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LTPC 3104
AIM The aim of this course is to familiarize the student with the analysis and d
esign of basic transistor Amplifier circuits and power supplies. OBJECTIVE      
  On completion of this course the student will understand The methods of biasi
ng transistors Design of simple amplifier circuits Midband analysis of amplifier
circuits using small - signal equivalent circuits to determine gain input imped
ance and output impedance Method of calculating cutoff frequencies and to determ
ine bandwidth Design of power amplifiers Analysis and design of power supplies.
BJT Need for biasing Stability factor - Fixed bias circuit, Load line and quiesc
ent point. Variation of quiescent point due to FE h variation within manufacture
rs tolerance Stability factors - Different types of biasing circuits - Method of
stabilizing the Q point Advantage of Self bias (voltage divider bias) over othe
r types of biasing, Bias compensation Diode, Thermister and Sensistor compensati
ons, Biasing the FET and MOSFET.
CE, CB and CC amplifiers - Method of drawing small-signal equivalent circuit - M
idband analysis of various types of single stage amplifiers to obtain gain, inpu
t impedance and output impedance - Millers theorem - Comparison of CB, CE and CC
amplifiers and their uses - Methods of increasing input impedance using Darlingt
on connection and bootstrapping - CS, CG and CD (FET) amplifiers - Multistage am
plifiers.Basic emitter coupled differential amplifier circuit - Bisection theore
m. Differential gain CMRR - Use of constant current circuit to improve CMRR - Der
ivation of transfer characteristic.


General shape of frequency response of amplifiers - Definition of cutoff frequen
cies and bandwidth - Low frequency analysis of amplifiers to obtain lower cutoff
frequency Hybrid equivalent circuit of BJTs - High frequency analysis of BJT am
lifiers to obtain u er cutoff frequency Gain Bandwidth Product - High frequenc
y equivalent circuit of FETs High frequency analysis of FET am lifiers - Gain-ba
ndwidth roduct of FETs - General ex ression for frequency res onse of multistag
e am lifiers - Calculation of overall u er and lower cutoff frequencies of mult
istage am lifiers - Am lifier rise time and sag and their relation to cutoff fre
Classification of am lifiers, Class A large signal am lifiers, second harmonic d
istortion, higher order harmonic distortion, transformer-cou led class A audio
ower am lifier efficiency of Class A am lifiers. Class B am lifier efficiency ush- ull am lifier distortion in am lifiers - com lementary-symmetry (Class B)
ush- ull am lifier, Class C, Class D am lifier Class S am lifier MOSFET ower a
m lifier, Thermal stability and heat sink.
Classification of ower su lies, Rectifiers - Half-wave, full-wave and bridge r
ectifiers with resistive load. Analysis for
V and ri le voltage with C, L, LC and CLC filters.
Voltage multi liers, Voltage regulators - Zener diode regulator, rinci les of o
btaining a regulated ower su ly, regulator with current limiting, Over voltage
rotection, Switched mode ower su ly (SMPS), Power control using SCR.

TEXT BOOKS 1. Millman J and Halkias .C., Integrated Electronics, TMH, 2007. 2. S
. Salivahanan, N. Suresh Kumar and A. Vallavaraj, Electronic Devices and Circuit
s, 2nd Edition, TMH, 2007. REFERENCES 1. Robert L. Boylestad and Louis Nashelsky
, Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory, 9th Edition, Pearson Education / PHI, 2
007. 2. David A. Bell, Electronic Devices & Circuits, 4th Ediion, PHI, 2007 3. F
loyd, Electronic Devices, Sixth Edition, Pearson Education, 2002. 4. I.J. Nagrat
h, Electronic Devices and Circuits, PHI, 2007. 5. Anwar A. Khan and Kanchan K. D
ey, A First Course on Electronics, PHI, 2006. 6. B.P. Singh and Rekha Singh, Ele
ctronic Devices and Integrated Circuits, Pearson Education, 2006. 7. Rashid M, M
icroelectronics Circuits, Thomson Learning, 2007.

TRANSISTOR BIAS STABILITY T2 T2 180 T2 T2 T2 T2 T2 T2 181 185 193 193 213 149 17
4 181 yes
01 02 03 04 I
BJT Need for biasing Stability factor Fixed bias circuit, Load
t oint Variation of quiescent oint due to hFE variation within
olerance, Stability factors Different ty es of biasing circuits,
lizing the Q oint Advantage of Self bias (voltage divider bias)
s of biasing Bias com ensation Diode, Thermister and Sensistor
sing the FET and MOSFET Tutorial

line and quiescen

manufacturers t
Method of stabi
over other ty e
com ensations Bia

05 06 07 08 09 10 II
and CC am lifiers Method of drawing small-signal equivalent circuit , Midband a
nalysis of various ty es of single stage am lifiers to obtain gain, in ut im eda
nce and out ut im edance Millers theorem Com arison of CB, CE and CC am lifiers a
nd their uses Methods of increasing in ut im edance using Darlington connection
and bootstra ing CS, (FET) am lifiers. CG(FET) am lifiers CD(FET) am lifiers Mu
ltistage am lifiers Basic emitter cou led differential am lifier circuit - Bisec
tion theorem Differential gain CMRR - Use of constant current circuit to im rove
CMRR - Derivation of transfer characteristic Tutorial T2 T2 T2 T2 T2 T2 T2 T2 T
2 T2 T2 251 308 279 284 284 yes
17 18 19 20 21 22
313 313 313 313 323 325

27 28 VI 29
FREQUENCY RESPONSE OF AMPLIFIERS General sha e of frequency res onse of am lifie
rs - Definition of cutoff T2 frequencies and bandwidth Low frequency analysis of
am lifiers to obtain lower cutoff frequency Hybrid, T2  equivalent circuit of B
JTs High frequency analysis of BJT am lifiers to obtain u er cutoff T2 frequenc
y Gain Bandwidth Product High frequency equivalent circuit of T2 FETs High frequ
ency analysis of FET am lifiers - Gain-bandwidth roduct of T2 FETs General ex r
ession for frequency T2 res onse of multistage am lifiers Calculation of overall
u er and lower cutoff frequencies of multistage am lifiers
397 403
412 417
351 T2 351
31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48
Am lifier rise time and sag and their relation to cutoff frequencies VII Tutoria
l UNIT IV LARGE SIGNAL AMPLIFIERS Classification of am lifiers, Class A large si
gnal am lifiers VII second harmonic distortion, higher order harmonic distortion
transformer-cou led class A audio ower am lifier efficiency of Class A am lifi
ers VIII Class B am lifier efficiency ush- ull am lifier - distortion in am lif
iers Pream lifiers, Error Sources Receiver Configuration com lementary-symmetry
(Class B) ush- ull am lifier IX Class C, am lifier Class D am lifier Class S am
lifier Class S am lifier MOSFET ower am lifier, Thermal stability and heat sin
k Tutorial X
T2 T2 T2 T2 T2 T2 T2 T2 T2 T2 T2 T2 T2 T2
428 428 429 432 434 436 438 438 438 442 443 443 443 445 446

UNIT V RECTIFIERS AND POWER SUPPLIES 49 50 51 52 XI 53 54 55 56 X Classification

of ower su lies Rectifiers - Half-wave, full-wave and bridge rectifiers with
resistive load Analysis for Vdc and ri le voltage with C, L, LC and CLC filters
Voltage multi liers Voltage regulators Zener diode regulator, rinci les of obt
aining a regulated ower su ly, regulator with current limiting Over voltage r
otection Switched mode ower su ly (SMPS) Power control using SCR Tutorial T2 T
2 T2 T2 T2 T2 617 619 619 628 637 639
57 58 59 60
T2 T2
643 654
UNIT I TRANSISTOR BIAS STABILITY PART A (2 Marks) 1. Why do we choose q oint at
the center of the loadline? 2. Name the two techniques used in the stability of
the q oint ,ex lain. 3. Why is the o erating oint selected at the Centre of t
he active region? 4. List out the different ty es of biasing. 5. What do you mea
nt by thermal runway? 6.Why is the transistor called a current controlled device
? 7. Define current am lification factor? 8. What are the requirements for biasi
ng circuits? 9. When does a transistor act as a switch? 10. What is biasing? 11.
What is o erating oint? 12. What is stability factor? 13. What is d.c load lin
e? 14. What are the advantages of fixed bias circuit? 15. Ex lain about the vari
ous regions in a transistor? 16. Ex lain about the characteristics of a transist
or? 17. What is the necessary of the cou ling ca acitor? 18. What is reverse sat
uration current? 19. Calculate the value of feedback resistor (Rs) required to s
elf bias an N-channel JFET with IDSS = 40 mA, V = -10 v and VGSQ = -5V 20. Draw
the fixed bias single stage transistor circuit.

PART B 1. Ex lain the need for biasing , Stability factor and Fixed bias circuit
(16) 2. Ex lain in detail different ty es of biasing circuits (16) 3. Ex lain t
he advantage of self bias (voltage divider bias) over other ty es of biasing.(16
) 4. Ex lain the various ty es of bias com ensation techniques. (16) 5. i) Ex la
in biasing of FET (8) ii) Ex lain biasing of MOSFET (8) 6. (1) Ex lain the fixed
bias method and derive an ex ression for the stability factor.(8) (2) Discuss t
he o eration of thermistor com ensation. (8) 7. Ex lain the circuit which uses a
diode to com ensate for changes in VBE and in ICO.(16)
an am lifier? 2. How are am lifiers classified according to the in ut? 3. How ar
e am lifiers classified according to the transistor configuration? 4. What is th
e different analysis available to analyze a transistor? 5. How can a DC equivale
nt circuit of an am lifier be obtained? 6. How can a AC equivalent circuit of a
am lifier be obtained? 7. What is small signal am lifier? 8. Draw the small sign
al equivalent model or h- arameter model of a transistor. 9. What are the advant
ages of h- arameter equivalent circuit? 10. Tabulate the h- arameters for all th
e 3 configurations. 11. What are the ste s involved in midband analysis of singl
e stage am lifiers? 12. What is the need to go for sim lified hybrid model? 13.W
hat are the techniques available to im rove the in ut im edances? 14. Define CMR
R 15. State Millers theorem. 16. What is the cou ling schemes used in multistage
am lifiers? PART B ( 16 Marks) 1. Ex lain the AC and DC Analysis of Common Emitt
er am lifier . (16) 2. Ex lain the AC and DC Analysis Common Base Am lifier. (16
) 3. Ex lain the AC and DC Analysis Common collector Am lifier. (16) 4. Draw the
circuit of a common source FET am lifier & ex lain its o eration? (16) 5. Brief
ly ex lain the o eration of a Darlington emitter follower and also derive an ex
ression for its erformance measures? (16) 6. What is a differential am lifier?
Ex lain its working in common mode o eration. Obtain its AC equivalent circuit &
drive the ex ression for voltage gain? (16) 7. Draw the circuit diagram of a di
fferential am lifier. Ex lain the o eration in difference mode and common mode?

8. What are the methods to im rove the CMRR of differential am lifier? Detail an
y two of them. (16) 9. i) Ex lain with circuit diagram the boot stra ed Darling
ton emitter follower. (8) ii) Draw the circuit diagram of self-bias circuit usin
g CE configuration and ex lain how it stabilizes o erating oint. (8) 10.Draw th
e small signal hybrid model of CE am lifier and derive the ex ression for its AI
.AV,RI and RO. (16)
ha e of the Frequency res onse of am lifiers. 2. Define bandwidth. 3. Draw the h
ybrid _ equivalent circuit of BJTs. 4. Define base s reading resistance (rbb). 5.
Define rise time 6. Give the relationshi between rise time and bandwidth. 7. W
hat are high frequency effects? 8. What is the difference in bandwidth between s
ingle stage and multistage am lifiers? 9. Give the ex ressions for gain bandwidt
h roduct for voltage and current. 10. What do you mean by am lifier rise time?
11. What results in a sag? PARTB( 16 Marks) 1. Derive the ex ression for the CE
short circuit current gain of transistor at high frequency (16) 2. i)What is the
effect of Cbe on the in ut circuit of a BJT am lifier at High frequencies? (8) i
i)Derive the equation for gm which gives the relation between gm, Ic and tem era
ture. (8) 3. Draw the high frequency hybrid _ model for a transistor in the CE co
nfiguration and ex lain the significance of each com onent. Define al ha cut off
frequency. (16) 4. Draw the high frequency equivalent circuit of FET am lifier
and derive all the arameters related to its frequency res onse. (16) 5. Using h
ybrid _ model for CE am lifier derive the ex ression for its short circuit curre
nt gain. (16) 6.i) Define the frequency res onse of multistage am lifier and der
ive its u er and lower cut-off frequencies. (8) ii) How does Rise and Sag time
related to cut-off frequencies and rove the same. (8) 7.Discuss the low frequen
cy res onse and the high frequency res onse of an am lifier. (16) 1. Ex lain the
o eration of high frequency common source FET am lifier with neat diagram. Deri
ve the ex ression for (i) voltage gain (ii) in ut admittance (iii) in ut ca acit
ance (iv) out ut admittance. (16)

UNIT IV LARGE SIGNAL AMPLIFIERS PART A (2 Marks) 1. Define Large signal am lifie
r. 2. What are a lications of ower am lifier? 3. What are the features of larg
e signal am lifiers? 4. What are the classification of large signal am lifiers?
5. What is class A am lifier? 6. What is class A am lifier? 7. What is class C a
m lifier? 8. What is class AB am lifier? 9. What is the construction of a class
D am lifier? 10. What are the classification of Class A am lifier? 11. What are
the advantages of directly cou led class A am lifier? 12. What are the advantage
s of transformer cou led class A am lifier? 13. What is frequency distortion? 14
. Define heat sink. 15. What is theoretical maximum conversion efficiency of cla
ss A ower am lifier. 16. What is distortion in ower am lifiers. PART B 1. With
neat circuit diagram ex lain the working rinci le of com lementary symmetry cl
ass-B am lifier and (16) 2. Ex lain and obtain the efficiency of transformer cou
led class A ower am lifier. 3.Prove that the maximum efficiency of Push Pull c
lass B am lifier is 78.5%. (16) 4. i) Com are class A, class B and class C ower
am lifier based on their erformance characteristics (8) ii) Ex lain the signif
icance of heat sinks for thermal stability. (8) 5. What is the difference betwee
n a voltage am lifier and a ower am lifier? (16) 6. Differentiate Class S from
Class D am lifier and derive the efficiency of Class D am lifier. (16) 7. (i) Ex
lain the o eration of the transformer cou led class A audio ower am lifier.(12
) (ii) Ex lain the terms conversion efficiency and maximum value of efficiency u
sed in audio ower am lifiers.(4) 8. Ex lain the o eration of the class-B ush
ull ower am lifier with neat diagram and list its advantages. UNIT V RECTIFIERS
AND POWER SUPPLIES PART A (2 Marks) Com are the halfwave and fullwave rectifier
s What are the advantages of SMPS Differentiate between voltage multi liers and
voltage regulator What is the need for voltage regulators What is the need for o
ver voltage rotection What is PIV rating of full wave bridge rectifier What is
line regulation
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

8. Derive form factor and eak factor 9. Draw the circuit diagram of LC filter 1
0. Define TUF 11. Define voltage regulation 12. What is meant by ri le factor 1
3. Write the advantages of linear voltage regulator PART B 1. Ex lain the circui
t of voltage regulator and also discuss the short circuit rotection mechanism.
2. Ex lain the ower control method using SCR.(8) 3. Design zener regulator for
following s ecification Vin=8v to 12v; Vo=10v, RL=10kO. Assume that zener diode
is ideal. (8) 4. Ex lain how zener diode acts as a regulator (6) 5. Draw the ri
le factor for FWR with ca acitor filter. 6. Draw and ex lain the working rinci
les of a SMPS circuit with its out ut waveforms. (16) 7. Derive the ex ression
for out ut voltage , average out ut ,PIV ,efficiency and TUF for full wave and b
ridge rectifier. 8. Derive the ex ression for out ut voltage , average out ut ,P
IV ,efficiency and TUF for half wave and bridge rectifier. 9. Ex lain the o erat
ion of Voltage multi lier.
ASSIGNMENT TOPICS ASSIGNMENT-1 1. Ex lain the AC and DC Analysis of Common Emitt
er am lifier with emitter Feed back resistance and by ass ca acitance. (1)Basic
Common Emitter am lifier ex lanation with diagram (2)Ac and dc analysis with eq
uivalent circuits (3)Ac and dc analysis with emitter feed back resistance (4)Ac
and dc analysis with by ass ca acitance (5)All the arameters in the analysis a
re to be given with a relation. 2. Determine Vce and Ic in the Voltage divider B
iased Transistor circuit of fig 1

ASSIGNMENT-II (1) Discuss the working of a basic emitter cou led differential am
lifier circuit (2) Com are CB, CE and CC am lifiers. (3) Draw the small signal
hybrid model of CE am lifier and derive the ex ression for its AI.AV,RI and RO.
(4) What are the methods to im rove the CMRR of differential am lifier? Detail a
ny two of them. (16)
ASSIGNMENT-III (1) How does Rise and Sag time related to cut-off frequencies and
rove the same (2) Derive the ex ression for the CE short circuit current gain
of transistor at high frequency (3) Ex lain the o eration of high frequency comm
on source FET am lifier with neat diagram. Derive the ex ression for (i) voltage
gain (ii) in ut admittance (iii) in ut ca acitance (iv) out ut admittance. (4)
. Using hybrid _ model for CE am lifier derive the ex ression for its short circ
uit current gain ASSIGNMENT-IV (1). Ex lain the o eration of the transformer cou
led class A audio ower am lifier. (2). Ex lain the terms conversion efficiency
and maximum value of efficiency used in audio ower am lifiers. (3). Ex lain th
e o eration of the class-B ush ull ower am lifier with neat diagram and list
its advantages (4). Com are class A, class B and class C ower am lifier based o
n their erformance characteristics

ASSIGNMENT-V (1). Design zener regulator for following s ecification Vin=8v to 1

2v; Vo=10v, RL=10kO. Assume that zener diode is ideal. (2) Derive the ex ression
for out ut voltage , average out ut ,PIV ,efficiency and TUF for half wave and
bridge rectifier. (3) Ex lain the ower control method using SCR

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