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SITUATION (1-2) The specific gravity of alcohol is 0.79. Unit weight of water is 9.79
KN/cu.m. Determine the following :
1. Specific weight in KN/cu.m
2. Mass density in slugs/cu.ft.
Situation (3-5) (CE 2012) Carbon tetrachloride with a mass of 500kg is placed in a
container with 0.315cu.m. in volume. Determine the following :
3. Weight of carbon tetrachloride
4. Unit weight of carbon tetrachloride
5. Specific gravity of carbon tetrachloride
Situation(6-8) Given the conditions below :
6. A vertical cylindrical tank with a diameter of 12m and a depth of 4m is filled
to the top with water at 20C (unit weight =9.79 kN/cu.m). If water is heated
to temperature of 50C (unit weight= 9.69kN/cu.m) , how much water spill
over ?
7. A gas at 40C under a pressure of 21.868 bar abs has unit weight of
362N/cu.m , What is the value of R?
8. Determine the depression h for the mercury ( in the glass
capillary tube if the surface tension is 0.514N/m for = 40 . Diameter of the
tube = 2mm.
Situation (9-10) A rigid steel container is partially filled with a liquid at
12atmospheres. The volume of the liquid is 1.242 liters. At a pressure of 27
atmospheres, the volume of the liquid is 1.241 liters. Determine the following:
9. Average bulk modulus of elasticity of liquid over the given range of pressure
if the temperature after compression is allowed to return to its initial value.
10.Coefficient of compressibility
Situation(11-12): in the given figure shown. Unit weight of water is 9.79kN/cu.m.
Determine the following: oil = 0.9
11.Gage pressure at A.
12.Gage pressure at D.

Sitution(13-14): A U-tube shown is 10mm and contains mercury. If 12mL of water

is poured into the right leg of the tube, determine the following:
13.Ultimate height at the left side of the U-tube,H 1
14.Ultimate height at the right side of the U-tube,H 2

Situation(15-16) The air-oil-water system is shown. If the gage A reads 16.1 psi abs
and gage B reads 2psi less than C. Unit weight of air 0.75 pcf. Determine the
15.Specific weight of oil
16.Reading of gage C

Situation(17-19) (CE 2012) The reading of an automobile fuel gage is proportional

to the gage pressure at the bottom of the tank as the tank is 32cm deep and
is contaminated with 3cm of water. Unit weight of gasoline is 6670N/cu.m and
that of air is 11.8 /cu.m. Unit weight of water is 9790N/cu.m . Determine the
17.Gage reading when the tank is full of gasoline
18.Height of air remained at the top when the gage indicates full.
19.Pressure at the interface of gasoline and water when the gage indicates full.

#20. Determine the approximate height of water upstream of the dam of the head
water in meters such that an air bubble, upon reaching the water surface has
volume 3 times it had at the bottom.

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