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Learning Checkpoints: Unit 4


List and define the six essential technologies that are the foundation of the World Wide Web.
Summarize the key events in the emergence of the modern Web.
Explain the relationship of the following: Web server, Web sites, Web pages, hypertext links.
Define the term linkrot and explain how you can work around this phenomenon.
Explain how short URL services work, and describe a situation in which you might use a short URL
6. Explain the difference between a URL and a domain name.
7. Summarize the issue with allowing your browser to store passwords.
8. Describe what is in a browsers cache and explain how it can affect your privacy.
9. Explain how private browsing works.
10. Describe what is in a browsers history list.
11. Describe the difference between a plugin and an extension, and give two examples of each.
12. Describe the family tree of HTML and similar markup languages.
13. List at least 6 basic HTML tags and identify those that are commonly allowed in blog posts and
14. Explain the relationship between HTML documents and Web pages.
15. List 4 types of tools for creating Web pages, and summarize their advantages.
16. Describe the purpose of CSS.
17. Differentiate inline CSS from internal and external CSS.
18. Describe the differences between static and dynamic Web pages.
19. Give examples of client-side scripting and server-side scripting.
20. Explain the purpose of a Web hosting service.
21. List the 6 HTTP methods, and describe the data that a browser can request using the GET method.
22. Identify the HTTP status codes for request that are fulfilled and for requests that ask for a nonexistent
23. Explain the relationship between cookies and HTTPs stateless protocol.
24. List four reasons that Web sites use cookies.
25. Describe the difference between session cookies and persistent cookies, and state which one can affect
26. Summarize the reasons for blocking third-party cookies but not blocking first-party cookies.
27. List and define the four components of a search engine.
28. Explain how Web crawlers traverse the Web to collect pages for search engines.
29. Define the term invisible Web and provide at least three examples of the invisible Web.
30. Explain the difference between cached pages and live pages.
31. Explain the job of a search engine indexer.
32. List the steps executed by a query processor to respond to a query.
33. Explain what search engine optimization is, and state five techniques that can be used for search
engine optimization.
34. Give examples of queries using search operators such as AND, OR, NOT, quotation marks, asterisks,
and range dots, and explain the purpose of each search operator.
35. Explain the significance of search history to privacy.
36. Explain the difference between search history and browser history.
37. Describe general guidelines for when the Fair Use Doctrine applies to content that you might
incorporate in your own work.

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