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At the end of the students are able to:
1. Identify the different family method.
2. Distinguish the different types of diseases in using contraceptives.
3.Value the importance of family planning.
B. Reference: Science Book and Internet Wikipedia.
C. Materials:
Learning Board
Pentel pen
Color Bond Paper
A. Daily routine
Setting the class in order
Checking of attendance
B. Recall/Review
Recall the past lesson about the parts of female reproductive system.
C. Motivation
What is the reason, why there are families who suffered from poverty?
D. Lesson Proper
a. Discussion
Family planning the practice of controlling the number of children in a
family and intervals between their births, particularly by means of
artificial contraception or voluntary sterilization.
Methods of Controlling Birth
Barrier Methods

Male Condoms This condom is a thin sheath that cover the penis to collect
sperm and prevent it from entering the womens body.
Female condoms- These are thin, flexible plastic pouches. A portion of the
condom is inserted into the woman vagina before intercourse to prevent
sperm from entering the uterus.
Diaphragms- Each diaphragm is a shallow, flexible cup made of latex or soft
rubber that inserted into the vagina before intercourse blocking the sperm
from entering the uterus.
Cervical caps- These are similar to diaphragm, but smaller, more rigid, less
Spermicides- A spermicide destroys sperm. It is inserted into the vagina. It is
available in several concentrations and forms, including foam, jelly and

Hormonal Methods

Contraceptive Pills Contain different combination of synthetic estrogens and

progestins and are given to interfere with ovulation.
Contraceptive patch - These a thin plastic patch that sticks to the skin and
releases hormones through the skin into the blood streams.

Intrauterine Methods

Copper IUD - Releases small amount of copper into the uterus, causing an
inflammatory reaction that generally prevents sperm from reaching and
fertilizing the egg.
Hormonal IUD - Releases a progestin hormone in the uterus and release
hormone causes thickening of the cervical mucus.

Sterilization Methods

Tubal Ligation - is a surgical procedure in which a doctor cuts, ties, or seals

the fallopian tube.
Vasectomy - A surgical procedure that cuts, closes, or blocks the vas

PATHOLOGY of using contraceptives:

Hepatic Adenoma- also known as hepatocellular adenoma, is begin neoplasm

to liver, it is caused by over using contraceptive pills.
Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) - it is the disease linked to IUD, it is the
inflammation of the pelvic cause by using IUD.
Vaginitis- This disease are cause by the use of spermicides it can cause
allergic reaction.


It can prevent the transmission of any viruses specially the HIV virus that
causes AIDS.

E. Activity
Role Playing
The teacher will group the learners into two groups each group will be
given a task to dramatized the given situation.
Group 1
Dramatized the result of using family planning in your family.
Group 2
Dramatized the result of not using family planning in your family.
F. Generalization
1.What is the importance of family planning?
G. Application
Being a student how are you going to convince your parents to use
family planning.
H. Evaluation
1.This is a thin sheath that covers the penis to collect the sperm and
prevent it from entering the woman body.
a. Pills
b. Male condom
c. Cervical caps
2. This is a thin flexible plastic pouches inserted into the vagina before
intercourse, blocking sperm from entering the uterus.
a. Diaphragm
b. Male condom
c. Female condom
3.It destroy sperm and it inserted into the vagina, this is available in
several concentrations and form like, foam, jelly, and cream.
a. Spermicides
b. Tubal ligation
4. IT is a surgical procedure that cuts, closes, ties, and seals the
fallopian tube.
a. Tubal ligation
b. Copper IUD
c. Hormonal
5. It release a small amount of copper into the uterus causing an
inflammatory reaction that generally prevents sperm from reaching in
fertilizing the egg.
a. Copper IUD
b. Hormonal IUD
c. Vasectomy
6. The Practice of controlling the number of children in the family.
a. Barrier Method b. Family Planning
c. Hormonal Method
7-10 Enumerate the four methods of controlling birth.

Study the female reproductive process?

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