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High labor demand as engineering represent a high employability field worldwide and opportunities.
An engineering education can open many doors, engineers can also become doctors, lawyers,
writers, teachers, and business people
Competitive salaries. The engineering are some of the most paid in the world. Usually in the United
States pay no less than six figures.
Contributes to the community. You can choose to work on projects that cleary benefit society, such
as cleaning up the environment, efficient transportation systems, finding new sources of energy
and others.
Build a reputation. People who are successful are considered as competent experts (gurus). This of
course opens more lucrative job opportunities.
Work in another country. Laws of mathematics, electricity and physics are universal and knowledge
acquired does not limit you to only country studied. Most of them operate internationally that offers
additional options to travel during work.
Practice students can extend to employment. A short practice with companies before graduation,
and usually, if you done well you can extend their practice in employment after graduation. The
businessman already knows your skills and work ethic and usually you start to shape its "special
needs" profile during practice.
As a professional, you will receive liberal benefits, which will include a retirement plan typically, life
insurance, health insurance, sick leave, paid vacation, holidays, and savings or profit-sharing plans.


The work can be stressful especially when the equipment or structure has the potential to impact
human life.
More time in school than an associates degree (higher cost for college)
Workload can be unpredictable and at times very high
Competitive atmosphere for promotion (performance as perceived by superiors determines ones
ability to be promoted)
Somewhat mentally challenging
Winning the title is not enough you need to specialize to be a trained professional and get a high
Specialize has a high cost and funding is needed in case of not having the money
Continuous pressure to keep things running well and not make mistakes as it depends engineer
everything to work properly.
Family estrangement since the job requires travel or move to other places unknown
The conditions of the new jobs are not usually favorable sometimes
Egoists in story time devoted to work or study rather than the social environment such as family or
Reduction or change in the social life that had before

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