his radical days was a Ramparts editor; Horowitz serves
Ramparts would never be same. as a primary source for Richardson’s account.
In many ways the radicaliza- Such cavils should not dissuade
tion of Ramparts closely paral- one from reading the book. As a
lels the radicalization of the New history of an extremely influential
Left. Originally rooted in a some- American periodical, A Bomb In Ev-
what utopian American liberalism, ery Issue is both valuable and unique.
both Ramparts and the activists of Though it is a relatively small book,
the New Left steadily but surely it is hard to imagine a longer volume
evolved into harsh parodies of the being any better. In fact, if not for
authoritarian Left. Hedonistic to a the tireless efforts of Richardson it
fault and uneconomical in almost is doubtful the history of Ramparts
every sense of the term, the New would ever have been written at all.
Left in general and Ramparts in par- The publication of Che Gue-
ticular settled into a rigid unifor- vara’s diaries in Ramparts and the
mity and ideological orthodoxy that magazine’s role as a launching pad
rendered the revolutionary fervor for Eldridge Cleaver would prove
they represented totally irrelevant to be the beginning of the end for
to most Americans. But however Hinckle’s experiment. As it grew
dispiriting the destination proved to too radical to draw advertisers and
be, in the Ramparts story the stops remained too independent to con-
along the way are where one finds form to the dictates of donors, the
real value. A tale more of ups and unprofitable became the impractical
downs than departure and destina- and the impractical ultimately be-
tion, A Bomb In Every Issue is a grip- came extinct. Most revolutions end
ping account of an exceptionally badly, and Ramparts was no excep-
turbulent environment. tion.
Perhaps the most remarkable Though it died a slow death,
thing about A Bomb In Every Issue Ramparts left behind a large legacy.
is its tone. While there have been The New Left took an increasingly violent turn after 1968 It was the Velvet Underground of
many books written about magazines, magazines and inspired numerous
almost all of them have been written by editors or owners of pub- writers and editors. Both Rolling Stone and Mother Jones were direct
lications looking to toot their own horns, or else by ex-employees offshoots founded by former Ramparts staffers, and the style Ram-
with axes to grind. Richardson’s neutrality, coupled with ability to parts came to exemplify would become a staple for later reporters
convey the exuberant style exemplified by Ramparts, results in a and polemicists. A home to both the godfather of gonzo Hunter
spirited and evenhanded account. S. Thompson and the future neoconservative publishing kingpin
This approach pays off greatly when outlining the many twists Peter Collier, the depth of the influence Ramparts had on the intel-
and turns the magazine took over the years. Richardson went to lectual class in America has been woefully underappreciated.
great lengths to track down many of the key players involved— Though not a template for a successful magazine, the fero-
at times a laborious task. Even in a book filled with the exploits cious spirit that defined Ramparts is an example that should be
of drug-addled reporters and revolutionary hijinks, some of the followed by writers, critics, and commentators of all political per-
more amusing passages are stories Richardson tells about attempt- suasions. For young readers, A Bomb In Every Issue serves as food
ing to locate various figures associated with Ramparts. Journalistic for thought and as both a blueprint and a warning of sorts for
objectivity is largely a myth, but Richardson’s success in staying authentic radicals interested in using the power of the pen to roll
above the fray and conveying a compelling story is remarkable. back the power of the State.
His willingness to go the extra mile to retrieve the obscure and
seemingly inane from the dustbin of history is even more impres- Dylan Hales is a writer in Charleston, South Carolina.
March 2010
The Anti-Roosevelt
The Political Principles of Robert A. Taft
Russell Kirk and James McClellan, Transaction Publishers, 243 pages
Gerald J. Russello

T he Republican Party today is in a situa-

tion similar to the one it experienced in
the 1930s, when the Depression caused a na-
century, Woodrow Wilson.
There is another way, however, one that
was charted out in the 1940s and 1950s by
tion to turn to Franklin Delano Roosevelt as that era’s greatest Republican opponent of
its savior and the GOP was saddled with the big government: Sen. Robert A. Taft of Ohio.
image of causing the national economic col- Taft’s name has appeared on the fringes of
lapse. recent conversations over the future of the
As in 1932, the presidential election of Republican Party, as well it should. More than
2008 brought a supposed savior to the presi- any other Republican statesman, Taft articu-
dency. Barack Obama is doing the same lated the profound skepticism toward national
things that Roosevelt did, but on a scale that government power that is rooted in the Amer-
even FDR could not have imagined: with a ican political tradition, a tradition the elites—
Democratic majority in Congress, Obama of both the left and right—would have us for-
seems set to extend the reach of government get. Now Transaction Books has published a
power in every field imaginable, from health new edition of the classic 1967 study of Taft
care to the capitalist bastions of Wall Street. by Russell Kirk, author of The Conservative
And as in Roosevelt’s time, there are some Mind, and political scientist James McClellan.
in the president’s cabinet and Congress who Its appearance should cause conservatives to
would go even further. reassess their recent past and chart a new way
Republicans deserve much of the blame. forward to the 2010 elections and beyond.
Too often, they share the unspoken premise Taft (1889-1953) was the scion of a promi-
that the purpose of government is to alleviate any perceived suf- nent political family that had been rooted in Ohio, but whose in-
fering, no matter the cost in dollars or liberties lost. And while the fluence eventually reached nation’s capital. Taft’s father, William
frenzy surrounding the election of Obama was unique, Repub- Howard Taft, was the 27th president of the United States and later
licans too have suffered from presidential hero-worship. When became chief justice of the Supreme Court. Robert served in the
government programs are deemed inefficient or corrupt, the dis- United States Senate from 1939 through 1953, after terms as a
appointing answer from the GOP is too often not to end the pro- state legislator and a career as a lawyer in Ohio. He became Senate
grams but to make them “better.” This is arguing on liberalism’s majority leader in 1951, only to die two years later. Throughout his
own turf, and fails to offer a legitimate conservative alternative to career in the Senate, Taft battled Democrats and Republicans alike
the centralized welfare state. who would compromise constitutional principles for political ex-
This lack of an alternative is especially evident in foreign poli- pediency. (Perhaps this is why he lost bids for the Republican pres-
cy, where Republicans since September 11, 2001 have been vocif- idential nominations in 1940, 1948, and 1952.) In his time, Taft
erous supporters of government power in the name of “protect- was widely recognized as one of the great American legislative
ing the homeland” or “preserving democracy.” George W. Bush leaders, whose influence, even before he became Senate majority
had campaigned for the White House as an opponent of nation- leader, was substantial. He was also the most noted conservative
building and an advocate of a “humble foreign policy,” but in the of his time—even earning the nickname “Mr. Republican.” Taft is
wake of the terrorist attacks he adopted an interventionist mental- a name that once was used as metaphor for a range of Republican
ity that continues to split conservatives. Even now, some Republi- positions that seem alien in today’s post-September 11 world. His
cans speak of expanding into new “theaters” of the War on Ter- principles, which built the conservative wing of the GOP, are in
ror, adding to their targets countries such as Yemen that pose no need of rediscovery.
real strategic threat and without heed to the economic and human This may not be easy. American political culture before the
costs of military operations. The Republicans’ endless overseas 1960s is hard to reconstruct. Before truly national television net-
adventures, either against “terror” or to impose democracy, differ works, before the Internet, before Reagan, before Gingrich, be-
only in rhetoric from the worst leftist excesses. The interventions fore Coulter and Rush, the nation had distinct political regions
in Bosnia, Somalia, Kuwait, Afghanistan, and Iraq all are shrouded that brought different concerns and perspectives to politics in
in the same language of exporting the American way of life and Washington, D.C. Even with blogs and social networks, that var-
making the world safe for democracy—language descended from ied political culture of old, based on local differences, history, and
the rhetoric of one of the most centralizing presidents of the 20th ethnic or religious communities, is difficult to replicate. The great

Young American Revolution
dislocations caused by World War and McClellan explain in their
II were only partially eased by the book, through deep analysis of
supposedly placid 1950s. The fed- the actual legislation before Con-
eral leviathan in D.C. had grown gress, knowledge of parliamentary
great during the 1930s and 1940s, procedures, and, most important,
and the nation was becoming ac- a guiding set of principles, Senator
customed to turning toward the Taft crafted a real alternative to the
Potomac for orders. By the 1960s, liberal view of government. With-
social upheavals and technologi- out rejecting government action in
cal innovations acted together to the abstract, Taft held government
shape a new nation with very dif- to strict standards of efficacy and
ferent mores and attitudes than adherence to the principle of pro-
those of the previous generation. tecting liberty. Too often, legisla-
For the Republican Party after tion is passed to make a statement
World War II, there were at least or to express some passing popu-
two important regional contin- lar emotion. Such action is not, on
gents. The first was the Republi- Taft’s view, consistent with Ameri-
can establishment, the supporters can traditions of self-government.
of Thomas Dewey and Wendell Taft faced the twin threats to
Willkie, which was aligned with liberty of government growth
the great financial interests of the at home and the use of foreign
East Coast. The second contin- threats—in his day, international
gent was a Midwest conservatism, Communism—as excuses for
of which Taft was the outstand- expanding government power
ing exemplar. This Midwestern abroad. In judging legislation, Taft
conservatism shared certain of asked the most crucial question:
the principles embodied by what Robert A. Taft, conservative mastermind does it preserve or increase the
writer Bill Kauffman has called the liberty of Americans? Taft saw that
“front porch republic,” an American increased government spending, of
political culture dating back to the Founding. It is defined by po- any kind, would work to enrich the state to the detriment of the
litical humility, a reliance on local communities, and a suspicion people. This is as true in domestic spending as in defense. They
both of national politics and the financial interests that influence are different sides of the same coin, and must be analyzed ac-
national politics. Later on, Barry Goldwater and Ronald Reagan cording to the same measure. A policy wonk before the term was
were to add the Sunbelt states to the originally Midwestern con- invented, Taft began a full-fledged assault on the New Deal begin-
servative coalition. ning in the mid-1930s by poring over the legislation and pointing
Taft was no political philosopher, but as Kirk and McClellan out its absurdities and excessive costs. While he lost these indi-
explain, he was a great party leader. He saw the futility of liberal vidual battles more often than he won (the labor legislation known
Republicanism on the national stage, and he did not think conser- as the Taft-Hartley Act, which restricted the coercive power of
vative Republicans had made their principles clear (sound famil- unions, being a major exception), he set the stage for a principled
iar?). But it is important to note what this meant for Taft. For him, Republican opposition that still had life in it as late as 1980 and
party government should be government through principles, not the election of Reagan.
through interest groups or ideology. Indeed, Taft recognized early Foreign policy and defense are areas traditionally close to the
on that big government creates the interest groups that feed off Republican heart, yet even they must be considered in light of the
of it, doling out special privileges in return for financial support, principles of federalism and liberty. His 1951 book, A Foreign Poli-
with the result that voters fade in importance. How many voters cy for Americans, explains Taft’s view of America’s role in the world.
today read or understand the health care bills? For that matter, In its major themes, the book is a direct descendant of President
how many congressmen read them? George Washington’s directive to avoid foreign entanglements. It
Taft was unusual even in his own time for closely reading legis- is simply not the job of the United States to impose democracy
lation before it was voted upon. He saw clearly that in the absence abroad or improve living standards or do anything other than pro-
of an engaged and disciplined electorate, interest groups fill the tect American interests. The cost in lives and treasure is simply too
vacuum in Washington. The effect, he said, is to “reduce the effect great for anything more than that. Taft acted repeatedly on this
of political principles as a force for the determination of public belief, almost single-handedly defeating a plan by President Tru-
policy. … Perhaps the people have lost their sense of moral integ- man to impose universal military training on American citizens.
rity because their leaders have lost it, but I don’t think so. … Most This proposal was supported by polite opinion, Democrat and
people have a sense of hopelessness in trying to change what Republican alike, but Taft saw it for the threat that it was.
seems to have become government’s accepted practices.” As Kirk Taft is often called a representative of the “isolationist” tradi-
tion in American foreign policy. This is misleading: Taft was not
March 2010
opposed to foreign actions or joining alliances, as long as such
actions were taken in the defense of American interests. Too of-
ten, however, American leaders confused interests with ideology,
or dreamy self-projection of beneficence, a tendency encouraged
by the liberal press. As Kirk writes, “[i]n international affairs, Taft
declared, the New Dealers forever tilted, like so may Quixotes,
against windmills. Their objects never well defined even in their
own minds, they talked of perpetual peace and the ‘Four Free-
doms;’ they dreamed of universal democratic order on the Ameri-
can model; they conjured up stereotypes of nations, and sought to
make alliance with—or wars upon—those simulacra.” Those New
Dealers remain with us still, in both parties.
Conservatism favors peace, for the conservative knows that
war is, in Kirk’s words, “the enemy of constitution, liberty, eco-
nomic security, and the cake of custom.” Permanent military
commitments have no place in the Constitution, and the prospect
of a “garrison state,” in which empire abroad is matched by de-
creased liberty at home, was not the aim of Taft’s Republicanism.
Even when he voted for military spending or foreign interven-
tions, Taft maintained it was a congressional duty to keep a strict
watch over executive actions, a monitoring that has become even
more important in the 21st century. The ability of the state spy on
its citizens, to infringe on their liberty, or to secretly maintain mili-
tary engagements abroad, is greater then ever. Republicans would
be smart to place Congress at the center of their attention, as the
necessary institutional check on executive power.
Presidential plans to make the world perfectly safe and demo-
cratic always translate into lesser liberty back home. Railing against
the Roosevelt administration, Taft warned that “[i]n our efforts
to protect the freedom of this country against aggression from
without, we are in a situation today where we must constantly
be on guard against the suppression of freedom in the United
States itself ….” This lesson is even more important today, when
the threat of terrorism—which by its nature can occur any time,
anywhere—provides a convenient excuse to curtail our liberties.
Taft would have resisted both Obama’s health care “reform”
and the Patriot Act, to say nothing of the invasions of Iraq and
Afghanistan. Taft waged a battle against the health care “reform”
in his day, another lesson, if another were needed, that govern-
ment overreach is always a real danger. Taft was not opposed to
government action to help the needy, but he understood grand
proposals for reform for what they were: an effort to exert cen-
tralized control over the actions of free people out of an ideologi-
cal devotion to an abstract equality.
The next election cycle is shaping up to have great potential for
Republicans to take back many seats in the Congress. But to what
end? Winning seats to continue the same policies of big govern-
ment that the last GOP Congress enacted—like the prescription
drug plan for Medicare and the Iraq War—is not worth a candle,
and will lead simply to more voter disillusionment. Republicans
must, in Kirk’s words, “offer the people a reasoned defense of the
American heritage; and its principles must reflect love of Ameri-
can traditions.” Taft provides the outline of such a defense, one
young conservatives would be wise to follow.

Gerald J. Russello is the author of The Postmodern Imagination of

Russell Kirk.

Young American Revolution
March 2010
Rockin’ in the Free World
The top 25 libertarian rock songs

John Payne

I n the summer of 2006, National Review pub-

lished a list by John J. Miller of the top 50
conservative songs. It was a fun article that
trade sound like an unstoppable force of na-

generated a great deal of discussion and criti- 22. “Big Brother” by Stevie Wonder.
cism in the blogosphere during what must The song sounds sweet enough—and what
doesn’t with Stevie’s mellifluous voice in the
have been a slow news week. I intended to join
mix?—but it is actually a vituperative attack
that discussion by writing up a list of the most
on politicians who use the disadvantaged to
libertarian rock songs, without borrowing any
advance their careers with no intention of ac-
of Miller’s choices. Now, three and a half years tually changing things for the better.
later, here is your libertarian countdown:
21. “Breaking the Law” by Judas Priest.
25. “Sweet Cherry Wine” by Tommy It’s no treatise on Austrian economics or the
James and the Shondells. One of the ulti- nonaggression axiom, but the good old-fash-
mate pop bands of the 1960s try their hands ioned visceral disrespect for authority this metal classic conjures
at writing an antiwar song and knock it out of the park. The lyrics up is just what every libertarian needs sometimes.
place a very libertarian emphasis on the inviolability of human
life, declaring, “Only God has the right/ To decide who’s to live 20. “Prison Song” by System of a Down. This is one of the
and die.” few songs of any genre that tackles the rapid growth of America’s
prison population, due in large part to the War on Drugs. The
24. “Copperhead Road” by Steve Earle. This classic of the song suggests that by imprisoning so many of our people, we are
country rock genre tells the story of three generations of out- turning our whole society into a prison.
laws trying to make a living in defiance of the nanny state. The
protagonist’s (John Lee Pettimore’s) father and grandfather make 19. “Gasoline Dreams” by Outkast. Probably the closest
moonshine before their still burns. Because Outkast comes to a traditional rock song with
they “draft the white trash first,” Pettimore its cutting electric guitar, “Gasoline Dreams”
volunteers for the Army, and later applies the describes a collapsed American Dream, in part
skills he learns flying choppers in Vietnam to ruined by the government. Andre and Big Boi
smuggle contraband into the country. rap about relatives in prison on drug offenses,
hating their taxes, and young people who have
23. “Open up the Border” by Clutch. rightfully lost respect for the law.
Although you should never take the lyrics to
a Clutch song too seriously, the stoner rock 18. “Long Haired Country Boy” by
group seems to be celebrating the numerous Charlie Daniels. Daniels sings about a per-
possibilities offered by free trade. The pro- son cultural warriors on both the left and right
tagonist travels around the world trading in- would have you believe doesn’t exist: a pot-
cessantly, and the song’s metal rumble makes smoking redneck skeptical of preachers. The
longhaired country boy provides for himself
Young American Revolution
and only asks to be left alone—a true libertar- the trigger of your gun?” Joe Strummer sings,
ian archetype. leaving little doubt as to which he thought was
17. “If You Want to Sing Out, Sing Out”
by Cat Stevens. Long before it was in annoy- 11. “Into the Void” by Black Sabbath.
ing phone commercials, this song was featured Even for a legendary guitarist like Tony Iom-
in the 1971 dark comedy “Harold and Maude.” mi, who seems to be composed of nothing
The film and song give the lesson that there but awesome metal riffs, the lead-in to this
are “a million ways to go” and each can be a song is a real bone-cruncher. After a full min-
path to happiness for a different person, so we ute, Iommi’s sludge riff finally gives way to
should all respect individual choices. a faster, choppier one, and Ozzy Osbourne
bursts onto the scene to tell the tale of an in-
16. “Anarchy in the UK” by the Sex Pis- trepid band of space travelers fleeing a ruined
tols. No, the anarchy advocated in this early Earth for a “world where freedom waits.”
punk anthem is not some deeply pondered
10. “Freewill” by Rush. “If you choose
free-market philosophy, but still the song is a powerful call to
not to decide, you still have made a choice.” That pretty well sums
antiauthoritarians of all stripes. Remember when Johnny Rotten
up this song by the great Canadian power trio. Drummer and lyri-
waved to Ron Paul on “The Tonight Show”? Maybe his anarchism
cist Neil Peart is a well-known fan of Ayn Rand, and it shows here
has matured after all these years.
as he encourages people to take responsibility for their own lives
instead of blaming bad outcomes on fate or God.
15. “Mom and Dad” by Frank Zappa. This song was written
in 1968, but it eerily anticipates the Kent State 9. “Support Your Local Emperor” by
shootings of 1970. Zappa takes aim at an es- Blues Traveler. Although John Popper’s lib-
tablishment that wantonly kills young people ertarian politics did not become a subject of
for protesting and looking weird. The parents conversation until much later in his career, this
also earn Zappa’s ire as they silently acquiesce 1991 song makes them abundantly clear. Pop-
to the murders and encourage their children to per sings of politicians as small, vain people,
conform so as not to rock the boat. constantly in need of praise despite the fact
that they are completely ineffectual.
14. “Going Mobile” by The Who. Set to a
jaunty Pete Townshend riff, this cut off Who’s 8. “Politician” by Cream. From the mo-
Next defines the pure freedom of travel. Most ment Jack Bruce’s menacing bass line hits, you
of Townshend’s lyrics concern being free of know that whatever this song is about, it is
obligations and the worries of life, but he also evil, unsavory, and downright sleazy. The lyrics
sticks his thumb in the eye of officious gov- tell of a powerful politician driving around in
ernment agents when he promises to make a “big black car” seducing young women. Of
“the police and the taxman miss me.” course, the politician has no principles, as he supports the left but
leans to the right.
13. “With God on Our Side” by Bob Dylan. In his early days,
Dylan wrote a number of antiwar songs; this remains one of his 6. “It’s My Life” by The Animals. Libertarianism has never
finest. The song details many of America’s wars, all fought in been summed up in song as quickly as this: “It’s my life, and I’ll do
the firm belief that God supported America. Of course, believ- what I want. It’s my mind, and I’ll think what I want.”
ing that God supports their cause could spur
7. “Riki Tiki Tavi” by Donovan. This
America’s leaders to end war once and for all
through nuclear annihilation. Dylan, however, song by the British answer to Bob Dylan (who
sings that if God is truly on our side, he will of course is not actually a question) begins
“stop the next war.” with some undeniably upbeat guitar strum-
ming, and although Donovan never loses his
12. “The Guns of Brixton” by The cheerful tone, he proceeds to attack every so-
Clash. This deep cut from the seminal Lon- cial institution in existence. He tells us, “the
don Calling is one of The Clash’s best blends United Nations ain’t really united/ And the
of reggae into punk, and it minces no words organization ain’t really organized.” Those
who believe institutions like government will
about the right and necessity of self-defense,
solve the problems in their lives are no more
even against your own government. “When
mature than someone who believes the fic-
they kick at your front door/ How you gonna
tional Riki Tiki Tavi will kill snakes.
come/ With your hands on your head or on

March 2010
5. “Symphony of Destruction” by Megadeth. This song is
not quite as beautifully simplistic as Lord Acton’s maxim about
absolute power corrupting absolutely, but it’s close. “You take a
mortal man/ And put him in control/ Watch him become a god/
Watch people’s heads-a-roll,” sings Dave Mustaine as he churns
out an almost perfectly simple metal riff. In the end, Mustaine
envisions world powers falling and peaceful men reasserting their

4. “Granite State Destroyer” by Scissorfight. Few people

outside of New England have heard of Scissorfight—although
I bet a lot of you Free Staters out there are big fans—but if you
have not heard them and you are at all a fan of stoner metal,
you are missing out. This song is about survivalists with the battle
cry “Live free or die” in the wilderness of New Hampshire. The
opening lyrics give you a pretty good idea of where they are com-
ing from: “Weed, guns, and axes/ We don’t pay our taxes.” And it
just gets better from there!

3. “Eye of the Beholder” by Metallica. Many of Metallica’s

early songs have a libertarian bent, but it was never as direct as on
this song from their classic 1988 album …And Justice for All. The
song begins with a slowly building riff that sounds like horses gal-
loping in from the open plains. Soon James Hetfield is imploring
us “To look inside/to each his own” and hungering “after inde-
pendence” to “lengthen freedom’s ring.”

2. “2112” by Rush. For this to be a list of top libertarian songs

and feature only two Rush songs is pretty good, so I don’t want
to hear any complaints about redundancy here. This song is over
20 minutes long and takes up the entire first side of the album of
the same name. It is essentially a rock-opera version of the Ayn
Rand novel Anthem except instead of a light bulb the protagonist
discovers a guitar. After becoming almost instantly proficient, our
hero takes his discovery to the Priests of the Temple of Syrinx,
who run the society. Naturally, they declare it to be upsetting to
the equality of society and smash the guitar to bits. Is the whole
premise kind of hokey and ridiculous? Of course. But it is musi-
cally transfixing and emotionally moving even for all its absurdity.

1. “Political World” by Bob Dylan. It should come as no

surprise that the best songwriter of the last half-century tops this
list, even if he is not commonly known as a libertarian hero. The
guitar plucking at the beginning of the song has a haunting qual-
ity—it gives the feeling of something being deeply wrong, but you
can’t be sure exactly what. As Dylan unfurls his complaints about
our overly politicized world, it becomes clear that politics has ru-
ined everything. In this world peace is “put up against the wall,”
“mercy walks the plank,” and “wisdom is thrown into jail.” Not
only could the next day be your last, but even if you try to call out
God’s name “you’re never sure what it is.” Politics isn’t just ruining
our lives; it has corrupted our souls.

John Payne is a writer in St. Louis, Missouri, and blogs at Bob Dylan in November 1963

Young American Revolution
This much is true: You are being lied to
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March 2010
Young American Revolution
March 2010

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